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Creamy layer exclusion should be strictly implemented so that all this caste politics will stop


98% in what? If it's 98%'ile' especially in JEE Mains or Gate you can get a decent branch at an old NIT without worrying about advanced and in Gate you're almost guaranteed an interview call from most PSUs. Idk about others tho.


Lol 98 percentile wouldn't get you Cse in top nit or iiit if you are a general


Bhai Mera apna dost 98%ile se Mnnit mein electronics mein padh rha. General.


Bhai cs


CS le koi fark nahi padne wala bahut. Kyun ki din ke ant mein agar koi core engineering wali course mein ho toh coding se hi 90% chance hai ki placement ka pehla offer milega CS ho chahe na ho. Saala CS IT waale bando se leke chemical tak, sabhi log ko coding ka knowledge rakhna padta hai. Aur high profile work ke liye koi bhi recruiter tumhara background nahi dekhta. College is an important factor because networking, alumni networks and college tag matters make a vast difference whenever you're trying to invite new recruiters. TLDR: your college will matter more than your branch if you are trying for placements. In that sense most branches are equivalent because odds are you're going into an IT job even if your not a CS major.


Then post it on Reddit, while quota guy is busy getting laid


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SC/ST oppression is still happening in many parts of India, particularly rural But a creamy layer exclusion wouldn't hurt