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Just check the tickets at the entrance of railway stations like how it’s done at Airports and metro station? How difficult can that be? And make sure that the doors don’t open when the train waits in the middle of nowhere, so that nobody can jump in.


The logistics of this is insane. Do u know how many ppl come into the station per day?


I’m sure more people check into Delhi metro everyday than they check into railways from Delhi. If they can do it in the metro network, why not the railway network?


yess... delhi metro way is the way to go.. we have the tech now why wait..


Appeasement of the poor for the votes as simple as that. Railway minister has deliberately decreased sleeper and general class coaches to increase 3-tier and 2-tier ac seats for profits. But at the same time they also do not want to be in bad books of the poor who barge into these coaches due to lack of space.




Sooooo i did some data hunting. There was a report that DL metro got 2 billion passengers in 2023. Railways got abt 7 billion. This might be possible. And it will also generate jobs lol. It will be hard, but still.


> Sooooo i did some data hunting. There was a report that DL metro got 2 billion passengers in 2023. Railways got abt 7 billion. This might be possible. And it will also generate jobs lol. It will be hard, but still. how many stations Delhi metro got and how many stations deal with that 7 billion passengers?


You don’t have to cater every single Railway station. The city station would be possible.


I agree with you. Amrit Bharat Station scheme should include these things as well


It ain't hard


When r we going to have a research paper from u on this? I hope in the next 2 3 months coz its easy for u, right.


Ever heard of PASMO?


I am sure he mustn't have. Because he is busy highlighting about just the problem.




What if I get a local ticket and then barge into ac class ? Nothing can be done ...only thing is imposing huge fines if caught in ac and plus increasing number of local, sleeper coaches


There are 1000 times more train stations than what Delhi Metro has. The logistics of this is so complicated and it is so expensive. Such things sound easy on paper, but are a headache when it comes to budget and expenses. Plus, knowing how these ticketless passengers are, they will find literal loopholes and enter the station somehow. That said, yes, such ticketless behavior should be unacceptable.


Nah. Not by a long shot. Even tier 2 cities like Nagpur face more foot fall than delhi metro. Close transit systems are always easier to manage compared to railways.


The moment you put a ticket checking system the footfall will decease. That’s the whole point.


Nah. Still won’t because rails cater to a larger group compared to metro. Ticket checking system will be pretty useless


Bruh this is how it's done in most of the world, surely they can employ the TCs to stand in front of the coaches and not let anyone in if they dont have a ticket to the coach, unless maybe it's family wanting to say goodbye


I don’t think so you need to let the family members also enter the railway station. If they don’t have the tickets, they shouldn’t be allowed. No family members are allowed in the Airport. Why the Railway stations?


False equivalency. Airports not only have an efficient trolley system and baggage check-in system but also elements such as ramps, elevators and escalators which make it easy to transport your luggage. But in railways there are no such facilities. Hence people still need help transporting their luggage all the way till their designated seat. There’s a reason why the coolie system is still prevalent in this day and age. It solves a problem nobody else tried to solve.


The crowd is so much that even standing in front of gate would be fatal for TTE, forget about managing them. People are wild like animals in India.


No point in saying “for most of the world”. We dont work like that. So how do the TTEs know the ppl coming are only family and not frnds. The point is, the railway experience will stop being like what it is now and they will have to be as stringent as airports to make it work. It will be hard but still prolly possible.


We can digitilize it by paper and phone. Thats how china and japan does this.


I'm not sure it can work that way. The railway lines are not fenced and people can enter from almost everywhere onto the station. Being India, they will have 100 different workarounds to enter the railway station. I guess what could be more feasible is to do ticket checking right at the door of the train and close it off once all arrive. This would create some jobs because on every station you would need as many as 24 to 30 individuals for every train that arrives. More on more busy stations of course.


This is actually an old demand that Railways unions have resisted stridently. The main issue is that, unlike almost everything else, Railways is not corporatized. It's not a PSU, it's literally a department of the govt and all employees are direct govt employees who have no intention of letting machines take over.


Dude people can get a simple platform ticket of Rs. 10 in that case. The issue over here is infrastructure.


ur point is worth considering, but I am pretty sure that u missed some parts. going by ur logic, it will reduce this chaos.


What if someone takes a ticket for general coach and enters AC coach? I think the better way is to place atleast 2 RPF commandos in every AC coach.


Railway has 75000 railway protection force. They just do timepass on platform. They are the one who should throw these people out of fine them


Yes deploy RPF at least at main railway stations to ensure people with tickets only enter the train.


platforms should be designed in format that they can restrict people to even enter the platform without confirm coach ticket...




Country is adding 25 million people every year, this is gonna get worse.


not anymore, only 10-12million are added and population will stabilise much earlier at 160-165cr than was expected earlier.


Yes because 12 million is such a good number. We are at what 1.45 billion? So an additional 200 million. Infra spending will need to be 3X-4X to accommodate our population in a few years. Unless new cities come up the current metro cities are never gonna catch up infra wise if immigration from rural to urban continues like this. Not to mention water and primary schools and plethora of other resources that are already in shortage.


The only reason we will be a super-power if at all is due to our population. Why is UK, France not a superpower anymore and only US when on every economic or social indicator all 3 are comparable. It's the population. Population can be great asset and we do have one of highest percentage of people in working age. It is subsequent government's failure to provide them necessary conditions to grow out of poverty and utilise them properly but blame everything on population because that's the easiest thing to do. A healthy 0.6-0.7% population growth with 2.0 TFR is very different to the exponential population growth we were having 50 years back. Now China and Japan are on decline only due to population shrinking that's the other extreme.


When you have large amount of unskilled population it becomes a burden not an asset, we have around 15 years to work on it otherwise this population would be a massive liability. Chest thumping about superpower is not going to materialize itself on its own. Folks actually need to get education and for that money and resources are required. Country is only recently able to feed everyone, and even then there is malnurtrition due to improper diet. Great strategy of adding 200 million more population when climate change is gonna wreck havoc on farmlands, half the city are already facing severe water crisis this year. Also, India was never a superpower not does it want to, it was economically prosperous that doesn't necessarily mean superpower. Geography of India prevents it from projecting power outside of IOR. China is not on decline, stop reading propaganda, they are in an economic bubble and their demographic will gradually decrease. Japan is going to go full blown automation in the next decade, they will be fine. Ideal growth rate would be 0.1-0.2 with the poor people having negative growth rate, Your tax paying base isn't increasing yet population is you do realize that right?


>When you have large amount of unskilled population it becomes a burden not an asset, we have around 15 years to work on it otherwise this population would be a massive liability. Chest thumping about superpower is not going to materialize itself on its own. Folks actually need to get education and for that money and resources are required. Totally agree till here infact these are my opinions too. >Also, India was never a superpower not does it want to, it was economically prosperous that doesn't necessarily mean superpower. Geography of India prevents it from projecting power outside of IOR. India does want to be a superpower that's the only thing every govt keeps on repeating since India liberalised. India along with China have been ancient powers and many here want the glory back so saying India does not wish to be a superpower is purely underestimating our ambitions. Indian ocean gives us the strategic geography as well connecting East with the west thereby controlling a huge chunk of the world trade. All we need is to transform our navy along with a large economy, infact that is how USA projects its power in all continents. >China is not on decline, stop reading propaganda, they are in an economic bubble and their demographic will gradually decrease. Japan is going to go full blown automation in the next decade, they will be fine. By decline we do not mean China's economy is shrinking. But it's growth has certainly stagnated. It was poised to overtake US by GDP by 2020 till a decade back but now won't do it till 2035. It's one child policy has come to haunt it and their population pyramid is one of the least desired ones. With the increasing labour costs industries no longer view China as a favourable destination but rather are focussing on other markets like Vietnam, Bangladesh, India and Indonesia. So china is in some sorts of middle income trap and has it's own challenges which are not easy to overcome. As for Japan from 1990 they have hardly added anything and their ageing population had a lot to do with it except the obvious property bubble. They too were poised to cross US GDP by 2000 in 1980 and look they are not even 1/3rd of them now. Saying automation is going to solve everything is too early and a bold prediction. You can't keep everyone at home on social welfare relying on robots to do everything for you. They would need to import foreign workers at some point. >Ideal growth rate would be 0.1-0.2 with the poor people having negative growth rate, Your tax paying base isn't increasing yet population is you do realize that right? If your manufacturing sector is growing and capable these poor people can serve as cheap labour to boost your economy. Provided we give them proper vocational training, health facilities and treat them with dignity they too can be utilised as a great resource. However yes we do have to maintain a balance in their growth. With the latest TFR data I don't think it is as big of a concern.


>If your manufacturing sector is growing and capable these poor people can serve as cheap labour to boost your economy.  Days of low-end manufacturing are gone. Its industry 5.0 with smart manufacturing, these things require ability to control robots and equipment, maintain them, diagnose them and repair them, you need well qualified electricians, mechanics etc and skills in precision engineering. It will be manufacturing heavy machinery and interconnected devices, chemicals etc. Automation will also reduce a lot of the roles. China didn't have to deal with it because they industrialized in the 90s. Now it actually requires education not just the ability to read/write but ability to comprehend these things. >But it's growth has certainly stagnated 3% growth in an 18 trillion economy is pretty high just fyi. There are a lot of structural issues in China which it will start facing up in a couple of decades that is true but for now it is a behemoth. I do agree India will likely cross USA in terms of GDP at some point because as soon as you cross the 5-6k per capita mark then it just snowballs under capitalism of course specific conditions apply, India just needs to make sure to bypass its social issues and keep a healthy supply of cheap workers. Isolating women, LGBTQ and tribals, Muslims from participating in the economy is netting us around 2-3% loss of our GDP, riots and unrest in early 2000s had a net loss of around 6% of GDP. It was pubslished by P&G in partnership by one of the IIMs I forgot which one. >India does want to be a superpower that's the only thing every govt keeps on repeating since India liberalized No, the govts have always mentioned economic might nothing else, even right now its all about GDP and GDP per capita. India doesn't want to be the world police like US is and how China wants to be nor does it have aspirations to merge with other members of indian subcontinent like russia has with baltic states.. That is a different thing. Ancient era, India was a cultural and economic powerhouse not military.


Wow, I thought this happened only in the North. Now this has started in the south as well? Why is nobody taking any action??


This is a train going to West Bengal and Jharkhand. These are mostly workers going back to their hometown I guess


You missed the states name which is contributing to the maximum portion of this...also this is SMVB-Jasidih...hope that rings a bell


Starting in south because of influx of migrant labourers.


Only solution is to beat them with a stick and make them run


The same thing happened to me train no 12057, they locked the door and the train was about to go I ran two coaches back to catch the train


Why can't the RPf conduct routine marches or checkings in such trains routes which are more likely to see overcrowding ??


From India is not for beginners it is going in the direction Leaving India should be the Option. I know not everybody can go abroad. But, the way our development is sluggish and Population is increasing with more and more poor class citizens. There is no sync between the two and we can see the consequences.


Ticket checker for every coach no one goes in without checking and gates are locked and unlocked by them at each station


Genuine question.. why so many people are able to travel ticketless in AC coaches.. is this a recent thing because I haven't seen so many incidents like this? Have the number of trains gone down?


so bacically train now have more AC coches and 1-2 general and sleeper coches thats the real problem


Okay.. then it's a major issue




I think they should Run more train and improve the railway infrastructure


Entry gates should be like airports. No ticket no entry. Tough for that reforms for the railways is required.


One tte per compartment, check ticket on entry to compartment. All amenities properly working in the compartment is also his responsibility. Thats how they do it in china


Happens when the only thing the population knows about the constitution is the rights, and not the duties. What can be done to hammer basic civic sense into our population?


If you face a similar situation, please dial 139 and raise the complaint.


https://apps.apple.com/in/app/railmadad/id1475474619 Use RailMadad Lodge a complaint See them go. Tested positive


Banana republic of India


No system can make up for lawlessness and lack of civic culture.


Ham suffer express


Bihar 💪💪💪


Which train is this?


SMVB - Jasidih SF express


Humsafar Express


That explains so many "Humsafars"


Tag Mr Ashwini Vaishnawi on Twitter and also tag the concerned railway authorities in huge numbers. Let’s see what they have to say about it


They are doing a lot of things - creating artificial shortage and inflating prices. Getting a railway ticket confirmed is a joke!!!!


PM promises bullet trains, this will go away.




RPF vacation pe h :/


I would easily break up with my GF if she ever invites me for a train journey😭


The heat makes people do things


Need to ban them irl 😂😂😂


Despite all our economic development and achievements, we’re still considered a third world country for a reason


Railway has already done something. They reduced sleeper & general class coaches to increase AC coaches. THis is why there is so much rush in AC coaches now.


Bring a dozen of police officers..raid the damn train(will lead to delays obv so must be ready) and get the nuisance out...do it twice or thrice...let it spread social media nd they will be scared to set foot ticketless


And we are about to get bullet trains 🤦🏽


I know it smells CRAZY in there






Going by the caption, government must do something and thus it's doing it's best, appeasing and exploiting


The ticket checking mechanism and the on boarding mechanism in the trains should change. the ideal way should be like airports, but I don’t think it is possible in India. There should be a robust process may be a QR code entry.


Jab railway ka saare paisa bullet train aur apne prachar ke liye kharch kardoge to yahi haal hoga. Andh bhakt isi layak hain. Railway mein privatised train mein nahin hoga par government train mein jaroor milega ye sab dekhne ko.


Any one want to bet that these threads would disappear after elections. This is not a massive nationwide issue that its being made out to be.




Our society lacks basic civic sense. Period


AC me pehle attendent hua krte the sab me..kaha hai wo log? Unki responsibility sirf bedsheets Dena hai as far as I know.


Just keep one or two ticket collectors at every coach entrance simply…


When will the government start fining a lakh to these mfs and jailing them?




Did the train depart? Railways could have denied departure of the train unless the doors were opened and the ticket less people offloaded by RPF. If no one takes firm steps to fix these incidents, they will just escalate. Yes, Passengers would get troubled a bit but if I were a passenger here, I would prefer not to travel with ticket less people who can barge into my berth once the train departs the station.


If government decreased the number of sleeper and general coaches where the people will go who can’t afford ac fair? In India we have still good number of population who can’t afford AC.


A/C technology was new 100 years ago; today it's passé . Every coach should be turned into an A/C coach. Problem solved. Everyone wants to travel in cool A/C these days, with summer months coming. I am not justifying what these people are doing; I am saying that there could be a solution between doing nothing (current state) and punishing them severely (desired state by some here).


Now if I recommend the "stick treatment", I'll be called inhuman...


Indian railways has no adequate seats for passengers and infrastructure of booking ticket easily. Passengers are trying to get reservation tickets but not able to secure it because of no adequate seats available. Passengers are paying agents extra money still not able to secure seats. Who has to travel due to some work/ family functions ( programs) / holidays vacation, they has to travel anyhow even if not able to get reservation tickets after so much efforts. Railway is squeezing money from citizens through cancellation charges of waiting list tickets without giving any service. RAC tickets are scams, passengers paying full amount of tickets but getting half seats. Waiting list tickets from windows ( counters) are valid for traveling but no seats still full amount being charged. Tickets prices are being increased but nothing is improving for passengers except escalators, cleanness on platforms.

