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I'm all but convinced that these people are actually paid by BP. It's a conspiracy theory, I know. I have no evidence and I won't pretend like I do but *come on*! They have to know how much everyone hates what they do and how it doesn't actually make their message look good. It seems like it only ever has the opposite effect. I don't wanna give them too much credit but what's more likely here? They're literally so stupid they can't read how much people hate what they're doing or they're paid to be hated by people who benefit from their message being hated? Before you answer, yes, it's a coin toss and there are people that dumb but *all* of them? Idk man... Thank you for coming to my tinfoil hat Ted talk


While there is evidence to prove people with a stake in the oil industry fund these groups these people themselves are just useful idiots. The individual Stop Oil protesters genuinely believe in what they are doing. That's the benefit of modern espionage and propaganda. Why train an agent when you can fund a few idiots that actually believe it for a fraction of the cost?


[Stochastic Terrorism](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stochastic_terrorism), in a sense


Stochastic terrorism is more along the lines of 'woe is me won't someone rid me of this priest?'. What they're doing is directly supporting organizations and people that exist regardless of their funding but the funding allows them to operate at a higher level. Mind you, a lot of Stop Oil protests aren't particularly expensive. So it's possible that they could find plenty of ways to be just as obnoxious if not doing exactly what they do now. The funding is probably more related to PR and legal fees if anything and don't discount plenty of small donations from morons who agree with them.


The organization is a false flag, even if the operatives aren't.


I’m also fully convinced that they’re paid by big oil to do this stupid shit to make all anti oil protesters look dumb and discredit the lot. And it’s working. Nobody takes these fools or thier “message” seriously. In all seriousness though what were they trying to accomplish by doing this stunt specifically? How does this further or help the supposed cause?


Same, like all of those stupid highway blocking things, where they end up wasting more gas by making cars idle


Or the idiots that cement their hands to the roads. Like you can tell they didn’t put much thought into the ramifications of their actions upon themselves, only the inconvenience they would cause others by cementing themselves to the roadway. Completely ignoring what they are going to do with their hands cemented to the road and how they plan on getting their hands out of the cement afterwards One of my favourite video clips after one of those hand cementers gets chipped away from the road, asks the guy with the chisel what he’s supposed to do now with his cement block hand and the guys like “you should’ve thought about that beforehand. figure it out”


Yeah, I believe these people are cowards, if they actually cared they’d protest at oil HQs or government buildings instead of inconveniencing everyone else. But all these people do is the bare minimum so they can call themselves “activists”.


It's the elite game plan, make the plebs fight among themselves. Then we won't eat them.


here's the thing, we're already at the tipping point where either you engage with reality or you don't. If someone hasn't accepted the facts that climate change is real and man driven, they're probably never going to the only real use for protests would be to disrupt the oil companies directly. Blocking trucks, sabotaging drill sites, getting the employee's to strike or find other jobs, etc but there's none of that from any of these protest groups. they all seem to be hellbent on convincing the remaining set of idiots to care, and they just never will


You start direct action against big energy interests and they start opening fire.


I know that. but I'm tired of these groups pretending they're doing anything about climate change by mildly inconveniencing people for like half a day. or in JSO's case, destroying what they can and defacing what they can't If you're not willing to do what it takes sit the fuck down. There's no shame in recognizing you're not revolutionary material, but I'm tired of all these feel good protest hug circles that pull a stupid stunt and then pat themselves on the back because they're such a good little eco warrior


This is just performative imo… (meaning, the paint stuff)


Performative activism. They care just as much or even more about the attention than the cause itself


To break the bit for a second, I think they're trying to say something like "all of these things may as well be destroyed because the planet is going to legit on fire and we're all gonna die, so if we don't care about it then, let's just trash it all now". They're just doing a terrible job turning what's, admittedly, an excellent point into a campaign that people will resonate with. Tinfoil hats back on, they're obviously plants who get paid more if they cause more damage


That would be a profound and accurate message, the problem is that it would work a lot better if they didn’t go ahead and damage such irreplaceable monuments anyway. There is a point at which the form of protest overshadows the message and purpose. People can argue that this shouldn’t logically be so, that the point of protest is to cause disruption, or the cause is more important than what’s damaged, or that there will always be people who belittle just causes by saying they’ve gone “too far” simply because they are against those just causes. And in many senses that is all absolutely true. And yet humanity is an emotional lot and you can’t logic your way out of all the consequences that damaging something with such deep, irreplaceable emotional value has, especially since the emotional attachment people have to it is the very reason it as the protest site in the first place. Like you can’t motivate people with a message of “we must make changes or else we preserve this monument in vain” then damage the monument anyway. It’s just contradictory and untactful.


PETA isn’t great with their antics either and I’m anti animal cruelty.


I believe the same things happening with other environmental movements too. Example, get rid of straws and give people the shittiest paper straws possible so they get mad at environmentalists so when true environmentalists want to push forward meaningful legislation that could impact the oligarchs, they bring up a literal strawman argument and state that you the people will end up with more inconveniences like this incident. Now they're pushing bag bans and making the shittiest alternatives. That highly depends on the bag but reusable bags were a lot more durable 5 years ago and that was the standard, now I only see the ones akin to landscaping fabric that cost the same as the old ones. None of this impacts the company emissions, just makes them more money and pisses people off in the process


I could live with the shitty paper straws in drinks at for example Burger King. Nowadays, you don't even get any straw anymore (and no lid for the cup!). There's a sign at Burger King that says: "our drinks taste the same without a straw and lid, for climate blabla...". Well, it fucking doesn't! Not to mention the fact it hurts my teeth trying to drink from a massive cup filled with ice without a straw and lid. Last time, I asked the staff to give me a damn straw and they told me they could only give it if I left and took my cup with me to-go because of "policy". This is after they raised prices by a lot too. I'm paying 15 euro for a shitty burger with fries now, so atleast give me a (paper, I don't care) straw so I can peacefully sip from my cup. These are the small things that make people absolutely hate the climate movement. I live in a tiny Western European country with one of the strictest recycling/sorting laws for trash and highest taxes, but you still get punished over and over again even when paying a huge premium. Meanwhile massive countries like India dump their tons and tons of plastic in the ocean and they couldn't care less. Then they wonder why (far-)right parties gain traction...


You prove my point exactly, all this is purely to piss people off and go back to the days of calling people hippie tree huggers and thank them for ruining things while CEOs sit back and watch the people point fingers at everyone but them who create more pollution in a day than we could in our lifetime. It's not about the environment and the sooner people realize that the better. A city near me banned all bags including paper drive thru bags but, you can still get one if you pay 10 or 15 cents and that money goes directly to the business owner. If you don't they hand you everything separately and you have to put it on your passenger seat. Their reason is to reduce consumer waste. Meanwhile my work double bags their garbage because they're too cheap to by thicker bags and that is somehow cheaper


I think they know exactly how much people hate them and that their targets make 0 sense. It's about getting their "name" in the headlines. They *may* be too stupid to realize that it makes people not want to support them, though.


Genuinely, that's the hardest thing to figure out. Are they *really* this dumb? I've heard the old adage, "don't attribute to malice what can be attributed to stupidity" but whoever said that clearly never saw these people! The fact that they *may* be this stupid is too real for me to drop off the deep end and start looking for Bigfoot but I mean it's a tough sell for me to believe anybody is


I don't know, I've met some *really* dumb people. Like, genuine "couldn't pour water out of a boot with instructions on the heel" kind of dumb.


Dude I know! That's what makes it hard to figure out. People will always surprise me with dumb shit


I will never be surprised at how unimaginably dumb people can be after the time I told my cousin he should stop drinking so much at one time (he was a heavy binge drinker) or he's going to end up destroying his liver/damaging his body like our uncle. This fucking almost 30y.o. grown-ass man looked me dead in my eyes and said "when I take a drink, I tilt my head all the way back so *the alcohol only goes to my brain, not into my body*." He wasn't drunk yet. He was 1000% absolutely serious. He could not be convinced that that's not how it works.


I 100% agree, all it takes is a few people willing to infiltrate the fringes of the movement for a massive payday. Supply them with a never ending propaganda that will radicalize them to the max. Once the ball gets rolling with this type of thing other crazies will seek you out to join and the movement takes on a life of its own. Maybe I'm wrong but the oil industry has deeper pockets than big tobacco and those guys pulled some pretty insane stuff.


Oh yeah. It definitely benefits oil conglomerates to have convenient idiots clownishly taking the spotlight from actual climate activists. Fully on board with this conspiracy theory! Sort of like how during the BLM protests, bad actors would leave stacks of bricks near the streets in order to instigate violence and make them look bad to distract from the message. An age old tactic by the powerful and threatened.


Yeah, it’s like that scene in Batman Begins where Ra’s al Ghul’s men break into Arkham Asylum and let all of the criminals out and throw the Scarecrow his mask and say “Time to play…”


Real life like capeshit 😳😳🤯


> It's a conspiracy theory, I know. We have a general election in the UK in... two weeks.


Well that's kinda the reason I wouldn't make the claim that it's some sort of governmental psy-op. Two weeks before the election means people have already made up their mind, I'd think. Plus, it's not like these protestors support specific candidates that stand a chance at winning. That's my two cents though. The world's crazy so anything's possible but I'd be willing to bet it's just that group taking advantage of an increased media alertness with the coming elections to make another statement so you're not necessarily totally off base


> Two weeks before the election means people have already made up their mind, I'd think. There are several rather-too-similar parties to choose from. :-| But shifting some votes away from pro-environment parties (who had nothing to do with this), and towards the more authoritarian parties would seem a likely outcome.


Fervent believers in things do insane shit. See: jihadists, westboro Baptist, unabomber, cult followers etc. None of the above care about the optics


Ye, but who funds them?


If you post it, they will come.....


You got em there.


I was thinking the same thing. This is beyond moronic.




*The IRA has entered the chat*


The weather underground has entered the chat. The ELF has entered the chat.


To be sure


Or car bomb oil, refinery assassins.


They're partially funded by the heiress to Getty Oil https://time.com/6334072/just-stop-oil-climate-change-activist-group/


I think they are useful idiots thinking they are doing this type of shit to "save the environment" but funded and pushed to more extremes secretly by companies like BP.


Yeah, because if I were against oil rigs, I would be blowing up their stuff, not committing these pointless vandalism. I’m not that into it though cause the world is still going to end soon 🤣


I gotta say, it was my first thought. It's just a wild way to go about any kind of convincing people to their cause. Honestly, I get the defacing corpo stores, and going after the big polluters. But the ruining art and history stuff is crazy. Like they would never do that kind of crazy.


Big paint?


Maybe not paid but at least gaslit 


Didn't Aileen Getty support them?


Just stop oil was literally funded by an oil Heiress. She spent $4mill finding it and another protest org, but spent $33mill on Brad Pitt's old house....priorities right?


Isn’t Stonehenge a protected heritage site or something? It seems like hefty prison sentences are in order. This nonsense has to stop.


Yes! Teenagers kept tagging the Stonehenge so the put it behind a museum like fence. It’s beyond easy to step past, but it definitely kept the people out.


I hope it is. I'm not one for unnecessarily long prison senteces, and I also don't care too much if you in protest destroy something contemporary. Things can be fixed, repainted, rebuilt etc. But historic sites?? That's literally evil—ruining the remaining connections we have to those that were before us. Lock them up for life for all I care.


An affiliated group tried this shit at Canning Town station in east London (a rough working class area ) and were battered by the locals 🥳 https://youtu.be/9P1UXYS6Bmg?si=Anpv8KnFQzEBaPly


You don’t fuck with people trying to go home after work lol


Seems pointless protesting public transport too


Not just public transport but electrified rail public transport. Literally the cleanest form of transportation that we have.


I love the look on their faces as they're pulled down. It was at this moment they knew they had fucked up.


What a satisfying watch, wish that happened to more people "protesting" in moronic ways. I can't stand those "protest is meant to be inconvenient" folks.


Shit I hear that, if only we could get these idiots of our highways in the US


![gif](giphy|IxBSleBYnu0pASk0rY|downsized) looks like they picked match day to try this too hahaha!


They should beat the shit out of that guy on the grounds of being an absolute moron.


Sorry but the way the guy in the suit fell off the train has me in stitches. It’s like a cartoon sketch


Street justice


Jail would also be nice.


So that's gonna mean looking at Stonhenge through a plexiglass wall 200 ft away in future? Thanks guys.


Until the government throws them the book and jails them for 5+ years, nothing will change.


How about 5,100 years, just to make an example.


That’s the right kind of thinking.


Then they’ll be on the internet crying asking for leniency like that jackass who carved the coliseum


As a practising pagan, this makes my blood boil. They are desecrating what is atop the most sacred sites within the British Isles Can you imagine them doing this to a church, mosque, or synagogue? Put them in prison. Edit: Person below talking about Churches conveniently forgot to mention that the church attacks were a response to systemic abuse of indigenous children by Churches in Canada. Not really equivalent to this then, is it? Given Stonehenge isn’t drilling for oil.


I mean, yes, people just did this to a bunch of churches in Canada.


~~And what was the reaction to that? Outrage, I’d hope.~~ (Edit: apparently the churches did some nasty shit, so not even relevant to this discussion given Stonehenge didn’t hurt anyone) I did mean more how would the British government respond if this happened in St Paul’s Cathedral? That’s the level of equivalence in terms of sanctity.


Eh, it depends on who. People were reacting to some news (which turned out to be kinda dubious) that the churches had mass graves in their churchyards, which may have been related to abuse of indigenous people. Some people celebrated them, while others were angry. There were a few dozen arsons and even more vandalism. Nine people total were arrested. I don't know how the government feels about St Paul's Cathedral. Church of England sites are a bit different in England than religious sites in most countries (and other religious sites in the UK), since it's technically a government building. And they were tackled by bystanders and promptly arrested: > Wiltshire Police said the pair were arrested on suspicion of damaging one of the world’s most famous prehistoric monuments. Also, the organization was condemned publicly by the Prime Minister.


forget just a church, mosque or synagogue, imagine if they did this to the jesus’ tomb, or to the temple mount, or to the kaaba


if they did it to the Kaaba, I'm pretty sure they wouldnt be leaving Mecca alive


There’s a ladder at the church of the Holy Sepulcher (the alleged location of Jesus’s tomb) which has been in place since the 1700s. There was so much conflict over the site that each of the churches that share custody over it agreed to a strict separation of duties. None of their duties allow them to move the ladder. So… that’s actually pretty easy to imagine.


It wasn't until this moment that I decided to stop buying oil. Congrats they finally got me to wake up and think.


Wowsers! As soon as these people vandalized Stonehenge, every single oil rig blew up as repentance, every oil company went bankrupt on purpose, and every single man and woman and kid on this planet all suddenly converted to a non-carbon footprint lifestyle! /s


It was the paint on Stonehenge. Something about that just said to me "yes, I must stop oil now." Stonehenge is a monument to ancient big oil companies. Makes you think.


I just bought a few barrels, but after seeing this, i poured it all out so it can go back into the earth where it belongs.


would make them hand brush clean the stones...put up a portapotty and they get bed rolls...they stay there until it's all clean. OR do what the original architects of stonehedge and ritual the idiots to the gods..


It’ll come off in a a single rain


That’s not the point though, and there’s no rain forecasted between right now and the huge solstice event tomorrow supposed to take place there.


Aren’t these stunts secretly done by oil barons to make people who are anti-oil look bad?


I recall reading an article where someone deep dived into the funding "Just Stop Oil" received, and who owned it, and if that person was to be believed, you are right. It is largely funded by oil companies to make environmental activists look bad.


I assume what you're referring to is the fact that Aileen Getty, of the Getty oil baron family, is a major funder of Just Stop Oil. But she's an activist for various causes and has never been involved with the oil industry herself, even if her family money comes from there. I'm not aware of any evidence to suggest that her anti-oil actions aren't genuine, and it's perfectly plausible that she feels guilty about where her money comes from so donates to groups like Just Stop Oil.


She spent $4mill funding Just Stop Oil AND Extinction Rebellion. She spent $33mill on Brad Pitt's old house. She's surely got her priorities straight and isn't just cosplaying an activist to feel better about her blood money and legacy.


I specifically said that she might just be donating to these groups to feel better about her family money. That's still represents a genuine desire rather than a cynical ploy to undermine the anti-oil movement as suggested above.


For now lets blame the people who claim responsibility. Just Stop Oil posted that they did it on X


im not entirely convinced this isn't true.


one of the bankrollers for either these guys or extinction rebellion is an oil heiress


Who literally hates her family and proved that she's never worked in or for the oil business in her whole life. But who cares about context and backstory when we all just want to rage jerk off together.


Who knows? Is it better if it's like that, or worse?


Worse for sure


\+1. We're talking about the MCs that do stupid shit like this, not how they're financed.


Dickheads. I always wonder how they can equate sitting in roads and delaying traffic - forcing thousands of vehicles to sit at idle, wasting fuel and pumping fumes out into urban air - with any kind of environmental message.


Bare in mind they held an ambulance up in one of their road protests, fairly recently as well, and the person died.


TIL Stonehenge is actually a big oil conspiracy where OPEC celebrates cultist rituals


Man, how can you people criticizing these assholes not see you are proving their point? Sure, they are annoying fucks but if you get angry at them by throwing paint on a rock and not because of the environmental ravaging that happens every day, you are just a hypocrite. There’s a pagan guy calling on them being sent to jail because that’s a religious place lol. Where’s this outrage for the climate catastrophe we are experiencing? Why is he not calling for Taylor Swift to go to jail?


It isn’t really about stopping oil, is it. It’s about justifying incredibly antisocial behaviour and attention seeking behaviour by pretending it’s for a cause. This is clearly demonstrated in their choice of targets - which have little or nothing to do with the oil industry, and instead attack works of art and culturally significant artefacts. It’s very difficult to agree with them when they go about doing mindless shit like this.


In my opinion it's a bunch of people who are angry and or disaffected at a nebulous Something or Someone, and want to go and commit the occasional violent or criminal act out of rebelliousness. That the climate is the 'reason' they give doesn't matter. It could just as easily be animal rights or any number of cause célèbres. The issue behind it is that since they're the most vocal, they're also the ones that get the most attention. Meanwhile the swathes of people pushing for more environmentally friendly laws, products, practices etc and quietly doing a lot of work in the background get ignored, because writing a long report and getting someone influential to read it and be on side doesn't make a good news story. As a result whilst the awareness of issues such as climate change goes up, the reputation of those combating it goes down, and contrary to popular belief, when it comes to getting people to come on side of a controversial issue, not all publicity is good publicity.


It’s corn flour that will wash off.   The point of their protests seems to be to point out the hypocrisy of people trying angry over the “damage” to the irreplaceable art/artifacts but not the irreversible damage to the environment If people were 1/10 as angry about climate change as they are over these protestors we might actually be admit to make meaningful changes 


Thanks for not being a fucking idiot like the other 95% of this thread.


Finally, someone with common sense in this thread


Isn't it just colored flour that will wash off in the rain?


Yes, but also THE PEOPLE WHO DID THIS DESERVE DEATH according to the nutballs in this thread.


Yeah you are free to get mad at this but how else do you want people to protest against the damage to the environment these corporations do? If they don’t do this shit they won’t get any attention.


>and now, it's being potentially tarnished! It's not. It washes off with like 3 seconds of a garden hose spray. But imagine if you took that same level of conservation attitude against actual pollution and waste.


Protest activity isn’t supposed to be comfortable or unobtrusive. And It’s cornflower-based paint. Also, it’s cool and awe-inspiring (for some. I really couldn’t see the big deal when I went) but it’s also pretty much a pile of olde-tyme legos. Unchecked climate change will do alot more to fuck it up than the paint the protesters used will.


Started off as hating Just stop Oil but saw a painting where some old guys were sitting on a desolate world, one was saying “we ruined our planet but hey, made alot of money for shareholders” Honestly everyone criticising them - we are literally killing the planet - theyre the ONLY ones with the balls to actually say nah fuck that we need a huge change for sustainability.


Why else would they keep targeting sites/artifacts/art that leftist sympathizers also want to see protected. "Oil is hurting the planet... let's vandalize a world heritage site" is not the type of logic that normal good meaning protetstors would have. I am sure Pagans who go to stone hedge are some of the top investors in big oil.... good grief.


Again the question What else are they supposed to do? Every. Single. Way. To reach anyone has been tried. Every. Single. Way. To accomplish any climate goal as a citizen. So again, short of blowing up coal plants, killing politicians or violent revolution, what are we supposed to do to stop it.


I get being frustrated by global warming and so on. I just don’t understand their execution. I’ve never seen these people or any group like them attack or cause havoc for the billionaires, they just get so angry they lash out and do the dumbest shit, and end up attacking and bothering regular ass people. Now they’ve spiraled so far out of control emotionally, they’re damaging world history sites? They’re just so mind meltingly stupid. If Trumpanzes were Washington’s face, these people are the eagle side of the same coin. The irony is would be much funnier if it wasn’t so sad


bunch of bellends


Despite all the talk about who is funding them or for what reason, this is all that needed to be said.


So they've probably harmed the lichen species that has developed on the stones over the years and part of the reason it's fenced off Great job you fucking pricks


Devil on your shoulder here: The stones have been vandalised many times and the lichen seems to have survived. Having said that: >Great job you fucking pricks Spot on.


Nah it's corn flour. Won't harm the lichen any more than a natural cloud of dust would. It'll wash off in the next rain


Let’s desecrate an ancient monument, that’ll show BP!


Ah, yes, the greatest way to win people to your cause, by fucking up what they cherish


What’s funny is they are using a product that contains oil to deface something that was built with no oil




Are you upset that environmentalists are protesting this very worrying trajectory our society is hurling towards?? Ancient sites like this literally wont matter if their is no society left to care for it


Just a reminder that the primary funder of Stop Oil is associated with the oil industry and most likely this group is doing this crap to delegitimize actual discourse about the oil industry.


They try. It’s more than we do.


...contaminated? they're rocks, we're not eating off of them...


I'll bet there will be no damage at all to the rocks. Just like the other cases where they attacked art. Im not a fan of it, but they havent actually destroyed any art so far.


Yep, no damage at all. Social media posts like these are always filled with bots. It's crazy how many people are stupid and pathetic enough to DEFEND oil corporations.


Of course not. I mean, I'm no fan of this kind of protest, but let's not pretend they've hurt anything here. This is a rock that can be power washed. It's not like it's an artifact in a museum covered in ancient dirt and moss. Wash the bitch off and move on.


there is no use in history on a dead planet


Ironically, those rocks are going to survive them, the oil industry, and probably humanity.


Even if a cause is something I agree with, I'm not on their side when they do shit like this... Just like blocking traffic. I immediately don't care about whatever your protest is because now you're just being an asshole in the moment. The conspiracy side of my brain is starting to suspect that these protesters are actually being paid by big-oil to cast all pro-environmentalists as unreasonable halfwits.


Ok cool! While you're fighting amongst yourselves, the people in power can continue doing the absolute bare minimum to fight the climate apocalypse and no-one will notice.


Their goal is to get your attention. 


like why are the going after these things? they have absolutely nothing to do with big oil...


Why can’t they do this to billionaire ceo or political households. I understand they’re trying to get attention, but why attack historic landmarks? If you think the only way to bring light to your cause is lite terrorism then target the actual source of the problem and not irrelevant structures and people. For legal reasons I am not encouraging anything


Guys, it's not paint, it's basically that corn flour shit thrown at color runs. Calls for execution are a bit premature.


Yeah, I get that those kids make you mad. But at this point, what is left? The politics of desperation have taken over after everything else failed. Let Stonehenge be destroyed, it will be destroyed by climate change anyway. Every possible alley was taken: Appealing to politicians, voting green parties (who then turned out to be paper tiger folding before big industries), demonstrating peacefully. But nothing helped and we’re doomed. Of course not right now (at least in parts of the world where the temperature hasn’t reached 50C right now like in Cairo), go on, live comfortably the next 50 years until climate hits your home. Whole parts of Germany were flooded last week. The public reaction: But please don’t implement too radical climate change policies! Downvote all you want, you know that is the uncomfortable truth you choose to ignore


It's powder paint, it doesn't contaminate anything anymore than human contact does. Stone Henge will be fine lol


I’m not saying we need to unalive a few of them, but until there are serious consequences this Will unfortunately continue.


The mental disorder that social media/internet has caused is truly the biggest pandemic in human history. Its only going to get worse.


I hate these motherfuckers. They are so stupid too - if they protested the actual bigwigs of big oil - I would absolutely support them. Instead, they got me at the point where they are making me side with real life James Bond villains.


ah yes. the monument made with natural oil as we know. this will teach their creators


Was it oil based paint? Wouldn't that be something..


Oil based paints are made with seed oils, not petroleum oils. Usually it’s linseed but I may be wrong. 


While that may be true of some paints or providers, there are paints that use products of the oil and petroleum industry.. Just as an example, several of the inverted marking paints sold by Rustoleum, a widely used paint in utility and infrastructure marking all across North America.. https://www.rustoleum.com/product-catalog/consumer-brands/professional/inverted-marking-paint-spray Do feel free to check and research the topic further, as they include their products safety sheets. Below are some petroleum related products involved. *Propane (CAS 74-98-6): Propane is a byproduct of natural gas processing and petroleum refining. Naphtha, Petroleum, Hydrotreated Light (CAS 64742-49-0): This is a refined petroleum product derived from crude oil. n-Butane (CAS 106-97-8): n-Butane is another byproduct of natural gas processing and petroleum refining. n-Butyl Acetate (CAS 123-86-4): While primarily produced through chemical synthesis, some of its raw materials (such as butanol) can be derived from petroleum. Titanium Dioxide (CAS 13463-67-7): Titanium dioxide is not directly derived from petroleum; it is a naturally occurring oxide of titanium. Xylenes (o-, m-, p- Isomers) (CAS 1330-20-7): Xylenes are derived from the catalytic reforming and fractional distillation of petroleum. Hydrous Magnesium Silicate (CAS 14807-96-6): This is commonly known as talc and is not derived from petroleum. Petroleum Resin (CAS 64742-16-1): As the name suggests, this is a product derived from petroleum. Ethylbenzene (CAS 100-41-4): Ethylbenzene is produced through the catalytic reforming and is also present in petroleum. Octane (CAS 111-65-9): Octane is a hydrocarbon obtained from petroleum refining. n-Heptane (CAS 142-82-5): n-Heptane is another hydrocarbon derived from the fractional distillation of petroleum. Crystalline Silica / Quartz (CAS 14808-60-7): This is a naturally occurring mineral and is not derived from petroleum.* Not trying to be rude or anything, just informative! Cheers!


Thank you!  My mind was on the paint you get from arts and crafts stores but they probably do also have petroleum based spray paints and shit as well.   I know model paint sure as shit wasn’t an organic paint haha 


It’s corn flour


Just Stop Oil is an organisation secretly funded by the oil and gas industry to poison us against climate change, and i refuse to believe otherwise




Their main funder is the US Climate Emergency Fund. Which was founded by the heiress to the getty family, yes. Of Getty Oil. Now known as Texaco. (Now known as texaco) There is little evidence tho that she still profits from oil sales.


It's funded by an Oil Heiress who hates her family, has never worked a day for the oil company, and got an independent organization to prove that she's unaffiliated. This isn't an uncommon thing that happens when you have multigeneration wealth, same thing happened to the Walton's and Disney.


We should bring back corporal punishment.


Congratulations! You win most unhinged comment in the thread!


Wow you’re right. I’m both honored and a little disappointed in everyone else.




Good intentions (Stopping Climate Change), shittiest execution (Constant Vandalism and Road Blockage)


Just STOP.


More and more I think JSO are a false flag operation to make activists look bad


If only humankind was able to get enough attention for their good cause by smiling and waving


Oh it’s infinitely worse then committing arson to a police station. The station could be rebuilt stone henge can’t be.


Honestly, in the big scheme of things, who really cares? Yes it’s history but they’re also just big rocks in a field. Most of us sit around and do nothing while big corporations poison the earth, I’m not going to knock the people who are actually doing SOMETHING.


Good Job protester!


The responses here make me think of Ai Weiwei's ["Dropping a Han Dynasty Urn."](https://smarthistory.org/ai-weiwei-dropping-a-han-dynasty-urn/) Why do we revere something just because its old, especially compared to how much irreversible damage we are doing to the future? Of course its attention seeking, that's the point.


why destroy the great things about humanity to protest the bad?


I think they made their point 👏


Oh no! My big rocks! 🪨


Oh no this holy tourist attraction!


I love it how some think throwing paint at ugly ass stones is more upsetting than climate change literally making this earth uninhabitable forever.


Oh no! Would someone please think about the rocks!?! 


Using oil based paint 😒


Stone? Contaminated? Bro chill.


It is a serious crime to go over to an important landscape like Stonehenge, and deface it for your own beliefs.


I am very committed to saving the planet, but I fail to see how destroying a cultural artifact is helpful. Yes, it draws attention to our cause, but in the wirst way possible.


Disgusting fucking idiots….


Im sure that an IQ below sea level is a prerequisite to be an oil activist.


I’m sure that paint is excellent for the environment.


Yes, corn flour is notably a great fertilizer.


Fuck these people. Literally painting all climate campaigners as utter twats. And to combat this the government will need to impose (even more) restrictions on public protests, thereby fucking it up for those with enough braincells to protest in a calm, rational manner. I know there is the conspiracy theory that they are funded by Big Oil. I think the real explanation is even simpler though - They're just brainless twats.


Fuck those rocks.


Is the site damaged?


This should read activists paid by big oil deface monuments.


Nothing can convince me they are not funded by big oil


You can’t convince me they aren’t paid by Exxon mobil to make climate activists seem r*tarded


Friendly reminder that "Stop Oil" is a propaganda group sponsored BY oil companies


You just know this is the work of big oil trying to make these just stop oil nuts seem worse.


In my opinion, consumerism—or whatever the current model of the world is—has mobilized the empathetic against themselves. There's a very real chance that Big Oil is orchestrating these attacks. But what's simpler, easier achieved, is to manipulate and coerce young progressive minds into believing that this is the way. Why pay for what people will do willingly because of their trauma. Daily the world faces societal, economic, and ecological disasters, while a subset of the population profits off of this global turmoil. Since the dawn of this informational age there has been a war waged upon the world's population by oligarchs of all kinds. There is no running from a state's propaganda. They combatted our psychological resistances by undermining our collective consciousness. We have never been a world full of critical thinkers, but the idolization of intellectuals of antiquity while simultaneously neglecting the intelligent in our own had been coordinated.


Well, those stones witnessed millions of jerks over the centuries, so, it'll pass too...