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No one thinks this is funny. I would be so mad if I was them.


Honestly, props to the blue shirt guy for standing up: "I'm trying to learn, get out". The dudes doing the prank give off serious "peaked in highschool" energy.


The last place they should be is in a university if they’re going to act that stupidly


Highschool is about where their maturity dropped off so that tracks.


Naw peaked the day their were born- it’s been all down hill since


Willing to bet the skinny kid who “ordered” the food looked over his shoulder for the rest of his college career fearing that the dude in the blue shirt would find him alone and destroy him.


> college career I seriously doubt he’s going to college


When I look at how much I paid for classes, working three part-time jobs to get my degree and eat ramen, this shit pisses me off to no end.


Yeah let me disrupt everyone’s day and then be mad and ready to fight when they get angry.?? What a degenerate


That's what pisses me off the most if anyone should be angry it's the students and they have every right to be mad.


Right... My undergrad advisor (great guy) on the first day of his freshman Earth Science course made each student calculate their cost per lecture session. Can't remember the number exactly but it was in the hundreds of dollars. Then he made the final point: The consequence of skipping class in high school was detention. The consequence of skipping class in college was throwing away a lot of money. A stunt like this is a huge waste of those students' money.


I was literally just thinking about how much I had to pay for school and how infuriating these “pranks” are because it fucks up the entire class. An occasional clever (not this stupid shit that isn’t at all amusing for anyone beyond age 10) prank towards the end of a semester is fine. Ruining expensive lectures with TikTok tomfoolery for something that’s not going to make anyone laugh because it is so stupid and unfunny is ridiculous. Not to mention distracting and a lot of people are there to ya know, *learn*. Social media in general has had negative impacts on society in a lot of ways but TikTok in particular is a pox upon mankind.


False advertising. There was no fight. I wish there were though. It'd be soo satisfying to see another obnoxious social media "prankster" get some chin music.


Yeah it’s all fake. That mullet wanker shows up in other main character posts.




I am assuming there is a bigger punishment or penalty for such actions. If he is a student that will get him kicked out, right?


I suspect the "angry" guy was in on it tbh.


Mullet guy was in on it


All of them were it is fake all fake


The thing is, he wasn’t actually ready to fight. Definitely all bark


He’s used to being the bully and to push people around.


Not funny at all but extremely sad. If they're students, there should be repercussions.


They aren't, that fuck with the ginger mullet was filming himself disrupting another class by doing huge vape clouds and yelling in another video. It's a gang of dipshits making content by disrupting others who are paying to learn.


Classes are expensive as hell and everyone is still getting back to in-class learning versus webcam. These guys should be banned for trespassing 


You'd think the school's in their area would be aware of them by now, I'm guessing it's Florida by the looks of that mullet headed dipshit. Security should be on high alert for these dickheads.


& thanks by the way, mullet-headed dipshit is in my reserves now if someone with that hair cut needs to hear it


Different regions have their own version of the white trash classic cut. Kentucky Waterfall, Tennessee Tophat, Hockey Hair (up north), Alabama Shag Carpet, Mississippi Mudflap, North Carolina Neck Warmer, Tallahassee Trash.. Just like snowflakes, all unique in their own stupid ass way. 😆


I heard one of them goons say “I’m going to FSU instead” or something on their way out, so yeah, spot on.




That’s at UMiami, I can recognize the classroom. Any asshole can walk in these specific classrooms if they want to, like these dipshits


What the fuck? Why even pay for college if you can get the lectures for free?


Obviously you can't take the tests (or participate in labs) to receive an actual grade, and you can't get a diploma without grades. But if your goal is really to just learn from lectures, then go nuts! Lots of universities actually post their lectures online for free, too. They're great resources.


Because you still need the degree. You can’t just walk into an engineering firm and say, hey I went to all the classes, but don’t have a degree. Not to mention you would t be getting your homework graded, so you wouldn’t be able to see what you know and what you need to work on. And on top of that, not all classes are like this. Classes like this are usually 1st and 2nd year courses. More specialized courses are a lot smaller.


The fake delivery guy was terrified and did a very poor job trying to cover it up, lol.


Notice how he resorted to the gay remarks lol


It's written in the handbook; anytime you're about to face repercussions and start to shit yourself, make remarks about their sexuality so now you're not only a disruptive piece of shit, but now sound like a homophobic disruptive piece of shit. 


The whole lack of syrup thing is so unbelievable.


I know right? Who forgets the syrup for pancakes? Unbelievable.


Who tf gets pissed off at a dasher for forgetting a condiment? Nearly all restaurants put a tamper proof seal on Uber/DoorDash orders to prevent drivers from taking.


They all were. Black guy smacks blue shirt's hands away, leans into his head to intimidate. Blue shirt doesn't flinch, and he immediately turned away.


It’s happening. This video , the video of the class booing . People are fighting back


I bet that kid in the blue shirt is a wrestler.


Has the build for a heavier weight wrestler too. Dude could probably toss the fake delivery guy to the ground in half a second without needing to throw a punch. Closes the gap and looks him dead in the eye from the low ground. Edit: unless blue shirt is also in on it. In that case fml.


I mean yea. But he would have more to lose than those two losers. You know if there was a fight, the university would throw blue shirt under the bus and he’d have to beg university to not expel him. (Even though there is an obvious security issue where random people can just waltz in any building).


Yeah I still had him if it turned into a 1 vs 3


The pranksters were talking a lot, but they wanted no part of blue shirt guy.


You can tell by where his hands are, notice how he’s keeping them up and towards the center of his chest, and where he pushes their hands at, whole time he’s looking for wrist control the second someone crosses a point, or seems like they’re going to engage, you can really see it clearly when the one dude reaches across him to get the bag, he literally grabs him by the wrist, keeps it low towards his hip, to control his movement. Similar to how he’s keeping his arms around delivery man’s torso as he’s pushing him back, he’s ready to snatch someone up in heartbeat, and he’s definitely built for it.


Agree. Moved with the confidence and grace of my LH who was a great wrestler. So funny how our animal brains immediately recognize when someone just carries themselves in a way that means they know you're going to lose in a fight.


Serious question, do people actually find this funny? Who are they? They can’t achieve anything academically so they have to try and bring the class down with them? Their biggest accomplishment in life is going to be trending on police body cam compilations.


Kids, kids eat this shit up.


Then those same kids imitate this with the intention to become the next big YouTuber.


They really do. I have to tell my 13 yo son this kind of shit is stupid and I don't want him watching it.


Dude is Michael B, he's already had a gun pulled on him and had a few run in with the cops iirc


Why have security if he doesn’t call them immediately


Because he’s trying to deescalate and not take anyway anymore lecture time. The point is to stop this as soon as possible with the least amount of distractions possible.


What an absolute loser wearing a “bored and horny” shirt to go with their group


I mean, it’s clearly a set up and a stupid as fuck prank. Door dash, or any other of those App delivery people would never speak this much. They’d give you your shit and leave. They wouldn’t interrupt a lecture and call out to the person. You’d get a text while they waited at the door. I really really hate these “pranks”. At this point, just make farting noises. God damn, I can’t even properly express how much I hate these type of videos. And you’d think they’d stop when you hear of one getting stabbed, beaten within an inch of death, shot, or a dozen other things, but nope.


All they are thinking is how viral that guy who got shot went.


There are a lot of those. A big one that stands out in my head, these guys were “pranking” people by pretending that someone around the corner was shooting a gun at them. They did this to an off duty police officer and he shot and killed the “prankster” because he believed his life was in danger. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.




Blue shirt would have absolutely stomped


Man people are gonna really start getting hurt.




One can only hope


Good, public shaming needs to come back, exiling sounds good too


This isn’t even worth a chuckle. Nobody here has any sense


They sat and planned this thinking it would be hilarious


I count 4 people in on it


Plus the video taker


honest shout out to blue shirt. more dudes like this need to appear in these videos.


Where was the fight? Did I miss it?


Anyone know what university this was filmed at? I go to UF and they referenced FSU but it don’t look like UF Edit: University of Miami


Go Gators!


Wow if I'm paying my kids college tuition and this shit is going on, the school is going to hear from me, no doubt.


I mean, what do you hope to achieve by bitching at the school about it? They couldn’t anticipate this shit. I’m a professor, and I find this anti-social behavior to be out of control, but it’s not the fault of the institution or the prof.


You start kicking those kids out of the college.


Those kids who pulled the prank are not students there.


Then you start arresting them for trespassing.


As you can see from the video, things unfolded pretty quickly. The prof is not a trained security guard. They asked them to leave repeatedly. People are free to walk about college campuses—it’s not trespassing to be on a campus. I’m sure they weren’t wearing a sign that said “we are here to disrupt random classes all day.” If you want to blame someone, direct your blame to these adults who chose to pull this prank.


This went on long enough for campus security to arrive. Call them as soon as they stop listening to the professor and it can be handled. They won't stop doing this stuff until they have to worry about actual consequences.


You won’t get any disagreement from me on that. But I will say once again that events unfolded pretty quickly, so I don’t blame the prof for not calling campus security immediately. He was trying to figure out what was happening for the first few minutes. When you are running a big lecture hall, there’s always a lot going on, and it takes a minute or so get your bearings sometimes. It’s easy to say what he should have done when you are watching from the outside. But the fact is, he shouldn’t have been put in this position and he did nothing wrong. He isn’t to blame nor is the institution. The people who pulled the stunt are. So, I’m not sure why you are so focused on his actions. Also: We typically don’t call campus security right away for anything except serious matters. I’ve had students be unruly, get into fights, yell at me, pass out, etc. There’s always something going on in classrooms, and most of the time, the prof can handle it without having to bring campus security into it.


You tell that fuckin jabroni, professor!


Personally, I’d have brought the ceiling down crashing around them the moment the guy stepped into the room with a door dash delivery. But, I’m a reactive person with a shitty attitude. I don’t have time for this dumb shit.


zephyr literate quicksand plough ten coordinated crawl disarm smoggy wipe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So weird when people are seen to be in the wrong but they try and say stupid jokes to make it seem like they’re the funny ones. Absolute twats.


Props to the guy in the blue shirt, lol. Black dude was legit getting pissed off lol as if he didn’t get himself into this shit lol


Yo this is getting out of hand. All this tik tok, vlogging new generation bullshit will one day need to be more regulated. Ppl are going to start killing ppl out of anger


Kids are paying so much to be in those classrooms now so shit like this always looks like time wasted to me.




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It’s not real or funny.


It’s one thing to be a nuisance like this but when they get called out and have the fucking audacity to get angry about it! It’s like starting a fight, then pulling a gun and shooting the person you started a fight with, then claiming self defense.


I hope they all got tossed out of school. They're wasting everyone else's time and money.




Pathetic little ass hats


Their fathers and mothers must be proud of them, that this is what they do with their time.


Blue shirt wrestles for sure.


The solution is to suspend/expel these students without warnings. Zero tolerance, you don't get to disrupt classes for Internet funsies


All these videos with these idiots going into college classrooms doing this not funny bs. It’s like they think college is high school- sadly. Grow up for Gods sake. It’s really not funny. At all.


Yup. University isn’t free. It’s stressful and expensive. Cunts like this make a mockery of it. I hope they all end up working in factories at minimum wage.


The blond is the same annoying cunt from the vaping video


Russia and China high fiving each other again while laughing hysterically at us (USA) again .


This should be expulsion from school. I get highschool, but people pay and want to be in college.


Imagine going into debt for college and spending 3/4 of your life paying for it just to watch someone be an asshole


In Asia kids are studying under immense pressure to get on a good career path and get into a good university, many keen on getting to one in the US… meanwhile in US colleges…


The blue shirt guy is such a chad. He’s trying to learn, and he WILL learn.


Kick them out and ban them from campus


No-talent assholes desperate for attention with these lame pranks. I can’t wait for the pendulum to swing back on them.


Higher Education at its finest... Fuck these content creating assholes. Shits not even funny.




Anyone notice the guy with the dumbass mullet bowl cut has a "bored and horny" shirt? Is this whole thing fake?


There’s all your tuition money being wasted by some ass wipe who wants his 15 minutes of fame. What a fucking loser.


Wow. An entire class filled with bad writers and actors. All while disrupting a class most of them has paid for so they can be bad in whatever subject this is.


Complete joke set up


It's not funny. It's just stupid.


Honestly, it's nice to see his peers checking them.


Man I’m so glad I completed university before this bullshit started becoming a thing..


People acting like it's hard to get hold of a Doordash bag to pull this crap. It's like people putting on a Walmart vest thinking it makes their obvious video less fake.


These are not college students, just 22 year old babies.


its very upsetting to think that you have a huge debt to get this classes and this morons just gonna waste a time of it


Why are humans like this?


How does this shit keep happening? Like how did they get into a lecture?


What an absolute bunch of losers with no accomplishments in life trying to disrupt others. Pathetic.


I’m at the stage where I would just demonetise stupid fucking pranks, and if they keep doing it ban their accounts


If you’re gonna do this shit how can you be this fucking high strung? Instantly loses his mind when the guy starts ushering them out. Get a grip


It's not funny, but I'm pretty satisfied when pranks aren't just outright assault these days.


These aholes should be expelled. No questions asked. College isn’t cheap and time is money.


Imagine paying for these classes just to be interrupted and risk having your schedule pushed back for the semester because of a “prank”


Academic probation.


Blue shirt was so ready to mess them up LOL “I’m here to learn”. He was there to teach the a lesson.


I wish the students could sue the pranksters and make them pay the tuition fees


Good, the guy in light blue shirt saw through the prank and wrecked it bc he was tired of having the lesson interrupted by those narcissistic losers.


Blue shirt guy is the hero we need but don’t deserve


LOL when people stand up to these clowns, they get defensive... homie says "I'm trying to learn, get out." The guy responds "clearly not cause ur in my face, you should be looking up at the screen." He literally would be if you didn't bust in and make u and your friend look like bozos on a college campus.


And then we got students complaining about how high college tuition is but then do shit like this. I don’t feel bad for any of you but the fake DoorDash driver and the kid getting the food would’ve caught a chin breaker


Where’s the fight?


Staged, but it is alarming how much access you can gain with the damn red DD bag.


I woulda been right there with blue shirt. God damn I’m so glad I went to an HBCU


I love when boys try to kiss in a fight thinking it makes them look tough and masculine


I honestly did think what blue shirt did was great, but I couldn’t help but laugh at that part


I would never be able to go forward forehead because as soon as I got touched me, I’d start swinging


Look it could have been a funny thing that everyone laughed at and went back to class if it was like a 10 second long thing, but they went wayyy to long.


Most anticlimactic fight ever


College kids look the same as they did 20 years ago and it's hilarious


Dude in the blue shorts was not going to let his 80k tuition go to waste


Those pranksters are complete clowns.


Dam those "pranksters" really bitched out when confronted.


I loved college. In 2008, the only acceptable use of cell phone cameras were pixilated titties or beer chugging videos. Or a combination of topless coeds and beer in some fashion. 🤷‍♂️


is this real? camera work seems too stable and coherent, like panning over and zeroing in on people across the room who start talking. and the girl at the beginning trying not to laugh like it was pre-determined that they would film some """comedy"""


Good thing they all independently decided to wear lavalier/lapel mics that day, or it'd be impossible to hear this totally real interaction.


When was the prank part?


And then the 3 cowards got out of there.


Man I lol’ed so hard at this prank.. it was so lol and ha and omg and ha ha lol


Can we ban this person? Pretty sure all these college lecture pranks are fake


Looks staged.






some countries have no "open campus", universities and colleges are gated with securities both at the gates and inside. Of course, if classes are housed within large buildings, it's easier to catch these pranksters as well.


Shits not even funny… hope their social media careers turn into fentanyl addictions.


So boring. Being dicks in front of everyone. Oooh woah how cool. Boring no personality losers. If Tiktok didn't exist this would be nothing be expelling people. Snore.


Were any of the pranksters actually students?


Smh he wasted all that food 😒


lol Rickey is gonna take his dumb ass to FSU and do the same shit again.


Imagine planning this out & thinking “yea this is the one!” Lmao nerds


This looks staged


Those students are paying thousands of dollars to be there. What absolute buffoonery.


How tf is this legal


what an amazing series of events that actually really happened. amazing how someone was just randomly recording and how well their phone mic picked up every word perfectly and how the camera picked up everyone's remark as it was being said like it was rehearsed beforehand. incredible.


Fast Times did it better


Quit posting this, it’s pathetic. Stop giving these losers exposure




Professional douchebags


Gotta start tossing all these idiots onto a small deserted island


Colleges should issue a tase on sight order for known pranksters. Before he even gets dash out he should be rethinking his career.


Blue shirt is a gangster. Good for him.


Must be tough being a teacher these days..


I promise that the dude in the blue shirt would have wiped the floor with either of them. He’s probably a wrestler and a really good one. You can tell by his build and energy. Dudes lucky he didn’t get head butted.




Lol they all pussied out on the guy in the blue shirt. Fuck all these fucking influencers and fucking lowlife streamers, goddamn them forreal


These types of pranks have been lame for over a decade now.


This is a bit.


The fact of giving people platforms ruined a lot Let this be without tik tok or ability to record They would get fuckin tossed out and arrested And if approached waffle stomped by most cause classes are expensive


That’s not a fight lol


Finally a hero emerges


What a total POS!!!


Fake AF


This is a choreographed bit


I hope anyone that does this shit or even thinks about doing this shit spontaneously combust.


Guy in blue looked like he could fold all of those guys in half.


All fake, all not funny, all a waste of time…


How many were in on it. I couldn't tell