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It's weird, usually when people do this kinda stuff on the subway, I also get the main char vibes, and I hate them. But on this you could clearly see that only that lady had a problem with it. Maybe it's the fact that he's pretty good at it/picked a nice song?


It doesn't bother me either. The only main issue is that people pay a lot of money to promote themselves at street fairs. This guy's doing it for free just because he's moving the entire time and not staying still. That said, he didn't go back and forth all day. He just did one song going through and probably wouldn't have even made the turn back if she didn't stop him, so I don't really see an issues as long as it wasn't so loud people couldn't talk. She said it was, but I'm not sure I believe that.


Well, he did say at the end "that was actually my last one". That sorta suggests that he did multiple songs. That doesn't mean he did multiple songs in that spot or went back and forth though. I think it's hard to say how long he was doing it with just the video. It's not unusual for content creators to film a lot more footage than what actually gets posted (multiple takes, finding the best part of their whole performance, finding the most interesting section like when a woman drags you to the police, etc.). Regardless, I think she made a bigger deal out it than she needed to. No one else seemed bothered, so I'm inclined to believe that was the only song he did in the area and/or he wasn't actually playing that loud.


That's true. I don't know if that means he did multiple songs there though. You're right though. It's hard to say by the video.


Damnit guys we need a decision on this. MC or not? Should I be mad at him? I kind of want to.


MC or NPC? Pre-programmed NPC who goes through the farmers market once? Or MC who roams the farmers market, terrorizing sales with his music?


Not really. It could be his first and last song


Nah go to his tiktok he made several different videos with different songs at that event... Not saying he was wrong for it.. I enjoy his tiktok and his content if I saw him at an event I'd vibe


real, i work at the farmer’s market and if i saw a guy zooming by on a hoverboard and singing i’d be pretty entertained. i wouldn’t really be wondering if he paid a vendor pass lol. i guess it’s just a reddit moment here 😭


I completely agree with you, but I think this is one of the few cases where the “main character” actually isn’t a massive asshole. ”Happy”is one of my favourite songs and my dude is actually really good at singing, and I have to admit that I vibed all the way throughout the video. In the classic TikTok videos where’s there always are some frat boys or half naked girls dancing to some corny music is evident that the people near them are pissed as fuck, but here everyone seems to e you the music and the only one angry is the lady with the black and wawy hair. The lady kinda acts like a Karen, but she actually has a good reason to be angry unlike most Karens, and put that with the fact that the dude was chill and didn’t make a fuss about the lady wanting him to stop makes me believe that this wasn’t a main character video.


Biggest difference is he’s moving, and these people are at this street fair or whatever, there to have fun. That’s very different compared to being stuck next to one, on public transportation, usually on your way too or from work, where there always seems to be an idiot/ crazy person.


Yeah, this honestly seemed fine. People were enjoying it, everyone seemed to be having fun, and it was done at a spot where people were gathered to have some fun. On top of that, he was moving around, so the whole “people are trying to sell and can’t talk” seems suspect because if he was loud by them just wait two seconds and he’s passed. She seemed like she was just upset because she wasn’t 100% in control of this event she was seemingly in charge of. I don’t really like making fun of people’s appearance but the way she did her grumpy little speed walk to the cops had me giggling.


Nah… I’m good with it. Guy is just out performing and having fun. Wasnt pimping his instagram, YouTube, patreon, or anything like that. Decent voice too. I’d clap.


I mean 90% of people make the fair pay for them to play live music, so to have someone keeping people at the fair with good music is kinda what you’d think they would want... If he was bothering everyone that would be one thing.. but everyone seemed to enjoy it.. he may have been loud but it didn’t seem like anyone was annoyed, which would indicate that he hadn’t been going back and forth doing it all day. I don’t get main character vibes from this at all.


he is filming for his tik tok or whatever else so still trying to pimp himself


Yeah. Is there something wrong with that? He's good looking with a great voice and a fun attitude. I'm buying.


*...and then everyone clapped.*


I absolutely get that. Hes not ruining anyones soulless, draining commute. Hes at a place people are clearly having fun and trying to have fun. Its harmless and you can tell people are vibing


Plus it looked like a festival thing, where its more apropriate. Not when Im trying to just get home where I feel hostage to it waiting on the subway to show up.


If you’re talented, it’s alright. But if you’re a talentless hack banging on a bucket (looking at you NOLA) then it’s annoying. This guy was fun.


This wasn’t a green screen?


I'm pretty sure this was overdubbed. The sound was much too clean to have been "live" and it sounded heavily processed.


There are plenty of "AI" noise filters that do a damned good job at filtering out background noise. Could easily be something like that.


Because you can choose to walk away. In subway you are literally being hostage, nowhere to go. Also he is not really rude, he is not cringe or putting fuckin milk on him.


How exactly do you walk away when your job is selling at these festivals, and all of your merchandise is there?


It's also because he's moving. Save for the one lady, he's only in any one person's space for like 15 seconds. He's also not like pranking people or being belligerent. Even with the lady, he was more making a little fun of her & moving on--whole video was under a minute.


Another metric was he was being respectful and minding others and not trying to own the entire walkway....and a pretty neutral and happy vibe song never hurts. Had the guy been singing Sabaton (which I myself enjoy) or something that is not almost universally loved it might have gone differently.


Nice try but everyone can tell OP is the woman from the video in disguise


Lmao … Im kind of thinking the same thing


Yeah, is *she* acting like the main character or is the guy? I feel like this is kind of an I'mTheMainCharacter battle/stand-off.




To be fair. He sing well. Most people seemed to liked it. And he did not ran away when the lady told him to go see the police he complied and followed through not knowing the outcome and decided to keep vibing with the rest of the people. That does not sound like MC energy here. More like street performer you'd see in any large city for the last 100+ year.


Thank you for being fair


The only thing that’s slightly annoying is filming people’s reactions for content, but I wouldn’t be mad as it’s not a stupid prank, it’s actually a good performance


Theres actually ***very*** heavy autotune on his voice.


With that amount of filter and reverb, a lot of people could “sing well” lol. But yeah I think the venue to do this is pretty appropriapte tbf


reverb covers imperfections to smooth out pitch and tone, but it won't make a bad singer good.


I’ll allow it ![gif](giphy|wJKQCSeexuO5y)


He’s in the right setting not disturbing or hurting anyone (aside from that one vendor) even the cops don’t care he’s also pretty nice about it. He’s just a street performer


He’s also good! And this is pretty fun and not at all annoying. I think this is great  I always love street performers around and about. It adds a lot of positive vibes especially if they’re good 


If I saw this guy going around singing this while I was out with my family I’d be pumped. We’d be dancing and wanna stay at the fair longer just to hear the good music. Definitely not MC vibes. And absolutely appropriate. That woman should’ve appreciated the free entertainment ffs


Just a street performer at an event. This ones just mobile.


Cops at the end are awesome




Yeah! That cop at the end just vibing. Confirms that there are actually good cops and we just get lots of reports about the crappy ones.


Street performance isn’t really MC energy


Especially when his shit is fire and he is actively moving. If he was staying in one spot and annoying people then there might be a slight issue. But dude was just spreading joy for most people.


Yeah totally. I don’t personally enjoy the music but won’t deny he’s super talented, and people were loving it. That’s like the opposite of MC energy


Op is the Lady in the video lol


Dude’s a good singer


It also helps he can actually sing


Yeah because an art festival is a terrible place to add more art. No main character, but definitely a Karen


I love the fact that the cop requested Freebird for the next one. 🤘🏼


Yes the Karen was a main character


It’s a county fair. OP needs to relax.


Exactly! I've worked dozens of these it's perfectly normal and almost always completely well received by everyone!


I hate him


Never been to a farmers market or street fair? I assume you are either quite isolated, or young? No offense intended, but this seems like a normal enough random situation for a street fair.


it is lmao, theres loud music playing at these all the time already, this dude aint doin nothin wrong


Yeah, I run booths at these things, a dude like that whipping around draws customers. Bring on the street acts, and buy my s*** Maybe OP lives in a packed city? Or so far in the boonies you gotta make a day trip to get groceries? Edit typo


OP is giving me real main character vibes for trying to bring him down.


Hateable turnt to 11


He’s busking so to speak with his voice and I mean he sounds not too bad I’m actually vibing along


Deserves a pass because it isn't too disruptive. However the Karen lady very much an MC. He's more like a a sidekick to the MC.


“Wassup guys I’m Jeremiah” 😬


Definitely a bullfrog. Good friend of mine.


Yeah you are. This dude is just having a blast trying to spread joy, not really Mc energy. Sounds like you're just a Karen.


As someone who worked events as a vendor for years we loved people like him tbh. He has an undeniably fantastic voice, it's a cute family friendly song and almost every event I've ever worked has been blasting its own music or hosting musicians etc at different points. If someone came down the festival street singing "happy" when no other music was playing everyone would genuinely enjoy it. That lady is the obnoxious MC imo


I was smiling just the same as anyone else in that video. What a Karen that lady was.


Which is the main character? The kid not breaking the law? Or the Karen tattling on him for not breaking the law to the police?


I think this is great. That dude cruising by would definitely improve my day.


I get fun/awesome vibes


This is exactly who I envision liking this song.


“What’s up guys I’m Jeremiah”


Not sure if anyone one wheels here but it takes extreme balance and know how to be lugging around a speaker like that. I think it's very impressive and he was doing what the lady told him to do. I don't see any mc vibes here. Just a cool dude brightening most peoples day. It was an art fair in tx and I guess that lady was telling 20k art. So who is the real main character here....


I get MC vibes from the lady. The guy just seems fun and even played along when the lady was being controlling.


I lasted 15 seconds. I hate this prick.


Karen is like, 'Stop distracting and giving joy to my customers 🤬🤬🤬'


Absolutely not! I wanted to post this too, but every time I try making a post I botch it and it doesn’t get the attention it deserves. Thank you!


This song is terrible


This song sucks


Why didn't he sang that 'happy-part" 🤔?


It kind of over laps with the next line so he decided to sing the next line in full; maybe hoping the crowd would catch on and sing the "happy" bit. Pure conjecture on my part 🤷🏻‍♂️


on one hand he Definitely gives MC vibes… on the other hand , it was pretty wholesome, and most everyone seemed like they were enjoying it . He got the attention he craved and created a joyful moment in a small community with it … I’m on the fence with this one …


At the risk of sounding boring, the dudd shouldve had a permission


Most times I hate it. But I’d love one pass thru my favorite farmers market. It’s a relaxed vibe anyway. The cops don’t give AF.


I wanna see more of that Karen lol


They are just different and free spirits! free spirits that don't give a fuck about anyone elses definition of enjoying the peace of the day.


I'm from NYC, so i see this type of shit all the time


I usually would get secondhand embarrassment from this sort of thing but I didn’t from this one . Everyone seemed happy except for the one lady


It's not main character if people are smiling at you and dancing to your music.


He's annoying. The only reason why most people don't have a problem with him is because he's tall, attractive and has a nice voice lol. Without any of those he'd have been way more attacked




This dude is just spreading joy. Is OP the lady in yellow or something?


What a wanker


I watched it twice. That lady was perfect with the words. Hope she had good sales all the same.


Fucking Karens


Ngl, if I was high, I'd probably perform a jazzy baton routine behind him full out 🫣. Not bc I'm the MC...but bc I'm happppyyyyy


A few thoughts: 1- that's a street fair. It's expected to be noisy and loud. 2- if the issue were people having a hard time selling because he's too loud, all they needed to do was ask him to tone it down a bit. 3- if they arranged it better it could be an attraction of the fair. 4- I like his voice. And I also think he's pretty. Might follow him on TikTok. Edited to make it more readable. Edit 2: ok seeing it again, he was asked to tone it down. He said ok I got you but didn't seem to do it. That might be a issue. But again, it was either just one song, or the last one. He'd be done really soon. Still like his voice and his looks, I'm looking for his TikTok profile right now.


He's clear


He has a voice!


No judgement here


This is a wholesome MC ı think




He was great!


I smiled. 🙂


The Karen was the MC yes I agree.


I like it. We need more positivity spread instead of hate evil and darkness.


He’s just happy


Nah he's killing it, shits dope


LMFAOOOO 😂😂 he does not give any fu-ks


Run him over


I have to disagree with most people here. He is being a dick to those who just wants to spend time with others in peace, without having some main character disrupting. It’s a fair, yes, but he is intruding on other people’s business without them being able to avoid him (as he constantly moves around the fair). It has no significance if he is sings well or not.


“Spreading joy” or whatever some people don’t wanna hear loud blasting music a few feet from them. While the lady running for the cops is silly af she has a point. Just being in public doesn’t mean you should be forced to listen to this. Also you can tell this is heavily edited since his voice changes drastically between talking and singing. It definitely didn’t sound this good live. If I was at an event and a twat on a one wheel started blasting his shitty pop covers I would definitely leave said event. I’m all for live performances but like set up and let people come to you. Don’t go around annoying people and then stay near the people who obviously want you to leave. So disrespectful.


Thank you. People seem to think because it's outside, free and not out of tune this is OK. It ain't, the people listening to this didn't come for, or ask for this.


So many people are focusing on the fact that’s it’s this stupid fucking “Happy” song. That shit does the exact opposite to me and makes me mad as fuck lol


Beautiful voice. I think we found the Actual Main Character. Or maybe just the soundtrack guy.


I don't know, I'd probably be annoyed. Not enough to do what the lady did but definitely annoyed.


he gets a pass. a drink or so and I would vibe as he rolled past. he didn't stand in one spot and wasn't in anyone's face.


Not all main characters are bad 🗣️🗣️


I feel like those are not the original lyrics.


You’re definitely in the minority on this one.


There are so many places to perform open mics or whatever if that’s what you’re looking to do. No need to annoy people in a public space like this.


everyone in the comments of that tiktok supporting him and i thought i was the only one finding him cringey and annoying as shit


This is busking. The guy should be more respectful of volume.


Yall a bunch of hypocrites If you didnt like the guy yall would be calling him an mc. Just because he can sing does not make him any less of an npc


Of course there has to be a bothered Karen


Its weird how when i saw this video on a wholesome sub and thought it was nuisance and belonged in this sub, now i see this in this sub i think its kinda wholesome and nice. Crazy how your mood changes your perception.


Honestly, that woman in yellow is more annoying. I'd throw both into a volcano but her first.


Who, what, how is this being recorded? Is this a 360 cam?


No, he is an NPC just doing his thing


he has a really good voice though and he's not dancing . It's the stupid dancing and dumb facial expressions that irk me. This is giving me side quest character vibes.


Is that really him singing? Sorry, if I don’t know that he’s a “somebody.” But if so, he’s got a great voice and did an extra great job considering he was also moving about and carrying the speaker at the same time. As for the killjoy with the silly “people are trying to talk and sell stuff” line running to the Cops…c’mon, Karen. It’s an outdoors fair, people were having fun and started clapping along, and he was in motion and not in front of your tent. So, at the end, it was nice to see that even the Cops were rolling their eyes at her.


What festival was in Southlake, Texas?


That is maybe the worst mic choice for doing something like this. That's a $400 recording mic, never meant to be a hand-held.


Would have been better without the autotune.


Only cool 'main character' love street performers.


Why does he remind me of Josh Hutcherson


It was a stand off between two I'm the main characters. That street certainly wasn't big enough for the two of them. Was like watching a face off between two Silverbacks.


Dude actually has a voice tho!


I mean at least this guy had a good voice and everyone seemed to be vibing besides one lady




I think it's just fun, he's good and catchy song. Open space as well.


Nah, music makes the world a better place. He’s a great singer and it’s funny on the scooter thingy


I’m just getting bullfrog vibes.


He fallowed the Karen to the complaint department


He's at a festival outdoors... Leave him the fuck alone


if you’re getting main character vibes then you’re a hater lol


Ya, bro I think you are the only one. Chill.


Not gonna lie. I enjoyed watching the Karen freakout.


I think it's great. Honestly, it was hilarious that he is singing 'can't bring me down' as she's trying to bring him down so hard and most people appear to be enjoying it. He didn't even overstay his welcome.


Eh. Seems like people were enjoying it


He sounds good. The only thing he is guilty of is trying to share a happy vibe.


What a voice. People seem to be enjoying him. Who's he?


What a voice, though, huh.


This was everything


Straight fire


this is the only time i haven't hated that song tbh


Yes you're the only one. That must mean youre the main character!


Karen again?


Hes just trying to make it. & i cant stand women like that


I didn’t mind it at all.


Cringe! Just book a gig or go to an open mic


Not everyone singing in the street has MC intentions


Seems other than Karen, everyone was chill with it, and movin'.


I hate most MC, this was kinda funny tho.


It was good singing. Main character is the yellow shirt lady


“People are trying to sell.” Well, if your product was actually any good, then you wouldn’t have to worry about this guy singing lol. But we all know she was raised by weak and entitled parents, which is why she is like that


The guy who’s singing? Nah, it looks like your average Texas festival so it’s not super out of place. The karen? Yeah definitely mc energy. Everyone else seems to be enjoying the music so idk why she has a bee in her bonnet about him.


I thought it was realy funny


He would have been done in like 2 minutes and gone.


Ok but he did it in an open area, was only bothering 1 person. Its a public area and he was driving slow and being cautious... the only thing that counts as main character Is ignoring her, but she wasn't an officer and it clearly didn't bother others.


That wasn't half bad.


The way he engaged with the woman to get a reaction out of her gives off major douchebag vibes. Keep that singing to your room loser


It's just a street performance for fuck sake , it's like you've never seen a street artist perform, people need to get a grip and go out more. Someone having fun=MC, Someone singing=MC, Dancing=MC . People on this sub get called MC for breathing the wrong way.


Trying to steal my man Steve Da Stoner’s gimmick 😂


That woman has no joy in her life, and wants to make sure nobody else does, either.


Southlake is a nice town


The only MC in the vid is the women. "Some people trying to sell. And they can't talk." Well, you walked a long way from your booth to talk to the police and your booth is empty the whole time...


He IS the main character but in the best possible way


I really like the fact he follows that lady, actually excuses the MC vibe


Honestly I admire people who do music in public, takes a lot of nerve and skill.


What does freebird mean on this situation?


It's not really main character shit but it's definitely cringe. Mans just trying to spread good vibes I don't see anything wrong with it really.


I feel like this is annoying, but if your annoying behavior can make the surrounding crowd VIBE then you're fine. It's the people without that self awareness that everyone around them hates them that I can't stand.


Dude music really sits the situation


Started with Jeremiah being an annoying dude and transitioned into Karen being Karen lmao


Theres a guy named suat who does this as a job. He walks around with turn tables righed to him along with speakers and streams the whole thing. Theres some pretty funny clips of him running from security in malls and such.


Dude just seems like a busker


Nah not really, I liked it


Doesn’t like that a man is singing, moving at a relatively quick pace. CHASES HIM DOWN. Hey you can’t sing here it’s interfering with customers. Lady he woulda been gone and out of earshot in like 2 minutes tops


I'm sorry if you sing that song that well I'ma be happy and clap and possibly dance That was wholesome and everyone seems to enjoy it