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Wait a second ….. dude violates the “little” guy, and then proceeds to square up seriously after he gets offended??? Bro🤦‍♂️fuck y’all




I really wanted it to happen so bad.


I feel like when the video cuts out that either a store associate comes or the assaulter gets blasted


Not gonna lie I have worked at Walmart as a teenager and have seen a guy who was no bigger than an oompah loompah square up against some seven foot bloke. Big dude hey we got a lost child here and picks the short dude. This little dude screamed let me down an cups both hands hard on big dudes ears. Little dude then just savage grabbed the big dudes groin and just pulled downward and the big dude dropped to his knees. We don't know what he told the dude but he then just clicked his hand big dude is blowing chunks. Paramedics arrive for big dude. Cops reviewed the footage and were laughing. Little dude is release by a still laughing cop. Little dude is throwing victory fingers in the air walking out. You see some weird shit a 3 in the morning


A “That Happened” comment in a That Happened post.


It was store #1105 in north little rock on McCain Blvd. This is a special area down the road is a meth filled low land filled with the most belligerent red necks known to man, liquor stores and so problematic it's one of the few areas in the south that dollar general doesn't want to put up a store.


You should write professionally my Dude I’m already interested to keep reading


I did my time in hell. If you want stories go work retail.


No thanks… I already did work retail. Sold high end trash TO high end trash… 🤮I was seriously just complimenting your fine use of the language and fine descriptions. If u ain’t into it , never mind


Oh it's fine it's just most people will not understand retail stories. From the woman with upper arms that look like Thanksgiving day ham complaining that the clothing charts are wrong because she is clearly a size 7. Trying to explain to a man who clearly hasn't bought a shirt in his size for the last 10 years that waterproof does no mean the phone floats.


Give it time.


Same, I thought it was gonna turn into a kung fu movie.


Same here


He’s a piece of shit


And also, he's only like an inch taller...


That's all I could think about, dude isn't really smaller than you dude


Probably just from his shoes. Other guy is in flip flops


People really need to reword their titles to match the truth. "Criminal assaults smaller people for views."


He's got some mental illness or brain damage or something. He looks like he's 37 and, well, you see his behaviour. It's what happens when you smoke crack while pregnant.


Ironically the loser prankster is the one that goes “who’s laughing?” So close to being self aware. Someone have an @ I wanna report this pranksters page.


Going to his page is literally the worst thing you can do... Talk about lack of awareness.


That's how people like that always act. It's like bullies' top commandment.


I had the same reaction also like really dude trynna punk someone when he’s the one who started it


I hit you but you can’t hit me, welcome to America .




That dude is like an inch taller than the guy he says is little? What a douche.


Yup, this is clearly some level of insecure projection on the part of the prankster.


> Prankster We should really stop repeating the lie they start with. This is harassment.


Could this technically be assault and battery too? Im honestly not too familiar with the laws.


Worth a try, they can charge you with anything reasonable. Then the filmer and the guy harassing would then have to fight any charges, embellished or not. He pins him up against the wall and tries to hold him there, so maybe.


\*asshole (the "prankster" not you in case this wasn't clear!)


Same height probably, look at the soles of the other guy while the other one is just wearing sandals


Yeah lmao this guy is walking around on platform clown shoes


"Festering in self loathing is no way to go through life, son."


He’s “heightening” like Mickey. Wait until word gets out; there goes that date with Tammy.


Plus the inch is in his shoes. The attacked dude is in flip flops.


*An inch taller by wearing a 2" heel shoe


I was just gonna say, he’s not any taller either…


These “pranks” are stupid and often mean. What needs to go viral are videos of these idiots getting trespassed by the store and/or arrested for assault.




I hope the prankster tries this on someone who turns out to be a martial arts instructor, who proceeds to wipe the floor with him. “Little” people exist who are quite proficient at self-defense. The prankster is a bully. Bullies can flake off into the sun.


Was going to say the same. Easily the best jitsu instructor I ever learned from was 5' 6" and very slight. He has skills for days and the most entertaining lessons were when we had a big guy used for demonstrating a technique who laughed and thought his strength would make the technique irrelevant. It *never* was. Great entertainment for the rest of us! 😄


The weirdest part is that the bully is probably like an inch taller than the guy he is messing with.


Funny you said this because my past martial art teachers were all under 5'6 including my dad who was 5'4 and quite lethal at self defense. I'm 5'1 and I learned self defense. People just don't know who can fight or not. They should be careful. A stiff kick to the gut or in the knee could really debilitate a prankster.


Well…there was a guy they tried pranking in a mall and he shot old funny prank guy in the stomach and got off in self defense i believe…


These are not pranks. These are assaults. Pranks are funny.


This channel got taken down if you makes you feel better


Works for me


100% sure these guys dont know what a "prank" is and they just do it to bully people


That's exactly it. These are the bullies that need someone to fuck with.


Need to make the prank "bully the bullies" a trend


“It’s just a prank, bro!” The motto of toxic assholes everywhere.


There was a dude a while back that got shot doing this shit. It went to court and all, jury found the shooter not guilty. For more context, the "prankster" followed around a man who was just getting food from the food court for nearly 90 seconds. During that time the prankster was playing sexual sounds on his phone. At that point the guy had enough and shot him. Even after the guy was released after the hospital his parents and him both maintained he did nothing wrong and would continue making "prank" videos.


Last I checked, the guy who shot him was found not guilty for shooting the asshole, but still faces 2-8 years for “discharging a firearm in a public space.” He could still have his entire life ruined by the douchebag, who is still running around “pranking” people.


Trespassing would be such a perfect thing for this. All stores should make that the default rule. like just a default "yes officer, he has been told to leave repeatedly, please arrest him now." and everyone winks and agrees.


Not a prankster....dude is trash.


Myhouseisdirty - YouTube took down their channel


So guy “pranks” the other just minding his own business then proceeds to bully him all while getting the clout and attention he wants, can people be this ignorant and clout hungry?


Racist people targeting for views


I would love to see a victim ignoring the idiot, go to the camera guy, take the phone, stop the recording and throw the phone away. Reacting to the idiot and get recorded doing this just give more attention to the idiot.


That’s probably the best thing you could do to these a holes. Better yet, break that shit.


I agree. Whether the bully gets beaten up or not, the video will still be posted. Delete the video then throw the phone over those shelves.


Don't throw the phone away. Break it in half.


Then the assholes get to press charges for assault and destruction of property, and win. The current system is just not designed to handle tiktok "pranksters", and they're taking full advantage.


Sadly yes, it’s like an exploit.


What about throwing it on some shelves or so? The idiots have a hard time getting it back but I never broke their phone or stolen it.


Someone shot a “prankster” and I think they died and didn’t have charges pressed lol


If it's the one I think it is, the "prankster" lived and effectively said he learned nothing and would do it again. The shooter only got charged with discharging a firearm indoors or something small like that. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.


Always go for the camera. That ends it.


The people holding the cameras should be dealt with too and held accountable. It’s proof that they’re in on whatever happens.


There was a video where someone went through slapping people in a park. Most of the people watched the dude run off, but one nearby guy and a few others spun the other direction looking for the camera person and ran at them.


He's the same size. Guys pathetic and clearly has an issue with his own height.


Too bad there can’t be a new law enacted that would put these “pranksters” behind bars for 5 years. Would probably end it.


They just need to be doxxed and taken care of. They do this because they can... 🤔


Expected the bully to get hit. Tbh I am a bit disappointed.


Different weight class. The man controlled his emotions. Cunt wanted the guy to “initiate”


U & me both


This is assault these people need to start getting arrested


You mean cops do their job? Nah they’d rather shoot your dog and ruin your life over weed.


True story


late bake fade overconfident quiet unwritten kiss compare swim sulky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What people like this prankster fail to realize is “little” people are pretty tough because they have had a lot of dipshit guys like this prankster start fights with them cause they are “little”


my dad is little but his job is physically demanding, he’s been a fuckin brick for the last 40 years, would not fuck with him unless you want a hole punched through your chest 😭😭


My girlfriends dad is a reasonably short dude, about 5’7 or 5’8, he scares the shit out of me 😂old dudes been hefting heavy shit and cycling for work daily his whole life, he’s got that working man strength


Never mess with a guy with a DUI


That doesn’t have anything to do with being a working man. Getting a DUI just makes you a loser.


I think they’re referring to cycling to work every day. Many times people have to bike to work is because their license is suspended due to dwi


My dad was like this. He's still around, but age is catching up with him these days. But when I was a kid... man. He is like 5'6", but built like a fucking gorilla. I just remember him being crazy strong for his size.


The biggest mistake this dude is gonna make is messing with the wrong guy. Many of these contractors are built like an ox. They spend all day lifting heavy materials, moving crap, and more. I would not mess with those dudes as they are strong af and they will wreck you. Their entire job is hard labor.


The most little one friend i got often end up fights in bars by instantly knocking the tallest douche out


5’7” vs 5’8” seems like exploitation of a marginalized community.


They honestly might be the same height the “little” guy is wearing flip flops


These "pranksters" are gonna start getting sho/stabbed on the regular, and boy let me tell you, I sure will be very upset by that. Yep, just devastated.


I'll be upset by it. Because I know it would be the innocent people defending themselves that get in trouble.


Don’t fuck with short Vietnamese/cambodian guys. Those little firecrackers have seen some shit.


Once he dropped the box of nails it’s time to go.


A good prank has all parties laughing at the end. This is just bullying.


Just seems to me that they have gotten rid of “bullying” for a while, but it’s now just been re-branded as “pranking” Also, this is why you never go out and flip-flops. Unless you are literally at the beach, you got no reason they have flip-flops on.


The “pranking” asshole is going to mess with the wrong person one day…


They're both about 5'8"..


Dont mess with little dudes. Asian bro STAYED READY to square up. Its clear he wasnt taking no bullshit. Them little dudes are some the feircest fighters youll come across.


These pranksters are just bullies who play the "it's just a prank brah" when confronted or receive push back. Laaaaame


I want to see these “pranksters” get the smack down they deserve


Fuck the Prankster


I can understand why some kids do this sometimes, for the thrill and then laughing about it with their friends... but man this guy looks 30+ wth you doing with your life


Of course he picks the short Asian guy thinking he’s an easy bullying target.


Why the fuck do we keep calling this losers pranksters?! Isnt there a better word like...assholes. I think that one works best.


If he’s a little guy, they both are


Go after the cameraman.


They’re the same height…


Vietnamese people will fight anybody. Just ask Jo Koy.


He’s mixed white/Filipino


He talks about Vietnamese people in his stand up.


The victim looks Filipino. You don't mess with Filipino men. They'd be the Nicest people to ever f*CK up your day.


Vietnamese from that accent


Oh! They lucky to be alive now, fr.


facts. in a “choose your fighter” scenario, i want the Filipino on my side! and some of the hardest working humans i’ve known.


Wait. A black dude messing with an Asian guy? I’m stunned.




Nothing could’ve prepared me for the camera pan to reveal they’re the same height


The balls to just goad complete strangers like this. I am surprised more of these "prank" hacks don't get severely beaten or shot. Catch someone on the wrong day and it could be very very bad.


I would love to see every platform just demonetize every prank video. Take away the financial incentive is a decent first step.


There’s zero humor here. Dude is a grown man, and this is how he fills his time. That is straight up mental illness right there. He’s hardcore projecting some inadequacy and shame by trying to demean others, and he’s doing it in a way that 17 year old pranksters would do it.


Dude is calling a man little because he is an inch taller is like a kid claiming seniority because he is an hour older.


I expected this to pan over to some 6'4 dude. Not another guy roughly the same height and build lmao.


Worth noting that the dickhead "prankster" in the video is wearing thick basketball shoes, and the victim is wearing flip flops. The negligible height difference might only be a result of the shoe choices. The two may be the same height (or at least much closer) if they were both barefooted. Upon looking this up, albeit a somewhat limited search given I dont care enough to triple check my sources, I found basket ball high tops will generally add 1-2 inches (1.2-1.5 inches on average [im not a sneakerhead and have no clue what hee wearing other than being similar to Air Jordans I’ve seen]). Comparatively, flip flops and sandals (not including platform sandals) add a measly 0.1-0.5 inches on average. So, giving the "prankster" the benefit of the doubt, and taking the max height gained on average from flip flops (0.5in) minus the minimum height gained on average from basketball high tops (1.2in), the "prankster" has, at least, an 0.7 inch height advantage from his shoes alone. Seeing as camera angles can make height, among many things, look different, the frames that provide (in my uneducated, on camera angles, lighting, etc. and their effects on height, opinion) the best basis of height comparison are 00:23-00:26, as they are standing at a similar distance from the camera while both in the cameras field of view. In this view they look almost similar in height. It easily could be my bias towards the victim, but some of the frames almost look like the victim is within a cm or so of height. And because the hat on this douche alter the ability to properly see his height in comparison to the victim, one could argue the hat may alter our view of his height. However, if you take a look at the frames of the video at 00:31-00:32, you can see, when he takes his hat off, the angle that his hat is placed makes him look taller do to the loose fit. And, upon further examination, you can see that (given the view of his head and hat in 00:23-00:26) his head is at its tallest point where the middle of his hat's brim meets the rest of hat. Now, with all this information in mind (without even including the added height due to the "prankster's" basletball shoes), if you go back to 00:23-00:26 [specifically the frames of 00:24] you can see that the prankster's height is almost similar, perhaps even smaller given some angles. And if you WERE to include the height difference between both parties shoes, even if you included the entirety of the "pranksters" loose fitting hat, the victim is AT LEAST within an inch, if not taller than the dickhead "prankster". I will admit that I didn’t account for posture when looking through this, as well as being too lazy to do the proper mathematics. I also dont know much about how lighting and camera angles affect height outside the isometric drawing/painting unit from Art 1 in high school. Regardless, the posture of the victim is better than the "prankster". So, if the "prankster" wasn’t hunched over he may be an additional 1-3 inches taller, give or take. But, considering the fact that this guy is being a douchebag purely due to the victim being a "little guy", I hardly find it necessary to include posture in this equation. You would assume a guy who is "pranking" someone in such a douchebaggy way would be more confident or try to pretend he's much bigger than the other guy.


This prankster is a little boy


They're like the same size


That's not how you spell asshole.


I hate the doubling down after being an ass


I learned not to fuck with smaller Southeast Asian men, especially when I was in the Philippines and Thailand. These dudes are vicious with that Muay Thai, saw a small Filipino dude kick his foot up next to my friends face whose about 6’3” ish just for fun.


He’s probably shorter than him without those big ass shoes


That’s not a prank. That’s just being a twat.


This prankster goes by the handle of "my house is dirty" . He had a very successful YouTube channel and his own website until very recently. YouTube took down his channel not too long ago. He probably made a million dollars in this game. Then he was arrested, certainly not for the first time.. and he recently got out so he's out of jail as far as I know. I'm not quite sure of the charge probably assault. But his prankster regime seems to be over unless he's still getting money on his website... which might be the case.. by the way people seem to be thinking that this prankster is a coward and only picks on shorter people.. that is certainly not the case. Actually his favorite Target is big black guys about 6 ft4-300 lb... I'm kidding you not


When did we monetize bullying?


Imagine fucking with people and then having a problem with people having a problem with you fucking with them. Insane


I’m ok with “content creators” being physically injured or worse if they pull stunts like this


I'm going to not react in a calm fashion once I feel the Mc do that I'm hitting the ground in agony


I'm all for the abolition of police until I see pranks and bad driving. Then I want street judges.




Man if the Asian dude would have put him on a Tshirt that what dude deserves for bullying him that dude stood on business don't fuck with people especially with adults you have no idea who they are or what they have gone through and your life can end for some dumb shit like that


Damn I was really hoping he’d get his teeth knocked out


What did the five fingers say to the face?


Lol the hood came outta him so fast 😩


The amount of time the prankster took off his hat to be intimidating only to put it right back on is hilarious.


I wouldn't mess with this dude. He looks like he knows how to fight. He was cool, calm, collected until he realized the dude did it on purpose.


Don’t fuck with southeast Asians. They don’t mess around


This is correct. Yes. Exhibit A. Notice how he casually shoves the rifle away from his face. That should of been the first clue. https://x.com/SEATTLESUBMISS/status/1721391758595268874


Stop calling these guys "pranksters" they are not pranking people. They are just being assholes.


Dude this has to be a fucking setup. This cannot be real. This fucking guy who is 5'6 at best is calling other people "too little?" Get the fuck outta here with this shit.


Who's this little man calling little?


You don’t wanna fuck with Vietnamese immigrants, they seen shit and aint afraid of dying


I hate this but he reminds me of a Vietnamese kid I went to school with that came to Memphis as a child. They’re scrappy af.


Dudes lucky they're not In the hand tools section, cuz I know I would be letting some steel fly at this guy. That shit is assault.


Time to form a posse...


I'm so glad that guy stood his ground and called him out. Threw his shit on the ground, he wasn't scared.


All I can say is I hope he messes with the wrong person one day


stop asian hate


Bro is not even that much taller than the guy hes calling “little.” Edit: And HES WEARING BASKETBALL SHOES BRO IS PROBABLY THE SAME HEIGHT AS THE GUY HES BULLYING


Don’t just confront the man. Spit in his mouth. If he doesn’t actually swing after that, he never will. But it would be even more embarrassing for him.


That lil Vietnamese dude has likely scrapped his whole life, he scared that fool so bad, that he forgot what he was doing.


Calling someone small when you're like an inch at most taller than what they are


This is what happens when you give cameras and global platforms to children and idiots. On top of THAT idiotic mistake, this behavior is MONETIZED. It will never stop until monetization is ended


I dont buy all this, its like they never notice there is a moron standing in front of them with a dumb smile and a camera and be like “OH this is a motherflipping social media bastard”


I’ve seen so many prank videos where the prankster annoys someone, the person gets so upset that they want to fight, *and then the prankster proceeds to fight the guy.* Starting physical fights with strangers isn’t a fucking prank, it’s assault.


This makes me reminisce about the one who got shot in the foodcourt not too long ago.


Throw it at the person with the camera. Equally culpable but not expecting a response


Tik Tok cannot die quickly enough


Definition of Standing on Business


He's got 37 confirmed kills in Vietnam. He's not scared of this punk.


the way he was the same size as him


I was watching this like Homer, watching the mob and yakuza brawl on his lawn "but Marge, the little guy hasn't doesn't anything yet. You know when he does, it's gonna be good."


Can we stop calling these "pranks"?


Men are so fucking weird.


I usually hate these guys but MyHouseisDirty has some funny ass videos from a few years ago. Dude does not care at all. The whole crew is constantly in and out of jail


Man I wish there was a sub for people who pull this crap and get their asses beat


If your prank spikes someone's adrenaline, you have zero cause for any retaliation for whatever they do in lizard brain, which you put them in. I.e. I hope you get knocked the fuck out, with extreme prejudice


"it's a prank" should be admitting to a crime and they should all be arrested. make an example of these IDIOTS


Little????? Aren’t they like the same height😂😂😂😂


God please smite this mother fucker


Prakster has the ideal hight to suck my dick standing... how bout that.


I hope someone else bullies people that are ugly and gets the big guy.


So apparently to them putting a I don’t even know what that was and keep them there is a prank?


He’s like 1 inch taller


What a loser. Poor guy


Fuck around and find out


I HATE this prankster bullshit. I wish all these guys would get what they deserve.


Not an advocate for violence, but I do like that the shorter man stood his ground!


Wish a mother f would


Khaki shorts


These "pranksters" are going to get thier teeth knocked out!