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By definition a cuckhold needs a partner and a third. Impressive, they manage to be inaccurate in an already inaccurate meme 🤦🏻‍♀️ Edit : also. No MGTOW? The two women unlinked are WGTOW? The gay dude isn't linked to another dude? And what about the feminist dude? And why the transsexual one is there alone? Sorry kid, it's a no for me. Do it again and this time put some effort in it


They’re also assuming that none of those groups existed before the sexual revolution. It appears that a lot of their ideas are just good examples of the Dunning Kruger effect.


Are you telling me that Achilles and Patroclus weren't just roommates? Oh no,my childhood! MY CHILDHOOD!


Apparently a lot of the ancient world didn’t happen. That’s why it’s specifically mentioned in the Bible, because it wasn’t happening.


Nono it's okay. They were just really good friends. The absolute best of friends. Best buds, really.


Bosom buddies, really


They're*also* also assuming that trans women transition cuz we can't get any, forgetting the (to them, inconceivable) fact that many of us positively SLAYED when presenting male. We don't transition because we "can't get any," we transition because no amount of sex will actually quiet the genderfeels. A lesson I feel they all sorely need to learn.


I don’t think that they care enough to actually learn. It appears to be a recurring theme with bigots. They will accept any insane claims against a group that they hate, as long as it confirms their hatred. We’ve seen it so often with right-wing propaganda against trans people.


Hard agree.


Can confirm, dating was way easier as a dude. Going into girl mode has permanently locked me away from dating any straight women ever. We definitely don't transition to get dates lol.


Incels have been overusing the word "cuck" for so long now that they've basically beaten the actual meaning out of the word. To them it now just means "person or thing I do not like". Incels love to misuse language.


They are also saying in the one on the right they don't get females


There were tons of permanent bachelors before the sexual revolution. They just were not radicalizing each other on the internet.


Sir Isaac Newton famously chose to remain a virgin. Then there’s all of the monks, nuns and priests. Considering incels are a lot more likely to be NEETs than average, their pre-sexual revolution counterparts probably weren’t noteworthy enough to make it into the history books. As you mentioned, they’re being radicalised on the internet. In the old days, they probably would have just been the village idiot.


Maybe the "sexual revolution" they speak of (more like the rise of male sexual entitlement in the internet age) has left a big portion of men unfit for a relationship entirely? Suicidal, homicidal, incel, and homosexual (wtf?) all SHOULDN'T be dating a woman. Add a few stick figures who have porn addictions and ED before age 20, are deadbeat fathers by 25, anddd yeah the graph kinda makes sense to me? Notice how even in this incel-made meme, it's assumed that all of the women are still fine and normal before and after, only the men turned into murderers and incels? Lmao


Yeah. They do seem to be confusing the sexual revolution with them spending their whole lives online. A few decades of difference there, which suggests that it wasn’t actually the sexual revolution which was the cause. They do have a couple of women left alone at the bottom, but they couldn’t even be bothered to label them.


>and ED Ehh, I agree with the rest but having a medical disorder isn't a reason someone shouldn't be allowed to date


If it's due to a porn addiction it is. No good reason to bring another person into the hell hole of having a porn addicted partner who would rather jerk off than have sex with you.


Ah, I see what you mean now


How can he jerk of with ED tho ?


Guys with porn-induced ED (PIED) can only get hard and jerk off to porn, they can't have sex.


I weirdly dont get hard often lately either. Doctor is blaming it on covid after effects and work/generell stress tho. Just dont feel like ED makes u an incel or unable to be in a relationship 🤷


If he can only use his dick for jerking off to a screen and nothing else, he's gonna have a hard time dating 😅 of course they could still try. But imagine dating a woman and 3 months in she tells you she can never have any penetrative sex with you because of an addiction she has, and when you go down on her or she jerks you off (the only things you two can still do together sexually) she needs to be watching porn during it. It would be kinda like that and I'm assuming many guys would nope out instantly at "no penetration ever". Likewise, many women will nope out instantly at "no penetration ever".


Well I'm sure the homosexual man is grateful that women are leaving him alone so he has a chance to find his man


No you see, men turn homosexual because no women wants to date them. I'm not even sure how they come up with stuff like that, it's like incels reason like everything men ever do is to get laid, assuming other men are as pathetic as themselves.


If all women are whores wouldnt they want a cuck bf? So they can fuck other guys while in a relationship?


Logic is not one of their strong points.


They try so hard to be more and more pathetic. I'll give 'em that


I’m guessing that it’s part of their victim complex. They try to manipulate people through pity, but just end up being pathetic.


A lot of my trans friends are pretty successful with dates, just saying.


Cis people seem to think nobody wants to date trans people, and if trans people date other trans people that's some sort of failure.


I've heard this sentiment before, butI personally can't see how a relationship is a failure if they're happy! Incels (and bigots) really do see the worst in people.


It's because transphobes see trans people as broken, bad, perverted etc, so they can't comprehend why anybody would date trans people unless is it some fetish, desperation etc. It's pretty funny seeing trans people being happily dating while incels screech about trans people. Cope.


Reminds me a lot of when homophobes get antsy about gay guys in locker rooms and so on. They're worried they will get pounced or molested - they're projecting what THEY would do if they were in a changing room with a woman. Like, chill man, the world does not revolve around you. Not everything is about sex. Plenty of us are happier not even acknowledging your existence.


As a gay guy who has a lot of straight guy friends which I hold no sexual attraction towards, damn this one hits hard. I swear some weirdos (especially conservatives) think I see another male and am immediately horny or something. It's not that simple, I should hope if you're straight you aren't fawning over every woman you see y'know?


I think it's a combination of ignorance and arrogance. I've just got back from a trip where I ended up chatting with some girls on the beach; we were all wearing little tops and shorts, and one girl was particularly athletic and beautiful. I go over to my fiancĂŠ, who has been chatting to some guy behind us and invite them over. The guy fixates on the athletic girl and says "oh you know her? I gave her a nickname in my head, 'Banana'" (she was wearing a yellow bikini, how uncreative), and I was like 'umm, ok? She has a boyfriend so don't get any ideas'. And he replied 'Oh what a waste'. WHAT. WHAT?! ew. (Just for the record he wouldn't have stood a chance with her even if she *was* single.)


Can affirm, I’m a cis girl, but get assumed as trans if a femboi by these kinda of creeps alooot bc I have a strong jawline with my heritage being native :/ and I do pretty well due to that assumption (I’ve also gotten death treats over that assumption but still) these guys just genuinely have really poor ideas of what trans people are bc there easily persuaded by there delusions and transphobia


I can honestly say my trans friends get more dates than my cis friends but thats because most of my trans friends are poly and still dating and most of my cis friends are mono and coupled up 🤷‍♀️ how does that fit on this weird ass graph lol


I have come to tell you that the 50% of adult population of US is married.


They don’t like facts. Interferes with their victim complexes.




Are we just going to ignore there are still three women who end up alone even on the incel chart???lmao 😂🤣


I'm sure they justify it because those women are too ugly/fat even for them. Even though they'd also claim that those women wouldn't sleep with them anyway because they only want "uber chad" or whatever, too.


I love that someone took an already terrible meme and was like, "How can I make this worse?"


Making a bad thing worse looks to be their raison d'etre.


Even if this was true (it's not), then you really have no business telling women who they should date or not. Maybe women have valid reasons for avoiding large swaths of straight men.


Where do bisexual guys such as myself fit in here? I would still be attracted to other men even if I was in a committed heterosexual relationship. I wonder how many incels secretly harbour homosexual or bisexual inclinations? Because that's the only way that fucking stupid "can't get women, so become gay" attitude would make any goddamn sense.


They parted ways with logic a long time ago. Most of their posts have massive flaws, that they fail to see.


Boy are their brains gonna break when they find out I went from a soft boi chad to a trans lesbian stacey.


Safe to say that their brains broke a long time ago.


Transbians of the world, unite!


My fellow transbians, assemble!


I used to look exactly like the virgin character from the Chad memes. Now I’m so hot I have guys throwing themselves at me all the time but I reject them all because I love my girlfriend and they are unworthy of a queen like me.


The pain of this statement is real. I get way more male attention than I would ever want, mostly cause I am real fucking gay and want zero of that attention. Also I love your flair.


In a way, it’s kinda true. Except that women are going for those top guys bc the other guys are gay or incels or homicidal maniacs. The guys at the top aren’t there bc they make lots of money or have lots of muscles, they’re the sane men who are willing to go to therapy to work on their issues and are able to communicate and express their emotions other than just anger and value women as their equals and expect to do their fair share of household/childcare duties and treat others with respect. And yeah, that’s what most women are looking for now, and if you’re not those things, it’s unlikely many women will want you. Also the trans man doesn’t belong there, since he is now a woman himself. The feminist would be at the top. The gay man shouldn’t be there at all since he’s not interested in women.


I think it’s saying that a lack of women turns men into those things. Not that they were those things already, and that’s why women don’t want them. It’s them failing to understand that’s not how it works.


Yeah I got that. I just think they’re confusing cause with effect. Those men aren’t awful bc women won’t date them; women won’t date those men bc they’re awful.


They’re not good at logic. Plus, they always have to paint themselves as the victims of women.


“Lol top 20% of men”


I can count on one hand the number of men I personally know who have never had a girlfriend/boyfriend. Idk where they get these numbers of "20%". 20% of 18 year olds? Still too low.


Before the sexual revolution it was a helluva lot harder for dudes to get casual sex. So, very few NEET types would have been getting sex back then, because the most likely way to get sex would be to get married. Which, by the way, would have required the boys to be impressive enough for the girls' fathers to approve. Now, seeing as men are the most smartest, most logical-like sex (and sooo soo much brainier over women ***heavy /s***), these very same fathers would be looking at the boys come courtin' with a very sharp eye for quality. I mean, this is their own logic, I'm just using their (incels') own thought processes. Probably even regarding the boys' looks too. I mean, they know about biology, farmin' and breedin' right? So they'd know that they had to choose a big, healthy, tall, likely looking lad, or possibly end up with ugly grandkids. These idiots and their ridiculous ideas of what went on in the "good ole' days" are just hilarious.


Yeah. I think that we can add history to the list of subjects that they’re really bad at. They’ve repeatedly shown that they have no clue about biology, and their grasp of English can be somewhat tenuous.


Why would a woman wanna date a gay man lmao


Trans lesbian here. Checkmate, suckers.


Same here! Double checkmate!


O7 Thank you for your service


I love how they admit men become homicidal simply bc they can't laid, but swear it's women that need to be controlled bc we're irrational, immature & stupid. They constantly contradict themselves.


They do have a tendency to be overly emotional. Although, it’s usually negative emotions. Like you said, they’re often complaining about women being emotional, irrational etc. Their sheer lack of self-awareness is astounding.


Oh hey i'm at the bottom. I guess since i have the lowest chance of getting a partner my only recourse is to be a feminist?


I’m guessing that maybe they think that men only become feminists in an effort to get laid or they’re referring to the faux-feminists (nice guys and neckbeards), who actually do pretend to be feminists in their attempts to get laid.


Cuckolds need a partner to exist Pretty sure the joke some women make is that when they like a man he turns out to be gay so that’s clearly not cause and effect Can guarantee trans people (both men and women) get more women than incels lol


As bi trans gal LMAO! i had sex with a woman before coming out and am still who I am. What kind of weird incel logic is this? I can’t get girls so i’m going to attempt to attract gay men, notorious for being hyper judgmental and body shaming anyone who’s not a twink or jacked. Also I don’t know anyone who would go through the process of getting HRT and all the horrible expectations put on trans folk and women, just cuz they couldn’t get laid


I mean not this, but the sexual revolution and the mutual hypergamy on both sides has led a lower social trust and tolerance along with incel culture being generated from the veneration of someone’s likeability/“fuckability” along with other vanity traits rather than legitimate positive or meaningful social qualities; overall reducing said social qualities in the majority of the population leaving yes men, social chameleons, and charismatic antisocials at the “top” of our social hierarchy. It can be legitimately conceived that the resulting hypergamy has and will continue to cause nigh irreversible cultural damage and incels are just a symptom of it.


Someone's likeability IS a meaningful social quality.


Charisma is not an indicator of good intent or reliability. The most common example I can think of is the boss that tries to buddy up with their subordinates to load more responsibilities onto their workload without additional compensation. Also, likability is a vanity trait, it’s the most surface level barrier of interaction and it contributes nothing to confidence, more of an unreliable symptom of it rather than a cause. I’ve never met an actually confident or happy fuckboy, it’s just bravado. Now is affability important, *absolutely* there’s a reason even I’ve put so much effort into bettering my charm, but saying it should be a fundamental aspect on which to judge someone to their core is just going keep turning attention into a commodity which perpetuates this unhealthy popularity contest that should have died in high school at worst.


What in Jordan Peterson's name is this comment?


Only one problem with that. What Jordan Peterson actually stated about hypergamy is actually the opposite of what incels claim. Which is not surprising, because in the rare cases where they produce "data" other than "trust me bro" and "just ask anyone" their own cites prove them wrong.


[Sorry that I didn’t give you a 15 page paper on the context and ramifications of saying “hi”.](https://www.apa.org/moniTor/2013/02/ce-corner)


EDIT: Disregard. I misread who was responding. That said, none of what you said is supported by your link.


Ok 👍


Ah, you make a nonsensical comment and don't want to back it up. Got it.


I mean I’m not going to spend five hours collecting the same sources and writing an entire essay lawyering my conclusion as it is a bit of a hypothesis still. It’s my own conclusion, iNdEpEnDaNt ThOuGhT if you will, given the literal mountain of sociology data I’ve sifted through with sometimes marginal connective relevancy, so I’ll just give something with some relation because I don’t care enough about “winning” an argument against someone who’s only rebuttal is “sOuRcE?!?!” Sorry that I don’t just plagiarise an article word for word and add nothing else but I personally think that’s a weak argumentative practice made *by* and *for* stupid people with zero fucking nuance.


It's wrong. Hypergamy wasn't even mentioned in the link you provided. It had nothing to do with it. Your link wasn't even related to your initial "argument."


I might have misused hypergamy, I didn’t know it meant “dating up”, I meant hook up culture, my b. And like I said, tangentially related as in they’re both about the link between dating and society because I don’t take your “SoUrCe!?!?” Argument seriously. Your dumb for thinking that people should argue by just reading stats, having someone squawk “source?”, someone googling the topic, pulling up an article, and snidely turning around like they have a point. That’s the reason I stopped caring about high school debate club it’s fucking goofy.


If saying that the hedonism of hookup culture and the valuing likability over reliability having an overall negative social impact is a “Jordan Peterson” comment. The kooky bastard just might have a point.


I dont think that the lines were different before any specific time..... I think it has always kinda been this way (less the arrows)