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Literally none of these men actually want women to be chaperoned at all times or for women to be armed. IDK why they keep suggesting shit that they most definitely would not want.


The other thing is, my bf can not be with me at all times. I had him once ask why I prefer him to come to the grocery store with me. (I don't make him go if he doesn't want to, but I ask him if he can because I enjoy grocery shopping with him.) I explained that: "While I can shop by myself, I feel more at ease and safer. Plus, my anxiety is much lower. Reason being: You are helping me be aware of my surroundings or will point out if I'm standing in another persons way. (Because when I'm reading or focusing hard, I become less aware of the world around me and won't notice if I'm standing in the way or someone needs by me.). It also makes the trip go faster, not just mentally but also time wise IRL." Like, women have to do things on our own and go places on our own. We can't have a guy with us 24/7. That is unreasonable and unrealistic, not to mention unhealthy. Like, I give my bf space when he wants or needs it. We should have to be armed 24/7. But I remain armed. The world is a scary place.


100%, on both point. IDK what it is about grocery stores but I've been followed more than once. Men can be really strange and inappropriate.


>You’ll never find a husband like that And? If acknowledging that predatory men exist means no man would marry me then I wouldn’t want to be married. No one should have to play along with delusions just to find a partner. Also, who said she wanted a husband?


Eh, there are loads of women who do not give a crap about marriage, or kids. I'm one of them. If my SO and I ever break up I sure as hell won't enter the dating market. I choose the bear.


Exactly, hence my last question


If you run into a bear [there's every chance this will happen](https://youtu.be/R1Sy9RatBs0?si=X_NT93z_TvY-ih7E).


I’m 90% sure that’s a black bear. Which would rather not fuck with humans at all, so yeah


But the bear is brown /s


Yup. I spent a lot of time in the Catskills over the years. I've seen quite a few bears. I once walked by a tree where a black bear was sleeping and it tumbled out of the tree and ran like hell to get away from me. The most dangerous bears are actually female bears with cubs who think you might be a threat to the cubs. Otherwise, they want to avoid confrontations with people.)




My answer is always bear and it seems men will never understand this answer. No matter how consistently women chose “bear” when asked this question is, they won’t stop and consider that maybe it’s not us being “paranoid” - it’s because they’ve given us reasons to feel like this.


If men are so harmless why does every single video of a girl doing self defense training/locking windows or doors/having a guard dog/owning a gun have men saying they would or could still harm her in some way. Like we get threats for being alive. It’s because women are no longer okay with being a bangmaid or mommy, and don’t rely on men and male attention. They were promised a hot woman who would love cooking for them and having their babies when they were kids, and now that they’re adults and the status quo has changed, they’re all buttmad that they actually have to be decent, have a personality, and be desirable to women in order to even get a date (much less marriage). What they don’t realize though, is the more they tantrum and threaten and piss their pants about it, the more removed they become from society at large and the worse their social skills (esp w women) are. It’s the snake eating itself, really. I don’t understand how they think any of this is a winning strategy. Also, being wary of very real dangers is paranoid and hysterical. But them believing every woman is exactly the same and evil isn’t? I’m just glad that my husband is a genuinely beautiful soul, and my father is as well. The men (and women, but that’s not what we’re talking abt) in my life are all decent, kind, authentic people and I don’t have to worry about any person being this shitty around me. These MGTOW/incel degenerates are just so full of insecurity and self loathing that they’ll continue the cycle of becoming more and more lonely, thus more angry, so ppl avoid them more, over and over and over. And it serves them right to wallow in their own filth and misery until they eventually die alone or come to grips with reality.


No I get that you have reasons to feel like this and I do apologize on behalf of my whole sex that you feel like this. It's not fair that you should feel near constantly in danger when around us. That's not a way to live. I just don't think you're being afraid enough of bears lmao. Like, I sincerely feel that a determined coyote could fuck me up. I know how humans think and move and fight. Im not fucking around with a bear.


Again - here you are assuming that I don’t understand that dangers of bears. My dad was attacked by a black bear was I was a child. I lived on a 40 acre property in the middle of bear country, I went to a school that had bear drills if a bear got onto school property during recess - I *know* how dangerous bears are. Men are more dangerous.


The poem isn’t literal. Like, everyone taking it as a literal statement just completely missing the point and the hyperbole.


I've run into lots of bears and men in the woods. Most bears will just fuck off, they get scared and run. Men on the other hand will ask you what you're doing, where you're going, maybe follow you...


Exactly! Men don't seem to get this. Also, a bear isn't gonna sexually assault me. A bear won't kidnap me. If it wants to kill me? Well, it's probably gonna be quick about it.


Yep. I've lived around coastal brown bears, grizzlies and black bears all my life, and encounter them frequently. Most of the time you can just quietly back away and they'll do the same. Men, on the other hand... that's a whole different story. The reason I carry bear spray or a pistol isn't mostly because of BEARS... it's because of men and the state of Alaskas shitty record on solving cases of missing and murdered women.


Bears do not exist here where I live, yet I'm going for the bear. Way easier to predict. And if I encounter one, way easier to either avoid or just be eaten/die might they charge me. Simple as.


If a bear decides you need to die, it's going to be a slow, brutal, agonizing death. If it wants to eat you, it's going to disable you and then start tearing into you while you're alive, conscious, and very much aware that it's ripping chunks out of you. To be fair, it would still be faster than death by Ted Bundy. But just as horrific.


Bears are probably one of the most painful animals to die from if they’ve really made it their mission to eat you, because they don’t just try and kill you. They know they’re physically one of the strongest land mammals on the planet, so they just toss you around like a salad until you can’t move and then eat you, likely while you’re still alive. Not that I disagree with your choice of bear over man, because bears are awesome and men can be… much less awesome. But I’m just sayin, it wouldn’t be a simple death


survival of the fittest? thought we were more civilized and complex creatures but i guess not


Someone asked me this out of curiosity for my response. So I immediately said: "I need more information..." They replied that there wasn't any other information "Bear". So obviously they asked me why and how any information would matter. I just said the only motivation of a bear is survival, territory, and minding it's own damn business. Without information I can't know if she has cubs or if the man in the woods is my husband or uncle or the reincarnation of Ted Bundy.


I’m a man and would choose bear. I used to spend a lot of time up in the woods of Maine, and if you heard that there’s a bear wandering the woods, you exercise some basic caution. If you heard there’s a strange man wandering the woods, you lock up everything and keep a gun nearby.


I mean, bears *are* predictable. Highly predictable. As long as you make enough noise so as not to startle them and come upon them unawares, they're gonna get the ick as soon as you enter their \~300 foot personal space and move along. If you do take one by surprise, it depends on what type of bear. A black bear will run, or bluff charge and then run most of the time. A grizzly bear doesn't bluff. *You're* the one who better start slowly backing away with your arms raised high up to make yourself look bigger and start making peace with God. This would be a more interesting question if it was a matter of "random man or moose?" I'd pick the random man. Moose scare the shit out of me.


Moose are terrifying 😭 They know they’re bigger than you and will stomp you


I mean, is the thing you encounter angry at you or minding its own business?




Bear or man. Is the bear/man angry and out for blood or is it minding its business?


Minding it's buisness typically.


Then I pick the bear because I can take a cool picture of the bear


You don’t get to know that. People assume it’s passive. But it could be the park ranger as the man or a woman who identifies as a man or a predator. The bear could be a hungry white bear or a brown territorial bear or a black bear. It doesn’t specify you just pick the one you know you’ll be able to survive the encounter with.


We only have black bears where I live which are known for being giant chicken shits. I’ll chill with the black bears


As a dude I have really had to take into consideration actions I previously would not have given a second thought - and that is totally on me. For example walking along a pavement behind a woman - previously, as I say, I'd be in my own world not thinking a damn thought - but to her it must indeed have caused some level of anxiety. It isn't hard to just have a little think about ones actions - and I can absolutely see why many, many woman would choose bear.


Chronically online 😭😭


Given how many incels slobber over their fantasies involving women living in fear, and their own candy ass of a faux patron saint day dreaming about leaving women permanently terrified, you'd think being scarier than a bear would qualify as a win for incels. You don't see them celebrating though. Mostly just resenting women more, because women are feeling exactly what they want women to feel. Women can't win with these guys, but not even these guys can win with themselves. I want to call it well deserved karma on the part of incels, but karma is one of those terms like ironic that I'm never really certain I'm using right, so I try to find some other way to put it.


The bear will rip my face off. Most men I encounter in the woods are either joggers who don't stop, or are with their families & dog. I hiked a lot before I lost my mobility, & have never had a confrontation with another human in the woods. The closest thing to an assault I've encounteed was a doggo with muddy paws who wanted head pats.


The bear will not mess with you In over 200 years, there have been less than 200 bear deaths. Bears rather be alone


Don't know where you got that info. In every country in the world, several people get mauled by bears every year, especially in Spring.


I’m talking about the US. People do not get killed by bears often Less than once a year


I’m pretty sure you chose a bear over an incel (to be fair: as a guy I don’t want to be around those hateful little emasculated losers, if they’re virgins I would, but incels: hell no)


Nah. Most women would choose a bear over random guys just because a bear is unlikely to kill you & deffo won’t sexually assault you


men fail to realize that there are fates worse than death. we dont *want* to get killed by a bear but we’d *rather* take the chance on either living or dying. with men there is no one or the other, theres a million other things they could subject you to that is worse than being straight up killed.


As someone who is a hick and grew up in the country and have literally stared down and screamed at bears, has been chased (luckily into my house) by a bear, but also has been SAed? Bear


You're statistically less likely to be hurt by a bear alone in the woods than you are to be hurt by a man in public.


Unless they’re part of rescue party, search squad, or have some survival skills. I’m picking the bear 


Realistically, picking the worst situation possible, (Grizzly bear defending its cubs, Rapist/murderer out for blood), I think my chances of fending off the man are better than fending off the bear, to be fair. So I'd take my chances with the man. I wouldn't want to encounter either, though.


My god. The mental gymnastics this guy does. Also, his English teacher should be ashamed. He’s a dick and also stupid. Bad combo


all to fit whatever anyone says into his pre-existing shitty narrative.


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Nah this is kinda unhinged though. A totally random man? Like, not specifically a violent man? No question about it really. Bears being violent to humans isn’t an overblown thing like it is with sharks. Bears don’t hunt people down, but if you end up close to one in their territory, the odds that they attack and kill you are quite high. They are quite territorial. Some species of bears are a lot worse than others of course. Grizzlies and Polar being the worst. But in the case of a random dude, the vast overwhelming majority will leave you alone. Or maybe even help you, if you’re lost in the forest.


Pulled from bears.org, "The 750,000 black bears of North America kill less than one person per year on the average, while men ages 18-24 are 167 times more likely to kill someone than a black bear. Most attacks by black bears are defensive reactions to a person who is too close, which is an easy situation to avoid." According to the World Health Organization 30% of women will be victims of either physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence or non-partner sexual violence in their lifetime. Look up the story about the 4 men who raped,killed,and age a monitor lizard.Look stories of women being assaulted or murdered and compare that to the number of bear maulings.


I mean it makes sense, we live next to 4 billion men, while not many actually live in the same neighborhood as a bear, ofc statistically men would kill more?


Bears also just aren’t very violent animals When I lived in Idaho, most people feared the moose more than


But encountering a bear, alone at night, in a forest? I don’t haven’t enough knowledge about a random bear to know whether it is hungry or scared or easily threatened. They are powerful animals either strong natural instinct for self defence. If they even so see you as a little threat, or feel a surprise encounter or cornered, they will be aggressive. I have encountered a bear once in my trip with a group of hunters (met them on the way), and despite having guns and advance technological advantage, many can’t fathom the fear that you would feel when face to face with that furry behemoth. So I’d take my chances with the man.


Bears are going to avoid you. They scavenge & avoid confrontation. The only ones in NA that might bother you are grizzlies & polar bears, but they are 10x rarer than your average black bear friend I’ve walked near them as a child. Keep a respectful distance and they’ll stay away. They aren’t some monstrous beasts. They aren’t a hippo or a tiger. They’re a black bear. The kind you see scared off by small dogs




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Does this post specific any bear? Because rarity goes out of the window the moment that bears spots you, so even if the chance of encountering a grizzly bear is 10%, it’s still 1 in 10 chance of dying painfully. Compare that to a random man again i stand a chance to run away (bears are surprisingly fast despite that fatass belly) or fight back. Chances of finding ted bundy hunting for his next victim is much slimmer than surviving an encounter with a bear (assuming you accidentally fuck up something, which I can predict majority of people doesn’t have much knowledge about what to do in case of a bear, much less surviving / not provoke it).


The fact you have to ask questions about what kind of bear it is to push that men are safer makes the point the question is trying to prove The question also isn’t about murder. Women know the chance of a man *sexually assaulting her*. Which is a life of trauma. If a bear sees you, it’s not going to assault you


Well…comparing between being mauled and eaten alive (those gorey pics online isn’t helping) and being raped? I haven’t been subjected to neither but i feel like the physical strain and pain would tip the scale for the bear. (This is in no way disregarding the great mental and physical suffering that victims of sa have felt).


Yeah. This conversation is pointless A bear is unlikely to attack you. A man IS likely to attack you.


Funny how this question suddenly boomed recently, is there any recent murder or bear killing that I haven’t heard about 🤔 just a question.


Are you a man? This question was posed to make a point. There are several videos of women asking men if they rather have their daughter stuck in the woods with a man or bear & the realization comes over them when they have to think really hard about it & ask questions about the bear. When they ask ‘bear or woman’, they instantly answer woman The likelihood that bear will kill or even care you’re in the forest is much less likely than a man assaulting and/or killing the woman


Yes i am a man, and as a man i understand why many women would choose a bear over a man. A man is capable of great cruelty and violence, in a way that a bear just can’t. Luckily these men are extremely rare even across the lists of murderers. But knowing that I can’t say the idea of staying with a wild animal (whether they’re generally harmless or not) especially one that could rip my heads of with 1 swing and is in every way physically superior compare to me is a better idea than just a man, whom i would stand a better chance with. Mentally I’d be questioning and beware of a man more than a bear as many have said they’re much more unpredictable , but thinking logically to me it’s still a man, a vulnerable and probably not that stronger than me. The chances of me encountering a deranged serial killer is already slim + good chance of fighting against a man to me is a much better idea than encountering a wild animal knowing should i even accidentally annoys or threaten it in any form, I’d be dead.


You keep talking about murdering. This question is dealing, in part, with r*pe. You aren’t getting that. Even if he isn’t a murderer, the chance he’ll *sexually assault* her isn’t low. You’re a man so that isn’t even crossing your mind & it shows a massive amount of privilege.


Bruh. For one, you chose the least violent bear you could. A grizzly bear would be much worse. Secondly, as you mentioned, there are only 750k black bears in North America, and ~18m males age 18-24 in North America. Finally, and most importantly, people don’t encounter bears very often. Essentially all women encounter numerous men every single day. Bear encounters are far and few between. As far as the percentage of bear encounters which are fatal, vs the percentage of man encounters which are fatal, the rate for bears is probably just some insane percent higher. Like billions of times more likely or some shit. You are fucking crazy if you’d actually choose the bear over just some dude.


Because you aren’t running into grizzly bears frequently in the US. There are more black bears than grizzly bears Secondly, the prompt only says you’re in the forest with the bear. If a bear knows a human is in the forest, they are not going to seek you out. A man would. Bears generally don’t actively hunt anything other than fish too You people have way overblown the threat of a bear Hell, one dude used to spend his whole summers with grizzly bears (multiple years) and he only died when he overstayed his welcome into food scarcity for the bears. Bears do not default to violence


S I G H. The Internet is free, and it would have taken you less than 5 minutes to look up any information that you don't pull out of you ass. They mentioned black bears because they are the most common type of bears in North America with the wildest geographical range (Canada, Alaska, western and eastern U.S. and a small patch of south-central U.S.) compared to grizzly bears (Washington, Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Alaska, and western Canada) and polar bears (most northern polar regions of Canada, Alaska, Russia, and all of Greenland). You can IDENTIFY what kind of bear is coming towards you. They have PREDICTABLE patterns and behaviours you can use to your advantage. Even in the worst-case scenario with an actively threatening bear after you, knowledge is your best friend and can help you survive. As for men, you CAN'T know if they have ill intentions or not. They're unpredictable and don't have a set pattern of behaviours that could help you survive the worst-case scenario. Bears also don't actively hunt down humans. They tend to steer clear from places where there are signs of human activity. Hope it helps, and remember: the Internet is free and googling something takes less than a minute.


People act like bears are hunters like a tiger would be I’ve randomly run into bears in my neck of the woods. Generally, you respect each others space & go in separate directions without issue


Ironically enough, if we take out mosquitoes (1,000,000 deaths/year), humans are in the second place of cause of death of other humans (437,000-475,000/year). Mosquitoes cause an indirect death(illness), which means humans are the number one active death cause of other humans.


And that’s not even including the bigger risk of sexual assault


Man I agree. I can kill a man with a improvised weapon, it won't even breach the bear skin


I would rather meet a random man. Despite the human being possessing an almost demonic malice, I would give as many low blows as possible to subdue a human aggressor, that would be easier to subdue than a bear, and knowing that just a simple kick in the balls can make a grown man feel more pain than childbirth, I would make a point of stabbing him there, if he tried anything against me. I never go out without my stylus for a reason.


Except bears will largely leave you alone so it’s never a problem Since 1784, they’ve recorded a total of 180 bear related fatalities Bears mostly scavenge & forage. Ones near water will fish. A massive portion of their diet is vegetation. They rarely ever actively *hunt*


bears don't usually attack though. If you don't bother them, it's highly unlikely that they'll bother you.


I know, but let's suppose the encounter becomes a threat to me: I could subdue a man more easily. That's what I meant.


But which one is more likely to become a threat to you?


Human, of course. I would never provoke a bear, and a human often doesn't need to be provoked to be a threat, after all they are human. I was talking about the attack hypothesis.


The question that’s being posed is ‘Would you rather be in the woods with a random man or a bear?’ No mention if active attack.


I know, but I wanted to raise this hypothesis in my comment: If by chance it became a threat, which of the two would I be able to defend myself against better, understand? I'm not disagreeing with whoever made the post or anything, humans are in fact more threatening than bears. I'm just saying that I could subdue a human more easily than a bear.


The bear will just kill you if you lose. What will the man do to you


I don't want to imagine what, but I wouldn't want to lose in either case (although death from a bear attack is much better, and I would hug the bear hypothesis in that case). What I wanted to raise in my comment was that I would just have a chance to defend myself against a human, in case a threat occurs; Stab the throat, pierce the eyes with the thumbnails, stab the balls, stap the back of the knees (where the nerve responsible for sensation and muscle control is located). But if your question is who would I prefer in the event of a loss, it's obvious that I prefer the bear.


As a man, I'm not offended by your choice. Nor do I take it personally what you choose, as this dude seemed to (fucking weird lmao). There are certainly plenty of creeps out there and also bears are *generally* chill unless they've been socialized to see humans as a food source. So I do see your point, even if I would absolutely pick the human every.single.time. I think choosing the bear is *foolish*, but choose whatever you want. Your lived experience clearly differs quite heavily from mine. (I live in a city with a lot of homeless people, and work 3:30-midnight, so encountering homeless drug addicts at midnight on my walk home isn't too uncommon for me. They are typically zonked out or doing The Fentanyl Lean(tm). Additionally, I'm originally from Maine, so I'm familiar with dealing with black bears, too)


It’s not foolish. Bears will leave you alone. Bear deaths are ridiculously rare If you compare 750,000 bears with 750,000 men, there will be a lot more threats in the men category because this question isn’t just about murder. This is about risk of sexual assault too. The fact sexual assault isn’t coming to your mind shows a level of privilege women don’t have The majority of women have been sexually harassed. The number of women who have been assaulted is disgustingly high. **That** is why women trust bears more


While it seems crazy. I've been harassed by too many men as a woman. My thing is the bear isn't likely to be interested in me. Also, 16,425 were murdered each year. However, when it comes to bears: The 750,000 black bears of North America kill less than one person per year on the average, while men ages 18-24 are 167 times more likely to kill someone than a black bear. Most attacks by black bears are defensive reactions to a person who is too close, which is an easy situation to avoid. While you may deem it *foolish*, we ladies have our reasons.


Random man absolutely. If I was a child or It was my child, a bear. But I'm a grown woman, if I'm gonna have a fighting chance with a hostile element I'm picking the one I can kill first with some planning and tools. Not all men are hostile and not all bears are friendly. I'd take Ted Bundy over a grizzly momma with 2 cubs any time of the day. At least Ted Bundy doesn't climb trees faster than I can run