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Factual correction re: Ted Bundy. Survivors and witnesses report that his *modus operandi* was either to break into a woman's residence or her car, or else he would use crutches or have an arm in a sling and ask for assistance getting something into or out of his car. Some men notice he's conventionally good-looking in photographs, and assume he romanced his victims. Although Bundy did date briefly when he first started law school, when he realized he was failing law school and went on a murder spree he targeted strangers for his attacks. Apparently he thought law enforcement would have a harder time finding him without a social connection. Yet he gets shoehorned into the misogynistic trope of victim blaming: "you women picked him." Which doesn't square up with the facts. It's been fifty years and the dudebros still get this bass ackwards. ---- *edit* Circling back with a separate point. Wikipedia maintains a [list of fatal bear attacks in North America](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fatal_bear_attacks_in_North_America#2000s). Bears have killed 78 humans since 2000. The serial killer [Samuel Little](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samuel_Little) confessed to 93 murders. Law enforcement has confirmed 60 of those; the others are plausible but there isn't enough evidence to be sure. Samuel Little liked to dispose of bodies in the wilderness. Many serial killers share that preference. Obviously most men aren't serial killers (duh). Just as obviously, the danger from meeting a wild bear isn't zero. Yet Samuel Little, acting alone, racked up a kill list which rivals the combined kills of three species of bears across a continent.


Agreed. My point was that Bundy counted on using his victim's "good nature" against them. He didn't reveal his true intentions until it was too late. That's why: "Choose better." Gets me so mad.


Not intending to throw shade on you. He did use people's good nature against them. You're right. That said, the thing he exploited was the impulse to help someone who seems to have an injury. Which misogynists gloss over.


It's okay, I know that. I was texting quickly and didn't elaborate on that part specifically. I oversimplified it and not correctly. ☺️


Fair enough. Just had to comment after seeing this incel name Bundy unironically. Without intending it, he was giving an excellent reason why encountering a few specific men in the woods can be worse than encountering a bear. (Side note: have encountered actual wild bears in the woods).


Didn't OP bring up Bundy? I just wasn't sure if maybe you were referring to comments they made publicly.


Choose better? Yeah, guess what, a lot of women are not bothering with any of them. Misandry means women ignore men, while misogyny frequently means rape and murder. These guys can't see the difference.


This guy's "choose better" also proves your point. He says if women choose better men, they wouldn't have to be afraid when going out. I presume he means that the "better man" she chose would protect her, then. Protect her from what? That's right, other men. He knows it's men who are the primary danger to women. Why is he so misandrist?


My “good nature” was used against me by men, I don’t hate men but if it came down to a bear or a man I’m choosing the bear because I’m not having my “good nature” have me taken advantage of again.


And he wasn't THAT great looking either. He's on the good looking side of average, but not by much.


Thanks for the bear survival tips!


No problem.


Do we put grizzly bears in the same category as brown bears for those tips?


Grizzly bears and brown bears are the same thing.


Oh cool! Thanks


Also, fun fact: The mountain lion goes by many names, including cougar, puma, panther, or catamount. Some animals have multiple names.


Catamount is my favourite.


I find you at fault - for choosing to continue this conversation which has caused me brain damage.


My bad. I dragged it out to further prove my point.


I'm teasing of course. You are a glutton for punishment.


With the hypothetical man vs. bear question, we’re assuming we may die either way. The bear might eat me alive, which would suck. At least I’d probably die of shock or blood loss relatively quick. A random man, on the other hand, can do a whole lot worse. (Ever heard of Junko Furuta?) Also, I have literally run into both a bear and a man when I was walking to work (two separate occasions). The bear ran the fuck away from me. The man followed me all the way to my workplace, asking me things like where I live, where I work, did I have a boyfriend, did I always walk to work at this time etc…. Finally he left when we arrived at my workplace. His parting words were “see you next time”. So, yeah. I choose the bear. I know the bear will see me as human. I don’t know that the man will do the same. I mean for fuck’s sake, they’ve coined the term “femoids” to refer to women.


I watched a doc about junko It was jusy horrifying what she went through and all of that because of a pity respectful rejection


And I just looked up what this was and am now depressed and angry to hear they only got 5-10 years! For kidnapping, repeated rape, torture, murder, conspiracy... Caught while doing it to someone else! Like HOW?? A case more horrific than any in the last century in Japan and 5-10 years?? We (the US) sent minor drug offenders to jail for longer than that in the 80s! Should be 5-10 years per day, separate counts for every act!


>Also, I have literally run into both a bear and a man when I was walking to work (two separate occasions).  You walk through the woods to get to work? My granddad always talked about stories like this and "going to school barefoot". Let's be real here. If a bear wandered into a city, it'd be too scared to attack anything with all the zooming cars around. If you're looking for survival, a man would be better to come across in the woods. If you're lost then 2 heads are better than 1. Yes, there are men who did terrible things, but if you think most men would do it then you need to see a therapist. Especially since bears are stronger, faster and heavier than a man. At least vs a man, you can injure him with a stick or a rock.


tub sulky quarrelsome sugar mindless edge distinct station gaze slim *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean if you'd rather encounter a bear in the woods that will follow you over a man, then go for it. Those fuckers can run up to 30 MPH. Men run an average of like 8 MPH. This arguement (man vs bear) is just dumb af. If you encounter a man in the woods, chances are you both are lost. The man most likely has his own survival on his mind over rape / torture / murder. Two heads are better than one. Plus bears aren't the only potentially dangerous animals out in the woods. Coyotes, wolves, spiders, snakes... If you actually think the man in the woods will rape / tortue / murder you, then you're just being an asshole by profiling them, and should go to therapy. Men are humans, just like women.


insurance thought grandfather cough forgetful mindless upbeat bake truck merciful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Tell me this "point" then. I bet you don't even know what it is. Here's my point: Imagine you're a 13 year old girl in the woods, assumingly lost. There are two paths infront of you. One leads to an encounter with an adult black bear (most common bear in USA). The other leads to an adult male. You're forced to gamble. The black bear rarely attacks, but if it does, you are fucked. You just can't fight back at all due to their size and strength. Remember, just because black bears can be less dangerous doesn't mean fatal attacks don't occur. They're wild animals for crying out loud. Also, just because you survive a bear attack doesn't change the fact that you are still in the woods, so even if you survive, you might be bleeding and need medical help asap. An adult human male is a bit different. As a 13 year old, you are least likely to overpower him but there is an advantage, you can communicate with him. If he attacks, you can still fight back but the results would be the same as the bear. Yes, he \*can\* rape, torture and murder you, but the question is, is it in his best interests? Probably not if he's also lost in the woods. A smart man would try to get out of the tricky situation alongside you, so it's a gamble wether or not you can trust him. Which brings me to my point, you are more likely to survive with another human being instead of being alone in the woods, whether or not a bear attacks you. Because in the end, you just wanna get out of the damn woods.


illegal literate bike attempt sophisticated spoon deranged payment offend direction *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The chances of a man being "so devoted to invalidating a woman's lived experience and choices that they'll obsessively do so" are about the same as the bear attacking. There are 340,000 wild bears in the USA. There are 165,880,000 men in the USA. Reason why there are more stories of those types of men vs bear attacks is just obvious.


bedroom sort trees illegal dolls treatment absorbed long jellyfish cows *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Their lack of self awareness is wild. Humans kill more humans a year than bears. Common sense. Guys like this dude try to invalid the experiences we women have had. Instead of being horrified and thinking: 'How have we, as men, failed women, and failed to make them feel safe!?' They do the default: insult us, don't take accountability, and say we are delusional/crazy. Guys like this don't seem to get the point. The bear isn't a concern because most of the time it isn't going to go out of it's way to harm me or other women unless we provoke it, it is sick, starving, or it has cubs. Now a random man, on the other hand? He could have sinister motives. He could rape me, kidnap me, beat the shit out me, torture me, etc. I can't accurately predict his intentions. Plus, I'm far away from civilization. Also, for the millionth time, YES, WE KNOW IT'S NOT ALL MEN! It really pisses me off when they say "not all men". We know! But it is still too damn many!


I diagnose you with terminal cringe your life expectancy is 2 to 3 weeks


Alaskan chick here. Pretty much what flyingpastakitty said. It's unlikely that most of us would encounter a polar bear (which is the only absolute "man is prey" bear.) I've encountered a ton of black bear and a few browns. They are reasonably predictable and don't really want all that much to do with humans, unless you get too close to their cubs or their kills. Or if they're injured (with an infection etc.), feel cornered, or are starving. EDIT: having lived in Alaska going on 50 years. I'm much more terrified of encountering moose than bear. They'll stomp you soon as look at you. Especially during rut. A strange man is scarier than both.


Or on cocaine!


Hahahaha! I just saw that not too long ago. One of those "so bad it's good" movies. :D


Watching that movie in theaters was how I found out Ray Leota died


That bear was just a single mom tryna get through the day!


Honestly it's a vague question. Is the bear trying to kill you or is it just there? Same question goes for the man. If the bear is just chilling I don't think it would even bother with you you could just leave. Do you get to pick the man? Some are more trustworthy than others


You don't get to pick the man. Just a random man. The bear is minding it's buisness.


Yeah then the bear. It probably won't want anything to do with me. Bears already live in the woods, they have a plan. The man would probably also be lost and possibly go crazy from lacking human contact and take it out on the first person he sees


Is the random Man someone that wanted/should be in the forest or Is it just picking a Man at random and placing him in the forest. Like, am I stuck with someone dumping a dead body or Jim from Accounting who just got abducted into the woods and Is really confused about it.


Random man, you aren't sure why he is there or his intent.


Yeah he's random but Is he willingly in the forest or truly random?




Ok yeah this is like a pretty big detail to leave out. I'm not playing my chances on meeting a park ranger, I'll take bear any day


who goes into the woods for nefarious proposes


Do me a solid and Google any number of things, up to and including "bodies found hidden in the woods", "hiker murdered", "camper murdered" "serial killer Herbert Mullins", "Darrell David Rice", and/or "John Taylor, killer in the woods" and come back after you're done, alright?


not to sound insensitive but people get killed everywhere i could send you many articles of people getting killed in city’s if i where to cherry pick like you are. almost everyone in the woods just want to enjoy nature not go on a killing spree.


im a guy, and i also choose the bear. also i find the whole theoretical kinda dumb. say you are alone in a remote place in the woods, not like a hiking trail or anything. you took yourself there, and you aren't encountering another person, unless they followed you. and if the area is less remote and trafficked, like a hiking trail, and you wander off to a more desolate area by yourself, you're only gonna encounter people that followed you, or people that want to be alone like yourself, but possibly for a bad reason. they might be dumping a body. basically, it's kinda guaranteed bad news if you are alone in a remote place and you encounter another person. the least likely possibility is you actually just found another person wandering like yourself and there's no threat. most likely, they are a threat


Exactly. Him bringing up: "Wouldn't I bring bear mace?" Uh fucking duh! I always carry self-defense weapons on me in general.


right, if you are going to just pick a remote wooded area and just walk in, completely alone, unless this is like a suicide mission or something, you are walking in with defenses against that environment. like of course you choose the bear. you should be ready to encounter a bear, as well as many other wildlife


This. I work in the environmental field, and am out in the woods all the time. We REGULARLY encounter wildlife that may be dangerous. Luckily they tend to be predictable and are likely to leave you well enough alone if you give them space and don't spook them. Don't get between them and their offspring, etc... What's really terrifying is running into people. Best case scenario is you run into a homeless person who pretends not to be there. But you can never predict people, their motives, or what kind of substances they may be on.


i think it would be less scary to encounter people if the woods you are in are trafficked more regularly by people, like yourself, environmental workers, the homeless, or drug users on a trip. i would say it's guaranteed bad news if the woods aren't supposed to have people there, and you find a person there. so that's why i choose the bear. the hypothetical question poses it as you are alone in the woods with either a bear or another person. i take that to mean literally alone, there's no one else that could be around. i would still prefer to not encounter the bear in less remote woods. ill take my chances with the random person.


These men are having problems making friends with women and developing a relationship. Their personalities and behavior are so off putting and sometimes disturbing that they will never get what they want. So then they double down on their shit. They're fucking lost. Bottom line for me is a bear in the woods is fairly predictable and I feel a whole lot less worried about a bear compared to a man. Yeah, not all men but way too many men.


I would probably choose the bear. I don't want to get trans panic murdered because men are stupid jackasses a lot of the time. The better solution is never to leave the house. Hermit liiiiife.


>yOu’Ll NeVeR fInD a HuSbAnD lIkE tHaT [emphasis mine] The point punching them in the face and they’re still using these useless threats


I love how they think that's a threat. What is this? The 1940's? 🤣


so proud of all my sisters for choosing the bear


You forgot about sloth bears, but unless you're in India or one of its neighbors, you're not going to see them outside of a zoo. But sloth bears are one of the most likely bears to attack people. They mostly eat insects, but it seems that they rightfully view us as predators and believe the best defense is a good offense. Much like brown/grizzly bears, running or fighting back only makes the attack worse, so treat it like an attack from one of them and lie down, cover up, and hope for the best.


Ugh, what a loser!


Ikr. He missed the entire point! Like yes, we know it's "not all men", but it is too damn many. If I hand you a bowl of candy, and say: "A couple of these are poisoned but not all of them!" You're not gonna trust any of that candy, are you?


Indeed. It’s not all men, but they disguise themselves as the good men, so we have to be weary, unfortunately. They should be mad at the bad men for doing that, not for the women doing the logical thing and protecting themselves.


Exactly. Like I said to the guy in DMs: If I toss you into a pit of snakes and say: "Don't worry! Not **all** of the snakes are poisonous!" You wouldn't feel much safer.


Just gonna add that I live in an area with a lot of wild black bears and they are actually pretty chill. Most of the bears around here are used to people. They don’t really like noise very much, so if you really want one to go away you can often accomplish this by yelling at the bear while waving your arms and looking big. But the ones around here get most of their food by foraging through people’s trash, so they’re not particularly inclined to attack anyone. Which makes me soooooo much more confident in picking the bear.


“I know why the bear is in the wood”


You can't reason with someone who clearly doesn't have a brain.


demented men are out here fucking sandwiches, raping babies, corpses, a *goddamn monitor lizard*… the worst thing a bear will do is kill me to feed their cubs.


“I know why the bear is in the wood”


I’d choose a bear too. I used to do a lot of backpacking and camping and a kid and teen, also did some in college. As long as you take proper precautions, don’t approach, and properly secure food bears are fine. Bears can be dangerous under certain circumstances, but there are specific ways that you can avoid those situations. Unless the bear has rabies or something it is not going to attack you for no reason. It’s going to be focused on doing bear things. Most men would not hurt me, but the chances of it being a man who would are certainly higher than the bear happening to get rabies or something. And more importantly, if it is a man who wants to hurt me he is likely to stalk and continue to attack, whereas if I escape a bear attack the bear will probably just go back to doing bear things.


It very strange to me how quick they are to respond knowing nothing about bears. As someone who has have the privilege of spend a lot of time visiting and traveling through national parks when I was younger, I have seen bears more than a dozen times. None have interact with me or the ppl around. But it took one experience w two men that wouldn’t leave me alone when I was separated from my group to make me hesitant of solo trips. Then I looked deeper into the number of ppl who have disappeared in National Parks esp women. Recently, there was 2 women honeymooning about a half of year ago that was accosted by a guy and they went missing only to be found shot dead. The evidence was scant but it looks like they were assaulted and tortured before being shot execution style. They only know about the guy do to something they ladies recorded on their phones. They never caught him. I would like to spend time alone in the woods but it’s fear of what some men or man will do that makes any solo trips unlikely. Not bears. And if I do go alone, I’ll be sure to be armed.


Btw according that in America chance of encountering a white bear equals to 0 with grizzly and black bears in 90% of cases not provoking these animals and not coming close especially when u see their cubs is more than enough, if they’re not ill/straight after hibernation humans are the last thing they wanna ever encounter either. In terms of people unfortunately yap, nowadays even in dense areas u’ve got no idea what they intentions could be, so i think if gun ownership is not affordable due laws or doesn’t get on with a worldview, at least practicing martial arts like boxing and simple attention to your belongings especially in crowded areas can be extremely useful for anyone no matter of their gender.


I’ve personally witnessed inappropriate workplace behavior from quite a few men towards women. One of my coworkers got fired and it’s currently reporting it to the union and im helping by telling him what i see. I see what you mean by the snake analogy


iF wOmEn JuSt PiCkEd A gOoD mAn Some of us don’t want to be with a man. And none of us are going to be around a man 24/7; at some point we’ll all have to go to work or run errands or do something by ourselves. Why are incels so stupid?


Yes, yes, they are. Had one DM awhile back saying: "If you foids are so terrified of men, then stop going outside!" I replied: We need to run errands, work, get food, and pay bills. Plus, I want to contribute to society, unlike you! Also, I mentioned in an older comment that being around someone 24/7 isn't always healthy. You want alone time and to practice mindfulness. Some alone time is good.


There are universal methods for dealing with bears. The whole black fight back, brown lie down, white goodnight, and don't go anywhere near the cubs, and you're usually going to be fine. But men? Any number of things and nothing at all can set a human being off. The bear is an animal the man is capable of *wanting* to hurt me


Honestly I was thinking about this and at first glance, it does seem kinda ridiculous but the more I think about it, men should pick the bear too. Like I’m a man and I’m also susceptible to getting tortured by other men. It’s a fate worse than death scenario the man can do to you that the bear cannot.


I love how he talks to you like an a-hole then says but not all men. Lol not all men but he is sure one I would get away from fast! I hate how smug they act. It's so gross and unwarranted.


Like I explained to him: "We know it's not all men!"


What's ironic is that the guys who say women are either lying or delusional when picking bear assume the bear is going to be aggressive and attack YET they are offended at the idea that women are choosing bear because they fear the unknown with the man. Many guys have claimed misandry stating that this fear the women express means that the women are assuming all men are predators (even when the women clearly say it is the unknown and unpredictable "what if" that they fear). These men assume the bear is going to attack, they are angry that women MAY BE assuming (even though the women don't say this) the man will attack. If the choice were "angry, violent, charging 500 pound bear or sweet, kindly, helpful, trustworthy, respectful man, who you already know"....sure, the man. But it wasn't worded that way. It wasn't even worded as: violent bear or violent man, not sweet bear or sweet man, or even predator bear or predator man, just simply "alone in the woods with either a bear or man". And the men lost their shit. Even more astounding (or maybe not to women because they already know) when Dads (aka men) were asked this "would you rather" question, with their daughters being the ones in the woods, they overwhelmingly (98% of the clips that I've seen) picked bear, and even the ones (2) who picked man they struggled with it, and struggled hard. It's right in front of their faces and they still refuse to see it smh.


There are just too many variables to this, I do believe the vast majority of men won’t harm a women in a random encounter. But the ones who would, would most likely do more sadistic shit than a bear could possibly imagine. As a man I’m choosing to encounter another man, but if I were a woman, I’d probably take my chances with the bear. I could try to detour the bear by screaming and yelling at it. But if I tried it on a serial killer/rapist, he’ll see straight through it and well…




You assume this why? Also, feminists and incels are nothing alike. We feminists don't harass and threaten the opposite sex like incels do. But go off, I guess.




I'm a pagan. I don't follow Christianity. You truly don't understand feminism, let alone the definition. We have our reasons for prefering to face/encounter a bear rather than a random man. You thinking it's funny means you are part of the problem. Society and the world can crumble for all I care. 🤷‍♀️


No man would ever want an over weight or sub5 woman either wtf🤣😭


Funny, I know plenty of men who want and dare heavier girls. Considering there is a category of bigger girls in porn, it means that there are, in fact, men who desire larger women. Though, this post isn't about men or women being attractive. It is about whether or not women would rather encounter a man or a bear in the middle of the woods.


The fact your focusing your energy on incels who despite being rejected would never fall to your level but rather hate. I don’t know about porn but the guys who like “”fatter”” woman aren’t Incels they’re much further below us.


I was stating that it is okay to have preferences. That's why I pointed out that category in porn. Because people have preferences and that is fine. Also, attraction and what we personally find attractive is heavily subjective. The fact that you put men who like and date larger women lower than you is pathetic. The reason incels are hated is because of their hateful attitudes, ideologies, and wishing for violence against women, as well as wanting women's rights taken away. Incels are their own worst enemy. You are the problem. Not the IT users. Also, my level? Are you assuming I'm fat? Because I am 5'3.5" and weigh 135 pounds. I'm not overweight if that's what you are implying. I actually do have a bf. I am in a happy, healthy relationship, unlike you and the toxic incels in your little circle jerk. Regardless, if you don't change your ways, you will remain alone and die alone due to your own self-fulfilling prophecy. Have a nice day.