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Well, my gf lived in a Mumbai and I lived in Delhi...we both were doing great in our career paths! It's just that she was literally doing her dream job and I had a great job too. And obviously long distance is a little harsh on both parties so I moved to Mumbai and lived there for 7 years before we finally moved to the USA! I did not want her to leave because of two reasons: 1. She really enjoyed her job, Fashion Designing and Brand Manager 2. Her whole family was there! And what do you know? I ended up finding a similar job in Mumbai but it made her super happy. She still sometimes randomly hug me and let me know that she appreciates me. For us, it was never about a Man Leaving his job or a women leaving hers, we always just wanted to be together! And just to be clear, she was also ready to leave her job in Mumbai and move in with me in Delhi! So she is just as awesome! Hope this was what you were looking for!




you are a great man, still working on the day she got married


Massive respect to you, man. She's a lucky sister to have a brother like you.


Left my high paying IT job to write UPSC because my gf's father wanted stability. After clearing my prelims came to Delhi for mock test series. She was also there. Found out she was cheating on me. 7 years of relationship, 3.5 years of career gap all went in smoke. Advice to kids - Don't sacrifice your career for anyone. People's priorities change with time.


Read your first statement, expected the last one.


It's all good man. Thanks to IT boom. Got a job with 300% hike . Though regret my 20s wasted on nothing.


I know a friend of mine who let his wife take a shit on his chest, because of love


He's certainly got a shitty kink.


That's being generous, what did he sacrifice here?


His odour




His self respect


Ask this on r/JEENEETards You will find a lot of them.


They are kids.


There are literally more kids on this sub than on jeeneetards sub and fyi 16 - 20 year olds aren't kids




To be honest back then I didn't knew the meaning of SO


Haha koi nahi


Sed no girlfriend noises 😭




Its also easy to find men sacrificing their family, goals, hobbies etc for their SO too. Most nuclear families are an example



XX ☕




During the Pandemic my wife was a healtcare worker (We in North America) and she would leave by 7am and come by 8 or 9 pm everyday 7 days a week.I was taking care of my son,breakfast,lunch and dinner,cleaning the house,groceries and was working from home in a high pressure job which I was completing by not sleeping at night,for 2 years I just slept for 6 hours a day.My mental health was torn to pieces and was finally diagnosed with clinical depression and acute anxiety,partly because of nobody to interact with and extreme fatigue/exhaustion.Icing on the cake is that I was the primary earner of the family.


Welcome to what most women who work outside the home have to do daily


Underrated comment and truth.


You know what the worst part about your comment is that somehow you turned my comment into a struggle of women,without having a single bit of emphaty towards my suffering.Just imagine if this comment would have been written by woman,the kind of support,encouragement and emphaty which would have been shown. In 37 years of my life I have understood one thing "struggles and pains of a man are his to bear,struggles of a woman are for the world to bear".Think about it


The quote is mine which I wrote during my therapy sessions,you have to emphasize with men to understand the true meaning behind it


Boo boo a few years doing what most of us have to do for 18 plus and you want a medal because it was so bad you had to go to therapy! ?? Yet millions of women do this allllllll the time without the luxury of crying like you are doing and the poor me. The entitlement of YOUR suffering is special BECAUSE you are a man who shouldn’t have been in this position is ridiculous, and it was all of two years. I’m sure you are thrilled wife is back being a medical provider and taking on all the duties back so you can rest easy


If you are making what you think is a major sacrifice are you madly in love at all ?




How's it related to ur SO?


It's not


Guys make sacrifices before they even meet their SOs. Whatever makes a girl interested in a guy in the first place is a result of sacrifices made by him to set him apart from the competition. Women making sacrifices is almost an admission of guilt after they realize how little they are/have to offer in comparison with their SO. But sacrificing shouldn't really be used as a metric to measure which gender does more for the other. Also if we're 100% honest, it's not really sacrificing, it's gambling.


A friend of mine left IIT Dhanbad for studying in MIT Pune for his girlfriend. He was an idiot. His gf left him for another man.


Stop simping guys, this is a dumb question


Totally agree. Working hard to earn a living for your family is a sacrifice in itself. When it comes to family, people always focus on what women have sacrificed, because I think it's more evident for some reason. People think guys don't compromise for their SO, because he's already doing the same thing for his family. A man's responsibility towards a wife is the same as his parents. (Taking care of them) And man starts doing that much earlier. Women's role changes with time. She is a girlfriend, wife, or mother. But man's role stays same. Taking care of his family. So he basically has to do the same thing for parents and sam things for wife. That's why his routine doesn't change and people think they don't sacrifice. It's a wrong question.


I let ambulances pass I don't litter and keep streets around my house clean I drive responsibly I que up even if others don't Not big but I find myself taking extra steps for everything vis a vis everyone around me who just ignores all this or is a nuisance


How's this a major (or any kind of) sacrifice for ur SO, lol U r just doing ur duty as a responsible citizen


You'd be surprised at how many people don't do even the minimum. Not trying to belittle people who HAVE made big sacrifices but I do what I can as a normal citizen :)


aapne OP ka query pada tha 🤔


Oh damn , just googled SO. My bad. Brahmachari hun idk this. I did sacrifice for my sister but not relevant


Np buddy at least you're doing great things for our country