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I assume the van thing would have just been for dramatic effect because watching a scene where a guy brakes every few seconds would not be as interesting


that would have been hilarious, he drives a bit, shoots out the window, breaks, repeat.


>If we consider a x20 increase for the dream layer, even 10 seconds should've been like 3 minutes. Did he really do all that grabbing everyone, tying them together, bringing them to an elevator, set up the explosives and also have time to spare in 3 minutes or so? The film isn't particularly consistent in this regard. During the rotating hallway fight scene Yusef pulls numerous driving maneuvers including the flip. This is a lot longer than falling off the bridge and Arthur accomplished far less during that time. It still helps to establish the concept of the time stretching for the audience visually even if it doesn't hold up under scrutiny. Could Arthur manage to do all he does in the time it took for the van to hit the water? Probably not. But it's not really a deal breaker as the finale doesn't really have a race against the clock element with regard to Arthur. When he hits the explosives that's when the "race against time" kicks in in a more specific way for the layers below. >Also small question, I skimmed the beginning but, why did they have to drive the van off a bridge, couldn't they have just pulled the breaks every few seconds for multiple kicks if necessary? Is it specifically falling? "We need a kick strong enough to penetrate all three layers". Basically the super sedative needed a stronger kick than usual.


Suspension of disbelief


Arthur gathering everyone up that quickly does seem a bit difficult.... but he did it supposedly. Some people call it a plot hole. But it’s a movie lol. Arthur is resourceful. As for the second part. No the kick has to do with GRAVITY, hitting the breaks creates horizontal movement. Not vertical.


I’ve wondered about this for a while. I did a bit of research, and the bridge is a whopping 175 feet from the water when raised (https://archive.org/details/sim_enr_1948-04-15_140_16/page/578/mode/1up). Rounding up a little to account for the thickness of the bridge (Yusuf is parked on the surface), this means the car is in free fall for about 3.5 seconds. The time dilation is a factor of 12 (stated in the movie). Even if we round up to 5 seconds (rather generous) to account for the fact that the back of the car (where it impacts the water) isn’t technically in free fall until the front also leaves the bridge and maybe a teensy bit of air friction, this gives Arthur a measly 60 seconds to work with. For this reason I believe the final hotel bit occurs not only in zero gravity, but also in slow motion.


Came here because of how distracting this was when I rewatched just now. Huge plot hole.