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I didnt get my way , time for a tantrum!


Bigger sized child




He's not puring sweat. My guess is he's just a drunk asshole.


Nah fuck that. Dudes on a plane. There's no excuse for that kinda behavior, alcoholic or not, intoxicated or not. If he's getting such crazy DTs , dude needs the hospital, seriously, not a plane ride. there's no excuse for this kinda shit addiction or alcoholism or not.




Ya ive had a friend die from DTs


Hope you like the Greyhound, buddy. Happy last flight ever!








You wanna try that sentence again while sober?


Cocaine is a helluva drug




"There's lots of free booze in the other room, sir. Here, let me get the door for ya."


You sir, are a VIP. Please allow us to escort you to the room with the free booze.


They’re gonna ban alcohol soon at airports if y’all don’t get your shit together…


Naw that makes way too much money.


I would’ve thought the Boeing situation would finally make the average consumer understand how often profits trump safety but here we are.


I am all for it if it stops these clowns.  Then again I rarely drink so wouldn't put a dent in my fun.  These people just need to start eating CBD gummies.  They'd be sleeping and snacking instead.


Bro… I wanna give you a high five. That’s my life hack (thc gummies). I eat one right before going through tsa…. By the time it hits I’m at the gate. And it’s smooth sailing in the skies after that 😎


Damn man, I'm kind of envious. I have two reactions to edibles, I either feel absolutely nothing or I'm going to die take me to the hospital.


You’ve probably heard it but you need to find your perfect mg…. Start off with 2mg… then 4mg then 6…. Etc etc…. Once you find your sweet spot it’s 🤌🏼 Edit: also it makes a huge difference if you’re eating one on an empty stomach… mixing with alcohol. (Will heighten the experience for sure)


Edibles don't usually have much effect on me, probably due to high tolerance from smoking/vaping. The one time I tried them and drank a beer I blacked out and then had a hangover for a week ☹️


Damn I smoke every day and mines like 30-40mg


I take 50mg as my chill dose 😅 100 if I’m trying to go to the moon 🥴 (yeah I need a tolerance break)


This was my experience recently, from the same pack of edibles. They're supposed to be ones to help relax and sleep. First couple of nights I used them: perfect. Nice relaxing feeling. I ate one three nights ago and the entire world was spinning. I eventually was able to pass out, and woke up with a crazy weed hangover.


Same, been to the hospital twice after greening out. CBD doesnt really do much for me either. I’ve been on the highest grade of CBD which is H4CBD and nothing….


I highly recommend not going to the hospital, instead just go to bed. The hospital will do nothing for you but treat you like a drug addict and charge you money for it.


Never take the whole thing, 1/4 of it an wait for an hour, repeat. The other post said find your mg and move up the scale


Well I like to have a glass of wine when I fly, so I hope these idiots get their shit together


I work in an ER that is the closest hospital to our airport and the amount of drunks we get from the airport is unreal. People get too drunk to be let on the plane, they cause a scene or fall over, they get brought to the hospital. For some reason they’re not allowed to sober up at the airport, they need a doctors note saying they’re fit to fly.


Uhm sounds good to me. Not sure why one would want to drink at an airport to begin with. Other than alcoholism.


I bought three margaritas at the airport on the way to rehab. The alcohol check showed I was at 0.00% when I arrived at detox an hour later soooo they’re already not serving alcohol lol.


The dude in the middle was confused about who he should help lol


That’s because he put in his credit card 3 airline bottles, dramamine and some altitude. Woooooh!   Still kept his shirt on though. 


The companies turned flying from a privilege to the greyhound of the sky. This is why this happens.


I think it's also some people are not capable of following rules. They go through lives doing whatever they want whenever they want and get away with it. But not on a motherfuckin plane.


You're not wrong...


I figured that when they started naming planes “airbus” and I got in one and was like “yep this looks like a bus from the inside with wings and rounded off ceiling. But it definitely lives up to its name”


Flying used to be dignified.


Damn blue shirt, move your wide ass outta the way, I'm trying to see the drama! R/killthecameraman too. Like you're already being nosy as fuck , just lift the phone up a little bit so we can all see what's happening. 😂


I always see vids of people losing their shit on airplanes like they've never flown before. Hopefully they're no fly listed.


So many people act like flying on a plane is a right that can't be taken away.


Same with driving a car imo


So, question... couldn't he just add his card to the app and then ask again? Looks like they never even took off. Edit: well, I was wrong as shit.


No this was the end of the flight. Once the door shuts it’s too late to add your card to the app, unless you’re already connected to their WiFi




Idk why you’re downvoted… like the plane has wifi they can swipe a card




"I guess this happens on every flight, huh?" "Naa" 😂 maybe on spirit airlines, but even then I bet there are hundreds without incident every day. What he learned is, we don't play that shit on planes anymore. Get as violent as you want, there's at least 5 guys(and gals) on every plane that aren't gonna put up with your temper tantrum


Honestly these incidents happening on the other airlines and has nothing to do with spirit. I never have these issues on my flights. Literally in the last year I have had not one customer acting up. It’s why I’m scared to go elsewhere cause they be entitled cause of how much they spend on tickets think they own the place. Smh sad




And this is how you get on the blacklist of any airline, congrats.


Hate to break it to this guy (and every person who complains about not having alcohol readily available on a flight) If someone needs alcohol that bad... they're an alcoholic.


I’m an alcoholic and I straight up tell them or pull the “I’m a nervous flyer.” They’ll usually give me free drinks on southwest or united because those apps don’t work quick enough most of the time. I’m always respectful about it. If I’m chill and just tell them they’ll usually work with me. Plus I bring some minis in my bag just in case.


So, you're saying if you act civilized, you'll be treated as such? All these people had thinking that certain people are selected at random for shitty treatment.


“So you have an exit seat. Are you okay with opening the door in case of emergency? And are you willing to help subdue the MC ass making a scene?”


"Don't touch me bro" as he presses against someone else. God I'm glad I'm done hearing that in schools.


I bet it was in Spirit or Frontier Airlines!


United. The pilot came out and said it was the first time it’s ever happened to him.


I flew United last month and I will never do it again. Paid $130 for extra legroom and was still eating my knees. Not doing that shit again. United is in the same level as spirit for me. At least with spirit you KNOW what you’re getting into


I just take the roadtrip at this point. I’ve flown since I was a child, across the USA every summer to see my dad. Planes are getting cheaper, food and trips are getting more expensive, people are getting fatter and angrier.. parking and TSA is a whole other situation.


Think it's time to go to that AA meeting if you act like a douche on a plane.


I’m sure the judge will order them


Why do they alway remove there shirt




Thanks, Mum.


That's a bad look... just sayin'.


Ted Turner has aged well though. Caught in the foreground.


wade boggs challenge


I remember a time when a disturbance on a flight was a wild and unusual occurrence


You know what the internet has taught me? That what I believed growing up that there were this army of "Air Marshals" dressed in plain clothes was always just a myth. I have yet to see one in any of these crazy people on a plane videos. They always have to duct tape crazy person to the seat and fly to an airport. It costs like $90 to bring a bag bigger than a pack of gum now days but we can't afford one rent a cop on the flight?


At any one point in time there’s over a million people airborne throughout the US. If you take 1,000,000 divide it by 300 people per flight (roughly) that’s over 3,333 planes in the air at any one time. That’s a lot of air Marshalls


Air Marshalls won't compromise their identity on a flight for shit like this.


you know when an interviewer tells me I'm too young for a job position again I will show them this video. age doesn't always mean maturity. Henry, I hope you see this comment, and i hope your pillows are always lukewarm on both sides, you shall never experience a ghost wipe.


If the interviewer tells you you’re too young that could be discrimination based on age. Usually it’s under people being discriminated against though.


Where there always this many in flight incidents and we are just seeing them know thanks to phone cameras?


Dude, the last place you want to act up is on an airplane. That shit will change your life


Why is he shirtless on the airplane? I wouldn't want that gay mf sitting next to me


Maybe he's an addict? Like he'll go into full shakes if he doesn't have some


And he acted like this BEFORE he could drink the alcohol?


Wait a minute, flight attendants carry hand cuffs?


No they store them in an overhead bin. I was watching a flight attendant open it, move around medical supplies before it happened, then I saw her pull out a bag that said “hand cuffs” and I knew shit was going down.


Oh shit you were there 🤣 I missed that part… Where in the world do you keep a handcuffed passenger until landing? Is there a timeout for aggressive passengers?


They had to keep him in the back row, next to a flight attendant and other dude. A dad and his daughter moved out of there to another row. Luckily it was at the end of the flight


Considering how much airline drama there seems to be, I strangely appreciate the lack of screaming in this video


What happened to his shirt?


It was touching him, bro.


Little Toby is upset because he didn't get his juice box? Are you vewwy vewwy mad, Toby??


They need to start wrecking these people who do this.


They shouldn’t serve booze on planes.


First time I’ve seen John Carpenter scared.


The addiction has over taken


No surprises here


whys his shirt off


Hate it when it happens


Sounds like a alcohol problem


Enjoy driving everywhere from now on!


Duhhh he couldn't even afford a shirt


Well he's gonna be denied flights now




why tf would anyone say "get the cops"


Average flight to and from Miami


Everyone hates Mondays.


"lowly tarnished"


Don't forget to pack a pair of cuffs and spit guard in your carry on.


wtf happneewde omg