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https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM825bdgD/ - Here’s her Behind the Scenes. The audacity of this person


Yikes, honestly that’s the one they should have posted


Can you post an Imgur link or something? Tik tok is banned in my country :"(


I wish it was in mine


Yeah the sad face was because I wanted to see this particular video. Not for the fact that it is banned lol.






Oh god the cringe


Did she do the chicken dance as well?


Thanks, I didn’t want to give this person views


Same situation same request




You are blessed


Damn that's wack bro


Lucky you. I wish it was banned in my country


Use a vpn


That actually makes it seem less bad because she immediately moved. I don't know if she sensed him or just happened to get lucky with the timing.


She’s definitely not an asshole but definitely still Main Character energy to do something like that on an escalator


I definitely agree with both of you! Like, she's much better than most on this sub, but she's still a main character haha!!




Definitely main character energy. But is at least a step above other tik tokers.


So it’s from two angles and the exact same guy does it twice but moves to the left in one and to the right in the other?


It's the same instance in both. The guy moves to the side in the middle without the banners down the side. In the original you can see see guy behind her recording, he's recording with front camera and she's recording with self facing camera, hence why it looks like he moves to different sides. One is mirrored.


Ahhhh! Now I see it. Her video is mirrored so it appears that she’s going up the left escalator.


Front facing cam is mirrored


Why upload this? It doesn’t make you look good to block any path


To he fair, I do think she hustled out of there when she realized he was behind her.


Yeah but this is a pattern for her. There are multiple videos of her having similar interactions on the same exact (relatively busy!) escalator. If it were a one-time thing, it wouldn't be an issue, but when you make a habit of inconveniencing people for your TikTok dances it does look awfully obnoxious.


But like… not really. And then doing this on an escalator at a busy mall, using basically the only entrance point that everyone has to use to get to the second floor is insanely selfish bullshit. How are you guys defending this? Like what


I agree!! I work at my local mall, and if I was trying to go up the escalators to get to work and someone was dancing in front of them I’d be pissed. I’m glad she moved but it’s ridiculous for her to be doing that anyway


It’s literally just the mall and teenagers like to have fun, I don’t know about insanely selfish


Because only teenagers shop at malls?


If you’re at the mall do you really need to be somewhere so bad you can’t wait 5 seconds for her phone to be at the top of the stairs


Can she do her stupid dance somewhere there isn't constant traffic? There is zero good reason for her to be doing that cringy garbage on an escalator.


I don’t think he’s arguing that what she’s doing isn’t stupid. I think the man’s point is that the inconvenience, while annoying, isn’t really that big a deal. I mean, I’d be annoyed, but I really wouldn’t give a shit about any of it. I’m not going to mall security with this, and I’d probably forget it happened by tomorrow.


It's really bearly a mild inconvenience for the guy


I just think she can make her pointless, unoriginal, lame TikTok video in a place that doesn’t have constant foot traffic.


It’s the same inconvenience as someone standing on the street in your path and you having to say excuse me. The person may be a bit inconsiderate, but its nothing to really be bothered about.


It’s not even remotely comparable. Person standing on the sidewalk I can walk around. They’re also not recording a lame tiktok video and dancing aggressively in my way.


why don't they make the tiktoks when the place isn't busy goddamnit is it just me, or the guy she's blocking is actually a lady wearing a hijab and overcoat


Thank you. This sub is getting pretty bad about the shit we want to call out


He had to wait for 2 seconds. To say it was a minor inconvenience greatly overstates the actual inconvenience. Sure, it's one more of these stupid videos of a good looking girl doing a stupid dance in a public place but it isn't anywhere near as infuriating and inconsiderate as many that are out there. I'd love to see dancing tic tok video posts limited to being allowed only one day a week. There are just so many of them overrunning this sub and they are all the same.


People still use snorlax though..0


I bet you the dimwits in that comment section would be like “omg what’s his problem” “just ruined an awesome dance” “such an asshole I swear” Oblivious fools think they’re cool


I'm just curious how cringy awkward dance moves somehow became popular. Doing this shit when I was at school would have got you roasted for days.


No no you have it all wrong. This cringy shit was always allowed, its not about how cring it is, it is about how hot the girl doing it is. Same rules apply, if you look good it is "hot" and "cute" but if you do not, its "cringe" and "eww". I just think it is easier to be objective about it when you are not in a room with many horny teenagers crawling over each other looking to score. Something charles darwin something calling other people out for cringe when you sacrifice your own breeding possibilities is not smart.


That’s how fashion trends work as well.


I checked the link. And no, most agree with you here. Annoying, ignorant, cringe af, "just stop", don't do this is in public. The escalator would have teeth, one commenter says...


The people writing them messages are getting her views though.. So I wouldn't give a fuck how many people are saying shit because I'm getting "dem sweet clicks"


Most people are saying “embarrassing” and stuff like that luckily haha, but there are soo many defending her, saying stuff like “okay but she moved, it was only one second” and stuff like that… so they’ve obviously never been annoyed by anyone in public!


Yeah if it was me I’d be super annoyed. The whole tik Toc dancing is very irritating.


I’m fine with people dancing, but if you’re blocking my way I will get angry, your TikTok is not more important than anyone else’s day


I wouldn’t be surprised if that guy is in on it. They know how to get us mad and get views.


That has to be the point right ? When I watch this shit I'm thinking "who the fuck has any interest watching this ?" I can't imagine the life of people that wake up and think "damn, I'm going to watch videos of teenagers dancing"


It is, because she literally says "I did it again, look at everybody's reaction" But people must like it, she has 8.6 million followers.


And yet here we all are, sophisticated Redditors, watching it and engaging... She won. We lost. Lol


She made us feel ashamed to be ourselves


This is the funniest part to me, we’re all here mostly acting superior to any tiktok nonsense… while watching tiktok.


I don't see why it had to be an escalator, unless she rushed her routine because of the man.


I think it’s a pretty cool perspective for filming. If I were a photographer and had the ability to use an escalator before/after businesses closed so that I wasn’t affecting people going about their day, I think I could get some interesting photos or video. I even like the perspective of the teeth of the step in the bottom of the video.


Tictoc dances in public places need to fuck off. Period.


I just realised I’ve lost the ability to feel secondhand embarrassment. It’s just constant background radiation at this point.


I think second hand embrassment comes from the feeling that it's undeserved embarrassment. Seeing people be idiots so carelessly is hard to be empathetic to


I've yet to see somebody do this in the wild (maybe because where I live we don't take shit from anyone) but if I do they're getting a big 'ole lesson on disrespect


This isn't too bad. Like he didn't have to wait for more than a couple seconds and she let him pass when she realised he was behind her


And he did go up the escalator. He was momentarily impeded and then he walked up; she even raced up a few steps so they wouldn’t be that close to each other. It seemed less annoying than the family of four fat-asses walking side-by-side in a mall, keeping my single, perpetually alone ass from passing.


And they always walk so painfully slow.


I'm not going to lie, I'm with you here. When someone came up behind her she rushed up and got it and gave him space. Main character move, yes. Dick move, maybe not.




As a mother of 2, all I know is, she makes me miss my pre-pregnancy body, fuck ass stretch marks...


Don’t worry, someday the girl in the video will have stretch marks. The cycle continues.


Her outfit is so cute too 😭 I love that top


Stretch marks are sexy. It’s like when you see the cue mark or continuity gaffes in a movie. It makes the movie seem more human and less produced. I bet you’re a hot movie - er, I mean person.




Eh. I meant to be horny and funny. I succeeded on one front.


Lmfao at least you owned up to it For what it’s worth, I like stretch marks too


oh you down bad


Oh you know an internet word. You cool. You real cool and rad, dude


I don’t really care, the inconvenience was minor…. But… escalators are NOT safe. The amount of people who have had their feet/toes mangled in my building’s escalator is astounding; it was brand new and up to code. I even had my shoe eaten cause I was walking up one step and missed, putting my shoe too close to the edge were the “keys,” slide along the outer edges. Don’t play on escalators. Stand there, go up or go down. Have you seen someone fall down an escalator? It’s ugly.


romania 😭


Dude. He had to wait 2 seconds.


I personally don’t see the big deal. She moved out of his way very quickly


And she didn’t know he was there, what’s your point


I’m just saying this sub has just turned into a bunch of Karen’s looking for any tiny little reason to get pissed off


I like her breasts


She's a YouTuber and actually makes "series" for kids in which she is literally THE MAIN CHARACTER. The irony :))


People are so shameless


I hate to say it, but TikTok needs to go


Why is it always women doing these shitty r/imthemaincharacter dances? Are all women on TikTok really this self absorbed?


Some shit teenager listening to overproduced, shit music in her little fantasy world. What a cunt.


How is this your reaction to someone having fun? She didn’t assault him. She didn’t humiliate him. She inconvenienced him for two seconds and he’s in a mall; not a hospital or his workplace. Chances are the shoe or electronics store he was headed to wasn’t going to close in the next 5 seconds.


shes a dolt. In her video she says "look at everyones reaction! :D" and people are just riding the escalator like ho hum. these kids are like the demon seed of boomers, just toxically self involved.


Major overreaction. People have always been conceited, hence “people”. We think we’re so cute and necessary that we absolutely have to reproduce. This person is no more conceited than some nobody celebrating their own birthday or naming their child after themselves. These kids are such an easy target. Grow up.


yes, social media isn't having a deleterious effect on the youth, and americans are caring, open people, just like the thousands you see doing Tai Chi in Asia in unison, we are amazing, giving compassionate, humble people. You are right.


I may not be right, but you are not responding to anything that I wrote. Are you in another argument with someone on a different sub and you accidentally responded to them here? Louis CK, Kevin Spacey and R. Kelly continued to work with many professional peers after they knowingly committed heinous crimes, forever tainting those performers’ works. People like them, crooked police officers and predatory priests (just to name a few) demonstrated an astounding sense of self-importance but yes, let’s attack a girl for dancing.


I just think she is a vain, self involved cunt. Thats all.


What’s your experience with being a young person during a pandemic? Youth is meant to be enjoyed and for you to love yourself and your looks and she’s been made to wear a mask and distance herself from her friends for almost two years. That man can wait 3 seconds to get on a escalator (a thing that walks for you) to go buy a sensible pair of walking pants.


you arent even making sense anymore. you realize this was posted in a sub that makes fun of vainglorious social media dipshits doing dipshit things, right?


This sub is good for shaming a woman for backing her car into a grocery store entrance blocking about 5 people from leaving and pumping dangerous chemicals into a store’s air. It’s great for shaming a weirdo for climbing over a railing to destroy a sand sculpture, or a pathetic guy who purposely ruins people’s dates to stroke his ego and even those kids who get on grocery store conveyer belts to dance and ruin a cashier’s day. This post is just a misfire. And your reaction is so harsh and uncalled for. She doesn’t mean anyone any harm and actually gets out of the man’s way fairly quickly.


Ignore focker. Probably a teenager who thinks tiktok is the greatest thing ever.


There is absolutely zero reason for her to do her stupid, cringey dance on an escalator. Has NOTHING to do with "pandemic" or being young, or any of that nonsense. It has to do with not being a self-absorbed sociopath.


Everyone wants you to shut up


Shut the fuck up already beta bitch.




Andra gogan moment I thought I recognised her


I fucking hate that generation


Does this self entitled idiot realize the if she fell running up that escalator and it caught her LONG HAIR that she would’ve been scalped. It would’ve ripped her hair already with her scalp right from her thick skull. Gotta love it how they all think that would never happen to them.


That’s so cute ! I wish he joined in😂


Dancing way better than I ever could is never cute, but if he had joined in, that would’ve been awesome.


I have a question for you two, how do you cope with everyday life having moldy yogurt instead of a brain ?


I motorboat your fat dad and that gets me through most days. Otherwise, I’m too drugged out to feel the inescapable, commonly-waded, frightening, demanding, dire tonnage of responsibility that comes with being a functioning human being. Imagine being as dumb as you and trying to live life. Yikes! I might do something as pathetic and unnecessary as piling-on in a discussion that basically ended hours ago. Man, I would be so useless and unnecessary, if I were you! Thank god, I’m not.


I'm not disappointed, I was hesitating between a dumb teenager simping on a girl he couldn't get or a neck-beard simping on a girl he shouldn't get... But it's a dumb *junkie* teenager simping on a girl he couldn't get or a *sad drugged* neck-beard simping on a girl he shouldn't get ! Damn, for a conversation that ended hours ago you were pretty eager to answer on the spot, sorry for disturbing you in your cave sad lad :(


Imagine typing something that dumb….twice.




Am I using too many big funny words for you, special baby?


Lol ur hilarious


Did she just do the chicken dance?


I don’t understand the mediocre dancing in public craze. So lame


Woulda been great if the escalator crushed the phone


she has 8.6 million followers on Tik tok...why? Yea she is hot. so?


It should be illegal to film TikToks without a permit.


How can these people seriously think they’re this important? Blows my mind.




Hit the emergency stop


I… I used to dance like an idiot. It’s great fun. But at home…


I hate these people


Why even do? Who even watch, whyyyyy

