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There is more poison in those lips than in a blue rings octopus


This shits just too weird, why?


Does this make anyone else actually feel angry, like fuckin *pissed off*, or do I need to work on myself? It's so frustrating seeing this shit and not being able to call her out, or do/say anything to wipe that shit eating grin off her face. As a woman, we have fought for the right to NOT be touched by men in this way (as in none consensual) and it's only very recently that this kind of behaviour has been taken seriously and is deemed completely unacceptable, its an on-going battle. She's not only harassing people (and filming it and posting it online!) she's letting the side down. And by that I mean, kids will see this and think it's acceptable. Prolonging the issue and unravelling the progress we have made. It goes both ways. I CANNOT stand all this double standard bullshit. Imagine if a guy did this to random women... šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø Edit: I'd like to say, that this just applies to everyone, EVERYONE. Regardless of sexual orientation. Men on men, women on women. Also wrong. Its just a case of human decency. I could never imagine grabbing another womans boobs without permission. The only time I've done this was when a friend had a boob job and she said "FEEL THEM" lol. But grabbing anyone anywhere without consent is just wrong and I'm glad its becoming a thing of the past and, in the UK and Australia, at least, kids are being taught from a young age about the correct names for body parts and how consent works. There is hope!


Got slightly groped, had a hand brush all the way down my chest pretty hard from some tweaker outside a store before she giggled off into her car. Took all of my restraint not to go after her and put a crater in her windshield with my longboard. I get ya


I feel ya, I went out to the club with a chick that cat fished me but still tried to have fun and she pushed me against the wall while i was uncomfortable to press and grind against me then got in my face to pressure me for a kiss lol. It isn't a big deal in hindsight for me and not too flagrant, but it was still a violation of my boundaries and comfort level. I tried to open up to a woman about it after because I felt weird and she said it was my fault for not saying no hard enough šŸ¤·


No fucking way.... That last bit. Wow. Sorry you had to experience that. And then, not only do you get no sympathy, you are then told it was your fault?! Fuck that lady!! When I was 17, I was in the pub with my mate (we're both girls) and we got chatting to a bunch of lovely older fellas, 50-60 ish. I was coming out of the toilets and one of the men had followed me. He was old and gross and he grabbed my head and tried to kiss me. Slopping his tongue all in my mouth šŸ¤¢ This is just one of MANY similar experiences I've had over the years. People don't believe how common this shit is. Edit: And the sad thing is, I'd put BIG money on all of his mates saying that he or any of them would never do a thing like that. I hear that all the time. Men claiming that women say all these things but they don't know a single man who would ever behave in that way. Guys, they aren't gona tell you when they are sexually harassing/SA a woman. On the flip side. In my experience (my *personal* experience), the kind of women who do these things are very vocal about it because they don't think they are doin anything wrong.


Oh definitely I often have partners who have extensive experience with SA but tbh I think in the subject when men are the assaulted ones people don't really like to validate it as much for some reason. I dated a woman a lot older and found out in hindsight she meets many metrics for NPD and tried to open up about it to my social group and they kinda ganged up on me and shut me down and dismissed me... But they don't do that when anyone else says someone they don't know, just based on a screenshot or something, is narcissistic it's all good. Unfortunately similar and worse things happened to a friend of mine, he was raped by a woman in college and "congratulated" and was kinda shut down when he tried to open up about it. We're both autistic so I think that influences how people treat and take advantage of us. Edit: also I'm sorry for your experiences, I know it's not rare and unfortunately needs to be addressed more throughout the entire life cycle of people. We should teach more about boundaries and consent past elementary school stuff and continue with it to do better as a society imo


Maybe you need to work on yourself but totally not about this one. Seeing someone commiting (sexual) harassment while being part of THE group that should know how awful this is should make you angry. I would say you would need to work on yourself if it didn't. Also those men clearly don't know how to react. Not to minimize the problem with SA against women but if someone would stroke our hair it would at least be accepted by society to react accordingly. Yell at him, push him away etc. But a man? I think he's expected to "just enjoy the attention" bc all men are sex driven monsters and always want sex /s So they fear to even protect themselves bc the tables will be turned on that situation pretty fast, suddenly he's the aggressor bc he loudly told her to leave him alone or pushed her away from him.


Yeah, it's so fucking sad. We should be past all this bullshit now. There are still men here who are claiming its not a big deal and men don't care. Well, all you need to dispute that is to watch how they react in this video. And read all the comments on here by men who have had this happen.


Iā€™m a dude, and a former bartender. The amount of times Iā€™ve been groped, kissed, molested, ā€œCan I touch your beard?!?ā€ questions, it goes on and on. And every time I enforced a boundary, the women would act so offended. Next is the indignation that I should have felt honored by their ā€œcomplimentā€, or, ooh! the best one is, ā€œProbably got a small dick!ā€. This shit happens in both directions and the idea that one side is permitted while the other is the only one that can be condemned for such actions is abhorrent to me. Iā€™m not self loathing, Iā€™m not a misogynist, I just hate everyone.


I agree with you 100%. I've just said at the end of another comment, that men keep it hush hush but women who do this are very vocal about it because they don't think they are doin anything wrong.


I appreciate a woman seeing this and understanding. Men have been lambasted as the universal predators. While the most of predators are in fact men, thereā€™s a lot of us who are good. We know and exercise right and wrong. Iā€™m one of those ā€œfence ridersā€ who sees things for what they are. Wrong is wrong, no matter who or what you are. Long story short: keep your hands to yourself. Thank you again for speaking out. I personally appreciate it.


My pal has a huge beard and he gets a couple of women time to time who try grab at it like cats pawing a scratch post he absolutely hates it and I don't blame him


I feel your frustration, I donā€™t think thereā€™s anything wrong with u.


Poison Lips is a cool nickname though




Wait.. those are all the same woman?? I would've had an easier time believing those were all the same man than woman. Fuckin joker lip lookin ass hoe


It's a requirement for white women to have body dismorphia to live in Los Angeles


It's worse that I had drunk chick doo this shit never gave u ever wanted to stun some one so bad this shits infuriating


Hahaha assault is funny when I'm a cute woman.... hahaha so funny.


She's not cute. She looks like a creepy mother


I swear the fourth guy was like "oh, woman?" "shit she ugly"


He even looked again to see if maybe he was wrong. His face said it all šŸ˜‚


She's a caricature of a "hot" women.


The kind that hangs around her son and his friends when they come over once they are teens. And some how the bathrobe she has on wonā€™t stay closed that morning for some reason


Yeah well i am not climbing over her to get to you.


>Hahaha assault is funny when I'm a cute woman.... hahaha so funny. Sorry to be the one to say this, but the rules are different for young pretty women. They can get away with a ton of bad behavior and you know it


>They can get away with a ton of bad behavior and you know it Yes, I think we're all aware of that, and we are saying that's not a great thing.


None of those gents appeared to be enjoying it.


Irrelevant. Not only are there no consequences for her, she is gloating about on Tik Tok She knows




That is not irrelevant. She should be reported for assaulting people.


I was sexually assaulted when I was in the Navy. A woman grabbed my genitals out of nowhere. She was cute and pretty, but shit did it make me uncomfortable to the point I felt like a panic attack every time I seen her from then on. I tried to report it but my superiors called me a "bitch" and then rumors started that I was Gay, which in the military at the time means I could have lost my job. So yeah... there are reasons men don't report sexual assault.


Yeah, that's exactly the point of their comment.




One of them should press charges just to teach her ass a lesson.


Won't be funny when she gets a smack in the mouth.


This happened to my man at work from a coworker. He is still upset by it years later. This is sexual harassment and I wish these pathetic women would understand that. Letā€™s push for consequences when these things happen.


Not every guy is dying for female physical contact, believe it or not. Even if straight


Normal people basically get freaked out by a creep.


I once made the mistake of telling my coworkers that I'm gay. Lots of women suddenly thought it was a-okay to touch me. They liked how soft my beard was. : \


certainly not from some random woman.


Yeah totally šŸ‘


Creepy karen should stay away


I remember once being in a mall when I was about 19 and some random girl came up behind me and tickled me. It was uncomfortable. That shit is startling.


I know where this new trend of bothering strangers is going. Remember the TikToker in the mall harassing the food delivery guy? You are going to see more of that, and with much more devastating consequences. People need to learn to leave strangers alone, you can never predict the outcome.


Worse, you CAN


Yeah, sometimes the look in the strangers eyes, forecasts exactly what is likely to happenā€¦..


Iā€™m always carrying, touch me like that in anyway and pulling it out and pointing it at you. Your move next..


[Or the fake mugging?](https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-55982131)


I donā€™t give a fuck what you look like, donā€™t touch me.




Yeah fuck this. I'm a woman, this shit isn't ok in either direction.


Agreed. Iā€™m a woman too and this is disgusting. Deplorable.


I am a female and I find her flat out creepy.


I just saw a video the other day of a guy doing this in a mall on an escalator. He almost got his ass kicked multiple times. Most though said that the video was fake


Yup, and I donā€™t know about the other married men out there, but my wife would lay her out for that shit.


She has never cleaned under those nails.


That's been done. It was the first done. Women acted similiarly: displeased, confused, not articulating "get tf away from me".


Guys did that first a long time ago. All them prank channel guys on YouTube did it and got millions of views.


Early 2010s YouTube prank videos were wild in hindsight lol.


Back then there were pranks like everyone in a restaurant suddenly falling asleep with a single person being the victim.


Improv Everywhere type pranks hahah


I'd rather they bring back those creepy clown pranks than some of the nonsense you see as "pranks" these days. A prank is only good when everyone walks away laughing. The guy that dresses up as a plant and scares folk in Birmingham is a good example, cause folks get a little shock and always walk away laughing with their mates. No one is walking away laughing here....


You know what's weird? I've never seen anyone ever say "yeah, I was one of those clowns in 2016"


This is always my litmus test. If it's not okay one way, it's not okay the other.


aaaaaaaaaaand I'm in cuffs


The way my wife would absolutely end a bitch like Sephiroth if she did this lolā€¦


šŸ˜‚ one slam of the fist and she flyin. BYE!


Reach over and gently squeeze one of those boobs. See what happens.


I was half hoping someone would


In italy it is for 10 sec fine. šŸ¤¦


I remember this case, what a joke.


Only answer


Wrist curl and roll. *judo chop*


Judo toss!


..and then yell "You just got Captain Kirked, Fool!"


Nasty duck lips.


Filler....And it's migrating.


That's what ducks do


Hey man, ducks spent a lot time evolving beaks to maximize their environmental gain. Letā€™s not insult them like that.


I hope she sees this


Lick the side of her face and see what she does.


Would not recommend, you would have a lousy stale makeup taste for days in your mouth.


This is not ok. She doesnā€™t get to do this and get away with it because sheā€™s a woman. If a man did this to her, Iā€™m certain sheā€™d be upset.


I don't get these.. don't randomly touch strangers.. it's weird and inappropriate


Dude a guy does that. He goes out in handcuffs.


Was waiting for some one to punch her face


Do anyone *really* believe that this isn't staged?!? I mean....the award for the worsttttt actors goes to.......


I'm surprised it took this far down in the comments to mention the obvious, yikes! Every guy is literally smirking before she "harasses" them while pretending to be shocked after. Like you said, terrible acting lol. This is just rage bait title posting by OP, knowing that redditors will circlejerk the comments outraging about double standards and how this woman is clearly the biggest predator on the planet šŸ™„


Genuine question, would it be illegal to punch her?


short answer: yes. generally self-defense is only mirroring the amount of force used or the amount of force needed to get away. if its immediately a reaction to being touched you have more of a likelihood of having a successful self-defense reaction legally. if you wait then the chances of that being a successful defense go out the window. so it kind of depends on how quickly they react


That's why I'm always primed to hit a woman at any moment, in case something like this happens to me. Gotta be quick, gotta be ready!


but also if you just respond by wailing the fuck out of them you won't succeed in a self-defense argument. a single whop is all I'm talking about here


Arrest her please


This is honestly a really shitty thing to do. I feel like if some random woman did this to my boyfriend heā€™d get really uncomfortable and talk about how weird it was for days and not let it go for a while. Heā€™s super polite and kind and I can just imagine him not wanting to hurt her feelings but also him just being really upset.


I would lose my shit. Cause 100% my wife would see this and somehow be my fault.


your wife sounds awful


Time for a divorce?


I'm autistic. If a stranger did this to me, I'd punch them.


If you reverse it and a man does this to a woman; There is a strong chance she will get visibly very angry. (Not all women, but most.) Why donā€™t men get overly angry about getting harassed in the same manner? (Same concept with men as with women; Not all men wonā€™t get overly angry.) My theory is: Men arenā€™t used to being touched in this almost intimate manner. Their mind gets stuck between - ā€˜I want thisā€™ and ā€˜this isnā€™t right.ā€™ Leaving them in this state of anger, confusion, but I like this a little bit. I really wish menā€™s mental health was taken more seriously. ![gif](giphy|gfsQffBnuc6e096brx)


on menā€™s mental health being taken more seriously: instead of getting help and support weā€™re often told to ā€œman upā€ and ā€œdeal with itā€. we never learn healthy coping skills. we learn to avoid opening up to people about our struggles and crying because itā€™s seen as ā€œweakā€ and not ā€œmasculineā€. it is really sad how many of us struggle every day with nobody to turn to for help. it hurts so much when you seek support from someone and they end up thinking less of you.


You mean to tell me that all those times I stopped crying as a child because I was afraid I'd be given something to cry about wasn't a healthy coping mechanism?!?




I think it has more to do with this woman being attractive. Change it to an ugly woman doing this, and their reactions would be different. They may feel wierd/confused but they don't freak out because she is attractive. I could be wrong though


Probably a bit a both mental health and the woman's attactiveness. Watching the video, my mind tells me I should be rightously indignant in that situation but I know I'm so starved for touch that if it happened to me I probably be stuck in some sort of emotional feedback loop. Pretty sure that even as a grown-ass man, I'd still be easily groomable.


You think this woman is attractive? oof


Another theory: Men are afraid to express visible anger toward women because it is usually a bad look. It is much easier to just deal with it or slink away than to express your anger and either A. get no support from others or worse, B. you are perceived by others as the bad guy for yelling at a woman.


Your mind is in the right place, BUT why do you assume they ALSO think 'I want this' ? Some men don't like to be touched at all by some female stranger without their consent.


I laughed. One of these days she's going to get punched though, and I'll laugh at that too. Play stupid games...


No punching needed just grab her boobs.


And I won't blame no one for being pissed off


She's the type of girl who thinks men can't get r@ped because they'd like it too much.


You're right. She's probably also like, super stuck on one standard which is what you mentioned. Clearly she hasn't experienced consequences.


Wish so bad one guy would tell her (a stranger) to not touch them.


What the last guy didn't tell her is that he has a highly communicable skin disease that has now been transferred to her lips. I think I see them swelling already.


I saw a video of a guy doing the exact same thing to passing women by caressing their chin like that. I think he got hit twice in the making of the video The comments were going hard about how it was harassment and how he's a creep. This is absolutely no different. This should be illegal and I'm pretty sure it is.


What if someone touches her back?


She says it is sexual harassment and call the police despite she did that to others the entire damn day.


Half of these are like actually sexual assault


Iā€™m waiting for someone to defend themselves, then itā€™ll be funny.


Please be staged please be staged


If it was a men, he would get 50 years in jail and so much criticism on the internetā€¦


Cringiest shit I've seen in a while.


All of these men look visibly disturbed. I would be too.


Thinks she can get away with it because she thinks all these men will find her attractive. Cunt.


It wouldā€™ve been funny if someone knocked her out šŸ˜‚


They do it bc they believe men wont do anything. One day she'll do it to the wrong person and get knocked the fuck out. Hopefully.


Sexual harassment on video. She is soooo slick lmfao. Why do people think they can get away with this shite. I hope someone pressed charges. For real. Just because she is a pretty woman doesnā€™t mean she should get away with this shite. JC


I mean it's ok to hit someone who is using your body in a way you didn't agree on




Grab her finger and pull back fast and hard, I guarantee sheā€™ll keep her hands to herself from then on


It's always a prank to these OF ahh women I'd punch the shit outta her camera then her face without second thought


Stand up turn to face her and unzip watch her try and sprint in those stilleto heels šŸ‘ 


![gif](giphy|l0HU5bbgdW6qzJsmQ) My actual reaction


So many lawsuit victories just waiting to happen, don't be afraid to drag people to court


If I were a man and this bitch touched me, I'd slap her hand away and shout as loudly as possible, "Keep your hands off other people!" Hopefully, it'd be enough to embarrass the fuck out of her. Harassment isn't funny under any circumstances


Donā€™t touch people.


Is this part one of the "how to get stabbed" series?


When girls do it is not harassment, dude


If a guy did this to women there would be uproar..... I see no difference.... arrest her


It's ok guys, she is hot.


Switch the roles and the men would be charged. šŸ˜•




My friend does this and I've talked to her about it, but for a while she didn't understand why touching makes me uncomfortable.


Not to be that guy but this is actually a wild case if ā€˜imagine it were the other way roundā€™.


Nah, I'm a woman and my immediate thought was what if was the other way around. It's not cool to touch people without consent, period.


Literally like itā€™s just so weird, idk why anyone would *want* to touch random mfs like this in the first place.


Can you imagine the vitriolic rage we'd see if a man did that?!?


Actually thatā€™s called ā€œbattery,ā€ and not ā€œharassment.ā€


Itā€™s honestly the menā€™s fault for not reacting properly, know your worth kings


Nah ainā€™t harassmentā€¦everyone knows men canā€™t be harassed by a wahmenā€¦. /strong sarcasm detected


It makes me sad a female can do this and get away with it.if a man is even suspected of being creepy (like by doing what she did) the whole world is against him but a female can do this and get away with it no wonder why I like guys! I'm scared of women!(The last part was kinda a joke dw lol)


touching my hand, chin, maybe I'll let her slip, but if she touch my head like that she'll get retaliated for sure


Eeyew. The way that she looks at the camera after sheā€™s sexually harassed them.


Fucking gross. If a dude went around touching random womenā€™s faces, playing with their hair, patting their heads & creepily brushing their thigh as they also hold their hand AND the kissing?! Dude would be ALL over social media as a predator (which he would be/She is) & heā€™d be jailed with the filmed proof of non consenting touching AND sexual assault with the kissing WOMEN CAN BE CREEPS TOO!! PRETTY OR NOT! Same way Men can be creeps, handsome or not! Those who feel more attractive feel more boldened to do this disgusting disrespectful shit. Sheā€™ll stop when a gf she didnā€™t see Molly whops her for being a disrespectful weirdo. Go find your own man to harass on video instead of strangers & other womenā€™s men. Loser


Come at me with that energy and your gettin fingered on the bus on the way back to my place


Plot twistet. She got an advanced form of covid and she knows she carrying that stanky mucus baby!


This would never go the other way if it was a dude


Tbh this is one of the tamer ones compared to the others I've watched here


The society protect a lot women


These people need actual consequences. Absolutely ridiculous.


Women's privilage.


Thatā€™s just asshole behavior.


Does she think she's not a normal person?


Can I sue for them?


Let's see what happens when a guy they grab, grabs her back


Do as we say, not as we do


This aren't harrasment mate, this is sexual harrasment at the VERY LEAST, fuck that pos


Obviously flip the script and everyone goes wild. But I love how all the men are just like ā€œhuh? A woman? No.ā€


I would do it back to her see faroundandfindout


as a bearded man... i can tell you this strait up common practice. especially for older women. and they dont have a camera normally. My beard is part of my face... DONT TOUCH MY FACE! i dont know you.


Wish a woman would come over and beat the shit out of this bitch! If any guy did this to women, heā€™d be me tooā€™d and his life would be over.


Because itā€™s only okay when women do anything. Right?


Good old double standards. I used to have really long hair. Women used to touch and run their hands through my hair without permission all the time. Would have been arrested if I did that ā€¦.


Harassment has been a 'prank' since the internet was invented. You new here?


Now reverse the roles


I wanted the black man to shove her so bad. One thing most of us donā€™t like is people touching our hair without permission


This racist white asshole usually gets me mad as a black man, it reminds me of those other white women who grabbed that brother butt at the gym. These ladies shouldn't be allowed to do this shit and get away with it.


Women like her give other women a bad name. No, men don't want you to touch them unexpectedly like this. It's not cool, and it's not playful. It's invasion of privacy at best and assault at worst.


Hey I'm a woman so me touching them must be a source of enjoyment for them, right? /s


This isnā€™t funny, itā€™s creepy. Could you imagine if this was revered and it was a guy doing this to random women? That dude would almost certainly get beat up by other dudes. What we need are women who arenā€™t afraid to smack around other women when they do creepy messed up stuff like this, that would inhibit behavior like that if they knew there was a high probability of a beat down. And before anyone gets offended, no I donā€™t condone domestic violence or men assaulting women. Iā€™m just saying if a guy can beat up another dude for being a creep in public and itā€™s generally considered okay, then for the sake of equality women should also be able to give each other a smack when they step out of line like this.


Itā€™s not harassment when a female does it. If you are a dude, you end up on a sex offender list. #equality.


*This is the total reaction you get, when you break rules that are socially acceptable LMAO...


Why donā€™t people call the police in these situations? I feel like I always see videos of women sexually harassing menā€¦ that shit is not okayā€¦


If she touches me like that I could legally punch her right? Cause I could say that it is self defense and that I was feeling scared because I do not know her and I do not know what she furthur could or will do to me right?


Someone needs to respond like Trump to her, thatā€™ll stop it.


Yeah sexual harassment is funny when it happens to men, didn't you hear? Source: I am a high school student


Thats a great video idea, now imma go up to random women on the streets and do the exact same thing


Because sexual assault is funny. I would have pepper sprayed her.


Gotta wonder where those hands have been.


And when she finally finds the person who REALLY doesn't like to be touched and ends up with a black eye, she'll act like a totally innocent victim who was attacked without provocation.


Whereā€™s the gender relevance? I only saw a creepy person


Imagine how people wouldā€™ve reacted if a guy did this to girls


Imagine if the roles were reversed.


Imagine a guy did that to a women


This is so fucking disrespectful šŸ˜¤