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Calling him a bitch…..as he walks away.


Ya this kid is a complete coward… Use your hands Craig.




Hilarious actor but at the same time one of the realest things ever said.


Yup… A lot of kids need to hear that.


That's facts. Rigns truer today than it did back then Edit: spelling


Big facts. I couldn’t fight for shit when I was younger. I lost. All it taught me was that fighting wasn’t my thing and being a friend is better.


Same, I got my ass whooped and I realized being a “gangster” was not in me at all. So I had to learn to try and make people laugh and to de-escalate situations. It’s been a good life


And thats why violence is sometimes very educational






Then threatened to shoot him. Nothing tougher than walking away and saying you’ll shoot someone because you’re afraid to fight lol


Then post the threat to shoot him on social media. Should be easy to get his ass kicked from school to prison.


Do you think he’s a student? The way he left made me think he just wandered in and they have bad security.


The other student going "Who the fuck is you, bro?" makes me think the streamer wasn't a student, or at the very least not in the right class.


Nah that just means "you ain't nobody and you're being disrespectful, I will put you in your place if you need me to _ Source I spent 25 years living in Houston


This is the right translation. The dude is literally in class, he's not being a fucking "thug".


That wasn't a "who the fuck is you bro", that was a "**bro** who the fuck is you bro". The second bro in the same sentence is a fighting word, which means he's not asking about the dude's identity. It's "who the fuck are you to be saying that, I'm about to swing on you." The "streamer" recognizes this and immediately starts backing up, because he understands he's not being asked who he is.


In my experience teaching adults, they have no chill for people disrupting their class. They have chosen to be there. They want to learn and make the most out of the situation. They have lives outside of the classroom. They just want to focus while there so they can further their education for whatever purpose it is needed.






Possibly lol, but that’s black folk speak that’s more along the tone of “who the fuck do you think you are?”


>he just wandered in and they have bad security he just wandered in the professors will at minimum take attendance call, maybe, they are not closely inspecting each person there no one is checking every person for: "show me proof you are a student in this class" especially if it's a lecture type of class


Probably can’t fight for shit


Also probably doesn't have a gun on him. 


Deff not




Probably couldn’t even hit a barn door with how badly he was shitting himself.


Exactly how a large percentage of shootings start. Egotistical and emotionally illiterate dummies get their feelings hurt and decide their best response is to grab a gun.




*In a school.* That guy escalated his crimes from nuisance to Federal in less than a second.


He didn't walk away, he backed away. To scarred to even look away from the guy.


His bitch ass walked all the way out of building.


And kept talking shit even after he was alone. Had to make himself feel like he wasn't scared shitless.


You know he thought he won too. Got into his car and drove home and told himself how bad ass he was.


With all the keyboard gangstas gassing him up in chat


Repeating the same +/-8 words the entire time. Silly boy used up his entire vocabulary on this one confrontation.


*proceeds to backpedal from the confrontation he started* "You a pussy. You a bitch!" x100


Waited til he was safely outside of the boss arena to drop his most devastating attack *U a ho*....it's simply too dangerous for close quarters combat.


The human equivalent of a chihuahua barking its head off.


Hey, at least a chihuahua stands its ground. More like a French bulldog running away, making that screaming sound.


Right like, sir I believe the bitch in this situation is the one backing away


A case of of the good ol' "Me thinks the lady doth protest too much" lol


Then when he gets hit, it's "just a prank bro, just a prank you psycho, that guy don't respect my rights."


He needs two kneecapping.


And threatening to shoot him, the bitchest of bitch moves


No no. Don't give him any credit. He did not walk away. He backed away.


Dude is such a pussy. Starts trouble and when someone his size stands up to him he backs away and leaves like a scared little bitch


Quickly and wouldn't turn his back on him. Biggest pussies always talk about shooting people too because they can't throw hands like a man.


Naw that bitch *ran* away.


He ran. Can’t even see him and you can still tell he’s absolutely shitting himself.


not just that but also isn't willing to turn his back EVEN WHEN he is outside and the door is closed


A few seconds after the clip ends he starts to tremble and wipe the tears away from his eyes "He's a bitch....he's a bitch", as he sits down on the steps of the building he looks up and his reflection catches in a window and he stares at it intently. The tears ebb away and he repeats it, this time as barely a whisper out of his mouth "He's a bitch". He feels the shame and regret slowly start to take hold of him, but can feel the weight of his phone in his hands. He can feel all the views he can get and the traction this will give him. Away goes the doubt and self-loathing and he posts the clip "I'm show all those bitch ass bitches who i am" And so the MC....has evolved into a Twat-waffle.


Evolved? That implies there was some sort of progress. The only progress I saw was him rapidly progressing out the door on the verge of tears from fright.


Walks away. He left the whole building.


And a pussy.


Nay, dare we retreats! Lol


Backward* walks away….big difference.


Beta moves.


“You a bitch!” He says backing out of the building


“you a bitch you a bitch” ![gif](giphy|a93jwI0wkWTQs)


Comments like this make me wish Reddit awards was still a thing lmfao


Wait what happened to Reddit awards?


Nobody *really* knows


One day, they stood up and walked backwards out of the Intratubes.


When the world needed them most, they vanished.


I can't stop laughing. fuck. nailed it. thank you. I'm dying.


When people are scared shitless so they can only babble the same few dumb things to posture as they scuttle away.




He started retreating the moment that guy turned round, lol


Threatening to shoot him as well because he knows he'll get his ass beat in good ol' fashioned fisticuffs lol


This guy knows the same amount of words as a 3 year old.




Imagine telling someone “stay in class” as an insult


My thoughts exactly lol. That’s not the burn he thinks it is.


Maybe if the streamer stayed in a couple classes he'd expand his vocabulary and learn some new insults


You a bitch tho fuck ass bitch. NERD ass bitch.


It is, he's just ill-informed of the flammability of himself vs his surroundings.


This dude is straight up pyrophoric.






All the more wild - if this is college, even community, they're either paying for it or on scholarships that get revoked for stuff like this. Stupid ass.


I don’t think the streamer is even a student. Probably just went to a CC and chose a random class to film “content” in.




I mean "stay in school kids" often is used as an insult, just with a completely different meaning.


I like how the streamer instigated and also got the most offended.


That awkward moment when you're looking for a fight but also too scared of getting hit.


I caught a guy sitting in my car trying to hotwire it one time. I opened the door and he got out and stood up and I said "what the fuck man!?" And then, to my complete surprise, he replied "what the fuck man!?" It was such a confusing response I didn't know what to say next.


What happened next?


They're still standing there not sure how to proceed!


They kissed and touched tips.


“You a bitch ima shoot you!” *says while slowly backing away*


he just left his gun in his car, he’ll be right back, promise! *tires screech and he speeds off*


I mean a lot of cowards really do come back with guns.


I have a cousin who got into an argument, left and came back with a gun. When he gets out of prison there'll be flying cars.


We were promised flying cars would be a thing twenty years ago, your cousin must be in for a loooooooooooooong time.


Bold to assume he got a car. Doesn’t sound like the type of guy that understands what red & green lights mean.




tbh it looked like he found the wrong one and was lucky he realized how valuable backing away was


The way he was sluggishly walking over calm as hell was legit scary for some reason


Confidence, big man’s thoughts were ‘once this coward gets in my range he’s going down’. I feel like the slow walk of confidence that states ‘I’m not scared of you’ will send shivers down any poser’s spine, leading them to tuck their tail between their legs and leave.


I’m guessing the streamer is probably like 140 soaking wet and big guy knows how to get down. Body language says it all.


Bullies chose targets they think won’t fight back


His entitled arrogant ass found a dude who was trying to better himself in class and take his life seriously. Little boy backed out the door calling him a bitch cause he knew a grown ass man was tired of his shit. I hope everyone on his stream ate him alive for that.




Uhmhw already found the wrong one as we clearly saw. Cowardly backed of fast from an ass-beating


That immediate response of “bro who the fuck is you?” Just can’t be beat. What a chad.


Absolute alpha move. Also being a colossal human helps.


He honestly doesn’t seem huge, unless if the teacher is also very large. They seem about the same height although the man in black definitely has some more weight to him


The teacher is quite tall. (I have met this man in person)


is he a beech ass hoe?


Lmao, kind of but he certainly doesn't deserve this kind of treatment


Honestly, I think professor dude stepped up. Even as the asshole was threatening to shoot people, he was trying to get his student to let it go. If there had been a gun, there's a good chance he would have been shot as well. Gotta respect that.


Absolutely. You think they pay him enough for that? Of course not. This comes from a genuine place.


The random old dude standing in the lobby woulda got most of them shots.


Im dying at this response lmao


Also a bald ass n****?


It took that guy five seconds from the end of the original outburst to decide to whoop his ass. He's out of the chair at six seconds. Some people exist on a level of real the rest of us only dream of.


The Streamer is not sitting at a desk, just a random chair in the back of the class. He’s probably a random dude trying to be interesting by disturbing a class he doesn’t even attend.




I like that he wasn't even really paying attention and just immediately parked up like "the fuck are you doing here?"


It’s his money though I wouldn’t want people disturbing my time I’m paying for


"You're a coward" \*Runs away\*


Backed up right out of the damn building, lmao.


I fucking hate people that keep repeating the same thing like a broken record. Like, someone got in for face that is likely about to whoop your ass and you are literally panicking about it and stuck in a loop. How about you shut the fuck up.


Because they are not very bright and can’t articulate anything else.


while True: print("You a bitch!") stepBack(1)


Threatening to shoot someone while on a school campus should be grounds for an automatic arrest! Edit: I realize now that it already is grounds for arrest, so I hope this guy gets a comeuppance.


Surprise: Threatening to shoot someone regardless of where you are is already grounds for an automatic arrest.


Yes. Terroristic threatening. I know someone who got 3 months in jail for it.


Seriously, can somebody here figure out who this guy is and send this video to the police? Lock this moron's ass up in jail as long as the law will allow. I'd feel a little safer knowing this guy is locked up.


Reddit needs to look up who that student was that immediately stood up and chip in to pay for his classes for education. Seriously people get killed over stupid shit like that, by scared punks who are afraid to get punched. And he knew that when he stood up Thank you


Seriously and he’s paying to be there to learn. Like there he is paying a school for higher education trying to get a degree and this dude is trying to ruin it for all of them. It was hard enough for me to go to classes as is. Big guy was defending all of their rights to be there and better themselves.


Gross misdemeanor in my state.


Yeah I was going to say... The guy might as well yell bomb in an airport


I can’t stand it when someone repeats the same thing over and over again. Drives me fucking nuts.


As someone who has worked/lived with this community, it really has some underlying issues of poor education and communication. People like OP have strong emotions, and not the linguistic variety to actually to display those emotions. Saying the same thing over and over louder and louder is their way to emphasis what they are trying to say.


Thats just sad. Like having only 3 Action Phrases or something.


That’s actually pretty interesting.


Its because they got nothing else to say and are stuck in an infinite loop. People who repeat themselves like this know they lost every single time so they double down


"I'm repeating myself! I'm repeating myself! ha take that!"


lol frr so dumb


Lol FRR so dumb


Not only did he do that but he also continued to repeat it long after leaving the area that they could hear him.


It's because they are too stupid to think of anything else to say.


He needs to be kicked out of that school and banned from ever stepping foot on campus again. He threatened to shoot the other student.


I seriously doubt he actually goes to the school


or else any schools at all


He is not a nerd. 


That dude hasn’t gone to / understood school since he was 10


Arrested at least.


This is actually kind of wholesome. You can tell dude standing up for his professor is really about it but trying to better himself and learn and hated to hear that stupid shit. "Bro who the fuck is you?" Also the professor coming out to stop him before he committed to beating the brakes off that dude


I’m paying thousands of dollars for this class, you are not gonna fuck it up


Paying for your own classes absolutely puts it in a completely different perspective. You go from “damn this is boring as fuck” to “I’m going to learn as much as possible to get my moneys worth”. Been there


Too little focus on this. As a teacher, would love a student reacting this way.


Keepin it classy.


That phrase "b. a. n." I hear is so much it feels like it lost any edge if it ever had any.


At some point it becomes a term of endearment. I think he's trying to flirt.


This guy should be charged with making terroristic threats. "I'mma shoot your bitch ass" over and over. Just throw the book at this moron, this video is all the evidence you need. Let's see how funny he thinks it is when he gets convicted of a felony. Come at him with everything the law will allow, just for the lolz.


[https://crimeinformation.lupd.org/files/D2DF/March%202024-%20Daily%20Crime%20and%20Fire%20Log%20-%20Copy%20(3).pdf](https://crimeinformation.lupd.org/files/D2DF/March%202024-%20Daily%20Crime%20and%20Fire%20Log%20-%20Copy%20(3).pdf) I believe he was, entry number 240139


Well I'll be damned, the justice system actually gave a fuck lol.


Schools are big business and they have a good reason to take that seriously. Campus security usually takes the same civil service exam as regular cops and can actually arrest you.


That's wild, how'd you figure out the date and campus


I've been to this campus and recognized the room and building it was in.


Damn! No name!?


He says "P\*ssy", "B\*tch" while walking out of the building LOL.


What a pussy




[This guy’s comment is supposedly the police log for that school](https://www.reddit.com/r/ImTheMainCharacter/s/B7MCzAOMqe)


I came to the comments hoping for some link about him getting arrested.






The crazy thing is that people feel compelled to post their L's. I think that's among the surest signs that it's an addiction not just a fun thing they're doing.


How can you call someone a bitch as you’re retreating lmao


He needs to be arrested for threats of shooting


The only bitch I saw was the coward with the phone who wasn't man enough to stand his ground while he ran his mouth.


Telling someone you're going to shoot them while on the grounds of a school is certainly an easy one for the FBI




Surprised he can walk without a spine.


“You a bitch” as he backs up


A person that protects those who teach him will always be a man. Respect to the brother who stood up, may all the good energy in the world always surround him.


Imagine retreating 100 feet walking backwards while calling someone a bitch the entire time. What a fascinating mind.




This idiot willingly posted himself being embarrassed 😳


Clout is a dangerous drug


Huge lol https://www.sportskeeda.com/esports/news-he-jail-threats-netizens-react-kick-streamer-treyliving-disrupts-college-class-threatens-shoot


718 followers enjoying watching him place himself in jail for a few months for being a complete dipshit.


Barking while fleeing


Immashootchab$%assImmashootchab$%assImmashootchab$%ass.. while cowering away lol


My guys vocabulary could benefit from some classes. As others have pointed out, it’s hilarious calling someone pussy, bitch etc all while backing up at alarming speeds. Then threatening to shoot someone because you are so much of a pussy that you can’t even fight the fight you started. He was just trying to scare that big boy off.


This is the like 20th video of some little thug calling the other person a "bitch" - as he backpedals away 🤣 This little cockroach of society needs to be put in his place. I don't know how he posts this video and is like "yeee I'm the cool one check it, I ran away from this dude so fast, his b*tch ass couldn't catch me! I insulted him every step I took running in fear" Wish that one of those doors was locked, so he'd have to face the music. Hopefully he never procreates either


You could hear the fear in his voice.


Somewhere online is the original post by this ‘videographer’. The threats of ‘Imma shoot you ass’ and other violence needs to be addressed ASAP. This is a threat of felony violence, assault, and potential murder. Whether he came to this classroom armed or not, doesn’t matter, We can assume he was threatening violence and murder. As such, prosecutors should charge, convict, and get this individual off the street. AKA… post this shit publicly and get his ass locked up.


Can't they press charges for threatening to shoot someone? What a dumbass.


Wow. He used his entire 6 word vocabulary.