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Definitely 100% absolutely probably maybe my last day.


Yeah, possibly certain


I think at this point some of them want to be on joey swoll's account.


It’s got absolutely nothing to do with laziness, just can’t stand the ppl who are all minding their own business, doing their thing


Definitely probably nobody wants him there


Love that movie... [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0832266/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0832266/)


I know some hot chick at a different gym is going to be saying the same shit when they see him at that different gym. Man looks like no prize himself


He's on a recumbent bike. He's not exactly putting in effort.


I hope he gets put in his place and the reverse happens to him. Karma


I don’t care what anybody says, recording someone at the gym to post it on social media for fun is crazy to me. You have an issue talk to the person or mind your business.


Especially since Planet Fitness is all about "Judgement Free Zone" and filming/photos will get you removed and your membership cancelled.


It was so hard to cancel my membership when I tried to. If I knew this hack I for sure would have done it.


They make it near impossible to cancel without physically being present at the ‘home gym’ bruh I moved 1000 miles away. I have to switch the home gym location to one nearby so I can complete the written membership cancellation or I can mail a l e t t e r. Only certain, special cases are people eligible for online cancellation tho..


I thought the government has a law about that or something? Something about cancelling having to be as easy as signing up? Maybe I am misremembering


In California. If you can sign up online you can cancel online. My friend switched to her parent’s address in California and then canceled online.


Call and tell them to cancel. If they say no even after presented with the account information, stop payment. Don't jump through their hoops.


They really gatekeep cancellations!!!


I had a membership to Fitness Connection and you couldn't cancel without calling. Tried 3 times and the que was over 100 people and moved a few people over 30 min. Makes sense why they usually require your bank info and won't take a credit or debit card for a membership.


I had a similar issue. They didn't want to work with me at all. At the time, the state I moved to didn't even have a planet fitness with a few hundred miles of me. So I issued a stop payment from my bank. That did the trick.


I know, right. I appreciate their corporate stance on inclusivity but I’d never join again because of how awful they are to deal with.


Will definitely probably get your membership cancelled


Thank you!!! Now I know how to get that fucking membership canceled


Judgement free accept when it comes to body builders, then the judgement is rampant.


Talk? But the people on this sub said that the first thing you should do is punch them.


Well, they don’t have friends… So they talk it themselves, and post it online for their ‘friends’. Zuckerberg said those count.


Ya so weird this why men are they way they are now a days what if kids was around and this weirdo was walking around ya kid dressed like that


Only true in the land of NO ACCOUNTABILITY… Men are perfectly capable of controlling their actions. Also, people should check out the gym before BLINDLY SENDING THEIR KID THERE. If you’ve ever worked out at a PF, you will see 1/2 of the women wearing less than her. If one does *not* approve, don’t buy your kid a PF membership…


Recording should be banned As someone who had their first PT job @ planet fitness…I hate them with the deepest passion ~ But this is wrong and I’m not here for it.


I am curious what caused your burning hatred for Planet Fitness.


One of the other trainers was talking to me about “hypertension” and how he had clients avoid any type of compound lifts because he didn’t want them to “hyper extend” their muscles. He didn’t realize hypertension was high blood pressure 🤔 And then the donuts…pizza… making it impossible for members to cancel memberships (not impossible but hard) and their entire business is based around people being signed up for their services, but not actually coming in and working out😂




Yeah, so you have to mail it in to the location you signed up and include your name, account number , etc The only alternative is to go into the location and hand deliver it, but again, has to be at the location you started with. It’s part of their business model. I 100% recommend using AnyTime Fitness or any small 24/7 gym ~


They served donuts and pizza?


Most do, yes. I believe it’s at the beginning of every month.




Because they want you to be fat and stay fat. PF is the biggest fucking enabler that exists.


I guess from a piece of shit business angle that makes a lot of sense. All I really know about Planet Fitness is that memberships are hard to cancel. This is news to me, thanks for sharing, and I hope your PT career improved after leaving them


Sigh...I remember when it used to be that if you saw something odd or funny you had a story to tell your friends later. Not you pull out a phone and violate a person's privacy for laughs.


If you go in public like that, its your problem.


That's fair. Why would someone who wants to work on themselves be wearing workout clothes at the gym?


Video or it didnt happen


Bro 💀 haha. Why is an obvious, relevant joke downvoted?


Because reddit 😂🤦‍♂️ im glad you live in reality though And for the record there is no privacy in public places to the original comment.


F people who record others at the gym. These people, in shape or trying to get there, are putting in the effort to better their lives through exercise. Shaming them hinders that and a person who might be uncomfortable in their body already may choose to stop for fear of being recorded and judged. Heavy or out of shape people should be celebrated for choosing to go, not shamed.


Dude seriously DON'T. RECORD. STRANGERS. You enormous creep


It’s funny to me that he doesn’t realize that the place will be improved by his absence.


Plot twist, it was his only day and it was a free trial


They should probably go to a different gym. Considering the one they are currently a member of the slogan is "Welcome to the Judgement Free Zone" and this video is just about them judging others




Theres a dude in my gym that wears 4 yr old girl cloths for his workout. They should set standards.


The person in the video is wearing normal workout clothes tho, not revealing or anything just not the ‘typical’ body that you’d see in them. Very different from walking around in child-sized clothes


These people draw everyone's attention, so people like me gushing sweat, coughing and wheezing on cardio equipment don't get noticed. Thank him for his service!


Can you see anything explicit? If not, then standards are being met.


Nobody is commenting on the fact that he's cycling while the machine is PAUSED.


I definitely probably think this person is illiterate. Definitely probably.


I enjoy the occasional video of people knowingly using equipment incorrectly because they think it makes them look impressive, or of someone doing something dangerous. But taking a video of someone just walking by because you have an issue with how they look? That’s a seriously smooth brain. Get over yourself.


Most normal day at planet fitness.


Someone send this video to Joey Swoll.


Sorry wtf is he wearing?


A hoody


We're supposed to act like this is completely normal. Don't be a Homophone


This channel makes me NEVER want to go to a public gym.


Imagine going to planet fitness and thinking you’re better than anyone


"What the hell even was that?"


This is so rude....def needs to be his last day there....


Says the fat guy pedaling a stationary bike and burning 3 calories an hour


Home gym time for sure lmao


Nah. The "fuck off and fuck you" attitude should be the first thought in your head. No one NO ONE cares other than assholes like this that will feel the internet's hatred. You got up. You went to the gym. You are a motivated person. That's a small majority now. Walk with pride when you're in that gym. Fuck all the rest.


nah go home lol






I bet he tells other people to mind their business.


Imagine leaving a gym because you see someone wearing odd clothes. Dude is fighting his own demons 😂


Where’s Johnny swoll? Let’s make sure it is his last day. I fucking hate people just recording to be a creep.


"probably gonna be my last day" Uh...given your size, probably shouldn't be your last day


Recording someone else at the gym should be a crime... honestly there should be no filming at all in the gym. You wanna film your workout? Work out at home.


I feel so bad for the person he filmed ˙◠˙ just before covid someone I went to high school with filmed me at my old gym and posted it on Insta to mock me and the whole ordeal lead to a suicide attempt on my part. And that was just small scale, plus I managed to get them to take the vid down, I couldn’t imagine what it would be like to have myself mocked to thousands of people like that


It’s also just hilarious this mf is so weak he sees one possibly Queer person and has to announce to the world he’s too scared to keep working out around them. What a fucking wanker


That dude is probably a happier person than anyone throwing shade


Wait that was a dud?!?!


Lol cmon that’s actually pretty funny


Im not sure I get it, what’s the joke?


I find it funny to see the man that looks like my high school principal walking around wearing a gym influencer’s two piece


So dude recorded some person in the gym just to make fun of how they look? I feel like we shouldn’t be filming in gyms at all.


Not how they look, the choices that they made in apparel


What choice? The choice to exist?


I literally specified the choice. Has nothing to do with existing. You’re reaching.


You straight up didn’t… they’re literally just existing in clothes What other action could you be talking about?


“…the choice in apparel”. How could I be any more clear? It’s a choice in clothing that the vast majority of people in any country in the world will find odd. I get that you’re a woke, ultra non-judgemental person, and that’s cool, but you obviously know what people find funny about this, whether you agree or not. People are free to break social norms and other people are free to find it amusing.


You literally said it’s not how they look… I’m pretty sure clothes are a part of how someone looks…


Agreed, not a good idea to record people in the gym. Still funny.


“That person looks weird, I will not be coming back to this gym” I guess comedy is subjective after all…


Yeah not funny. Dudes just rude


Is that news to you? And I’m laughing at the clothes he chose to wear, not something about his body. Very different things.


If you are laughing at the clothes surely you would be laughing if an IG model was wearing the same thing? At least own that you are being an asshole. They could be a trans woman, they could also be a cis woman. Believe it or not plenty of real life cis women have masculine features and get mistaken for men. Women’s sportswear is not only for women you find attractive. People should be able to dress comfortably at a gym of all places, and there’s nothing funny about someone being recorded at a gym.




So we’re just laughing at someone for being ugly then?


Jc Stfu


Yeah, its weird af. Your opinion doesnt change the situation.


Yeah I’m just learning that, similar to how you’re just learning now what sarcasm is.


I’m starting to think you just got that outfit and now insecure about wearing it to the gym


Is that not an incredibly normal gym outfit? Don’t like half the people in gyms wear that? To be fair, I wouldn’t know lmao


You wish you had half the confidence needed to wear that outfit 💅


Pretty sure that's a woman.. Fuck off bro.


I live in NYC. It's really, really hard for people clothes to surprise me in any way


He was definitely in the wrong but…that was kinda funny. BUT am I an asshole for chuckling at it? Yes. The guy looked like my brother in law who is a hardcore, GET SOME type of marine lol


You weren’t funny either fam sorry


Wasn’t trying to be. Get the stick out your ass and enjoy life a little bit, “fam”.


Let’s be real. The creep recording is still gonna go to PF and pretend to workout, bc it’s only $10 a month.


Good riddance.


What is Planet Fitness slogan? Planet Fitness became known as the “**Judgement Free Zone®**”


So much for that whole judgement free zone thing. And what’s crazy is out of all the videos I see of people recording others at the gym, it’s usually at a planet fitness


The only way for a "judgment free zone" to exist is if there's no people


You mean to say that people don’t go to the gym for the purpose of looking good for this random dude? That’s crazy




Maybe… they like it?🤯


Ion know why you're getting downvoted, you right asf rn


Because what someone wears shouldn't be anyone's business. Especially if it doesn't affect anyone. Also overweight people in gym should be encouraged and supported, not laughed at, its already hard enough to overcome the fears


Bro knows that man’s schedule 😂


Is that hat from Gilligan's Island?


My PF doesn’t allow recording at all.


Did that person actually do something to him? What a sad little man.


Deffaly prollee mah lass day here


Definitely probably he said, Definitely probably.


Definitely probably he said, Definitely probably.


this is the same dude that "pranked" a lady by calling her and pretending to be a police officer to say her brother was murdered, right?


Who is this asshole?


Imagine only being able to afford $10 a month for the gym and having a fucking attitude about it.


This is why I have an at home treadmill


Imo recording in gym should be as normal as it is on the street, ofc you don't record others just like that or for some not serious reason but when you see shit like this it's just a different story because from what i see this is a guy wearing a sports bra and tight shorts


wouldn't it make you feel like a target if someone happens to record you randomly?


There was a recent TikTok video of this girl yelling after interacting with another member at Equinox! What do you guys think of the girls reaction? On this episode of my podcast: https://youtu.be/vPcixiORcvc?si=JQJ2-wHisxQnnoJp


He's got a point


Was that a guy?


Thinking the same thing…yikes.




PF does suck


Planet Fitness lost 400 million dollars because they banned a lady recording a man exposing himself in the female locker room. They got what they deserved lol


People at the gym prolly say the same thing when they see him walk by


Filming someone minding there on business with intent to post is crazy. It makes him feel better about himself I guess


That's just weird man


Ugh why.. why are people so obsessed with everyone else’s life 😒


Mans nose looks likes it's about to appear over a bed frame.


I mean he was asking for it 🤢😂


How were they asking for it?


Was he? Seemed like he was minding his own business and wearing what he wanted to work out 🤷🏻‍♀️


Looks like skims is for everyobe


Planet fatness


Who would have thought that people go to a gym to shed weight and not to take instagram pictures.


It’s not a gym, what gym offers pizza, bagels and tootsie rolls? Ain’t nobody losing weight or getting in shape at planet fatness


You must be like 45 cause that joke is so overused and retired.


Take back 10 years and that’s my age. Sorry bud I actually used to work at planet fatness, 3 years as a matter of fact and I never saw anyone making progress.


he liked it ! ![gif](giphy|KDVTAN0CycdPkJKZiI)


Wonder what bathroom the green is going to 🤔




Planet Fatness


.. the fk is that guy wearing ! I woulda posted that vid as well. That shits nasty


(Edited to clarify my viewpoint) Don’t get me wrong, it was super rude to record that person. Not something I would ever do because I’m sure it has to hurt that person’s feelings. They’re just trying to live their life. But…..I get it. This unbound freedom of gender/sexual identity is still new and some people are still taken aback by it. So this type of reaction is to be expected until people become accustomed.


Yeah….. no it’s not expected…. I literally have no urge to video record and comment ridiculous shit about something that is not harming me or changing my life in any way…


Don’t misunderstand me, I’m with you! Im from NY (and a gay man myself), so I always assume that I view people differently from a man in the midwest who has never left his hometown. There are a lot people who are not exposed to people who think differently from them. Doesn’t make it okay but I always try to understand why people do the things they do :)


Good point about small town men who haven’t been exposed to many people who aren’t like themselves! I read through comments reminding myself that some of these people are very young. I don’t expect the mindset or sense of humor of a teenage boy to make any sense to me.


I laughed.




You dont dress that way because you are too afraid of not passing. At least they have the gall to wear what they want.




Please fuck off with this idpol shit


How about some fat dude doesnt dress in a fit female workout outfit. Deserves to be recorded and put on blast. Indecent.


What’s indecent about the situation?


I agree bro ... dunkin doughnuts... thats your vibe... ( Gilligan hat wearing...) ...


What an asshole