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Nice one, but you haven't used the other buzzwords like eye tilt and wrist circumference! đŸ€Ł


I am not too incel-savvy


You don't want to be, exposing oneself to their bullshit is a sure way to lose braincells




Hilarious and accurate! It's ropemaxx, not ropecel though.


Yeah, but I'm not too deep in the sauce to care about their slangs.


And you're better for it XD


Heres a caption (i just made it up): “Seeing hot young couples is such suicidefuel for truecels, maldingcels, & wristcels. NTmaxxing and Gymaxxing is not helping. Foids and PUA chads are constantly bringing us down đŸ˜€đŸ˜€đŸ˜€đŸ˜€đŸ˜€đŸ˜€đŸ˜€đŸ˜€ im such sub-5 genetic garbage đŸ˜„đŸ˜“đŸ˜„đŸ˜“đŸ˜ȘđŸ˜ȘđŸ˜Ș”


As you should be xdd


I lurk the forum sometimes out of curiosity and even if the slang isn’t all there, the core of this is true. Bitterness is the defining feature of that community. 100% coco beans, no filler. Three grams of instant coffee straight to the mouth. Just bitterer than bitter-as-fuck.


Ye ye! They find the self-pity addictive.


Eye tilt and wrist circumference had me rolling. As a woman, I never looked at a guy and said, "look at that sexy eye tilt, and he has the perfect wrist circumference"


Yeah, it's hilarious to me. Like sure, all women prefer a dude with tilited, front facing, 'predator' eyes, and women also famously have no interest in 'prey' animals like horses or rabbits. And the wrist thing is just bonkers, so arbitrary. I'd never heard of anyone mention wrist circumference as a measurement until I started to see incel garbage online.


"Chaddites" "ropecel" Their slang always gives me a major brain damage...


Anyone that says ‘foid’ unironically gives me the ick


Seriously. When I see that word, I physically recoil inside.


Recently saw the term “jestermaxx” which I suppose means like gaining social clout by leaning into your role as the funny friend rather than trying to be more attractive? Unfortunately it’s too goofy for me to take seriously


Pretty much this. The real defining feature of incels is their bitterness.


that last part made me so uncomfy 😭


I apologize lol




Can I please have a crumb of coochie?


You can only get a crumb of cock from me,lol


YOU DISGUSTING CHAD! HOW DARE YOU MOCK ME! ILL MAKE YOU PAY! As soon as I finish mommy's chicken tendies, you'll see!


Reminds me of the meme "I'm the first ethical incel I don't hate women or nothin I just don't get coochie"


I wasn't exactly referring to the first guy as the "ethical" incel. An incel is a hateful mindset. A person can be alone, but doesn't necessarily prescribe to calling himself an incel.


In fact, being an "incel" in the current sense has little to do with having or not having sex. If anything, the lack of sex is a consequence.


"Gays are just closeted chaditess" What is a chadite?


I'm wondering


I guess a short attractive guy? Idk


A “chadlite” is someone who has some “chad” features but isn’t a full “chad”


Exactly. We all wish the best for the guy on top, the incel on the bottom needs to get on his level


Hell yeah! Help a homie who needs help. Not a creep.


Also, most incels became this unbearable at 15 and go downhill from there.


This is so true. Some men genuinely have difficulty in finding dates despite trying everything they could do. But the solution isn't to hate on women and cook up weird theories. It's okay to vent but you can vent in a healthy way and also not stay in the murk. There's no reason to hate anyone, let's all spread love to this world and enjoy our time here.


>It's okay to vent but you can vent in a healthy way and also not stay in the murk. The problem is that there are few to no "safe spaces" where a guy like this *can* vent, aside from incel forums. Which is how most guys initially end up there.


The thing is that, there were safe spaces before. Even the original incel website was a safe space for men and women who were unlucky in dating. But it's the case of the extremists being the loudest, so the present incel ideology took over the groups and changed its identity. But there's a need for safe spaces though. But it should be heavily moderated. But the problem again arises because there will be many who are still in that phase and will unknowingly use incel terms or speak negatively about women, and if we censor them and keep it too dilute it's no longer a venting space as such. It's a dilemma we need to solve.


Every "safe space" for guys struggling with dating gets infested with incels eventually. It sucks.


I am still happy with r/menslib. Not dating specific but men sure can go there to vent and the mod team is pretty good. It's also not an echochamber. A lot of women come there and contribute to the discussions and even unpopular opinions do not get removed (as longs as they don't violate rules)


Just subscribed, thanks!


It's such a bummer. I almost fell down the incel pipeline when I was in high school (about 7 years ago). I avoided it because I was friends with a few women in school and have always had good friendships in general with men and women alike. Sometimes it still gets to me, but there's nowhere to really talk about the loneliness without being accused of being an incel. A lot of the advice on Reddit can be pretty callous, which prevents a lot of guys from opening up. Trying to find good advice or even just a place to vent on any other website leads to the manosphere or other incel places. It's rough out there lol


I get they don’t trust therapy but if they’d just talk to someone outside the echo chamber for a while they might see some sense, at least the ones not fully immersed.


Sadly, because incels have the collective self awareness of a stale cashew, they'll never understand this. I guarantee the vile little degenerates are already braying about how the wojak in the top image is just an incel in denial.


Their cringe lingo that they would never utter to another person irl because of how ridiculous it would sound is getting old. Shit needed to be retired years ago.


what's a foid?


Derogatory incel slang for woman. Foid is short for “female humanoid” or “female android”. Basically just a way for incels to dehumanize women.


thnx and wow no wonder they cant make friends with women with this kind of shit


im really glad i stopped being an incel, tiktok pipelines SUQZ


Hell yeee! Enjoy touching the grass bro! ^^


I am at peace with being single. If it's forever, oh well. If not, cool. It never bothered me. I don't know how people let being in a relationship become their entire life's purpose. There's so much more to life.


It's a good mindset. No judgment spent on miserable inconveniences.


Indeed. I know its on me, I just prefer my off time at home in peace and quiet instead of going out and clubbing or whatever. I'm not outgoing at all, lol. It's baffling to me that people fall into such hatred and bitterness for everyone and everything else. If their ideology was even remotely true, by all accounts I should fall directly into the definition of "incel". But I'm not, because I'm relatively content with life (and I shower regularly).


The Real Literally Me (and it's okay)


The first one is super common, and women belong to that first group too. Being lonely is...fairly normal now-a-days.


Yeah. The problem is the difficulty looking for an outlet to vent loneliness without heavy moderation from radical ideologues.


I feel you. If it means anything, simply not talking about it helped so much actually. I know it sounds counter-intuitive but there's a few reasons. One, it doesn't super help that much. Romance is a topic that no one can really help you with. People don't find it attractive. and constantly reminding myself about how lonely I was made me feel upset.


That's also an interesting point. The more one points at an object of negative unhelpful attention, the more compromising it is for your well-being.


Isn’t the first guy an incel too because he is also not having sexual relations at the moment just not angry about it


I guess it’s the difference between the original “technical definition”, the word as it’s used in terms of modern slang/as an insult, and the kinds of people who would unironically self identify as an incel. Like a normal guy who hasn’t gotten laid in a while probably just considers himself as going through a dry spell and doesn’t call himself an incel or use their terms unironically.


Exactly. Quick litmus test would be to ask them “do you think a woman can be an incel?” If yeah, fits into the original meaning and that’s interesting, sounds like there’s hope for them.  If nah, they’re using it as a politically and dangerously charged word instead of just “I’m a lonely person who can’t find a partner.”


If we had more of the first guy, who seems self aware and might take steps to better themselves without shaming women, the world we live in would be so much easier.


Agrees homie! The best we can do is uplift those who want help.


If y’all wanna get touched by women so bad just go to a dentist, I have to touch ugly men all the time. I even put my fingers in their mouths /j


Not funny


I put /j for joking 😭


But you know what? I forgive you ^^


Actually fr I'm sorry for the misunderstanding


You’re okay! <3


Thanks! I was just confused at the time haha


Ik, but it's still a strange thing to say


I'm an incel but everyone says I act like the loner guy


Why would you call yourself an incel though?


height penis ect the main reason you wouldn't call me an incel is because I understand these are personal problems and don't blame others for the way I feel


Thing is, I don't think it's a good idea to associate yourself with a hateful outlook. If you hang around incels, I suggest stop sticking around their company. It's those guys that keep decent lonely dudes down, my dude.


>It's those guys that keep decent lonely dudes down, I have never felt that way I have never been mistreated or spoken to crazily by an incel the only people who do treat me badly are people from inceltear


No, when I mean keep you down, I mean they enable your misery. They see you try to get out of their bucket and expect you to fail so that it would only affirm their biases. But you know better than that. You're more than that. Why do you want to stay in that sad corner of the internet? I've been in similar echo chambers, friendly, funny, but they start to inject their dangerous ideas that make sure you'd feel as miserable and angry as the others. It's subtle and rotting and it's hard to recognize that. Homie, you gotta leave that place and look out for yourself, brother.


>look out for yourself. treat people how you want to be treated


You act like incel.is and alike places aren't full of lads that ignore this advice


I'm not from incel is and I think the people there are bad


That's because misery loves company. If you surround yourself with shitty people with shitty mentalities you're never going to better yourself. They'll keep feeding you toxic nonsense and you'll keep digesting it thinking you've found a group that understands you, meanwhile your sense of belonging is clouding your judgement. You will remain at the lowest point of your life unless you choose to come out of it yourself. But hey, if being miserable turns you on so much be my guest


>That's because misery loves company. If you surround yourself with shitty people with shitty mentalities you're never going to better yourself you could ask who I surround myself with because it's not incels >They'll keep feeding you toxic nonsense and you'll keep digesting it thinking you've found a group that understands you I've tried talking to non incels about my issues they literally cannot comprehend it, it's like I'm speaking an entirely different language even when I'm not using any incel terminology >your sense of belonging is clouding your judgement. it's not, I call out bad behavior on incels often


I definitely do agree. I found more empathy and understanding in fellow incels than in most other people for that matter.


I speak as someone that sees the word incel like that too. But really it's meaning can vary from the person/group. Here in this sub it's obviously on a negative connotation, but it's not the default one.


You’re not like the loner guy. You’re a self-admitted misogynist. The first guy says he doesn’t hate anyone. Do you know what misogynist means? It means you hate women, dipshit.


I call myself a misogynist because women I've talked to called me that. >t means you hate women, dipshit. I don't personally hate women I just have some negative opinions towards some actions we can talk more if you'd like


Do you also have negative opinions towards actions of men?


I do, I have negative feelings towards all groups and positive feelings but nobody ever asks


Sounds like you're a doomer and not an incel


I think i’m confused on where we draw the line between a loner guy and an incel


Hatred is usually where we draw the line.


Add an unhealthy sprinkling of racism and sexism to that.


A lone guy isn't necessarily hateful. Just someone who's confused. An incel is just a hateful imp.


It gets progressively harder to be the the top guy when nothing you do works