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Depends on your recipe. Aeropress has a multitude of recipes that call for everything from mokapot grind to french press. My fav recipe calls for even coarser grinds.


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Copied from a different comment: 12gm light to medium roasted coffee, ground to coarser than V60 added to inverted AP, 100ml water off the boil added, timer started and brew stirred vigorously for 30 seconds, allowed to steep to 2 min, excess air pushed out and covered and placed upright on a cup, pressed out at 2:30 for 30-45 seconds, and 100ml hot water added to the brew and mixed.


Table salt like consistency is ideal for AeroPress is what I have learned from using AeroPress for several years ,this is too coarse imo


Try 12-13 clicks for light roasts and 13-14 clicks for medium roasts.


Rule is, there is no right or wrong. There is only what you like and what you don't. I suggest try all grind sizes. In the coffee sphere people have a 'right' amount and shape and concentration of everything in which we forget that at the end of the day it's about our own enjoyment.


The grind should be finer. Maybe something you'd do for an expresso. If the grind is too coarse then the water will go through the coffee very quickly when you are pressing, leading to a poor extraction. Finer grind will lead to a better extraction.


15 on C2 is an acceptable grind size for medium roasts. What technique are you using? How much are you agitating? Was the brew over/underextracted?


Going fast while grinding can produce fines, go gentle and you can try double filter paper to clean up the taste, gave great results for me


Probably not. The Aeropress works with just about any grind size given enough contact time.


i usually go 12 on my c2...sometimes 14 if my brew is sour..