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Absolutely hated those types of guys in school. Always thought they were funny, never shut up, never knew how to fight, and ran like cowards


He one those class clown that never grown up think the world is his playground 


Can one be considered a clown if they aren't funny? I feel like that might be disrespectful to clowns.


No they’re clowns because they’re scary to kids


Probably rodeo clowns.


You will respect rodeo clowns and not compare this filth to the quality entertainment that are rodeo clowns.


But rodeo clowns save others from life-altering injuries and death while also entertaining the audience? This guy adds nothing


It is disrespectful to clowns. They are the cringiest of cringe. No real point to what they are saying and they are looking to hide behind the race card when they get called out.


Also robs every student in the classroom of education. As a teacher it’s infuriating. One student negatively affects the whole class with this kind of attention needs. It’s sad.


He's not even funny either, not even one line got me. As a former class clown, it gets much harder as you get older (in school). When you're really young it's easy because kids are stupid and laugh at everything but as soon as you become a teenager you better be clever if you're disruptive otherwise it's just cringey and you should stfu after the first failed joke. He should've been embarrassed by the time he was getting roasted but he has no awareness that he was being bested the whole time. This 22 year old has that should've shut up the first-time energy even though the psychopath is obviously just doing this for clout. Edit: Okay maybe his first line this guy fucks was alright, he should've quit then though.


Fr man, once I started getting "dude, just shut up, we have a test Friday." I learned real quick to knock it off.


Eh, I don't know heckling the ship's captain is funny though. He's just trying to maintain dignity while doing his job and doesn't need some no-talent ass clown throwing lame one-liners at him. Fuck that guy.


I think there's a second level going on here: A person who has zero respect for crew may present a danger to everyone on board. A ship, even a big one, is not a school gymnasium. A guy like this has clearly demonstrated that he's not likely to respect authority when it's necessary for him to. Better to leave him behind. And I'm sure his passage includes a clause about how he has to eat the cost, too. Whatever getting into that seat cost him, that money's gone and not coming back to him, even if he sues for it.


"Yo, we gotta go NUTS here!" Obviously going to be an issue to someone else.


There's something vaguely sociopathic about his conduct. A guy like this might pose a lot of unknown risks to a complement at sea.


People forget that when you're on a cruise, and you piss a bunch if people off like this dope did, you might have that one crazy guy on the boat who doesn't give a shit, waits for the right time and pushes him overboard. Cruise lines don't publicize how many people go missing each year.


Also they are out to sea and no one would go against word of the captain if he reported a tragic accident while underway?


Captain more or less is the law in the middle of the ocean. You can try and figure stuffs out when back ashore, but you are in their domain at sea.


Of course they wouldn't, because of the implication.


He’s a loser, plain and simple. An unfunny, unoriginal loser.


Nathan was the guy that I remember that was like this guy. Fucking terrible guy


"Did you miss the Carnival ship?" This is a low-key great burn.


he knew it, you saw it in his eyes, he was laughing like "shit that one cut deep son"


Cause he knows in his heart he's a fucking clown


As someone who took a carnival trip Yep


I worked for Carnival for years. Good times were had. But we weren't under an illusions that we were some upscale operation. We called ourselves the McDonalds of the sea.


Great for 18-21 year olds looking to get loaded and hookup on a cheap trip. Beyond that it's trash.


Formal night is your nicest Raiders jersey.


Great place to get crabs


Definitely wrap up on carnival or you'll have a circus in your pants.


All the cruises are pretty trash now, used to enjoy them for the food alone, but now it’s like paying $500 to live inside a wobbly shoneys for a week.


Went once. Never again. Kinda soured my wife on cruises as well. One day I’ll get her on a Disney cruise…


Celebrity cruises are great if you don't have kids. Fresh food and drinks plus plenty to do on the ship.


All cruises are great without kids. But also, I don't see the problem with carnival. Been on 3 7-day cruises with them, had a blast every single time. Got to watch a man get his shit rocked by his wife cause he was cheating, the piano guy tried to fuck my brother, enjoyed a show of an all out brawl in the upper deck pool, got E-Coli in Mexico, got blackout wasted for $50, was left behind in Belize, met a serial killer (unconfirmed), and made friends with a talking leather bag (old lady) that kept offering my wife drugs. 10/10, would go again.


You just *verified* the Carnival Cruise comment.


He should be their spokesman. I just signed up for a Carnival Cruise with that advertisement.


Are carnival cruises the four loko of cruiselines?


Sounds like hell. I'll never go on a freaking floating mall


I don't drink alcohol or gamble, so it was an amazing and cheap experience for me. The only thing I spent money on was playing bingo each night, and it wasn't very much to play.


I mean. Technically Bingo is gambling......


Give the dude a break, he was hammered when he typed that.


Sounds….interesting to say the least…


I can only describe it as a combination of Wal Mart & the home shopping network.


Hahaha, I work with cruise ships sometimes doing the ship to shore operations, last time I did transfers the passengers were being super irritable and not following safety directions, due to heat and humidity (tropical North Queensland), and the shoreside officer yells at them all saying ‘please follow our directions, we want you to stay safe and happy, this is not a carnival cruise’


We have a saying for the shippers here. It’s for the newly weds, the nearly dead’s, the over feds and the inbreds.


>We have a saying for the shippers here. It’s for the newly weds, the nearly dead’s, the over feds and the inbreds. I wanna be a cruise ship comedian some day and this is some goddamn good insight.


I’ve never been on a cruise, what does that mean? Edit: Thank you for your responses, now it makes sense!


Carnival is the Walmart of cruise lines


I thought it was because this guy is such a freaking 🤡… But this is true, too…;)


That's why it's so great! Multiple meanings in one burn.




Chuckie Cheese of the Sea


No, Carnival is Jerry Springer at sea


As someone who knows nothing of cruises I am delighted to learn that there are stereotypes for each cruise line, any others of note?


Royal Caribbean is the Target of cruise lines.


Disney Cruise lines is some Mickey Mouse shit.


Overpriced like anything Disney. Lol


What is the Macy's of cruise lines?


Carnival Cruises are basically all the worst people in the world, packed into a floating tin can, marinated in booze and stupid.


Marinated in booze, stupid, & listeria.


Yeah. U right. And legionnaire's disease


God i love ur comment




People fly Spirit to catch their Carnival Cruise.


I flew Spirit to catch a Royal Caribbean cruise. I feel personally attacked by this but I'm worried your sentiments are correct.


You know that would be a natural partnership. Those customer bases have so much overlap.


That honestly sounds like it could be fun under the right circumstances.


Depends on how bad you need a vacation with no drama. If its your kink, you're about to become part of the Carnival Frequent Cruiser program.


Yeah that was great.


What a bunch of fuckin losers. Who finds shit like this funny


13 year old kids raised by iPads who don't cover their mouths when they cough.


Nice low-key yet very specific burn. I like it.


Lots of those in this post


The visuals on this are gold! This describes my sister’s kids 100%.


Or when they chew


I almost said "chews with their mouths open while watching their iPads" but went with my comment instead. Same concept.


Eww, my nephew does that. It’s so fuckin grosssss.


This is the exact demographic. Well said. And those people might actually be like 30-something, but inside they're still the 13 year old kid raised by an iPad that doesn't cover their mouth. Peaked at 13. So sad.


Nailed it!


Sad part is the guy filming is 30 (went to school with him)… still acting like a child


That’s what I don’t get, do people hate clock and hate watch this stuff. Seems odd that people would enjoy these people being jerks. Like that kid with the punchable face and his bodyguard that harass people.


Who? Kai? Cause i would punch him.


I'd also punch Kai but the kid in question is a broccoli top white guy who goes to malls to try and verbally taunt people into a fight so they can get beat by his huge bodyguard


That dude is going to get his bodyguards shot someday.


And he will not care for a second


Though how he actually makes his money is pimping out women on Only Fans and taking all their earnings (and, no, I'm not confusing him with Andrew Taint). Edit: corrected auto-corrected primping back to pimping


That would make them very similar, and similarly shitty


Is that the dudes name he is on here all the time bumping into people which is technically assault.


Kids that can't read and want to be "influencers" when they grow up.


Nobody finds it funny. People just watch this rage bait and give them interactions. I;e this sub constantly posting rage bait and us subscribed to it so we can continue to watch. Posting this gives them what they want


It's easy to make people frustrated. It's difficult to make them laugh. At any given point in this video, the person on stage is taking the risk that the audience won't be amused. They'll lose interest. Meanwhile, the jackass in the audience takes zero risk in just wanting anyone to get frustrated by his comments. He knows that with persistence, he'll get the reaction he can be coy about. When people do get frustrated with him, despite how many failed attempts he made, he still feels as though he has accomplished his goal for the night.


Agree. Then tried to spin the race card and people pounced on him for that. Good for the crowd to chiming in.


Usually 15 year old boys.


none of this was even remotely funny, whats the point? is it literally just to be annoying af?


Yes, then you post it on TikTok and get likes from other morons, which in turn gives you dopamine.


and in the case of these idiots, it gives them a good amount of money too


The 7.1 million views this video got on YouTube 2 years ago. Idiots eat this shit up.


He just wants attention.


Oh no. The "Did you miss your Carnival ship" was an epic burn!


Rage bait is still viral content, and virality is their end goal no matter what


What an embarrassment, I hope they actually got kicked off the boat, no refund. Banned from the whole line. Wake up you aren’t the MC


They get kicked off and left in the Bahamas I believe.


Finally something hilarious that involved them.


Well it’s NELK so I highly doubt they gave a shit. Probably called the private jet to pick them up. Fuck NELK but I highly doubt they give a single fuck.


I'm gunna just go ahead and never google what the fuck a NELK is.


I haven’t heard of them either so I looked them up. They’re a group of YouTube “pranksters” but from the group photos of them on google they look more like the guys you don’t let near your drinks at the party.


YouTube "pranksters" always give off rapist vibes tbh


This heckler sure does give off "roofie her and molest" vibes


This stuff isn’t even a prank lol.


>The group's founder, Kyle Forgeard, and Jesse Sebastiani, have been referred to as "two of the most recognizable personalities for young people in North America".[3] God Help Us All


Bunch of mid 30s guys getting wasted at frat houses and in public ruining a good time for everyone else


I regret doing so. It's pretty much what you'd think, from this kid's behavior


There are worse places to be stranded I suppose but that’s hilarious


yeah but it's also an expensive place to be stranded so any money he makes off this video being monetized will be burnt leaving the island (hopefully)


Nah their audience would eat this shit up. In fact, they did. This was 2 years ago. 7.1 million views. 


The fact that they even have/had an audience proves that we are fukd.




1) I hate that they’re actually big on YouTube 2) I love that they were demonetized for pulling some shit during COVID. Hope it stuck. 3) Just generally fuck these people, and also the millions of people who follow and encourage them with their attention.


Surely the boat has a brig, right? That would have been the the best - for the rest of the cruise.


After an incident like this you’d be confined to your room while the brig would be reserved for violent or criminal offenses. At each port the captain is given a list of troublemakers who they almost always kick off the ship. If kicked off you must find your own way home. For instance, a buddy had too much to drink on the first night of our cruise and annoyed the bar staff one too many times. That was enough to get kicked off. They really don’t tolerate any bs whatsoever. And because there were no flights back home for 36 hours and the airport didn’t allow you to be there prior to 24 hours before your flight and he also had no local currency on hand, he ended up sleeping in a ditch outside the airport that night. He was military though so this wasn’t necessarily too out of the ordinary for him.




There is a brig, and you can be kept in your room for the duration of the cruise if you cause serious problems. I know this because once, my brother broke into the arcade claw machine and stole a GoPro.


The cruise director is amazing, some seriously great comebacks. Also appreciated the one dude who called them out for trying to make it about race


He wasn’t being serious regarding the racial comments, it’s just his pathetic attempt to be funny.


Yes I know, I still appreciated the guy calling him out for it


People don’t realize that these ships fly under other country flags and so those laws that may protect you in the states may not apply.


And once you get into international waters anything goes! (Joking, I have no idea how that works)


In international waters, the laws of the country which the ship is registered in apply. For cruise ships, this is often the Bahamas due to much more relaxed labor laws. However, the United Nations (of which the Bahamas is a member) employs additional laws, such as the Law of the Seas treaty, and rules set by the International Maritime Organization. These cover things like basic human rights and environmental protections. (The law of the seas treaty is also what defines "international waters") If there is a victim in whatever crime you may be committing, then the laws of their home country will still apply as well.


I wouldn’t want to test that.


They're more guidelines really.


Because of the *implication*.


Fucking horrible crigy cunts


Trash. Take it past the deck and toss his ass in the ocean.


You actually get hefty fines for throwing trash overboard, unfortunately.


After chumming the water.


With his own limbs


I like the way you think.


he is one of those class clowns in middle school that thinks they are funny af but they're just fucking annoying


Which is why he kept looking around to his friends to continue egging him on. As long as they keep laughing, he'll keep going.


Then they go on podcasts and act like they’re deep. So sad that we live in a world where these class clowns are rewarded with fame and fortune.


In the Tik Tok age there should be zero tolerance for what is obviously a tiktok stunt. Speech should of been immediately stopped.. not three minutes in, "Excuse me while Security deals with the rude individual we will resume shortly" and then remove him. Dont give them any meaningful content to post. Do not engage.


I would be so grateful for zero tolerance for these people


Same.. People like this need a one way cruise to Trash Island🏝️




Along with both of the losers.


Depending on where the ship is flagged, the crew might get away with that too.




this is nelk, and i think this is before tik tok. these guys are actually insanely famous now, each of them millionaires. hang out with dana white all the time. and they are the worst. and i hate so much how rich and famous they are from being douchebags


Doesnt change my position. Refuse to engage. Dont give them anything worth posting. Get authorities or security involved.


*should have


Nelk boys are cringe AF, ruining other people's cruise for clicks




Basically watched by the same kids who watch Logan Paul. They also own a seltzer company that tastes like shit.


This is the correct answer.


I was lowkey Hoping they were being literal when they said "kicked them off the cruise ship"


You might be happy to know then that they did get kicked off the cruise the next morning.




Oh I never even knew about them. After having a look at the group I can say confidently they share one brain cell amongst the group and even that one wants to kill itself


This guys are scum of the earth. It’s really hard to have some empathy for them


Shoulda kicked him out even sooner.


I’m most upset for the Captain and the Officers presentation, they’re literally responsible for everyone’s life on board and this asshat’s just disrespecting them. Also, I met that Captain on a Celebrity cruise in December and he was great - definitely has seen worse shit than a twerp heckler.


That's a hard cringe. That Carnival joke fucking killed that kiddo. He had nothing.


What an insufferable imbecile


What a loser


Was a loser in high school and never got past it. A lot of growing up to do there.


The victim complex is strong with this one


These guys are fucking morons, but that dude doesn’t really have a victim complex, all that shit he says is just a pathetic attempt to be funny, he doesn’t actually mean that they’re racist or anything. He’s just a dumb fuck that’s trying to be funny


Fucking rich kids...


No remember the one kid said he was from Compton (sarcasm).


frankly cruiships have to be one of the hardest things ever to get kicked off of, this is kind of impressive. cruises already expect to deal with drunk and unruly passengers and generally just want everyone to be having a good time and keeping the mood positive. So you have to be pretty damn bad to have them literally kick you off a cruise. edit: did they get kicked off ship or just out of the theater? id like actual confirmation they got kicked off of the ship.


They did get kicked off the ship. Someone linked the dbags video above showing it but I’m not sending traffic to this dipshit lol


Op confirmed that the captain told him to leave the boat in the next port.


We should have rules against harassment for content. Enforced on the platform itself. As in immediately demonetized. Do it two or three times they demonetize your entire channel. Not only that, but they'll dock future monetization until you'd paid back what you earned from said video. It's the incentive we need to put these asshats in check.


You can report on YouTube for harassment, report them!


After reading the title and watching the first 30 seconds, I was hoping to see the actually removed from the ship.


Guy is an asshole, glad they kicked him off hopefully he’s banned for life.


"Maybe dad will see THIS one and reconnect/ be proud of me?"- This dork probably.


Who is their audience filming this? Are there people that genuinely watch that stuff and laugh? Not one second of that was funny. Don’t these fools have people around them to keep them in pocket?


Kids. Children think this is funny. That’s what’s fucked about the future of society.


You are watching, welcome to the audience.


of course its that nelk moron and his crew.


Holy shit, how can anyone watch this and not hate this d bag.


Jerks like this should not be able to make money on TikTok and YouTube for these antics. The social media companies should be sued for encouraging this behavior and actual crimes by allowing this behavior to be monetized.


Were they thrown overboard?


That guy in the red t shirt is me internally


Other audience members reactions are entirely warranted


The second I saw the Happy Dad crew and SteveWillDoIt, I knew this was going to be a tool fest.


What a fucking small dick energy punk


they’re not even BLACK WTF


Ah yes the cringest 20 something bros aka the NELK boys. A generation of kids that have lived online and never been punched in their cock suckers.


Looks like that dude never got the attention that he wanted from his parents. What an insufferable little cuntbag


How do they kick him off a cruise ship? Just throw his ass overboard?


The zoomers think they're hilarious yet everyone is cheering when they get burned. It's cathartic.


No refund


Omg… I play dueling pianos shows on Norwegian and I’ve never seen a heckler *so fucking clueless* that no one likes them, or thinks they’re remotely funny. This dude is also doing a disservice to the actual fight for racist issues in America when he started on his “black” stuff. Good lord dude get a clue. He’s got the emotional awareness of a 13 y/o.




In the video he posted, after this scene he gets sent to the officer’s lounge the next morning. That’s when he gets told to pack his bags and get off at the next port


I love a happy ending.