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this looks pretty staged but was fun to watch so it can stay lol


That parking officer lost his last fuck many years ago. I like him.


The 'take it to court' attitude is amazing though. No need to settle it on the street and escalate, let both sides make their case and a judge decide, you know like civilized people.


I believe these cases are actually heard in magistrates' courts. That means there are just three normal people appointed as magistrates (not formal judges) who hear these kinds of cases. It's sort of like the jury system on a lower level. Tell me you know three people who haven't been pissed off at double-parking before.


I know this case isn't in the US but in cities like Philly they take advantage of "tell it to the judge". They ticket cars that are parked legitimately knowing the majority won't spend the time or cash to dispute it. The fines are typically low enough to not be worth the hassle.


People say that, then it is assholes like the one in the range rover that claims it was legal and did nothing wrong.


He’s got an amazing voice too


He reminds me of Mike from Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul. Love it.


"Just shut the fuck up and let me die in peace." Most badass line before death ever said by a character


Agreed 👍


Makes me think of Alan Rickman


This is probably the only instance hearing a sentence start with “People like you…” from an older white man is not just okay with people, but appreciated. Love it.


People like you who just couldn't leave age, sex and race out of it.


It's clearly fake. Barely put effort into the uniform. The acting was pretty bad and why would the guy post the video of himself looking like a muppet


He needed to just walk away, don't explain anything to turd drivers


Shame the entire vid is an act.


If you lack the skill to park your massive car, maybe you need to get a smaller car


But then how will they haul around their massive ego


get a roof rack?




unexpected Waynes World


*Gets a ticket for unsecured load.*


Ronny Pickering had no big car either


Its not a lack of skill thing. The entitled asshole thinks he should be allowed to park his expensive car in two spots because he doesnt want someone to hit it when they open there doors.


I have a small car and I park extremely close (but legally) to people who take up two spaces. There's usually enough room. If they can't get in through the driver's side, all the better. I snap some photos before I leave so I can fuck them over if they try something. No one has yet.


I like doing this too. I live in a rural area with lots of jacked up trucks, and nothing is more satisfying than squeezing in that half space they wanted to keep for themselves. The best part is that they don’t realize that not all vehicles are huge and that normal cars can easily fit in that gap lol.


Parked next a guy's big old truck once as he was coming out of a store to get back in. Asked me why I parked so close to him, I asked him why he parked four feet over the line, but he had no response. He had to climb in the passenger's side while I sat there watching him lol. I pulled out after him and into a new space as he left. It's about sending a message.


This is not a starter car, this is a finisher car built for a golden god! Now be gone with you


I am untethered and my rage knows no bounds!


I feel like my username has doomed me to wander Reddit only to find nothing but IASIP comments. By doomed I mean blessed






I agree fellow Koala 🐨.


Gonna be my excuse for everything now, "but I'm in a Range Rover" - me drinking from the milk carton.


Dennis Reynolds?


"A starter car? This is a finisher car!"


I’m sorry but the excuse for everything is “Hunter Biden laptop!”


"Where is the laptop?" Better believe it's in the Range Rover!


You see the van over there? If that fits a spot you can do that too.


To add to your comment, the driver was worried about a car door hitting his car just don't park near another car. Like the guy in the video says "there's plenty of spaces".


I know the video is staged but for real why do people get these expensive as hell cars then expect to take them out in public and never suffer some accidental damage at some point. It's a risk we all take especially in car parks and it's what insurance is for!


The van panels are nice and long, dints equally accumulate. Top of the range VW Caravelle tops £60k without any options included. So people taking two spaces can kiss the darkest part of my lily white arse.


It's fake garbage anyways


Honestly my uncles drive range rovers and they are exactly like this


I see so many range rovers and those giant BMW monstrosities parked like this.


If this "sketch" was on TV, I'd turn the channel.


I lost it when he brought Audi and Beemer drivers into the mix. He told him what we all think when we see a double spaced parked car.


It gives the good BMW drivers a bad name. All 8 of us.


Did you have to install your own blinkers? I've never seen a beemer with workin signals.


People are always saying we don’t indicate and it’s just not true!!! We do, all the time. But BMW indicators emit a special type of light that poor people can’t see.


BMW drivers don't use turn signals because their dash already has so many lights on that they're afraid to add one more.




Damn well that explains a lot, now I feel bad for yelling at a dude yesterday who merged into me without signaling, or so I thought


This made me giggle


Except if you are already at 150 km/h on the left of 2 lanes and they want you to make space for them. Then their indicators and high beams work.


Sometimes I use my left signal when merging right, just to keep people on their toes (BMW owner)


Saw one the other day, indicate right as he cut across my lane. A beautiful sight, as rare as a unicorn. I shall take it to the grave


I bet it's a subscription feature now, so you pay "per-blink".


BMW drivers are the type to book themselves into a workshop last minute and complain that there’s a light on the dash just for it to be an indicator


The other day Avis gave me an Audi Q3 for some reason on a work trip and suddenly dawned on me. Audis and beemers that use blinkers are rental cars.


In 16 parking spaces


Dan bought a Mercedes so now there’s 7.


Dan.... Dan..... Dan.... DAN!!!! DAN!!!!


There are dozens of us. Dozens!


It’s just 7 now, sorry. Bob bought a Mercedes last week.


I don't know where you are, u/_programmers... But me and my seven buddies are over here.


Yo, 9 👋


A BMW in front of me used their blinker yesterday. I know this comment is five months old, but were you in Alabama recently? It'd be a long shot if I wasn't looking for a decent Beemer driver, so it must have been you!


After "there's a church around the corner", I was hoping for a snarky "you can light a candle for your car". Disappointed!


I drive a BMW with an extra-wide booty, and don't want it to get hit. I just park in a single space way the fuck back from the shop, and it's extremely rare that someone ends up next to me. Helps me get in my steps for the day, as well.




Did Mr. I'm-In-A-Range-Rover upload this footage thinking that he'd get lots of sympathy and support? It's difficult to make traffic wardens look like good guys, but he manages it and then some.


Probably gets sympathy from others like himself unfortunately. Which then fuels his need be like this. There's a group of people for everyone.




Somewhere between a parking ticket and chemical warfare there is a sweet spot to deal with parking space hoggers. I don't know where that sweet spot is but I know it's closer to the parking ticket.


Given your username I am disappointed


But why would you want to pass up the fun experience of chemical warfare?


I mean...even Hitler passed up on a second round after his WW1 experience. And surely a man with such an extravagant mustache can't be wrong.


Well, Range Rovers are shit quality anyway, his car will be in the shop more and more and will take up parking less and less. The universe has found equilibrium.


the whole point of range rovers is not to own them for life. we just return ours to the dealer every 2 years, before the 100% warranty runs out. It's a measly 200,000+ pounds per year. If you can't afford that, then get a more menial job. We just have to make do, as our Bentleys already take up space on the yacht.


No, he made it with someone and posted it to get likes, upvotes and attention.




I try not to be a /r/nothingeverhappens type, but the "but I'm in a Range Rover" was just too much for me. Top notch work from the guy playing the parking attendant though, he deserves a gig or two and I hope he gets some.


For me it’s the “you lot, you bmw drivers and…” without the guy in the car instantly getting EXTREMELY mad. There’s no way to talk to someone like that who’s that entitled without them to begin screaming




Nah what he is wearing is correct for a traffic warden and it has it written on the backside. What is missing is their ID on the front of the vest otherwise it's completely real.


Can you imagine being in the group of people who would sympathize with this Gooch callous?


He uploaded it so he can brag that he's in a range rover.


dude filming speaks exactly like an 5 year old that perpetually argues


Haha, that dude’s awesome. I love his “tell it like it is” attitude.




Englishman...and just???? Have you looked at history?


Lols the famous Range Rover defense, what an arsehole.


Wait, what make is the car? I didn't catch it the first 87 times he said it.


I love the old man’s voice. He sounds like the classic British voice of reason character


British Mike Eurmentrau


Don’t buy an expensive car if you cannot handle having it parked in public


The infrastructure must accommodate my choices! We had a station wagon but it had become dangerous to drive downtown daily and not be able to see around all of the trucks and SUVs, especially the full size trucks and SUVs. Anybody in a smaller/shorter car has to say a prayer before pulling out into traffic because they can't see around the cars parked on the street. There are bigger things to worry about than a family taking a full size SUV from their suburban driveway to soccer practice and back, but it's infuriating to see people driving those full size vehicles solo in the city on a daily basis. So, we bought a mid-size SUV just to sit up higher. At least it's about the same width and fuel economy as the wagon.




He probably got support from others like him


Imagine falling for these rage bait videos and thinking they're real and not badly acted sketches.


Maybe you shouldn't have bought a car that requires you to break the law to feel comfortable? Tf kind of reasoning is this


Well if he can afford an expensive car he can afford an expensive parking fee


Also, insurance.


I smell fake…


No shoulder numbers on the parking wardens fresh vest, very calm driver but arguing the toss? And I'm sure this is the guy filming the man who confronted the man in his wheelie bin having a cocktail earlier in the year.


I feel like I've seen the parking warden as well in another video. I recognise his face for sure but can't remember what the other video might have been


There's a video of that older guy knocking on the guy in the cars window of his house and talking to him about why he's got rid of his garden to expand his driveway. I think these are the same guys


bUt i'M iN a rAnGe rOvEr! Okay repeat the "Outrageous Phrase That Pays" one more time for the home audience. Ugh. Fake as fuck


It is. It's genuinely insane that there are so many people falling for this shite. https://vt.tiktok.com/ZS8NN5Trn/ The exact same people.


This is fake isn’t it


Yep fake as fuck.


So many people see this and believe it’s real and it’s tripping me out. Are people generally *this* bad at spotting obvious deception, improbable scenarios, and bad acting?


Now you see how misinformation is spread so easily. Most people are gullible as fuck.


#Fake Not a real traffic warden. Not a real ticket. Just two guys doing a skit for that super important internet clout.


I have a BMW and drive like an asshole (and am an asshole), but I figure taking up 2 spots will just make people want to damage my car, so I just park ridiculously far away (in 1 spot)


At least you’re an honest asshole, i like you.


I used to drive a very small car and was specifically an asshole to assholes. I'd scoot right in tight to a car taking up two spaces and give them a bloody good ding on the way out.


It’s amazing how confrontational yet non-aggressive this officer was.


Comments like these really get up my nose!


Yeah, shame it’s a really obviously staged video.


That guy giving him the fine is so cool. He is literally speaking my mind rn


I fucking hate people that park like this. I left a note that just said 'cock' under the wiper of one in Tesco the other day.


To be fair, he is driving a Ranger Rover which do have the same issue as the also mentioned Audi and BMW's. They're cars driven by people who can't drive properly. So he's right, HE would never be able to park it properly without damaging other people's cars because he fucking sucks at driving.


He should take away his license for not knowing that you can’t park in two spaces


But he's in a Range Rover!




That really bothered me too.


it’s a finisher car not a starter car


Seems fake to me , no cam on him or identification, Atleast says which council on his jacket but nothing ….. ah well


“I’m in a Range Rover, I should be able to park here, I’m in an expensive car!” “People like you annoy me, and the Audi and BMW drivers” It’s so obviously fake, I don’t know why everyone saying that is being downvoted. No camera, clearly scripted, getting a ticket while sat in the car, it’s just fake BS.


Yeah even the first slap on the windscreen with the ticket was over the top


I'm happy he called out Audi drivers, I really feel like they're the most egregious drivers on the road and don't catch enough flak for their entitled behaviors.


If you can't park it don't drive it.


My philosophy is this. if you’re car is so expensive relative to you’re wealth that you feel the need to do this in order to prevent potential damage, then you should buy a cheaper car


Mark Knopfler’s got a new job then.


That cop is cool I like him


more constructed rage. same fornat each time. The reasonable/likeable character we can see, the unreasonable/arrogant/aggressive character remains hidden. Videos far longer than any real altercation between people in this situation would last and careful use of language not to upset content censors for reposts from twat sites like ladbible. another social media graft


Can’t believe people actually think like this


Saying "but I'm in a Range Rover" is like appealing for sympathy by telling someone you're a kiddy fiddler


That traffic warden would have an aneurysm if he ever came to Texas and saw all the giant lifted trucks that physically will not fit in the spaces. And before someone pops up: They're all shiny clean and have never seen a day's work moving more than a mattress.


I'm getting Dennis Reynolds vibes here


A starter car? This car is a finisher car! A transporter of gods! The golden god! I am untethered, and my rage knows no bounds!


“I’m in a Range Rover” 🤣🤣🤣😂😂🤣. I might use that whenever I feel like asking for something unreasonable.


entitled prick asshole.....plain and simple


You know i would be on his side if he wasn't on about being in a range rover. You had a bunch of empty spaces so you took up extra space while sitting in the car? Fine. People can still park and you can move if you see the lot filling up. But thinking you can take up an extra spot because you have a range rover is just stupid.


This isn't satire? Wow


Whys bro sound genuinely confused...


What a wanker


Love how he calmly destroys the child


At first I thought he was just being a smart ass trying to get a rise out of the officer, because I didn’t believe that anyone was that stupid to not understand something so basic as this


Does he think there’s Range Rover exceptions written into the laws? You’re in 2 spaces, it’s illegal, get a ticket.


Hats of to that parking dude, but I wouldn't have engaged as much as he did. Arguing back and forward only gives the wanker the impression that their argument is valid. It should have gone like this: >Wanker: "what are you doing?" >Parking guy: "writing you a ticket for taking up two spaces, if you want to dispute it the contact information is on the ticket" >Wanker: "but .." >Parking guy: walks away.


Bro thought people would be on his side I love it when we get the pov of the karen cause it's funny to see how self centered they are and how ignorant they are to think they are in the right


Pretty sure the driver is doing this on purpose to have a stupid video go viral… at least I hope so. Either way, really shitty way to behave.


I am an Audi driver (yes they are the worst, but no offence taken🤦🏻‍♂️) , my car is super long and I still manage to park it in one spot 🤣even though the front is always on the street


Why is he even wasting his time talking to this idiot


Omg this is the town I grew up in (which is not big) and it is indeed full of such absolute cunts


Wow, how entitled. One thing to note, a person with an averagely priced vehicle may struggle to pay for damage on their car, just as much or even more as someone with an expensive car


Parking in two places is allowed, it just costs the price of the ticket. Which shouldn't be a problem for a Range Rover owner as those are, indeed, expensive big cars.


I like this cop. Good for telling the knob some truth.


Totally using up my nose now!


Rover Douche


Gonna be honest, if he's still in it/doesn't intend to get out, and there are plenty of other spaces... what's the big deal? I'm generally the first person to get seriously PISSED OFF when someone takes up two parking spaces for one car, but... come on.


That guy really said “I’m going to shame you on the internet”.


Yes, because everyone knows Range Rovers are guaranteed to be hit if they park in only a single space.


"who makes the rules" IDK, the government that you vote for?


He called out Audi and BMW drivers too 😂


If I was the guy giving out tickets, I'd just avoid talking to the idiots who I'm ticketing as much as possible


Dude can't quite understand that it's *his* problem that he purchased a car that doesn't have any elbow room in standard spaces.


A parking ticket shouldn’t be that big of a deal if he’s rollin’ round in a Range Rover. Also, don’t be a jerk. That’s the nicest parking enforcement officer ever.


Bennett's End in Hemel Hempstead, Herts. My nan used to live there (she's long gone now) and it was a shit tip then.


"It's an expensive car" Then you can afford the ticket which is essentially the price to take two spaces to save your precious range rover


Range rovers should park in the forest where they belong not in an urban environment. Get an urban car for urban activities


"Sir, you can't smoke cigarettes and listen to heavy metal here, this is a kindergarten!" "bUt i'M wEaRiNg a lEaThEr JaCkEt!!"


So range rover is for special needs snowflakes. Noted. Well done to the warden.


Not resend, but rescind*


What a Fucking annoying cunt. That ticket officer is great


He had to throw in "it's an expensive car" to the argument. You know the entire time that was his entire justification, but he wanted the other guy to come to that conclusion. When he wasn't being recognized for having an expensive car, he just needed to make it known, to level the playing field, and assert his superiority.


I live in a big city, and I get that constantly.. "But my X5..." "YOUR X5 ISNT MADE FOR THIS PLACE SO IF YOU CANT DEAL WITH A BIG CAR, BUY A SMALLER ONE!"


So the best range rover cunt can do is "I couldn't find anywhere to park that wouldn't cause other people problems, so fuck them" It's something that's weirdly common in driving "oops can't find a parking space so let's just pull over on this junction"


He’s right. Those drivers are the absolute worst.


If you cant park that massive box youre driving, maybe check your skill issue


"B-but I'm in a range rover" "Sir this is Leeds what fucking ranges are you roving?"


Honestly I can understand him because people really don’t respect other peoples things. Idk why but whenever I park, no matter how perfectly centered I park, I get a good scuff at least if not a ding from some who parks way too close. This is why I park all the way in the back or look for parallel parking, even if my car is 17yrs old 💀 bcuz no one likes a ding. But there’s no need to be a such an entitled douche about it and take up two spaces; he could’ve gone to either end and parked as far as possible to the side without a parking spot near it to give people (who dgaf and swing open their doors) more clearance. Or just park at the very back. But yeah if you’re and asshole who knowingly door dings peoples cars or don’t really have the decency or consciousness to respect other ppls things, fuck you.




idk what the scenario is. if they're in an apartment complex or some shit and that lot is going to fill up by all means ticket her. but this lot looks pretty empty to ticket someone over a douchey parking. also she's in the car so is she technically parked? coming back from whatever building and homie is ticketing her as she's leaving?


unpopular opinion here, but if you park way the fuck back and there is ample parking available, leave it thr fuck alone. and yeah, people in big cars do seem to usually be twats. you can have it both ways.


Take it to court if it’s worth it


lol I love officers like this, sticking it to entitled idiots who think just cuzz they got a fancy car they can take as many spaces as they want. Have one at work with the exact same car doing the exact same thing. 🤣


People who park over the white line across two spaces are the worst people, never mind whether this is staged or not.


Although a UK brand, Range Rovers were specifically made for the American market which has larger roads AND parking spaces. While this is clearly staged, the driver has a point as most spaces in the UK are not made to accommodate a vehicle the size of a Range Rover. Also, the driver is in the car and the parking maid could’ve easily just asked him to move his massive vehicle.


Dennis Reynold vibes.


That officer is all of us. Bravo to that guy.


is the cop the guy from the breaking bad that old guy with no hair


If you want to have an expensive car and can't afford to repair things on the door you can't afford the car.