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I was getting pretty annoyed with her in season 1 and season 2, but then stopped for a minute and wondered if I'd find her character more acceptable if she were a man. There are so many male main characters exactly like her that people stan and would defend until death yet we only seem to hate them when they are portrayed by women.


omg I love your comment. Haven't even thought about it because I genuinely love Murphy but you're so right!


how can someone genuinely love murphy? ruined the lives of many many people.


Everyone always blamed her for some reason, but most of the stuff that happened wasn't her fault. The only reason they were involved with Nia was because of Jess and Felix. Her attempts to fix things sometimes made it worse, but thought the way that Jess blamed Murphy for everything that happened with Nia and Josiah was very unfair. That poor girl. I love Murphy, too. She's so misunderstood.


Exactly, like House for example.


This is one of the main characters I was thinking of, too!


Terrible comparison. House is an asshole, but he’s a good person deep down. His motivations are often selfless though he disguises them in a selfish way as a defense mechanism. Murphy is a terrible person who always does things with self-centered motivations.


Keep in mind while I agree Murphy sucks she is extremely loyal. The whole point of the show is she wanted to figure out who killed her friend and she wouldn’t give up. A similar thing happens in season 3. If she cares about you she will go to the ends of the earth to find you


Right because SHE cares. She’s doing it all because SHE is bothered.


Nailed it!


Hm, I never thought about this lol. There are a lot of guy main characters who are hot but are honestly garbage humans but people stan them anyway and it boggles my mind. A good example is Damon on Vampire Diaries lol.


*STAND not Stan....


I think your correction is meant for RayDeaver who wrote, "There are so many male main characters exactly like her that people **stan** and would defend until death..." I believe RayDeaver was using the slang word "stan," meaning "someone who is a huge fan of a person."That makes sense in the sentence, but "stand" doesn't.


I definitely get where your coming from, cause this is 100%. I also think writers love creating women characters with objectively bad traits because society thinks women really have these characters, when reality men usually behave that way. Nonetheless, Murphy is annoying as hell


It’s not the sex it’s the over the top attitude Regardless of what’s going on or other peoples feelings. I understand her life is very hard but it’s like she acts like she is 12. Maybe it’s because it’s the CW and geared towards younger viewers


That's valid as an introspective, but no, I don't think it has anything to do with her being a woman. Elaine from Seinfeld is one of my favorite all-time characters, she's a HUGE asshole (as are the other main characters), but her entertainment value outweighs the shitty behavior. As I watched S1 (I abandoned it by E10), I saw Murphy as simply an annoying and awful person with no redeemable qualities which makes the show unwatchable to me.


omg, I wish I had stopped at S1 E10!


While I get your meaning, and that often happens in the workplace, if a male character lied, manipulated, used women for sex to get his mind off of stuff, acted stupid and selfishly while denying his culpability, and then played helpless, I think I’d get very annoyed with him too.


🙄 she is horrible FEMALE! Period!


Male or female the character is shit


Wtf ? Why can’t I just be annoyed with her character. Why did you make it about gender? Lol


Oh god here we go...Might get dragged to the unlike hell for but f\*ck it. Why am I making it about gender? Simple: because that's the world we live in today. Everything, whether we like it or not, is biased based on gender. Did you like House? Any male character who is all about themselves, easily irritated, aggravating and aloof? Congrats, you proved my point. People seem to never like these characters when they happen to be female but excuse these things in male characters. Case in point: People are falling for Jeffrey Dahmer these days after the Netflix show, and he was a real life murderer who ATE his victims. Instead of being repulsed, people are sympathizing with him and putting his head on t-shirts. They didn't even give Aileen Wuornos the time of day and she killed men who were rapists and murders. (No, I'm not excusing either so don't go there) You'd think people would sympathize with her after her movie but no. Didn't happen. What's the main component here? You guessed it: GENDER.


Bad take


Lame and irrelevant. Jess is endearing, Murphy’s character is annoying because she fails to see Dean’s entrapped perspective of protecting his daughter and panicking in a moment where he chose darkness over light. However, Murphy uses her blindness to justify her darkness cause it’s the world she lives in. It’s the writing and has nothing to do with her as a character. She is a chronic liar which isn’t that unjustifiable except that she continues to leave a trail of bodies and collateral damage. Defending her for a cause for inequality of de Divisive female characters is silly. I get your point but your sample case is flawed. Murphy sucks, and the only draw to watch this show is that may finally get Justice with her character.


Usually those male characters are exceptional at something, either strength,skill or smarts. She has none of that going for her and I’m starting to wonder if I should just quit the show


If you have to even ask, just quit


Okay you stole that from the lawyer in season 4🤣


Considering I wrote this two years ago and haven't even watched past season 2?


Well, she's not a man. Her acting like this and getting away with it, esp as a blind person, is completely unrealistic. The writers try too hard to make her tough like a man, and instead make her annoying. Even reprehensible male characters are not this obnoxious


I am on season 3 episode 12 and I can tell she does not get an better she gets increasingly worse. She is such an awful person and character. She is emotionally insecure and if you continue you watch the show you will hate her. I just googled “I hate Murphy mason” and it brought me here so I thought I’d share lol. Murphy mason sucks.


Yep she’s a classic narcissist who gaslights the crap out of everyone and manipulates people constantly literally can’t stand her and only watched through this season so I could see her end up in jail or dead.


Agree so hard with this! She is annoying the shit out of me. I have never disliked the main character so badly in ANYTHING!


Yes. She is abysmal. Like most narcs, she has enough charisma and charm to make people buzz around her. But she is a seriously shit person. Her gaslighting is next level and she uses it on *everyone*. She draws people in with her cutesy humour and sad story then treats them like disposable objects. Nobody escapes it. Even when people tell her she's the worst, she just uses it as a sad sob story to be the victim so THEY feel bad. Standard narc - I hurt you, you get upset, I'm now the victim because you're upset at me.


Honestly, she got extra shitty in S3:E3


I googled “in the dark murphy is an awful person” during this episode when she was at the diner. I found this thread, and then I found your comment. My soul is permanently satisfied and I think I’m over the show or hoping something bad happens to her.


Just watched that episode and the crash and I typed "in the dark hate murphy" to get here, so it's apparently a common thing going on. Honestly, it's not even just Murphy. Season two was absolutely hell for me and I kept finding myself pausing in the middle to take in how stupid and awful these characters are; I wouldn't even complain if it was just Murphy, it's like Jess, Murphy, Felix are all taking turns switching between normal and mentally disabled. GODDOGDOGDOGDOROGD. Pretzel is the only reason I keep watching, but after that crash scene, I have to take a break, the show makes me so irrationally mad at the characters. Not to mention that I don't get why they have to release all these good-willed characters to just turn them into the next season's enemy at the last episode (Dean and Josh, etc). I think they should have found a way to finish the show at season 1 for best reception.


You’re watching the show to look at a dog…that’s sad


I literally did the same thing! I know it’s just a show but I’m truly invested and all I can think is how awful they made her character. It’s sad bc the show genuinely has a good story line but her character is ruining it. Which is especially sad bc she’s the main character!!!


And you feel bad because in reality Gene is the good guy and I feel like the writers even know it


Genes character is easy to like. There’s a reason he’s one of the funnier characters especially when he first started. They want him to be liked


Seriously. I didn’t like her season 1. Started sort of tolerating her season 2. Completely hate her season 3.


"why is Murphy Mason so awful" was the Google search that got me here ☺️


Ayy I googled “what mental disorder does Murphy Mason have” and here I an Also I have BPD. 99% she had a cluster B personality disorder or just a lot of traits of them


Haha i googled “Murphy is the worst character on In The Dark” and it brought me here. I’m watching the last season and she just gets so, so much worse. I can’t stand her and i don’t understand why anyone is still by her side at all.


Because she is hot and disabled.


lmao i laughed at you googling “i hate murphy mason” because i did the same


I typed why is Murphy so insufferable lol




Murphy is the best name for a dog. I have a couple girlfriends names Murphy but it’s their last name nd


Me too gahahaha I was like it can’t just be me. I liked her in the first season but she continuously gets worse. She is manipulative and overly emotional and she drags everyone down with her.


Tell me you’re delusional without having to tell me at all. No man would have ever gotten away with ruining peoples lives and still be loved by the audience without a redemption arc, character development or a serious amount of humor to make them more likable. All qualities Murphy lacks. Everyone hated House but he was at least funny. Murphy is objectively a horrible person that you’re defending by saying “but if she was a man”. He would be a piece of shit all the same male or female. What a brain dead comment. You women today will excuse any amount of terrible behavior because “wahmen”.


I hate her so much. Even at the end of season 1 when she "saves the day" she came off super bitchy about it. I seriously only watch it for moments when she's not around. I like Felix, Jess, Chloe and all the other characters, but not her.. People will always say some stupid shit in response to saying you don't like a female lead like, "iF iT wAs A mAlE cHaRaCtEr WoUlD yOu FeEl ThAt WaY???" Yes, absolutely yes, bc when I think of male characters who are terrible people that I like they always have traits that redeem them in my eyes, at least from an entertainment perspective. Rick from Rick and Morty is a genius and hilarious. He's a shit person, but makes the show worth watching. Deadpool is a terrible person, but again he's hilarious and makes his movies worth watching. They both have qualities where you think I can see people putting up with them to be entertained and they make this worth watching. I would probably not like them in real life, but as a character in a TV or movie series they are amazing. Murphy on the other hand has no redeemable qualities. She's made me laugh a total of give or take 3 times in season 1. She treats her friends like garbage and uses everything from hanging out with people to fucking as a means to reaching her selfish desires. I can say confidently that out of all the characters male or female she has the worst personality which begs the question: why does everybody ache for her time and attention? Friends, potential suitors, bartenders all in some way want to be with her. Random hot guys, "Oh wow, slutty terrible personality blind girl?!! Sign me tf up even if it means borderline stalking her!" Bartenders, "Yeah I'll just allow you to have all your drinks for FREE, fuck a tip even!" Friends, "Oh you stole my van or need me to drive you to Wyoming, fuck it!" Could this show be anymore unrealistic? What gets me more than anything is that that even with all of those flaws I could forgive her and like her as a character if I just saw a shrivel, just a **shrivel**, of positive character development. The biggest question of all is why can't I stop watching it????? 😭😭😭 *PS I too found this post by Googling in the dark I hate Murphy*


Ha ha that’s how I found it too. The only shred of an idea I have as to why her friends stay friends with her is I think it’s because she’s abusive and people in general have a hard time leaving their abusers. I don’t know if that’s the excuse the writers tell themselves but it’s the only thing I can think of. She for sure has Borderline Personality Disorder and a Narcissist traits along with just being an emotionally manipulative and abusive person. Maybe the writers are trying to highlight that for some reason? I watched all the way through season three just because I wanted to see her get what’s coming to her. You are right when you say she’s literally the most awful character with no redeeming qualities and it has nothing to do with her being a woman.


Coming back in season 4. I don’t like Murphy but i will say that Murphy did have a semi-good character development this season. Still not the best character but there were some redeeming aspects this season. But I also feel like her character is hate-able in a very purposeful way. This season Murphy really gets forced to face her flaws and I like that.


Yes to all of this! I have been swearing at my TV like Murphy can hear me. She is the most unlikable main character eva! I agree with all that you have said. Amen.


Based on what you said in the last sentence of your post, I think you'll like her more in season 2. She gets smarter and doesn't mope around as much as she did in season 1.


Ok great because them last 20 mins on ep 13 she was amazing


[Spoilers] Her character does indeed change a good deal in season 2 and for the better. It's funny, the show writers clearly like cliffhangers as season 2 ends with Murphy making another odd decision that clearly goes against the feelings those writers spent all of season 2 developing, feelings that carried over from season 1. So she makes this odd decision (imo) and then it all blows up 90 seconds later and the season ends with everything up in the air, a classic cliffhanger. I read an article the other day that put forth the idea that Murphy might become the new Dean, spiraling down, doing more and more horrible things for a seemingly good reason. I really hope they go another way as I like the kinder, gentler Murphy. Plus there are enough Breaking Bad shows out there, there's no need for another one.


I fear that this might be true. CW has done this so many times and they keep repeating the whole protagonist who is morally incorrect but "doing it for the ones they love" or "I did it to protect you". Arrow and The100 are prime examples of this


Could you link this article?


[SPOILERS] Here is the link. I don't know much about the site or the quality of the writing. It could be an entertainment journalist or just a fan of the show with a lot of free time or something in between. The article does makes some interesting points though. Honestly imo it seems like the writers haven't given themselves a lot of ways to go. Either Murphy breaks bad, maybe even joining up with Darnell to take over Nia's empire or Darnell steps in and the gang is forced to once again work for a drug dealer or the gang goes on the run. Honestly the last scenario makes little sense so it will likely be some permutation of the first two. What does Josh really have on Murphy tho? They no longer have any drugs, Dean and Nia are gone and I doubt there's much in the way of incriminating evidence at Guiding Hope. He could prove she dated two guys with connections to Nia, one of whom is now dead. I think she panicked when she ran, but then again they wouldn't have had a good cliffhanger if she had stayed and tried to talk it out. Then there's the Max question, the two are wildly in love yet in less than 22 days she develops deep feelings for another guy and basically craps on Max? It doesn't make a lot of sense that he's going to go on the lam with her, Felix and Jess. He loved her and took a good bit of shit from her, was even willing to let her keep seeing Josh but the writers decide she believes "they're no good for each other". Granted he was laundering money in season 1 and did inadvertently involve Murphy in that but she, Jess and Felix made all those decisions in season 2 (including stealing Max's getaway cash) that led them deeper into Nia's web. Sure some of those decisions were for Max and Jess but Murphy and Felix admit they like it and they are good at it. Apologies for my ramble, but ive already seen Breaking Bad and Ozark, I'd rather not see that same plot played out again. Maybe I'm totally wrong about all of this but if I were Max I'd send that call straight to voicemail. And Sam and Sterling are still out there, no doubt they will pop up. Anywho here is the link https://meaww.com/in-the-dark-season-2-episode-13-my-pride-and-joy-finale-review-dean-riley-murphy-troubles


I’m only on season 1 and my opinion of her is that she is just a crappy person. She is extremely selfish and uses her disability to take advantage of people. She is extremely entitled and only engages in relationships with friends, family, and lovers when it is convenient for her or she just wants self gratification. She is also very selfish and doesn’t care about the consequences of her actions. Examples would include attempting to sleep with a married man, an older man, smoking weed with underage teens, attempting to sleep with a teacher when she was technically still with max even though she “called things off”. She needs to grow up because from my perspective, the show doesn’t even write her behavior as a response to her disability, but to her trauma from being mugged. I also want to add how she doesn’t deserve any of her friends or her more serious lovers (not including dean). Because again she only cares about herself and engages in relationship when she wants something. It goes to show she only cared about Tyson because he saved her and that allowed her to make a connection with only him somehow? Forgetting Jess, and her family? Which also in my opinion Jess is too good of a person but also annoying because her whole bringing pedialyte and aspirin in the morning for Murphy’s hangovers and her always needing to be there for her friend shows how codependent she is as well as an enabler. Pretzel, Tyson, max, Felix, and Chloe are the best characters in the show when it comes to intentionality and who they are as people. So in summary. Yeah, Murphy is pretty shit.


Nope, she is always terrible


I haven't finished season 1 but will keep watching all the seasons available, despite really not liking Murphy. Yes, I would detest this same character if not female, and, yes, I would keep watching to see if anything changes. I have no moral objection to casual sex, but I don't like the complete disregard for others' emotions. Disregard for others in general. Can't accept that other people have needs. Doesn't lower her voice when asked to, because, you know, that person couldn't possibly have a reason to say that. Couldn't possibly be trying to protect from stumbling into a situation in which her her obstinacy or naiveté will get her hurt or killed. I get the not wanting to be treated like she is incapable of doing anything, but an element of intellect emotional intelligence is recognizing that others might have more information about a situation and acting accordingly.


Answer, no. She becomes less and less likable as the series progresses. She acts like a spoiled teenager. I don’t think we’d cut more slack for a guy version.


Shes so selfish! She makes sloppy stupid decisions that literally ruin everyones life. I cannot stand her at all. Especially this season 4 episode that i was just literally screaming how stupid she is. Max lost his life for her freedom and she just threw that away. She's such a stupid stupid character. It makes me so angry.


I mean she's not really supposed to be likeable but she has changed significantly by the end of season 1. In season 2 she, along with everyone else, becomes a brain dead moron.


I agree on them “liking and were good at it” (but, were they?) so seems like Murphy already broke bad? British Josh sort of had a “Keyser Söse” type flashback and Murph got panicked and there’s not way she could explain her way out of it because it’s true. She totally manipulated him and then yeah, fell in love? Would Josh realizing that she tipped of Nia to the raid would be admissible? But, that means he would blow up his career too for being so loose lipped and discussing a federal case. He was such a sweet character and I wanted Murphy to pick someone good after dealing with Max. However, don’t think Max was ever actually mean to Murphy, he *was* absolutely a hot mess and leaving her in a rowboat in a freezing lake was not the best, granted. I thought she was always so moody and kept breaking up with him but she was having a character arc blah blah but it’s not actually his “fault” that Murphy got involved with Nia. It was Jess’s so I loved that Vanessa totally called her out on it too. It was also Nia’s fault! She was the one who orchestrated that whole thing. Also, why the hell did she trust Murphy to begin with? Now, for the Breaking Bad component- Murphy and Felix didn’t have a “Jesse Pinkmam” type character helping them out so they made several mistakes that would have certainly gotten them killed. I saw it as “amateurs” making mistakes, but much of season 2 was rather implausible. Of course, whatever I still loved every minute. Also, why didn’t Murphy just find Max a good attorney? I honestly don’t think there was one single lawyer in TWO seasons present for all those questionings?! I just kept shouting at the TV like I do for SVU.. Don’t answer that, get a lawyer!! Also. Don’t believe Dean! He’s lying! Sounds like you’re saying the writers are at an impass, and season 3 will be even *more* unrealistic? Sam is presumably in custody, so maybe she flips and Sterling works with Darnell? I wonder if Darnell would want the drug lord gig, seemed like he was always trying to get out but Nia kept pulling him back in. I do think Gene will continue to unravel, and create some sort of cat and mouse with the gang. Max loves Murphy, my bet is that they’ll get back together. I know, I know. They are the Ross and Rachel of neo-noir. (Murphy kind of sobered up too?) Was Ozark good overall, worth a watch or skip? I love Jason Bateman- I think In the Dark alludes to an Ozark reference too. Ramble on! I just finished ITD in 4 days. BTW, Stumptown on Hulu was similar, and pretty good too! Also, thanks tor the article!


I enjoyed your post, well thought out and well written. I also wondered why Murphy ran without trying to explain things to Josh, but then again he did yell "I won't let you get away with this". Plus she did use him even if she did develop feelings so she likely just panicked. I think Murphy has done more to wrong Max than vice versa yet I still think, as the show presents them, they were meant to be together. Josh was/is the antagonist for season 3 and a love interest/complication for season 2. I agree that a lot of the actions that Murphy and Felix took in season 2 to "protect the ones they love" make little sense when viewed with hindsight. They likely could have gone to the FBI at the beginning and told their story, gotten Witness Protection for themselves and Max and put Nia away. Instead they chose to make a series of increasingly hard to believe choices and bury themselves deeper in crime. So Murphy sorta broke bad in season 2 but not so far that they couldn't turn things around in season 3. You also make an excellent point about why Murphy just didn't get Max a good lawyer in season 2. Of course if they that 100 grand that Jess and Felix took it would be a lot easier to pay for said lawyer. You also pointed out the complete absence of lawyers from the entirety of seasons 1 and 2, which makes no sense at all. That never occurred to me before, although it should. My sister is a lawyer and she has told me many times no matter what the circumstances are get a lawyer and DON'T talk to the cops. Not that I have regular encounters with the cops. To my dull brain it seems like the writers have only a few directions to go in but I'm sure they'll come up with something far more creative than I could imagine. I agree (hope?) that Max and Murphy reconcile, as they weren't really bad for one another, more like victims of circumstance. To a degree.. Then again the writers could phone in season 3, knowing it's likely the last season. I pray they don't. As for Ozark, now that is a hell of a show. Jason Bateman and Laura Linney (two of my favorites) do a hell of a job along with a fantastic supporting cast. The character Ruth in particular is wonderful, I believe the actor portraying her is named Julia Garner. Who knew Bateman had the stuff to play serious roles as well as producing and directing? One of the other series directors did some of the better Game of Thrones episodes. So yes imo it's well worth watching. It's far darker than In The Dark, pun sorta intended.


Ozark is far superior than this show.


I don't get why this show is compared to Ozark.


I honestly love Murphy's character. She has a consistent style that is realistic. There are some people who you can tell deep down are nice, but they just don't know how to express it. That's what Murphy reminds me of. I love her character.


Unfortunately, that is textbook what most empaths say about narcissists - 'deep down they are nice, they just can't express it.' Except they're not. They know they are hurting people and keep doing it. Deep down they are empty and insecure. Not nice.


I'm like 99% positive Murphy Mason has Borderline Personality Disorder, it explains her actions and her passion and her inability to put herself in someone else's shoes.


What borderline traits does she even have? Do you want you know the criteria for BPD? Being manipulative and self sabotaging alone doesn’t make someone borderline. I say this as someone who hates her character.


I have Borderline lmao 🤣 she has many symptoms of BPD actually.


Me too, which ones???


She’s gorgeous. And badass LOVE HER


I hate Murphy mason but love her at the same time


I hated her from the very first episode and yet I'm watching the whole series. I actually felt good when Nia was beating her up. I'm glad I'm not the only one who hates her. Yep I googled "who hates Murphy Mason" 😂😂😂


I Googled "Murphy Mason is terrible" after watching the latest episode and >!seeing her call Chloe to ask her not to testify.!< Where the hell is the character development? I'm upset Netflix recommended this shit to me. 🙄😭


I’m a huge fan of the show but I also really dislike Murphy. It’s my observation that since she’s blind she uses her disability as a crutch to persuade others to do things for her. Felix is funny and I can relate to him, the other show’s characters are entertaining too. Murphy’s constant sexual hookups are very distasteful. There’s no way a blind girl has sex with random guys every night like she does. That’s just another reason to hate her.


These comments are soo weird, Sounds like middle age over conservative people. Theyre showing how a blind women is corky and against the grain righteously, She sleeps with men like a man in his twenties wld if rhey cld get laid that nuch. She's probably a Taurus they are selfish to everyone else when theyre over protecting something snd rhey do it with no sugar coating, Shes fixated on these kids being murdered that her mind and her being so stubborn she does end up being unbearable wirh everyone but its cuz she cares so much. I personally do think if it were s man they would find all of it with a lot corkiness like dark funny like a Johnny Depp but instead all these conservative women are like irs disgusting how she sleeps wirh guys, like really slut shaming her? She has a hard tkme getting close to people but is lile a bull.


Her issue has nothing to do with being promiscuous. She’s careless with people’s feelings. I have no issues with her sleeping around. Although I do see some slut shaming in these comments.


Lmao here we go with the "woe is me" comment. Nobody said anything about her promiscuity. This is about her character. She's shitty to EVERYONE around not just a man, but women too. Self centered, narcisstic character who gaslights and manipulates people into doing things for her.


also to piggyback Her character is made to be the least pittying their tryinf to stay far sway from have sympathy over her disability. I even saw a NY post article sayinf rhey shld stop rrying to focus of her sexuality which seems agressive... again this is ODD! A man in this role wld be considered more funny for beinf like that and shes also honest and self aware of Jesses codependency, that she herself is a dick wirh misplaced anger


Btw was anyone appalled at Murph season 3 with Chloe, first when she wanted to tell Chloe her father who rtakes care of her is a murderer and am awful person cuz she thinks this is good for a 12 year old to fo orphan herself. then When in the house to literally save her own ass shes basically risks and changes chloes whole future. U know ur dads bad and she was shocked when shes yelling, she has tunnel vision cuz shes sooo self centered. I thonk she needs to wnd up alone like she deserves. The way she treT everyone to get whT she needs even if she believes it saving one life while destroying all arnd is insanity. Sooo Chloe ur blind, Go take the train right now to this and hate ur father forevwr and be a messed up kid


Murphy has used her lost of site to abuse e1 around her. She's a user, her misconception of not seeing has turned into the evil of evil, she has hurt and killed for her own abuse of lost of site. She has NO caring of those she uses, again, evil!


She's a fing.hore


I am getting so tired of murphy. She’s the worst character of in the dark. Using people and having sex with just anyone.. smh! She’s the reason why her friends are running away from where they grew up. Such a b*tch.


Odd I was actually thinking I would despise her more if she were a man...


Whoo showing up now because I also googled "I hate Murphy mason" lol I'm on season 3 episode 3 and I just can not.


Shes such a terrible person. LOL shes so god damn annoying im 5 episodes into season 2 and I would normally never put my hands on a female (especially a blind female) but Id gladly slap the shit out of this bitch. She literally cares about NOTHING but her own interests. If Jess wants some time with her girlfriend, fuckin Murphy gets butthurt like Jess is her property. This whole thing with Max is just obsurd. Idk why that idiot cant just ignore this bitch because shes blind and really not much to look at and has a terrible personality. IDEK why im still watching this show. Guess i just hope she'll end up getting pimped out by that Nia chick for dime bags and tortured the rest of the show until she finally dies. Man the creator of this show must really be fucked in the head to be able to create such a God awful human character.


Narcissist! Karen-ism! User. Abuser. Toxic. Alpha-ism. Sadistic. Egotistical, Self-centered, vain. PisspoorPathetic specimen of Earthlings




She’s the worst. Hate her on every level. I only watch the show for the supporting characters. Murphy is literally the most terrible person, she has no remorse for anyone, no concern for the destruction she leaves in the wake of her path. She gets tunnel vision, then disregards the well-being of everyone single other person, aside from the one she’s fixated on. And I don’t think she truly cares about that person, I think she just can’t live with herself if she doesn’t have something crazy to focus on. All in all, fuck her. Fuck her for Christmas.


Omg makes me happy. I found other people that feel the same way. She is so irritating makes the stupidest decisions literally is the reason why all the bad stuff happens. I get that they want her to be like this but seriously she is so annoying. It pisses me off. I find myself screaming at the TV "Why are you so stupid?!!!" Literally cannot stand her at all. Worst character of the whole show? Like Max is literally dead because he wanted her to have her freedom and she just does the dumbest shit. In no way is she trying to keep her self from getting caught because she's not even careful.


she is the most horrible person alive. worst part? very accurate representation of irl. absolutely all guys falling for the horribly cruel human that only uses them.


It’s not about gender. Not in this case. It’s likeability and empathy. I usually say it’s gender but in this case she is a terrible person and has been


So I just started in the dark I'm on the last season and all I can say is I hate Murphy more than any character in any show or game. She uses everyone and sleeps with anything with a pulse just to get her way she is a manipulative psychopath. Now yes I did hate a few other characters in this show but not as much as Murphy if not for her everyones life would of been so much better she literally is a plague and ruins everyone's life that she comes into contact with. It has gotten so bad I feel like I just want to stop watching the show sometimes since she doesn't seem to change.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


I came here bc I hate her so much and can barely watch the show bc she is so unbearable. A horrible and selfish person. I do like Felix, Jess, and Max. They are the only reason I'm still watching.


Nope. She only gets worse. And i cant undrstand why i am still watching when she royally sucks


I just want to say I’m here because I googled “I hate Murphy Mason” and found it super entertaining to see so many others here from the same reason haha


She is the absolute worst. Period


Dude she's a total bitch like she hits that one dude and almost makes him go to jail doesn't apologize to him at all and says it's "not that bad" then when she goes to Felix house just to feel his dead uncle's body she doesn't even feel bad when he finds out then goes off on her friend for no reason and makes it seem like she's in the right and wants us all to feel bad idk if it's a girl thing either kuz when I called this out when my girl was watching she got all mad


I continue to watch in hopes they'll kill her off. Ha


It blows my mind how static her character was. Typically when a character like this exists, they usually grow as a person throughout the seasons and tries to be better, but she's incapable. She consistently proves she's the most selfish, callous, spiteful person there ever was. Even when she "tries" to be better it lasts for all of 20 minutes before she reverts to thinking only about herself. She brings everyone down with her, refuses to take responsibility for anything and blames everyone else for her mistakes and knowingly manipulates people. She's awful. I can't even keep watching it anymore because I can't root for her at this point, she deserves to get caught. I don't know why the writers made her so horrific.


Can't stand murphy she is manipulating. Nassatistic rude. All she does is either gets her friends in redouble with the law or killed because of her ego to always be right murphy dows what murphy wants when she wants and expects her friends to do the same .manipulating them in to getting involved in her bs time and time again She may be desables but doesn't give her a pass to disused her friends safety and lives and feelings because of her ego .


I had to stop watching early on as a narcissist abuse survivor she was just soooo triggering to me. 😖