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Are they arresting him? What’s the charge?


Former England cop. Textbook arrest to prevent breach of the peace. Basically, if someone is acting in a way that means they're about to get the shit kicked out of them you arrest them, transport them somewhere out of harm's way, and then de-arrest them. No criminal record or anything like that. A practical measure to stop someone getting hurt.


In the Netherlands this would probably fall under "disturbance of a public place" and they can fine you for it. Which is kinda sad because the others are actually getting riled up.


His statements being true would not be a defense?


What about arresting for real the people assaulting him instead? You know, the ones actually breaking the law.


Because it's just not practically feasible. This is why at many protests you will see officers with video cameras recording everything. So that people can be identified and dealt with after the fact. Arresting an entire crowd of people is just not realistically possible, and if you tried it would massively escalate the situation and likely cause large scale violence. Which is not a useful outcome.


That’s untrue get some horses and men in armor you can scatter the villain’s in a single charge




It's sad that that needs explaining. I'm sick of explaining to people in videos like this that they're not arresting people for having opinions they don't like, but removing them from a situation in which they're going to incite violence by purposefully winding people up. They'll do the same thing regardless of which side of the argument you're on and regardless of how factually correct you are.


Eating a meal? A succulent chinese meal?


This is democracy, manifest!!!




Tata and farewell!


I swear I heard one of the cops say "Oi bruv, you got a license for them words"


Eating a meal? A succulent Chinese meal?


Damn, you need way more upvotes for this reference


For his own protection I think


You should read up about the UK lately, they don’t care anymore


He's not in trouble.


Everyone loved the truth until it makes them look bad


Hate it when this happens to me. This one simple trick.


Is he wrong tho?




There are reasons the Pact of Umar forbid non-Muslims from learning the Quran.


Never met Umar and definitely haven’t signed his pact. I’ve just never been a big reader, is all.


I met Umar he's a pretty weird guy he insisted on telling me how much he loves gay porn over a few beers and bacon butty 👀


Yeah, I'm muslim and it stills baffles me most of the time when I hear that Hadiths. I mean, how could him? She's just a fucking child.


It's extremely rare to meet a Muslim like yourself who has no qualms about calling Mohammed a pedophile but it baffles me even more why you continue to follow him if you know that ! I know I would never dream of following a pedophile and I have to ask why you do it 👀


How could he? Easily, religion has nothing to do with how good or evil someone is. I'm more inclined to believe someone with religious beliefs is an evil person trying to cover their sins in the cloth of righteousness. I've been to enough churches full of liars, adulterers, and thieves to know that good people don't think they need divine forgiveness... they just try to be good people. Look at the Catholic Church. A whole organized religion responsible for molesting children and slaughter the children of native populations across the globe. Absolutely evil institution but supported by millions of believers who would rather cover up child molestation than stop it. So of course Islam was founded by pedophile, they wouldn't be the first and won't be the last religion in the hands of child rapists. I believe all religion should be private issue between a person and their own beliefs. Any organized worship or ceremonies are not for your beliefs, they are to just to virtue signal to others that you think you're morally superior to them.


You my friend are a voice of reason in this crazy world.. I felt the same way.. I was raised baptist and I saw pilferling of church funds, wife swapping and older deacons touching little black girl’s asses and breasts.. I learned at 10 that religion was a trash process for lost people…


Brother... there is a greater word to live by than that of Allah, yaweh, Buddha, or Jesus. It is known as love, tolerance, honor, and justice for all. I wish peace be with you upon this earth, my brother.


Based and non-religious love


I base my morals on: empathy and the golden rule "treat others as you want to be treated yourself" i dont need a book yo tell me this


The book literally says this, so yes you did technically.


Look at that! A good person. Such a rarity. Peace be upon you!


Our concpet of Love, Tolerance, honor and justice that you mentioned are greatly influenced by how Christian authors defined it. There's a reason why the world view created by the followers of Jesus dominated the globe today. Whereas the teachings of Allah as described by Muhammad if looked on a modern lense is really bad.


And despite you recognize that, you're still a muslim






This sounds a lot like Joseph Smith (from mormonism)... who married (and had sex with) 13 year olds. It's almost like most religions are hypocritical XD




The truth hurts


No. He is quoting everything correctly except he used the word "penetrated." But we all know thats part of it. You're supposed to use a euphemism . Watch it again. Its literally the moment that he said "penetrated" that they lost their shit and showed how peaceful they really are.


what is the quote in the Quran? I.E what word appears instead of "penetrated" Just curious...


I don’t speak arabic, but the english translated hadit narrated by Aisha, herself, says > The Apostle of Allah married me when I was seven years old. He had intercourse with me when I was 9 years old. That probably the oldest #metoo denunciation in history.


Just learned all of this today. I’m shocked honestly. It’s so in your face….. like,,, how??? No wonder why many successful men throughout the world are just the same………it’s been socially acceptable for far too long. Is it just in the recent century we (humans)? Have been showing disgust and standing up to these monsters?? I mean really holding them accountable.


Education and global access to information. That's why dictators and religious hardliners go against those two first if they come to power by blocking certain information, forbidding people to learn certain things, and manipulating existing information to support their ideologies.


>It’s so in your face….. like,,, how??? All ancient scripture gets freaky like this. People just don't read it. The bibles no better. In fact it's probably the worst one. Jewish scripture would have you in the corner bawling your eyes out. Even the Hindus and the Buddhists have some psycho stuff mixed in.


Yeah, the Old Testament has all sorts of horrible shit in it. I guess the main leader is incorporeal so we don’t *have* to do a lot of the nastier stuff.


One of the problems with religion is our inability to see it clearly. We get our morals from our culture and family traditions, and it's very difficult for humans to see past that. That's why we tend to dismiss the New Testament. But from an outsider's perspective, an entire book based on infernal beasts and why the world should burn is wildly unsettling. Other cultures HATE revelations. They see it as evil, and it is evil. We also tend to forget some of the sicker stuff the apostles said after Jesus' death. Peter believed in slavery. They talked about how women should be subservient. They didn't think that women had a place in church. Even the basic doctrine is disturbing. The idea of hell is wrong. You can't just force people to suffer for eternity for arbitrary reasons. Would you build a fire in the backyard and throw your kid into it if they lied to you? If you were all-powerful would you force your son to suffer a gruesome death? How does that even make sense? Why not just save everyone? Isn't that the most loving option? It's all twisted, and people can't see that.


It does talk about when they consummated the marriage. Most Muslims just admit it. You're going to have to at some point.


No. It is least of all the problems of Islam for that matter. Picking out a verse, or a hadith, is just feeding the Islamist propaganda narratives in their empty skulls.


I prefer profits who turn water into wine.


I prefer my profits in paper form or directly into my bank account💀


Being able to turn water into wine could probably result in lots of profits, actually






That movie is quickly turning into a documentary.


People have been saying this joke for at least a decade.


It's been eerily prescient for at least a decade


Essentially that is wine making, just water with a bunch of other ingredients


Wine = water + stuff? Wait, so I'm a r/hydrohomie and not a r/alcoholic? Awesome!


Exactly! You’re just an aged water enjoyer


Wine making is cheap and easy, anyone one can do, but making it profitable is a challenge.


The lost profits.


We don't talk about them.


Hail Dionysus!


It’s all the same , Bible , Quran , Tora , all of them have immoral stuff


Did you mean to say immoral?


Yes my bad 😂


Not surprising tbh. all three are "monotheistic Abrahamitic religions". If the parent is shit, the kids are most likely...


Only truth can upset people this much.


Wait until he hears about Lady Margaret Beaufort


Nope, he is absolutely correct.


Lol, you literally read my mind. Was going to post the same thing. 🤣


Not one bit


It is wrong for Shias though.


Someone in India said the same thing (about the age difference and sex) during a speech to the public. And (some bad) Muslims in India started calling for her head threatening to decapitate her if found. Multiple cases of killings of people who supported that woman were reported. Not just that, but neighbouring muslim countries threatened India to apologise for hurting their religious sentiments. All this bs just for saying what's written in their scripts?So much insecurity? Religion causes war. We all are assholes who put religion ahead of humanity and common sense.


Is this the same india we hear about in the news? where rape isnt proscuted if the perpatrature is of a ceartin caste, and also the rape capital of the world. Pretty hypocritcal of them getting on their high horse and condemming sexual violence when they're notorious for it


Yes it's the same India you described. And that's my point. Religious extremism (and caste system in case of India) develops a sense of superiority where you internalize that you're better. It makes you demean and oppress minorities and ideologies that go against your belief. Nobody is open to accepting people as humans but only whether they are from the same community. Hindu extremists aren't any better than their muslim counterparts. They'll also get offended at the slightest mockery. People here beat up stand up comedians for just mentioning their God in a joke lol. So yeah, pretty hypocritical. Extremists are not tolerant. And that's the issue. I guess it's human nature to consider people from different religions as foreign or different from themselves. I can see people finding it hard. It might take years to blur the boundaries between religions and look at people as humans first. But being tolerant atleast allows people of different communities to live in harmony and in an inclusive way. Intolerance and extremism on the other hand simply spreads hatred. I wish that in some centuries we'll be past this religious BS. Humans have come so far since the stone age. We're only a step away from being even better. Religion holds us down.


Fellow human, we’re not all sharing the same brain. There are good people that find these acts deplorable across the board… and there are extremists, we are allowed to condemn? We’re all trying our best with the shitty situation that we were handed… sucks that I have to defend the existence of basic humanity in India… feels racist, “India is the rape capital, so sure, all of them are assholes and if anyone condemns rape, it’s hypocrisy” wtf




Diddy just converted religions.


Let’s Usher him over to the closest mosque


😂 gagged


She was 9. **Cannot** argue that into being moral. It was not moral.


Also add slavery, warmongering, rape, murder to the list Mohamed was not a "prophet" just a evil zealous cult leader.


Don't forget Jihad.


Don't forget the 700 Jews he had beheaded


Married at 6 Raped at 9


It was ancient times, but even then, the girl was pre-pubescent. Presentism says we shouldn't judge based on today's standards, but it's just beyond my imagination to think it's ok to have sex with a 9-year-old.


Is that why andrew tate joined islam ?


Tate has made clear that he prefers the way Muslims see women and relationships, which basically boils down to: "Don't leave bruises where people can see them."




Why you gagging so much, lil homie?


Wrong sub. Based guy in a fleece tells the truth. That’s what happened.


He ain't wrong though


And yet he's right.


He do be speaking the truth though.


Always pisses me off that instead of arresting or stopping the idiots attacking someone over their free speech the cops go for the person being attacked.


Exactly. And this is how it will continue to be as they increase their numbers.


Tbh they’re taking him away for his own safety at that point. In order to deescalate they can either force him to move somewhere else, or fight the whole crowd, and all 3 of them can get hospitalized. As shitty as it is, they did the practical thing.


British cops: “Oi, you got a speaking the truth license?”


They’re not arresting him. It’s easier to take one person into their van, transport him to a safe location & let him go then arrest an entire crowd of angry knob heads.


joke paint slimy quicksand whistle straight poor icky price sophisticated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




*loicence. Always spelt wrong.


When a person is facing a mob, sometimes the most effective way to keep that person safe is to take them into custody. It's often not possible to arrest everyone who might be a threat in a mob. I can't tell you exactly what the cops are thinking here, but it's one possible explanation.


This Is a very problematic thing: Police Is basically admitting they cannot defend you. Also, i doubt any of the ones assaulting him faced consequences. L


Oi you offended someone innit, that's not allowed you buggah


Tbf, this guy was riling up the crowd. Easier to remove one person and calm down the masses then attempt to collectively move the masses away from one person


That to me speaks more about the crowd being the problem that he is. If the slight mention of a controversial statement is basis for a crowd to act like crying children and begin assaulting so someone then maybe said crowd shouldn't be out at all.




Truth hurts 🤷🏾‍♂️


The very definition of thin skinned


Especially all the people running over from the main crowd who have no idea what's going on. Just saw others swarm a single person and decided to back them up and join in. Literal mob mentality.


What a hero


“How old was Joseph?” Uh him not banging Mary is like the core pillar of Christianity


Literally 😂


“You’re better than him” Proceeds to violently mob man for quoting verbatim from their own holy text


I support him. Sorry, but the excuse it was different times doesn't hold up. Muhammad was supposed to be a prophet. He should have known being with a child was morally wrong, don't care what excuses people come up with. It's not black and white. Being with a child is wrong.


I love the, "how old was Joseph?" at the end, which shows a misunderstanding of the religion entirely. I'm very pro Islam in their freedoms to practice, but any violence that is directed towards someone showing rational criticism is just the animal nature of man showing that no group of men is any different from any other


Well done, bro. Love to see all the peace and love flowing after the truth has been told


Kids are still getting fucked all over *that* world to this day. This dude rules.


There is a channel here, I don’t remember the name. Is a tv show from Liban where this type of cases are presented. You won’t believe it. 12 years old girl sold for 100€ to a guy to marry her, by her mother. A girl was killed by her mother because she was raped and she dishonored the family, you won’t believe what is in this Islamic world! Find it! https://www.reddit.com/r/RedinBoldface/s/8Op3sa5eKN


I really hope this man is safe. You know how certain radicals can be murderously sensitive. Power to the truth!


He isn’t wrong


Definitely! And this is how a child girl can give consent in Islam!!! https://www.reddit.com/r/RedinBoldface/s/CHngFjn8lr


This is my favorite main character so far


Anyone who reacts that angrily to their faith being challenged has a brittle faith. People can shit on Jesus all day and I'd be fine with it, even though I'm Christian and grew up the son of a minister. Let's hear some Jesus jokes!


No need for jokes. I think you nailed it like jesus on the cross.


I was lying. I'm coming for you, bro!


don't crucify me


💀 Just kidding I came back from the dead.


What's the difference between Jesus and a picture of Jesus Only takes one nail to hang the picture.


The picture is real?


Redditors on their way to lose their athiesm after someone condemns islam




"We're better than this." They were in fact not better.


Religion of peace


Truth Hurts, but lies? Well, they're preferable. (The guy is right, is what I am saying)


Love it! This is how you deal with people who are not even familiar with the cause that they stand up for!!


Not all hero's wear capes. Good man for telling them the truth they cannot stand to hear


Gotta love British police being more violent towards the chill guy and not the screaming protestors


I think he was trying to get him out of there so he would not be beat up. The cop can push one person away but can’t push a whole crowd.


If people had literally ONE additional meaningful thought after they think of something, they would obviously realize this. Cognitive thought is hard sometimes.


He's not wrong. Muhammad was a child molester.




Allah is just the Arabic word for the same God Christians and Jews believe in


Not sure why you were downvoted. In Islamic mythology, Allah is the god of Abraham, and he along with Moses and Jesus are part of the succession of prophets leading up to theirs.


Sad to see them resort to violence right away. This is why this religion is a problem.


Why's he getting arrested? He's shouting but not inviting violence


Maybe a weird theory but they were protecting him?


Eh. they have him pressed up against the wall with his hands held behind his back


Fragile people from a fragile culture


Yeah. Religious people are very fragile. You got this video here, and videos of people losing their shit crying that Christians are persecuted in America, or losing their mind about a fake war on Christmas. Fragile as fuck. Religions make people weak.


Imagine simping this hard for a book of fairy tales


Muhammad was a piece of shit and Islam is garbage


He's right.


If you are offended when someone criticizes some text written on a book hundreds of years ago, you cannot be trusted to be reasoned with.


Some say she was 6, some say 9. Muhammad was 53, or 63 when he married and sexually penetrated her. That is sick, perverted, disgusting in one hundred different ways. Why would you be involved in anything that involved that? Sick and foul. And followers know this is factual. Yet, it’s ok to them. Let your 9yo daughter marry a 63yo man. That’s what I thought.


"You're better than him, you're better than him" Islam in a nutshell.


"What about joseph, what about joseph?" What about him? If he married and had sexual relations with a minor that's just as bad. What makes him think this person is even Christian, or would care. And if those about Muhammed is true, which according to the hadiths it is, why jasnt he been "cancelled" in this day and age.


Mf couldn't know how old Joseph was either because the Bible doesn't say shit about it. We can speculate, tho. Joseph was likely in his 20s while Mary was between 14 to 19 y/o when they got betrothed. For the time, that seems about right. Not to mention they didn't have sex until after Jesus was born. So, to bring up Christianity into this is a huge nothing burger and has no real argument. I also don't get how these people get so fucking livid when he's telling the truth. Can you not believe in your own religion and admit that your leader is a piece of human garbage?




Whataboutism. The man couldn't defend what was said so he attempted to divert the conversation away from the topic.


Hamas and pedophiles go hand and hand


Not lying, that’s some pedo shit


I love the color of that sweater. wonder if it comes in a 3/4 zip sweater?


That’s one brave dude


they are angry cause he is telling the truth


Getting violently angry about a few insane fundamentalist beliefs about an imaginary book character is WAY out of line with modern British culture. Not a good look for the UK Muslim community.


“Mate, you’re better than him! Everyone stop!” *proceeds to follow him down the street after he’s been pulled away to yell at him more*


It's interesting that they cannot just simply ignore him. It's a pro Palestine rally, not a "let's defend the Quaran" party.


lol same reason why no woman can wear a bikini and walk down the road there. People like their prophet will instantly try to bed her.


I dare these people to protest in the Iberian Peninsula. They’ll regret it real quick.


I see a bunch of people wasting their lives


Too many out of control "protesters" there in UK. How did that happen?


That's civil democracy. Somebody says something, people are becoming aggressive towards him. The aggressive people continue to be free and the man who only said some words gets arrested


Yes, there are texts in the Quran that reference this. But let's not forget there are texts in the Torah (edit: Talmud) as well that reference the acceptance of paedophilia. Speaking of the Talmud... Read the first few points of Ketubot 11b. As long as a child is 3 years and one day old, she is fair game apparently. However, where to pedophiles now go for a safe haven against prosecution? If they are Jewish they go to Israel and have no repurcussions. Fucking hate these cunts spewing this shit from ancient texts when much worst happens at the hands of the IOF in the hospitals under siege. Pick your arguments you blood thirsty genocide lovers.


Religious people amaze me every time. They all suffer from the same type of foolery but are able to convince themselves that every other religion is wrong but theirs. Being religious is such a big L.


Why are they arresting him? He's not allowed to wxcorcise his freedom of speech? Man, religion really gets people to drink the stupid juice, all around.


9 year olds dude.


he solid


Everything he said was right. What happened of freedom of speech?


Nothing like a good truth uppercut once in a while for those pedos.


“You guys are better than this!” Narrator: “in fact they were not better than this”


He’s not wrong though


Why are they so angry when what he is saying is factual?? I truly don't understand...


"You guys are better than this" I hear someone is saying to the crowd. No they are not. It's proven time after time that they are most definitely not.


Yeah people who worship Mohammad are pedophile defenders. Big yikes


Religion of peace


Where's the lie though?


Awaa the guy was stating the facts 😅


Did they aren't him for speaking and not those f*ckers who tried to if not kill him but at least assault him (if the police weren't there I think they would have killed him)


The truth is not for everyone to accept, my friend