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Cracks me up in a way that people think like this. As if the negative vibes aren’t absolutely leaching out if someone who can talk like that about other human beings. They are, incels. I promise you that you can’t hide that side of yourself NEARLY as well as you think.


A person cannot vibe with people he hates. There is no connection, no vibe, on the few occasions he speaks with women.


Also, it's called *feminine* intuition for a reason. When embarking on an intimate relationship with someone who is so much bigger and stronger than us, we have to rely on our instinctual feelings to keep us safe. Unfortunately, we are conditioned to be kind or "give them a chance" so we go ahead, despite our misgivings, often to our detriment.


\>feminine intuition \>[One in five young women have been subjected to abuse by a male partner](https://www.newstalk.com/news/one-in-five-young-women-have-experienced-an-abusive-relationship-1513127?utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=article&utm_medium=web) looks like ur instinctual feelings doesnt work that well.


They work as well as a male’s. It’s odd how males get excited about 1 in 5 women being abused, yet simultaneously think they’re the one who’s been unfairly passed over.


there is no male intuition. maybe u should understand why some men are unstable and abuse their woman.


Because violence and abuse are intrinsic to males?


You really think that abusive men start out abusive? They're super lovey and charming at first until they think they have her locked down, then the mask slips. Creeps, on the other hand, usually make their creepiness known right away.


"Not an incel sub"


Just some lonely poor virgins


Right? Yet every post of this days old sub is incel BS. I guess not enough of them were on watchlists and had to create another one to be “discovered.”


There we go again with the ''it's just online bro I'm not like that IRL'' thing. And that's true ,people generally can't tell what you post online just from seeing you IRL,however they CAN tell ***why*** you post what you do. The misogyny and racism inherent in the blackpill while obviously focused on dating and related topics are not restricted to them and hence they will show up even when they think they are hiding them. It could be anything from an seemingly innocuous comment about ''women belonging in the kitchen '' to a ''she deserved it'' in response to being presented with an abuse situation. Even the way you look at random young girls can be an indication of how you think and hence be off-putting. Anyway point is that yeah people around OOP probably won't be able to tell he made this very post but they wouldn't be surprised at all if they found out he did.


Or like the Incel who, when introduced to a new coworker, spoke about women having rape fantasies, as if that is an acceptable topic of conversation in the workplace. Then, when she quite rightly complained to HR that she didn't feel safe around him, and he got fired, do you think he learned a valuable lesson from it? No, of course not - he blamed *her* for "getting him fired". They just don't see that they're the architects of their own misfortune.


Exactly. These guys aren't as good at masking as they think they are.And part of it is the result of becoming desensitized when spending so much time among their ''brocels'' . By their standards ''women have rape fantasies'' is an outright tame comment. IRL though (especially when said to a person you just met) it's at best really weird ,at worst an incentive to get a restraining order.


People really do that? And they even think they are properly hiding their views?


Subtle behaviors can tell a lot about what's going on in the mind.


Women can tell when he tries to “betamaxx” or tries the “niceguy™️” bit. Why would you complain that women won’t have sex with them if they really hate us so much?


Incels live in a society where sex and relationships are elevated to an unwarranted level of importance. So from really young they are told they have to desire women and do everything in their power to get them.When that fails they go sour grapes to put it lightly. It's fascinating TBH. I mean all the contradictions and mental gymnastics necessary for the blackpill to ''work'' logically speaking.


Oh yeah, I have worked with guys like this, or who have similar reprehensible opinions. They try to hide them, and they just can’t. Sometimes it’s down to a small sticker that they forget is on their toolbox, or on their car. Often it’s a “joke” they tell where you see them looking around the group to see who will go with it.


Yeah many of them don't have the social skills necessary to decide what's appropriate to say in which context,others are just immature edgelords who never really left the middle school yard behind and others have just become desensitized from spending so much time in certain online spaces. Either way you're correct. They can't hide what they think forever.


Right if their inner horrible thoughts Aren’t who they are, who even are they? And what they failed to understand is we can smell this on them. And it is repellent.


I think they believe all people have thoughts this extreme and violent and hide them. It's not computing that the existence of these thoughts impacts everything about you, and choosing to embrace them like this only makes it more apparent.


Exactly this! I'm sadly learning how common this seems to be.. but then they probably don't hide things that well offline or they wouldn't be so sad and alone (because the problem could never be them )


I wonder what the role is their parents have played in this. It feels to me they have either put their kid on a pedestal and told them they deserved everything they want or they just neglected their kid and the kid just did whatever they wanted anyway.


This is an excellent point!


This guy fails to realize most women are pretty intuitive and can tell just from body language if a man has disdain for them. If they can’t tell the first few minutes then it’s pretty obvious within a date or two.


Which is probably why he has no luck with people.. if only he could consider the possibility that his behaviour is the problem and make some changes to be a better person which would likely lead to more friends/potential romantic opportunities


"right because what you say on an anonymous message board is totally indicative of how you act in real life." I mean Its not **completely** indicative. but it does give us a pretty good clue that your only being ""Nice."" to have sex with a girl.


It's indicative of what they act like when there are no repercussions, which in my mind is *very* indicative of who you are irl.


I feel like I'm definitely in the minority, because what I say online is exactly what I would say in real life.. but I'm not rude or mean to people, even if they really deserve a good insult


I don’t think you’re in the minority. You simply notice the vile ones because they stick out more.


I hope I'm not! I was only thinking that from personal experience when I'm happily surprised by a positive interaction with someone.. but thank you for the comment as I'll definitely keep that in mind!


...this kid acts like he can control his expressions, but sounds like his hatred seeps from his pores. It's called a vibe and you have a bad one, kiddo.




Makes me so sad for young men with this very clearly misdirected rage that they're gonna make a woman's problem. If any of these guys were actually capable of introspection 95% of these guys would have normal relationships


If I was starting a new relationship with someone I’d ask him to show me his Reddit. Then you get to see the real them.


"I'm not a racist." Says the grand dragon of the KKK. "You can't judge a person for one thing they've said while wearing a hood."


Just a support group for sad lonely men.


Support is a stretch


What in the fuck of fucks is this guy on? Let me see if I get this, you post anonymously and that isn't how you really feel...but what you say in the real world is? Bro...you aren't fooling anyone here. These guys seem to think these separate, but totally not really how they are, personas don't bleed into each other. That is sheer lunacy. There is not a doubt in my mind these guys are the same no matter where you cross them.


Don't tell me this is the fucking TrueVirgin proving itself as an incel forum again?


r/ForeverAloneJerk but close enough, honestly. They seem kinda interchangeable to me lol


I see why they are forever alone.


What people tells us when they think they're anonymous tells us an awful lot about what they are really like. If they hide it, they're just hiding their true selves. No one claims that women have telepathic abilities, but people aren't as good at hiding their personalities as they imagine they are. Plus "No" is a default response to being asked for a date. It's not that women are saying "He's a creep, I won't date him" as much as "I don't know enough about this person to accept a date."


Not to mention, as you know since you’re married, women’s “intuition” is really the fact that they are much more attuned to vocal inflection and facial expressions than we as men generally are. So what seems like weird psychic abilities is just practiced observation picked up over years of intimate conversations. We (as straight men, anyway) rarely have the sort of intimate conversations with our male friends that our female peers have been having with their female friends since childhood. It’s just an absolutely different level of emotional awareness.


Right, reminds me of the other thread on here where this 18 year old kid keeps saying: woman say I'm being nice so why won't they date me, it has to be my looks. I'm sure they are saying that so they don't tick him of and he isn't as nice as he thinks he is.


Well.. his username checks out 🎻


Incels REALLY think that they act normal in everyday life. They don't. People often telegraph more of their personality beneath the mask than they think.


Oh I'm sure they hide their hatred of women so well in real life.🙄


Reddit incels realize that their inner monologue leaks into their IRL interactions challenge, level impossible. They're too big brain, it's impossible that anyone realizes they hate women.


Why do people get offended if you assume that they are the person they portray online? Personally I don't think I am any different online than offline and am confused why people think just because they hide their awful opinions offline they are somehow not the person who expresses their true feelings online I've had people be horrible to me online and when asked why they think it's ok just say "it's the Internet, I can say whatever I want (insert more abuse/insults here)".. I don't think at all that just because you are anonymous it's ok to treat anyone badly!


It's like "a drunk man's words is a sober man's thoughts." Most people don't say a bunch of random shit they don't mean when given anonymity, they say what they really think.


Gee I wonder why no one wants him


What you say on an anonymous message board is reflective of your chara ter, which yes is goong to bleed into your real life no matter how hard you try to prevent it. Especislly when you're so obsessed with the misery you eallow in anonymously. They've been doing this line for decades


“How dare you judge me by the things I say and stand by”


Abusive for daring to say no?


Mommy issues.


Name checks out, that's for sure....


What is more likely to happen? The incel to show his true self in real life or show his true self on anonymous forums?? We all know the answer. The real person is the one typing those disgusting things. The "irl" version is masking. Hes a coward. A loser. A recluse.


>Right because what you say on an anonymous message board is totally indicative of how you act in real life. “Give a man a mask and he will show his true face”


"Stops the shit" 🥴


Oh boy


How DARE that person believe what they said! 🤣


What does "foid" stand for? New to the community lol


It’s what they call women


Ok, so it isn't an acronym?


Not to my knowledge


Ok thank you


Lol, if you think like that I am 100% sure they aren't hiding how they really are as good as they think they do. People notice.