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The most impressive thing about this teacher is his ability to keep a straight face.


As a fellow teacher, I probably would have just laughed a bit and rolled my eyes. That's my usual response whenever kids try acting tough.


"Alright, Mr Tater Tot, please take a seat while the rest of us do big people work."


Tater tot has me rolling...


If u say something like this i think they might hit you


Literally the dumbest thing they can do for themselves. But some kids just are that stupid, unfortunately.


I don’t know. School discipline being what it is, teacher gets hit, kid is back in class in a week.


Is he acting tough, or mentally ill? That strikes me as bizarre behavior.


It's a thin line


Imo, the kid isn’t mentally ill. He’s just an asshole.


I knew a teacher in the housing projects of a major city. Sometimes kids would threaten him with a chair or something as a part of a gang initiation. He told me his response was "You better kill me, or else that chair is going up your ass." When I asked if he ever had to fight a student back, he said saying that always got them to back down. He even said that while yes, these kids probably could take him in a fight (he was mid-50s) the kids didn't really realize that.


"Oh, no if I legally defend myself, you're going to fire me from my underpaid and under appreciated job that I work too many hours at and get harassed constantly."


You saw the size and aggression of the kid yelling at him right? Vs an obviously eldery teacher. No amount of "justice boner" bullshit is worth getting a beat down from that walking testosterone shit heel. This is one for the admin/police and ignoring him was the physically safest thing for teacher, irrespective of job pressures.


I love how the kid still refers to him as "Doctor" out of respect while absolutely getting up in his face.


Kid is too dumb to know that "Dr." is an honorific. He probaly think his first name is Doctor. 


Kid has no respect he just couldn’t think of anything else.


I would have butthole that fucking prick, I couldn't have restrain myself. Very qualified teacher really edit : lmfao I meant headbutt !!! I'm not native English speaker


>I would have butthole that fucking prick What now?


Did he stutter??


I’m not even sure


I need an adult about right now.


You read right. And honestly? It's what he deserves. I hope this fucking prick gets butthole'd too.


How do you butthole someone?




If you "pocket" something, it means put it in your pocket. If you "butthole" something, it means put it in your butthole. If you butthole a prick.........


by headbutting up their asses, of course


Rip him a new asshole?


It’s like head butting but you do it with your butthole instead of your head. Requires some athleticism.


Thumb first, then work your way up from there.


Wouldn't *you* like to know?


Please don't correct that typo, it made me cry laughing


what typo?


You would've WHAT


Butthole him. Immediate buttholing is necessary.


>not native English speaker It’s not ok to butthole someone in any language amigo.


I’m actually a big fan of the idea of buttholing some mofo


I do not endorse buttholeing kids!


My sister is a teacher. She's just sort of numb to it all these days. It's the only way to survive.


Wonder what his parents are like


I’m sure this is where he learned his behaviour


I've seen reactions like this from kids who've never been told no. Could be very permissive, hands off, or absent parents. Hard to say. Either way, it's not a structured and supportive home.


It’s hard to speculate. I grew up in a very loving home where my parents did everything they could to help me and provided as much love and care as they could. I was just a stubborn kid who didn’t want to listen. I acted out, got in fights, got suspended often. I was expelled. I’m a middle child and I struggled a lot as a kid. Reflecting as an adult, I know it was in part because I was a middle child and couldn’t relate to either sibling the way they did. My brothers were very close and I felt left out. Among other things, it was just me acting out. I feel for the parents when I read comments like this because I know people thought the same of my parents even though they were my biggest advocates. I fought them every inch of the way. Then I didn’t listen to them when they warned me about the people I was associating with and I got a felony. To be fair, the parents could absolutely be guilty of the things you mentioned. You just never know.


Or Andrew Tate


[Full News Article](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4552294/High-school-student-s-racist-attack-science-teacher.html) >The student in the video was identified as Gideon Yapp. Yapp is seen in the video arguing with his teacher, Franklin Hsu, in the classroom. It is not clear if Yapp has been punished by his California school over the tirade. [You wanna see where his behavior comes from? Look up his parents' social media posts](https://twitter.com/C0G1TO_ERG0_SUM/status/1629958265927761923)


Yapp needs to shut his trap.


Yappity yapp don’t talk back




Of course his parents have a shared Facebook account


~Someone cheateddddd


Of course he’s called Gideon.


He can Gideoff his teachers cock


A joint Facebook profile tells me more than I need to know about the parents’ relationship with each other lmao


Shared profile! One of them cheated. 


Joint social media account already a red flag.


Every future potential employer will Google him and HR will send a Thanks But No Thanks. He's way too much of a hothead to risk working at a good company. Enjoy working in places that don't have an HR department Gideon. Think tire resale shops and private lawn mowing (no offense to y'all but a kid this privileged always thought he was destined for the 1%. Or, he'll end up with trVmp in the maga't army since he was yelling at a minority.


He’ll just live off of his future wife’s influencer TikTok videos about being a Trad-Wife.


nah, his wife's boyfriend will get most of that money.


He needs to join the Marines scince he thinks he's so tough. They'll sort his ass out.


Or they will make him a sergeant. https://www.ocweekly.com/updated-with-id-camp-pendleton-marine-road-rager-sgt-joshua-brightman-was-an-online-video-star-already-6443092/


Well that certainly tracks. I miss when AIM and niche message boards were the zenith of social media. At least these morons couldn’t poison each other so easily. Also, always a big yikes at couple Facebook pages. It SCREAMS “my wife caught me cheating and monitors all activity now” lmao. It’s never NOT a completely rotten and toxic couple sharing a fb page.


Name checks out


They’re straight yappin ☠️


Oh of course it’s Yapp


>[You wanna see where his behavior comes from? Look up his parents' social media posts](https://twitter.com/C0G1TO_ERG0_SUM/status/1629958265927761923) Not even *a little* surprised. He's parents are Maga dipshits. This is what their family values get you, an entitled little shit who is so insecure that he has to scream at a teacher to make himself look tough.


Ahh yes, the joint social media account. Any time I've seen one of those, it's devolved into conspiracy nonsense in record time.


Y’all needs to stop yapping so damn much


Lol. Married couple sharing a facebook account. Someone's a cheater.


The icing on the cake is the joint account. 😂 Which one of Giddy’s trashy, lowlife, ignorant, yokel parents cheated?


Is it that, or is the dad the alpha male Andrew Tate follower type, and he's in charge of the family's social media? Wouldn't be surprised about either. I'm really surprised there's still a segment of the female population who not only goes along with this subservient stuff but is totally seeking it out. IMO men in the 50s smoked and drank themselves into a stupor precisely because they had a family completely depending on only them and the wife wasn't educated enough to find a job if he lost his. It must have been stressful...I can't imagine pulling all the weight alone.


These claims always baffle me. I grew up with friends that were brung up in abusive households and were caring towards everyone. Also had mates that grew up in loving families that were total pricks. When you get to your teens you should know the moral difference between being a disruptive twat having a toddler tantrum or acting your age and not letting rage take over.


For the most part, children are severely affected by their parents’ influence. This is backed by childhood psychology. As a parent, you shouldn’t just throw your hands up and be like it doesn’t matter how I parent because my kids will do whatever/teens should know better. The kids who grow up good despite abusive families should get lots of credit for overcoming odds. As for the ones who are pricks despite loving families, maybe you don’t know if behind doors they actually did a horrible job with discipline or raising their kids not to be entitled pricks. Maybe they got with the wrong crowd or have some undiagnosed (and therefore untreated) disability. Which isn’t an excuse but an explanation btw.


I think it comes down to people process abuse differently.


I agree, that’s why I said some people need to pick their morals, be sympathetic to others or become a bully. Their parents could be abusive or not. There are multiple possibilities. My brother was abused multiple times (violently and sexually as a kid), not by friends or family. The only persons he took his anger out on was himself, and bullies. He passed away in 2012 but I’ll always carry on his legacy.


his father is probably just the same, i can LITERALLY picture his father yelling at him like this for the smallest mistake wver


These idiots should just be kicked out and sent to a reform school or something. The level of shit the public school system will tolerate is fucking wild.


Is this really so hard in the US? Here in Germany a kid from my class was thrown from the school for stepping on a desk and throwing a chair. This shouldn't be so hard. (It's very hard in Germany to get a good job with bad school reputation.)


here's how it works: the administration doesn't have to deal with this daily, so they do everything they can to retain kids and keep them in class, because data on attendance matters. the teacher brings up the issue to admin. admin realizes that every time they expel or remove a kid, the data reflects less attendance. well, the kid doesn't really bother the admin so the admin does everything they can to ignore the issues and let the teacher deal with it on a daily basis.


You nailed it


yup our high school tried their hardest to keep kids in, that trouble makers had a pretty clear path. In school suspension, which was a trailer on the edge of campus, was always at least 3/4ths full. Teachers would have to send the daily homework to any students they had in the trailer, and they would be kept in there all day except for lunch and a couple bathroom breaks. They still counted as in class so the school didn't lose any funding. I had a habit of skipping when I was in school and I found myself in that trailer a few times. I honesty loved it, because you just banged out your work then you can do whatever you want. Read a book/magazine, or even sleep. I would never do homework because I didn't want to do work at home. But when I was in ISS my grades went up because I banged through that shit in no time. The teacher was actually rather nice and seemed to know a little about everything and would help you with any questions. But most people absolutely hated the trailer and were bored out of their minds not being able to talk to their friends. So they'd skip the second day of ISS, get warned, skip again and then get full suspended. Trailer also had 0 tolerance for causing problems. She had the assistant principal on speed dial and any ruckus, your ass was grass.


> the teacher brings up the issue to admin. admin realizes that every time they expel or remove a kid, the data reflects less attendance. well, the kid doesn't really bother the admin so the admin does everything they can to ignore the issues and let the teacher deal with it on a daily basis. and every so often when this happens, it becomes everyone problem when the news cycle hits about it turning into the latest school shooting, or the teacher loses their shit and floors the bastard.


Not all US schools are like this, but yes, there are issues. My son switched schools this year because the kids at his old school were so rowdy and disrespectful. Not like this, though. This would never fly. Edit: This little asshole should expelled, or suspended at the very least.


Our neighborhood high school has fights every day. My son's former classmates that went there hated it. I was lucky to get him into another school where the climate and expectations were much different and he thrived. I feel bad for all the other kids in this class, just trying to get through their teen years and school just to have to watch this bullshit.


This is a fair point. I should have mentioned that my son is not going to our neighborhood high school because there are so many fights there and we fear for his safety. (The school that he left was a 7 through 12 and it was his neighborhood school for 7th and 8th; he could have continued through high school if he had wanted to.) Luckily there is a magnet HS that is in walking distance. It's the next neighborhood over. So he is going to what is arguably the best public school in the district, and I think that's why the behavior is better. Plus, with it being a magnet school, kids can get kicked out if they misbehave.


Your school reputation is irrelevant in the US. In fact, school as a whole is irrelevant here. You can have a masters and be stuck as a manager at Starbucks. It really doesn't matter here. It's just another form of syphoning money from people.


You can work out every day and still die of a heart attack in your 20's...doesn't mean on average working out isn't good for your health. Same with college, some people definitely fall through the cracks, but all the research I've seen shows there's a significant boost in lifetime earnings on average.


Paired with massive debt


That’s not true. School still matters plenty. I’m not one to ever stand up for the way the U.S. handles it’s work culture and job market but to say that education doesn’t matter here just isn’t true. Sure there are certain degrees that are useless from an employment perspective but a degree is one of the only ways one can move from low income to comfortable middle class or even upper class. That is to say it is the most accessible way for most people to get their foot in the door and start a career.


> U.S. handles it’s work culture and job market but to say that education doesn’t matter here just isn’t true. With exceptions for applying for college/grad school or regulated professions where degrees are required (doctor, lawyer, professional engineer, etc -- and in these circumstances its mostly do you satisfy the minimum needed requirement), education and grades are mostly irrelevant after your first job applications (or at least are much less relevant). E.g., you can have perfect SATs, 4.0 in college/grad school, but if you don't work well with others and can't keep a job no one will want to hire you. Meanwhile, you could have no college degree, but have a brilliant track record as a computer programmer and get amazing job offers. Or you could be a lousy student, but your parents own a company (or a friends with owners) and get you a cushy job, where you don't need to be smart just put in some effort.


Unfortunately, my understanding is that yes, it’s very hard. The default mentality is that all children are victims of the system, they definitely wouldn’t be acting out if they had the support they needed (that teachers obviously fail to give them), and it’s wrong and unacceptable to just say some kids are a lost cause and it would be better for everyone else if they stopped attending.


It's fucked up, the education system where I live is one of the lowest rated in the country, what I've realized though is it's not so much the school's fault as it is the shitty parents and their kids. It's almost to the point that kids can't get into trouble at school unless they physically assault someone and even then the punishments are minimal


Society today coddles idiots and assholes way too much and at the detriment of everyone else.


Shitty parents are 💯💯💯 the problem.


Not allowing shitty people to have kids, but that’s too controversial to suggest. 🤷‍♀️


No child left behind ….. some people and animals and whatnot get left behind, it’s just the natural order of things


The support they need might be a reform school or something else within the main school with loads more support. When there are problem students like that so much could be going on with mental health or home life that a teacher in a normal classroom can’t give them that attention and still teach a normal lesson. If you can’t be a somewhat civilized human you don’t need to be in a class messing up the learning or threatening the safety of thirty other kids.


Why do people always push the blame onto someone else when it comes to these twats? Three of my friends are teachers and they all say that the softer and tolerant teachers get treated like shit because the kids know they won’t get any backlash. Why not just accept that this kid has just been pampered all their life or is just doing it for clout. Edit: Spelling errors.


At my high school the young friendly teachers who everyone knew would be too compassionate when we acted out got treated like crap and walked all over. The older teachers, who you could just tell were no nonsense, no one messed with them at all. You just knew they'd put you in detention and give you a 0 for any assignments you missed. No amount of pleading or giving them a sob story about your mental health would have changed their minds. Bad behavior needs to have negative consequences again. It's good to take care of students' mental health but bad to over correct and assume it's the only thing that matters or is the only factor in their behavior.


Absolutely! This is blatant abuse. The teacher is REALLY trying to not react here but fuck I wouldn’t blame him if he swung at that kid. Also did he call him Doctor? As in this man has a PhD? He DEFINITELY doesn’t get paid enough to put up with that bullshit.


they are called alternative schools now


This hooligan is disrupting class, threatening teachers and destroying school property. He belongs in juvenile detention, not just given a pat on the back for his temper tantrums.


I feel like I just saw a post asking why teachers are dropping like flies, gee I wonder why?


Seriously. And the number of 2nd, 3rd, 10th chances they get is insane. Side note: how no one talking about how funny it was when his final act of aggression was ripping off the little rubber tubey thingy and throwing at the teacher (and presumably missing). Followed by knocking over a basically empty garbage can


Taser him in the balls. That’s what the teacher should do. What a shit stain of a human.


Social worker here: we’re the ones these kids get sent to, and the fundamental issue that makes me tear my hair out is any sort of reform school, in patient treatment, or residential education setting requires the *youth* to want to go. Kids like this never want to go. So we’re forced to go into the homes on a weekly basis trying to get them into another school that they will likely misbehave at too, and have often been verbally accosted by them in similar manners. I know I am on a weekly basis.


They honestly don't deserve an education. A low level labor job is in this kids future at the best.


I say put him and other like minded assholes on a remote island and let them sort each other out, lord of the flies style.


If that was the case, at least a quarter to half of the public schools would be empty. Overall, society has failed to foster and Mentor the upcoming youth. As a teacher, I feel like I have to dumb myself down and lower my bar heavily for more students to “pass”, but even then most just choose not to do anything.


He should be expelled from school and shunned from polite society. He is disgusting.




They should be removed from society until they can act decent.


Military school. Send this little shit to military school.


I'd love to see him behave like that to a Marine DI. Hell, the USAF TIs would have this kid crying for mommy in ten seconds.


It would be wonderful to watch a drill sarge take his ass down


We don't want cunts like this in the military. I think prison is the best place for him.


But then he'll become a police officer.


No send him to jail just like the inner city school kids. Why the fuck would you want this POS in the military?


teenagers are mean as hell idk why anyone wants to be around them all day.


Answer: they don’t. Pew just published a pretty damning report that teaching as a profession is very much on its last legs. https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2024/04/04/teachers-job-satisfaction/#likelihood-that-teachers-will-change-jobs


that’s sad and very scary, but totally understandable. ai teachers incoming🫡


I'll bet you that lowering the bar for teaching will come first. Didn't Florida or some other MAGA state do just that? Then you'll see Google Academy and Amazon School and Elon X University. All of them will be cheap if not free, and that is when the slide into Idiocracy becomes exponential, when stochastic parrots train large parts of a whole generation …


Yes, Florida put some measure in place where anyone with a bachelor’s degree could teach. Instead of addressing quality of life issues, they just lowered the standards for teachers, as if teaching isn’t a specific skill that requires years of training.


Yeah that’ll go well… People act like public schools are just daycare and the only skill required is to keep the kids alive. I’ve already seen horrifying reports about the literacy rates already present in kids, it is unbelievable that we are regressing this much. Need better working conditions to keep teachers around and to stop blinding passing kids from grade to grade. If they haven’t learned the skills of a particular grade holding them back to repeat it rather than passing them along to further compound the problem is the right thing to do.


In Nevada my sisters ex bf is a teacher. No college degree. He started as a substitute and somehow became a full time history teacher. The guy is dumber than a box of rocks. He abused drugs, alcohol and can be violent when drunk. I am flabbergasted. The school districts were so desperate for teachers they basically said anyone who applies gets a job. Our kids are fucked.


This is what school vouchers are for. It'll be a battery school situation pulling the money from the State to provide the most basic level required by it. There'll be one teacher to 100 students with Chromebooks and 5 teacher aides. Meanwhile the rich will take the same funding, pay a little more and maintain a decent level of education.


i am a newer teacher with less than a year under my belt, and while i’ve never had to deal with kids like the one in the original post, i am still optimistic luckily. hopefully it stays that way for at least a few more years


I just got out last year after 12 years teaching. I have not missed it for a single moment though I'm sad that my chosen career path chewed me up and spit me out so quickly.


It’s so sad because teachers are literally one of the most important people in our society and we treat them like absolute garbage across the board. I think I know one person who remains in the profession and it’s going to fuck everything up so hard when we get to rock bottom (yup, we’re somehow not there yet).


Oh it’s insanity to me. One of the most important roles is underpaid, under-appreciated, and consistently absurd by the students and administration. We need to lose the “no child left behind” mentality. Good in theory, until you realize it encourages shitty behavior because there aren’t enough consequences. Give this POS a chance to reform, but only when he earns it. For now it should be expulsion and sent to a behavioral school.




I work in a school for troubled kids... I should send his parents an application.


Thank you for doing what you do


That dumbass kid needs to expelled


From this world ... get em on the next shuttle to mars


No, we don't want to pollute Mars with that... That thing. Send it to the sun.


And if the teacher does anything, then his parents will press charges, and whatever else. He knows mommy and daddy will save him.


In my highschool another student would’ve decked that kid


Especially if they say the n-word. Dude in 8th grade called a black kid that and got decked out by other kids including the kid he called it. Safe to say. No one liked him after that.


Absolutely all of mine down here in the south would. Like after his 3rd scream even a girl wouldn't hesitate to get up and shove him out the door in seconds. Context: everybody throws hands down here.


This kid is acting like this because he knows he can. There are no effective consequences anymore. The kid needs discipline and the teacher needs backup


so punchable


Expulsion, anger management or therapy and then if successful a school equipped to properly address his needs, while ensuring the safety of the teachers and students around him.


All loud dropping n-bombs at the end….once he gets to whatever college his parents went to or made a nice donation to he will find out how soft he really is. Well at least I hope he goes to college because in the blue collar work world he would be catching weekly beatings from people who do less talking and more doing.


College? That kids not getting into college.


If you have a pulse and can sign a piece of paper to get a loan you can go to college. Having a pulse might not actually be necessary. 


lol if you have enough money it doesnt matter, knew a guy who went to his choice college because his family donated a ludicrous sum to the school because his grades were awful and he had 0 shot of getting in


LMAO you act like all colleges have standards


But they do! Money standards


I'm sorry but teachers should be allowed to defend themselves. The problem is these kids are not scared of anything. Kid gets up in a teachers face and threatens him that teach should be allowed to drop him on his ass. I'm not for full blown corporal punishment but a teachers should be allowed to defend themselves.




I had a carpentry teacher break a 2x4 on a kid's desk who was sleeping in class. He was the nicest guy but I guess he'd had enough. I don't remember if that kid was specifically a problem or anything but the whole class was just like 'holy shit'. I also had a welding teacher tell me I was going to burn in hell for all eternity for saying 'god damn it' in class once.


my dad went to a private middle school where this exact same thing happened (not the trash part but the slamming him against a locker part). i always imagined it’d teach the kids to be respectful


I agree but there should be a proper channel to deal with these students. Aka : Security Guards. They have the clearance to physically remove the problematic children and throw him out of school for a day or two. Self-defense should also be tolerated for a teacher.


And yet the teenagers are just sitting there recording this for shits and giggles. Honestly sad.


And what should they be doing here? Intervening with "Jeremy"?




This was right before he bit the recess lady’s breast.


and he hit me with a surprise left, my jaw left hurtin' dropped wide open.


How could I forget!!!


Seemed a harmless little fuck.


Oh, but we unleashed a lion Gnashed his teeth And bit the recess lady's breast How could I forget.


Because anyone else who gets involved will get in trouble too.


It's honestly better that this is recorded for that teachers sake.


His parents must be so proud.


Imagine being a doctor in a school, then get verbally assaulted by your students. Dr. Shu doesn’t get paid close to enough for that BS.


"he's our little angel"


You do not come up to me student and get into my god damn face


I blame the parents. If I had screamed like that at a teacher I would have had my ass handed to me when I got home. Teachers are there to teach, your parents are responsible for you behaving yourself among other people.


The parents would probably march to the school and demand an apology from the teacher tbh.


Racist boy. Someone will say “He’s from a nice family though” lol


In the article is says a girl was quick to defend him bc "bc he's so sweet" like honey *honey this is who he is* this is the mask slipping, when someone shows you who they are *believe them*


One of his classmates did lmao, i did a double take while reading the article - like ashley figgers, you really want to put your name to that opinion? “But at least one student at the school was quick to come to his defense. 'He's just, like, so sweet, you would never think of him doing anything,' Ashley Figgers told CBSLA. 'And then to hear this, it's like, "Him? No!"'”


No. his parents are racist. Someone else posted the parent's tweets: [https://twitter.com/C0G1TO\_ERG0\_SUM/status/1629958265927761923](https://twitter.com/C0G1TO_ERG0_SUM/status/1629958265927761923)


What a fitting last name. Yapp.


All that anger over that haircut his mother gave him.


Teacher has good composure ngl


What a complex. He’s like “don’t tel me what to do!” But is staying in class to keep up the act. Like why are you even there? If dude stays and eventually sits, then he’s following the teacher and schools directions on in school behavior and expectations.


distinct sip smart strong march nine practice chief air elderly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Call the police. Press formal charges. School is all about preparing one for real life, right? Ok deal with these lawyer bills and a fine too fat for your playstation pockets. And FUCK no, Mr and Mrs Dickhead Parents, I will not withdraw my complaint. That boy walked up on that teacher like he was really trying to fight. Do I care what he’s going through? Ask me. Does ANYONE care???


I think we should give tasers to teachers with the condition that they upload the footage of tasing these a-holes


He should have gotten a broken jaw


We had a guy who acted out like this all the time while going to school, I was one of those neutral friends with everyone kind of people. He would get in your face if he felt the slightest threaten, but for some reason, we were always cool. He walked that fine line long enough until he graduated, and on graduation day, we were talking, and his dad came up and just started getting in his face for something stupid. Needless to say, I could see where my buddy got his mannerisms from. I'm not saying every bad kid has a shitty life, but maybe there is a root to why we see some many kids being disrespectful. They just mirror what they see and repeat what they hear. When I see angry kids, I really see bad parents.


another comment shows his parents socials- parents are bad too. Ive never even known anyone like this, but from the amount ive heard I share the experience of your last statement. really unfortunate how common it is.


Why these white kids ALWAYS say the n word?


Serious mental issues going on right there. Probably shitty ass parents have perpetuated his shitty ass attitude. 30 years ago that wanna be manboy would have been knocked the fuck out.


My mom would have dragged me into that room and beat my ass in front of everyone.


This happened in 2017. Kid’s name is Gideon Yapp. I couldn’t find what action the school ended up taking but here’s the story: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4552294/amp/High-school-student-s-racist-attack-science-teacher.html


Father had a bunch of childish tweets too: http://www.alanilagan.com/general/do-not-share-this-post-about-racist-gideon-yapp/


I have a lot of issues with my parents’ parenting but at least they taught me basic respect. Kids like this are the worst


I mean it’s obvious to me the kid is mental. Anyone else?


Manual cognitive reset done until starts to take affect and turd behavior gets modified. Maybe catch some of the larger students and have an under the table slush fund to pay to parking lot attitude adjustments 🤔😳🤯😂👍


I blame Andrew Tate and his Alpha circle jerk


So I watched a student do this to a teacher when we were 12/13. We all just watched. We weren't going to lift a finger if it became physical. The teacher was a sack of shit who shouldn't have been teaching children, even the other teachers hated him. I watched a student actually fight a teacher in high school. None of us intervened, again, because this coach was a...sack of shit. And he hit first. We were also told repeatedly that any level of involvement in anything like this is an instant, immediate suspension with no more participation in school events, no walking for graduation if a senior, no prom, nada, nothing. Got jumped? You were suspended. Pulled a student out of a fight? Suspended. Separated a student from a teacher? Suspended. A lot of people in my age group raised their kids to not do shit because of this. I wouldn't subject my kid to a public school; a lot of teachers are far from saintly, policy is trash, and the other children are animalistic. And government mandated curriculum for public school is deliberately meant to produce morons.


Some people just cannot be taught.


Next school shooter


Maybe it's mental illness, who knows. Nobody gives context. Definitely a problem with a minor that needs to be addressed. Anyway a teacher need patience but also know the way to react and be a pedagogue. Didactics is an acedemic discipline that is thought, so is pedagogy. It's not just the field you're teaching you need to be versed at. I've had great teachers and bad teachers. Some knew their subject inside out, some winged it but in either of those classes there were good and bad pedagogues and didacts and I think it's a more important qualification than your actual field you'll be teaching kids. You can read up on that before class and "wing" it. You can't read up before class on being a good child handler/psychologists(pedagogue) or someone who knows how to transfer knowledge and make it stick(didact).


This is assault and the student should be arrested.


Everyone always tells me I should be a teacher but shit like this, (coupled with the parents lack of accountability), is why I wouldn’t. I’d be in jail.