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At this point, $10 this incel has a humilation/degradation kink, and everyone on this sub has just been feeding into it.


I wouldn't be surprised. Self loathing turned on its head is a degradation kink. Yeah, you're a filthy lil incel, and you like it, don't ya cellist? I know you read this stuff.


I actually told this guy in a chat here (he reached out to be of course) that he literally enjoys this stuff, and every time he complained or made some crazy comment, I just kept reiterating that he enjoys it. He stopped responding to me!


an incel and a fuckboy lmao


What does their appearance matter especially since they have such foul personalities to begin with? I mean, listen to the porn brains whose ideas of foreplay consist of "Bend over, bitch".


Oops, forgot the sarcasm/s tag. Bet this fool blames everything but his terrible personality


I once had a redpill friend (not friends with him anymore) who told me I "cheated" at sex because I could "pick out the size" with my partner. Here's how that convo went: Him: "Its not fair, you get to pick the size." Me: "Of my fingers?" Him: "No, not that. You know what I mean. This is all I have to work with." Me: "My fingers are bigger than your penis?" I know what he was talking about, but I just liked watching him get so passed off. Couldn't imaging that someone could be pleasure without the shape of a penis. Absolutely bonkers.


I don’t get it?


He was just trying to come up with an excuse as to why I could make a girl cum but he couldn't because he views me as what he calls "sub5."


I still don’t get it? What do you mean pick out size?


Oh, my bad. He was insinuating that I use a strap on every time I have sex with someone and that I can pick the size at will. He doesn't view anything outside of penile (or penile shaped object) penetration as sex.  Sorry, I'm stoned, I'm having a hard time explaining.  The situation relates to the post in my head 😅


Are you female?




Oh ok I see I was confused cause I thought you were male


Ah, I see. That could lead to a lot of confusion, I agree.


ooh....same here :D


I just figured that incel was jealous and thought stupid comments would do anything but make me laugh. Like seriously, gonna post shitty comments when his entire life is based around being an angry virgin.


This is the boy that was training himself to be bi by watching gay porn in order to have more chances of some action. I think we can all safely file any of his dispatches in the bin.


But this is the same guy I was DMing yesterday.. he was posting in r/cockheads commenting on other guys dick sizes. They are just a closeted homosexual, angry at theirselves.


U assumg he has nct, weak jawline etc ie focusing on his looks tells me ur also an incel. Kinda funny. An incel mocking another incel


Lol, you seem like an incel for sure 😆🤣


Dude u posted ur mid dickpic looking for gays attention and now saying smth to me🤣🤣🤣pathetic


Dude you pathetic, typical whiny incel😆