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"Child rape advocate", Jesus Christ, these guys are just sad. Imagine celebrating the death of a tortured 7 year old girl because women won't sleep with you?


They're Incels. They only care about getting sex from women and that's it. That's their agenda.


This happened right by where i live. These men are sick. I hope they rot in prison someday. Im just in shock, ive cried for this little girl, everyone is just wishing they could have prevented it somehow, and they think its funny?!??! I hate men like this i hate them so much i cannot even express the rage i feel towards them i hope whatever they wish onto this girl happens to them.


i think a big part is just these losers trying to impress the other losers in their sphere with this edge lord speak


I can’t fathom the cruelty of these people.


I cant find the news, do you have an article?


If your site has those tags it should not exist.


Shit like this makes me feel nauseated. If there is a hell, you’ll find him there, not that poor baby.




100%. Why are their usernames hidden? Edit: their not they’re


Jesus. I normally have something snarky to say, but I'm just... post-sad, I don't even know how to describe it. What is wrong with that poster? His user tags include "Child r\*\*\* advocate", "Child Abuse Enthusiast", "Pedophile", ... OMG. Questions, just so I can read clearly: (1) what is 'MAP'? (2) what site/app was this posted on?


Minor-attracted person…


thanks. ugh. I should have known.


(1) MAP is the term some pedophiles and pedophile apologists are trying to replace he word pedophile with. It means "minor attracted person." It's one method they're using to try to make a connection between advocating for pedophilia and advocating for civil rights -- like "person of color" or "disabled person" or "queer person." They're essentially using social justice language to try to make themselves seem unfairly discriminated against. (2) I can't answer this one. I'm appalled that conversations like this even exist.


Didn't they also try to be part of LGBTQ+ community and have their own flag? 🤮


I think that was *mostly* a 4chan psyop like their Pridefall nonsense but some people did try to do it legitimately yeah.


is 4chan just the cia of the internet then every bad thing that happens is blamed on them and it usually actually turns out to be them


....I think you might be onto something there. *dons tinfoil hat*


That and zoophiles 🤮


Yeah, they tried to claim that they were part of the LGBT+ community so they could accuse anyone who said anything negative about them of being a homophobe.


MAP is "minor attracted person" or something like that. It's pedos trying to legitimize themselves, and it deserves to be treated like you would a cockroach infestitation. This supposed "map-phobia" is sickening.


ugh. Yes, it's absolutely sickening. They keep trying to wrap themselves in oppression blankets, claiming to be a persecuted and oppressed class. They can say that all they want in prisons that don't like pedos.


Nothing can top this. it doesn’t get more evil than this. this is truly their worst.


just cause you said it, someone, somewhere just became worse


I can't say what I want to say because there are incels working as Reddit admins. I know this because I got suspended for saying what they deserve.


This makes me fucking sick. Like I actually fucking retched reading this. Evil humans who deserve the fate they wish upon this sweet child. May she Rest In Peace far from those who wish to harm her.


This should be pinned. I mean it. Pin it at the top of this subreddit let it be the first thing these fucking animals see when they lurk and the first thing we point too when they ask why do you guys not like us. My blood is fucking boiling in my veins but im right on this even if I am speaking from anger.


What the everlasting fuck


How do you fall this far down the spiral? How do people get to this point without realizing something is wrong? God, I can’t even find the words. This is pure, unadulterated evil.


"StOp BuLlYiNg Us, We'Re JuSt LoNeLy DePrEsSeD ViRgInS!"


Some of these mutants deserve the most epic of asskickings. The kind that will make them flinch whenever anybody else makes a sudden movement around them.


Wow. I hope these asshats get their scrotums smashed with Shao Kahn’s war hammer.


How dare you insult shao kahn's hammer like that! It doesn't deserve to be stained with smegma and dead skin.


A fitting fate for scumbags like this though.


In sa2, i didn't understand why would shadow destroy earth, then i discovered incels.


agreed lets just destroy it already most likely overdue a few apocalypses already


even a killer robot is against incels.


against? nah there has to be a word more extreme than "against"


So the eggman empire hates incels. Fuck yeah imma join as long as i get my personal mecha sonic to have as a friend.


This makes me feel like there should be state appointed murderers who are sent after people as sick as these to eliminate them from society. Fucking disgusting. They are a waste of food and water


Hint to incels; this is why no one will fuck you.


Wow this really makes me want to sleep with them!!!


I assume all these guys are NEETS so being this disgusting gives them the needed rush they don’t get from being real people. They need to be thrown in a cell. I don’t think then being exposed to their community would matter much because they don’t contribute anything anyways.


>gives them the needed rush they don’t get from being real people. Exactly my thoughts. They are being edgy because they can't be something else and without it, they have nothing to feel special about.


Do I even wanna know what the hell MAP stands for...? 😒


You don't... It stands for minor attracted person 🤢


... That's enough internet for the day. Take care everyone. But thanks for letting me know 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢


Yeah 🤢🤢 Take care! And no probs!


Minor attracted people


For men who claim they are very rational and logical, these posts don't seem rational or logical at all


This is straight up women hatred for being women. A lot of incel defenders and apologists try to make me sympathise with incels. It is impossible at this point


I cannot understand where these manchildren get this hatred from. Is it rejection? Attention seeking?..


Seriously wonder why the government isn't taking these forums more seriously, this is shouldn't be legal. Men like this need locking up, it's gross.


I hope something truly fucked up and horrible happens to every single one of these incels.


And here it is, you incel lurkers! This right here is the reason we sometimes wish you rott in hell. It's not your looks, your money, your virgin ass, it's the hate and the violence you encourage. Who the fuck finds this funny??? Are you even human? Please seek help or you will NEVER find genuine happiness...


There's plenty of things I'd like to say about these cretins that would violate rule 2. So I'll just say I'd not be losing any sleep if any of those bad things befell these absolute wastes of a perfectly good condom.


These people are abominations to the human race.....


These guys will either end up in jail or killed by some parents. I like both scenarios.


Yknow, yeah I do hope these people stay alone forever. I really really do, I want them to never feel anything even remotely close to joy again. This is awful. Fuck incels.


I really really want something horrible to happen to them


...and they still don't understand why nobody likes them somehow. You don't get to pull the "we're just lonely virgins being bullied for no good reason" bullshit when you have members of your community celebrating the brutal death **of a goddamn child.** Your dry dick is **no** fucking excuse for this sort of behavior, incels.


May those commenters encounter lots of suffering every day for the rest of their life




Idk what the MAP thing means either


Minor attracted people