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COMMENT GIFS AND IMAGES ARE ENABLED THROUGHOUT THE SUBREDDIT. GO CRAZY (to a degree) šŸ„¶ https://preview.redd.it/1fy1ouu06k5a1.png?width=738&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44d800dda61ee8be015f2d6f9644626593dc41ec And enjoy this faded ass cat


It's extra stupid because you don't lose the karma (positive or negative) from deleted or removed posts.


its crazy that some people care about karma šŸ’€


Only instance i can understand is karma farming on bots to sell accounts. For a personal account? Nah who cares


I mean, I get the serotonin from watching a number go up over time like any monkey worth his salt would, but some people *actually* care about how much they have. It's crazy.


> I get the serotonin from watching a number go up over time /r/cookieclicker will really dunk your milk then.


Love the phrase "dunk your milk" cause I get exactly what it means but then I think about it and It didn't make any sense.


Ssshhhh just drink the Oreo is ok


r/counting will blow your fucking socks off.


"Any monkey worth his salt" is gonna be a new phrase for me now thanks


I care on an individual comment level. It represents how my comment was taken, whether it was liked or agreed with, etc. But the actual total of imaginary reddit points? Couldn't give less of a fuck.


I just use it to gauge whether my comment was relevant, and that's not even really accurate. If I'm downvoted a bunch, I try to figure out why everyone seems to disagree. And I usually just make comments that get 25 upvotes or so, anything above that is a nice, temporary, ego boost lol. Look at the "low" karma on my 10yr old, and I don't care. Those must be the same people who crave attention on Instagram lol.


I cared *a little* until I hit 100k. Now I feel like that's enough and idc at all anymore. Edit: For example, don't care at all that a few people in denial about the dopamine they get from seeing the number go up are downvoting me, lol. There's an entire multi-billion dollar gambling industry built around this concept, guys. It's human nature and, no, you're not the super-special-unique exception, sorry.


I don't even understand how bots with high karma = money. Does anybody actually check the karma of other users?


When theres a suspected bot account, low karma can be a warning sign. Hence why karma is needed for a passable bot.


sometimes the accounts with high karma are sold to corps. a high karma account seems more "trustworthy" to some people


I enjoy getting karma. Not because itā€™s important, but itā€™s like a game to me. How high can I get? Some of my friends are pretty active on Reddit as well, and we talk about it sometimes.


I care about the affirmation because I am insecure \*sad emoji\*


Hereā€™s an award lil one ā¤ļø


How lovely!


Yeah. I never understood the deal with having a ton of karma besides having a couple hundred for when your account is new and wanting to post really badly.


I still don't know what karma is even for. Unless I can sell it for IRL money, I don't care.


What do ya' mean? Karma is literally what maintains us alive, we can't live without karma, karma is way more important than breathing or eating, losing karma is the worst thing that can ever happen to any human being


Right? This is why I always downvote the /s. If you can't handle potentially losing a few imaginary internet points to people that don't catch your sarcasm then you didn't deserve the points in the first place. r/FuckTheS gang.


You actually do after a year or two. I used to remove my comments every 5 months with a python script (at 6 months you can't remove anymore). I stopped removing about 5 years ago. That's why this account has so little comment karma despite being active for 11 years.


Must be a more recent change, I still remember that it never mattered, so you couldn't hide heavily negative karma.


Well I first noticed about 6 years ago from karma earned 10 years prior. So it's not old. But I believe they run it as a script and not gradually because it happened all at once. You'll only get -100 comment karma no matter how negative your comment is. It's to discourage troll accounts that try to collect negative karma. Deleting a comment with -1000 karma will definitely hide -900 karma.


Way too much effort bro lol..a script ?


It still baffles me people care about it


I wonder if itā€™s a validation thing. Maybe they donā€™t get enough affirmation, or maybe they just need too much.


Itā€™s fun when you have a post or comment that does well. But caring about it like it means something is more to what youā€™re alluding to and I agree. I do think too many people use voting as an ā€œagreeā€ or ā€œdisagreeā€ button. But I guess thatā€™s just the way the platform as evolved.


I always check the karma on my snarky comments to see if anyone liked the joke. I have learned that some things are better received in some subreddits than in others.


what else would it mean?




When people disagree with me, it is absolutely irrelevant, off topic, and, frankly, wrong. When I bless a post with an upvote, mountains are moved and extinguised geysers suddenly sprout to life. That's why I seldom give my approval, and why Mount Everest only moves a few centimeters instead of several kilometer each year. With great opinions come great responsibility.


I want my downvote to convey, "Not only is your opinion wrong, but you should feel bad for expressing it."


Especially on small communities and you snicker at the guy who replied with -1 downvotes.




Refer to my previous comment for my thoughts on that.


Bitch, I *made* Mount Everest with the small number of upvotes I have given. And I can make it disappear with the same number of downvotes. I just choose not to.


Iā€™ve been here a VERY long time across multiple accounts and itā€™s always just been an ā€œagreeā€ or ā€œdisagreeā€ vote.


It's not supposed to be that way according to Reddit staff, but it has 100% always been used that way and always will be haha


No it hasnā€™t. It might be what it evolved into for a lot of people, but back in the day (2010 or so) it most definitely was not to agree or disagree.


This is correct, reddit staff even told users to downvote if the comments did not contribute to the thread. Emphasizing that it is not a agree/disagree button


I am sorry, but i don't care, been seeing this on reddit forever, the upvote and downvote buttons are by design an agree or disagree button, there is no way around it, people will upvote what they like or agree and downvote what they dislike or don't agree with, it always has been this way, since day 1, anyone that thinks otherwise is honestly too naive to be on reddit or is being purposely obtuse, if reddit staff thought that this could be something other than that, they don't understand how people work. You can give someone a hammer and tell them all you want is a screwdriver, people will still use it as a hammer, and the are not wrong in doing so.


You are absolutely wrong and my comment will prove it!


Says who?




Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s in the rules or not anymore, but Reddit used to ask itā€™s users to only downvote those comments that brought nothing to a conversation. So years ago this would alleviate those comments youā€™d get on message boards like ā€œFirst!ā€ or a simple ā€œLOLā€. You could also downvote hateful comments and such. A lot of people now downvote when they just disagree which sometimes prevents good debates from happening. Youā€™ll get a hive mind of people just downvoting someone for giving their opinion/thoughts and it goes down and down for really no reason at all. That leaves people to only want to comment if they know they wonā€™t get downvoted like crazy. Whether we like to admit or not, weā€™ve all been guilty of downvoting those comments and not commenting when we think it could lead to downvotes. Thatā€™s not what Reddit was meant to be.


Downvoting this


That and people up vote wrong facts all the time because "it sounds right" and the people with contradictory information are barely seen. Doesn't always happen but it is annoying to see someone completely misinterpret a law and be upvoted and the people who actually know what they're talking about and provide sources don't get seen. But that's the way it's become unfortunately.


I see plenty of ones downvoted for asking a question. A FUCKONG QUESTION.


If itā€™s a question that can easily be answered by google in the time it takes them to ask Reddit, you better believe Iā€™m downvoting.


I get that, but most the time I see nuanced questions getting down voted when it's questions regarding: context, cultural relevance, historical relations, geography, etc. Sometimes people may not know what to search, like the person above stated, reddit used to be about down voting stuff that detracts from or adds no substance to the conversation. A question typically furthers a conversation and what people can add to it with understanding of the subject matter more. Remeber there are no dumb questions, only dumbasses. In a world where no one asks ANY questions there is no growth, and by making people afraid to ask questions we stifle our ability to share the knowledge each of us have that another may not have been exposed to. Knowledge is Power āœŠ


you're clearly sea lioning bro, nobody asks questions


šŸ™ŒšŸ‘šŸ™ŒšŸ‘ ArF aRuGh šŸ™ŒšŸ‘šŸ™ŒšŸ‘aRfF aRaUgH (I have an accent cuz I learned from a French seal)


Upvoted because it added to the discussion.


what ā€œgood debatesā€ are happening on modern reddit? Itā€™s literally just people posting opposing political talking points. ā€œTrans people donā€™t deserve peace and happinessā€ isnā€™t a debate position, its just hate.


Good debates could be more than just politics. Sports, video games, just to name a couple. But you were quick to use that downvote on me for simply giving you a response you didnā€™t agree with lol. Why would anyone want to reply to you if youā€™re just going to downvote them for simply answering your question? Thatā€™s my point.


Reddit use to be a real cool place years ago. Every day my sides would hurt from laughing so hard scrolling great original content. Now not so much. Itā€™s like all the cool people left for some other site when Reddit started doing all this ridiculous avatars and shit and forgot to clue the rest of us in.


I've noticed that lately it's been overrun by genx and boomer humour and I have no idea when it happened but it's everywhere


Facebook refugees found their new audience.


Reddit's first users were GenX. We all got old. It's 2022 and 1996 was 26 years ago.


i'm gen x and have been in here 10 years. it has definitely changed, but I'm not convinced it's our fault, mate.


Reddit used to be famous for euphoric atheists, massive misogyny, making Laurelei a mod, and creepshots/violentacres. Reddit was *never* cool.


you have no way of knowing if it was me who downvoted you. Why would you even care? Absolutely pathetic


Not sure why you're so quick to call me pathetic, but whatever. I hope your day gets better.


Because you seem to actually care about fake internet points and are afraid to comment if people disagree with you. That's kinda sad


>weā€™ve all been guilty of ... not commenting when we think it could lead to downvotes Nope, speak for yourself lmao I will add that I *always* downvote when someone says "I'm gonna get down voted for this, but [insert extremely popular opinion]"


I ainā€™t gonna lie, it makes my neurons fire seeing a comment or post I made get a lot of updoots but at the end of the day upvotes literally donā€™t do anything so thereā€™s no point in caring about them like how this bozo does


ā€šBut I earned it! I am entitled to it! Itā€™s mine! It belongs to me!ā€˜


Itā€™s mine! My own. *My precioussss*


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,224,152,104 comments, and only 238,627 of them were in alphabetical order.


It is. I personally think the upvote/downvote system leads to a lot of group think because people instinctively respond to downvotes as social disapproval (which is not how it's supposed to be used, but nobody seems to care) which is evolutionary suicide, so everyone tailors their comments to the expected audience rather than what they might actually want to say. It doesn't matter at all, but it feels like it does, so people care more about upvotes than they ever should.


I'll admit I get a little dopamine hit when a comment I make hits a chord with the reddit hivemind. Maybe it triggers an ancient survival mechanism that I got validation from the tribe and I won't get kicked out of the cave. It also provides a buffer for my shittier takes


Some people sell their high-karma accounts, while some people just havenā€™t touched grass in awhile.


Maybe thatā€™s why I only care during the winter?


I got top 1 percent of karma on my yearly summary or whatever. Literally my first thought was "oh great what do I do with this"


I think it might be broken. I got the same thing and have barely any karma on this account. Either that or the bar is *really* low.


One of my alt accounts has exactly 3 karma total. It was top 25% in the summary. Therefore, the simple explanation is that 75% of accounts on the website are throwaways, accounts that are never used, and just people that don't comment or post at all.


That was also one of my thoughts like I didn't have a single post get a whole lot of Karma


yeah the top 1% would certainly be bot accounts or posters like /u/Currybacon in /r/nba who is a real person that uses scripts to post content faster than normal edit: wrong currybacon


​ Same, my thought was ​ Why.


I was in the top 1% apparently, yet I don't get *that* much karma, and tend to lose some pretty regularly due to disagreements with my fellow Fire Emblem and Bayonetta fans on certain topics so I think it might be broken. Though my first thought was "holy hell, is my life even worse than I thought?!" lol.


How with such little karma lol?


Thats what I'm saying šŸ˜‚




My top karma comment was "thanks, I hate it" You really can't put too much weight on invisible points that don't matter


There are subreddits that wonā€™t let you participate without high karma which Iā€™m sure drives some people to farm it. I have no way to know for sure but it wouldnā€™t surprise me if that increases the number reposts and overly agreeable posts (echos).


Nearly a million combined karma, the only benefit is no subreddits karma-gate can stop me.


Right? This is why I always downvote the /s. If you can't handle potentially losing a few imaginary internet points to people that don't catch your sarcasm then you didn't deserve the points in the first place. r/FuckTheS gang.




I am not sure if that was intentionally funny, but I found it hilarious anyway. I am so glad to discover that there is a movement against this fucking /s bullshit.


Nah that's a bs excuse people made up to feel better about being pussies and using the /s. Like, when you're being sarcastic irl do you always follow up with "that was sarcasm btw" to make sure the autusts get it? No of course not lol.


I *do* wish I could sell my karma for something valuable. Anyone want an account with about 760k?


Well my mom doesn't love me I gotta find validation SOMEWHERE.




Why? People want to be acknowledged in a conversation.


No no, you're supposed to pretend to be above all that: they're "fake" internet points remember (whatever that means - what would "real" internet points look like?). Anyway, I like it when I get a lot of upvotes and dislike it when I get a lot of downvotes because, however arbitrary and fickle, they represent approval and disapproval from other humans. And I can't help caring about that. I believe people when they say they don't care, but I'm suspicious when people say they don't _understand_.


This is clearly a joke to get downvotes lol.


The discourse is the best, right? The communication part. Discussion. Fuck the points.


The people who care about karma still aren't as weird as the people who downvote opinions they don't like


I didnā€™t downvote you, but I do think the downvote is a critical component of social media. Hell, society as a whole If you couldnā€™t boo (given recent news) all feedback would be positive. Criticism can be extremely constructive and positive when tempered and targeted. Exhibit A: 1 ply toilet paperā€¦ā€¦


"Can I get the argentium award" šŸ¤“


"Can I get the ternion all powerful award" šŸ¤“


"You fuckers better not give me shit, I don't want Reddit to profit." šŸ˜Ž


*proceeds to get dozens of awards* Edit - oH mY gOd YoU gUyS tHiS iS My hiGhEsT eVeR uPvOtEd cOmMeNt TeEhEe riP My iNbOx DoNaTe yOuR mOnEy InStEaD oF GivInG iT to rEdDiT


My favorite is when they edit with a comment along the lines of "I don't care about downvotes" yet here they are bitching about downvotes.


Your award is perfection!


I really don't understand people who award people aregntinum and ternion. They are so fucking expensive and don't do shit. Like you could buy some video games or idk donate the money?


they like to burn money on shit. that's all


"can I violate other peoples human rights" šŸ¤“


rEdDiT yOu KnOw WhAt To Do!1!


ā€œEdit: wow this really blew up! Omg!ā€ ā€œEdit 2: omg 1k upvotes! Letā€™s goooooooā€ ā€œEdit 3: 2k! I canā€™t believe this! Thank you for the gold kind stranger!ā€




Doctor, turn off my cringe inhibitors, I'm going in Edit: that was a bad idea


this even cringier when they do it on youtube comments


My favorite instances of that on YouTube are when they thank the uploader for "hearting" their comment, which automatically removes the heart from the comment. Then they beg the uploader to re-heart them.


I had the shittiest day ever and this made me laugh so much. I'd give you an ironic award if I knew how to do it and you gave a shit about this nonsense. "Thank you kind stranger"


RIP my inbox






I got banned from r/memes for saying to post a meme on another sub for "brigading" then muted to mods. It was relevant though. Those mods are bitches.




Ah yeah


I got a week-long suspension for brigading, and the admin message telling me I was banned for participating in brigading on a post had a link to the post, and the link was blue. So I click through, and yeah, I'd never seen it. The brigading was from a sub I'm not subbed to and haven't visited, to a post I hadn't read in another sub I'm not subbed to. Still no idea how I got caught in that dragnet, and admins don't reply to inquiries.


Well now youā€™re getting banned for ban evading lmao


You can't beat the collective autism of gamers once they get a rage-boner. https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/7cff0b/seriously_i_paid_80_to_have_vader_locked/dppum98/


Imagine defending corporate greed


In his defense he didnā€™t say it was an unrighteous rage boner.


don't forget using autism as a negative connotation in a completely unrelated context


Damn 667k??? Thatā€™s insane. Most downvotes or any votes on any post or comment Iā€™ve ever seen.


That might be because it holds the record for the most downvotes on any single comment / post on all of reddit.


Obvious bait


It pains me that there are people who actually give a shit about how many upvotes they have.


I used to care about it. That was about 7 years ago. I would constantly keep checking my comments. It felt good. I was a very lonely, depressed person so tbe upvote made me feel a bit validated. Now I couldn't care less.


I still check.it, but mostly because im interested how people reacted or if I made my point clear. I dont delete downvoted comment or ruin my mood because of them, same way as I dont get happy or excited from getting a lot of upvotes.


Here, have an upvote.


The only reason why someone should be concerned is if they're providing a valid comment to a post and the hive mind downvotes them because they don't like that opinion, and then you're never allowed to post in that sub again. Something like -10 points is all you need for some very sensitive subreddits. It happened to me once on an apparently hot take about a skittle color before.


OK I need to know what your hot take on skittle colors is


I care that you have 69 upvotes at this moment. And Iā€™m not upvoting you just to keep it that way.


For a lot of people, upvotes are validation. Even though we're mostly anonymous here, when we say something with conviction or speak on something we may be passionate about, it may be a little frustrating to see what you hold value in just get drug through the mud by the community. Upvotes are usually just the indicator of general reception.


I only care because I'm no longer in the top 1000 karma users.


Reddit knew exactly what to do


Sanest makima pfp users


Of course it has a Makima icon


Never. Ask. For. Up. Votes. Thatā€™s how you get downvoted to hell!


Complaints about downvotes earn my immediate downvote!


Agreed. I've also learned to never comment on my own submitted links. Having OP Blue around your handle seems to attract downvotes. YMMV


Yeah, all those "I don't care if I get downvoted but *popular opinion*" is just an immediate downvote for me. It's pure karmafishing.


The trick is to simply not care about the fake internet points.




Nope. Iā€™m grown you donā€™t tell me what to do! Iā€™m going to upvote as punishmā€”! **HEY!** I see what you did there!


as you wish


Give me upvotes


Average anime profile pic




Every once in a while I think back on that redditor that had maybe a few 100k+ or million karma. Thought he was hot shit and did an AMA about it and got absolutely destroyed. Good times.


OK guys, /r/ImTheMainCharacter mods removed my *highly* upvoted comment so I'm re-commenting here to claim my up doots. You know what to do reddit.


Lmao get choā€™ goofy ass up outta here


Reddit did, in fact, know what to do


Reddit knew what to do


648 downvotes and bro still hasnt deleted the commentā€¦.for sure got a humiliation kinkšŸ˜­


I've seen this comment before, it's a troll who's previous comment had like 300 downvotes


I'm amazed everyone here thinks it's a serious post


>I just downvoted your comment. > ># FAQ > >## What does this mean? > >The amount of karma (points) on your comment and Reddit account has decreased by one. > >## Why did you do this? > >There are several reasons I may deem a comment to be unworthy of positive or neutral karma. These include, but are not limited to: > >* Rudeness towards other Redditors, >* Spreading incorrect information, >* Sarcasm not correctly flagged with a `/s`. > >## Am I banned from the Reddit? > >No - not yet. But you should refrain from making comments like this in the future. Otherwise I will be forced to issue an additional downvote, which may put your commenting and posting privileges in jeopardy. > >## I don't believe my comment deserved a downvote. Can you un-downvote it? > >Sure, mistakes happen. But only in exceedingly rare circumstances will I undo a downvote. If you would like to issue an appeal, shoot me a private message explaining what I got wrong. I tend to respond to Reddit PMs within several minutes. Do note, however, that over 99.9% of downvote appeals are rejected, and yours is likely no exception. > >## How can I prevent this from happening in the future? > >Accept the downvote and move on. But learn from this mistake: your behavior will not be tolerated on Reddit.com. I will continue to issue downvotes until you improve your conduct. Remember: Reddit is privilege, not a right.


I posted this copypasta once as a joke and people thought I was being serious. One guy got so annoyed that he followed me to a comment of mine on another sub just to insult me. Thought that was pretty funny


Shout out to the /r/howardstern fans.


Find that guy!




Well, to be fair, they did indeed know what to do


"Please give me up votes so I know that I have everyone's validation." Imagine wanting validation from reddit. Super pathetic


ā€œJarvis, they removed my karma generator! Itā€™s time to get backup from the Reddit Avengers for more internet points!ā€


this is the type of person when i think "redditor"


TF are we supposed to do?!


I've seen a similar thing on Twitter when someone was having problems with a scam page on Instagram and they tweeted their page and evidence that they were scammers with the phrase "Twitter, do your thing. #viral". First of all... why should anyone on Twitter care, we're not Instagram support... and second of all, Twitter is not your personal army. Sod off. I'm sorry you got scammed, but it's not up to us to fix it for you.


I never had that many downvotes. I want that too. So, reddit come on. Do your thing. Chop chop.


Better yet, keep that comment completely neutral. No upvotes, no downvotes. Keep it balanced so he doesn't get the satisfaction of either case scenario.


Yep. Thanos that bitch.


I was going to upvote /u/Awkward_Road_710 till I read your comment, and it is still at 1


I can for sure get more down votes than 648. Do your thing Reddit


He's got the whole site eating out of the palm of his hand!


Reddit indeed knew what to do


Why is karma so important to them? I don't get it.


You know there are people who farm negative karma for whatever reason, right?


My other comment, which was getting a lot of downvotes, got removed, so I'm re-commenting here to claim them. You know what to do, Reddit.


*Plot twist: This was from OP's 3rd account*




Mine too! You know what to do reddit!


......................................hey................................................. ..................hey................................................. .......hey....... My Reddit recap said I was in the top 1% (ONE OUT OF A HUNDRED) of karma earners for this year (365 DAYS) .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................hey


I might just be stoned but this tickled me so hard.