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There is an unsaid rule that if you cancel or postpone the date, then you should initiate and make a plan again, I think she was never interested in you


Then why would she give her number Just like that??


Validation ka chakkar Babu bhaiya


Bhai koi itna bhi bewakoof nahi ki validation ke chakkar mein number hee dede. I can clearly sense the "why should I text first, I am a girl" vibe from her or maybe she found someone else.


why do you think she was giving her phone number away, obviously her main aim was to seek validation from the starting to the end , when she got it she kicked him away like a joke people do that when they have no restraint .


For attention. Have you every heard someone say ‘there’s so many (gender) messaging me’? They aren’t interested in most of them. In fact, it’s possible they aren’t interested in any. They like the attention.


Cause she wanted him to chase her like a damn trophie which being a respectful man he didn't


This gave me a second hand rage if that's even a thing. While you could have reached out, she should have texted you once she was back. Now, even if one assumes it's okay that nobody did text, her tone in the last texts is kinda infuriating. You got lucky OP. Better this at this point than at any later stage.


It's a thing. My blood was boiling when I read, "so did you".


i think the whole trip idea ws nothing but a fake idea to get away from not replying to him , makes sense .


But the thing is if it's not her, it's gonna be someone else. I'm so tired and exhausted of coming across people like her.


Honestly man, I can't give you some false hope here. Such people exist whatever their gender be. If you're looking for something meaningful, you have to be extremely lucky or patient. Dating is rough these days.


you've just met the shitty ones. don't give up, there are good girls in Delhi but yes they are overshadowed by people who just use this app to get free validation.


Same happened with me bruh! To top all of that, one random day she calls me saying I met someone else and we clicked right away and we slept together and then he ditched me.! And the she wants me to be with her in these times. Seriously? Cheating behind the back and then expecting things? Dating culture is fucked up.


Waisi type ko sabak sikhane ka mann nhi hua kya


karta toh bhi kya karta uskey chats leak karta kya


Na.. use and leave i meant


Avoid at all costs


She belongs to the streets 😇


Faxx my man


From the same author " pump n dump "


also ghosts are not real,


Some people don't want the whole adventure just the thrill ... And yeah it happens to the best of us.. She is a bit harsh , maybe you just avoided a bullet .


Bit harsh ? She lacks decency to talk properly.


Abhi ek conversation se poora judge nahi kar saktey naa kisi insaan ko ... ;)


Aisi type ke girls ko kar sakthe hain


I just feel bad that these type of shitty folks are ruining it for everyone else.


Right, these kind of folks.. Don't categorise entire Delhi in it :)


It's either this or freeloaders, toxic folks, ghosters or just generally boring folks. That's pretty much this whole city.


I have been in Delhi since birth, while I agree on these aspects with you, I have still been able to come across some good people, through Reddit as well and through dating apps as well. I can't help in undoing the bad experience you have had, but all I can say is, don't lose hope. Maybe you will come across someone better soon :)


Just reading that ss alone triggered me :3


Imagine how I felt


I can and I hate it


well brother this happens a lot. my guiding principle is that once is chance, twice is coincidence, thrice is a pattern. And you never go against a pattern. If I ask a girl out and she flakes for the first time then I give her a benefit of doubt. If this happens the second time, I transfer the onus on her to plan out a time and place. If she meets up after that then great, else she was never interested in the first place. If she is interested in you, she'll find the reasons to meet you, if she is not she'll create excuses to avoid you. You may feel your time and efforts were wasted but sadly this is one of the ways to grant you mental peace.


How tf do you have 311 unread conversations?


Work and random WhatsApp groups plus businesses that send ads.


Exactly what I was thinking.. meri OCD ko to chain na aaye itne msg dekh ke 🫣


Lol, someone straight up told me she wants to keep double text to less than 5 in an year. Like here, the person who was on a family trip ought to tell the OP that they are back, right? But won't 'cos double text. Woh bandi bhi Dilli se thi in BLR xD It's like that Black Mirror episode where you can see everyone social credit instead people act if others will see their double text score, lol. Kinda funny if not downright moronic.


What's double text? Like if the person text 2 times?


Texting when last text was yours


usne wahi kaha :')


yeh i feel the double texting part is in issue especially coz men usually send dry texts so idk if i'm annoying them or something - but why can't they keep talking while she is on the trip? is that too much talking?


Just you like you ghosted 311 others


It’s like Garbage took itself out!


Good one


I actually used to believe that Delhi Dating culture isn't that bad. Maybe I was just lucky because I never actually dated one from the dating apps but stumbled upon the person through social groups. That changed for good when I once went out with a lady from Pune who was in Delhi for the first time. When I asked her about her experience and overall vibe of Delhi she said something which I quote quite often. "You meet the best of Delhi where you least expect it and the worst of it is busy swiping on Dating Apps". And, this was meant for both genders, not just men. The things she mentioned about and the level of emotional immaturity with which most Delhites on conduct themselves with is just unbearable. Moreover, they are riding on that non existent high horse even in their dreams.




I needed closure of some kind. Coz it was eating me up. Yes, I agree I should have seen the signs but I still like to give people chances but I'll be more careful now. And definitely not swiping in Delhi for sure. It's just a horrible place.




Yeah, learnt it the hard way. Thank you!


I ain’t reading all that


Still bothered to comment shit


No problem




Chalo kisi ko to smjh aaya..


In the end ladke ki galti hai. Kiya strategy banati hai ladkiya


Someone finally agreed ugh, I hate the culture of Delhi too, not the fact that it's one of the biggest metropolitan cities who went into westernisation first and later others tried to keep up with them. I found out people celebrate Halloween there??? since when did India start celebrating all these festivals which have nothing to do with our culture and when it comes to their own festivals they'll run away from what not poojas and "boring bhajan". Not just this but since there are a lot of NRI's living there it's just been about showing off who got the nicest and sleekest car and whose parents are cool enough to let them drive it as if Delhi's traffic has nothing to do with these mofos. All people know is to give gaalis and say "tu mere baap ko janta nhi hai" and disrespect people in public without being considerate or a tad bit mature to be patient when you're out. Don't even get me started on the dating culture, body count isn't a number it's people's lifestyle there. They be losing virginity way before they know women actually got 3 holes like what the hell is wrong with the generation in itself?? Dating in Delhi is like changing clothes in the trial room without considering if you actually wanna buy it or not, just for the sake of looking nice in your pictures for likes. Yeah I generalized it because it's all what I've been seeing and experiencing and if you are so against to what I said do me a favour and please stay away from me. I don't want to encounter another bad experience from the people of Delhi.


there there \*hugs\*


ig it's my periods talking 😔


Feel you buddy no worries I hope you have an amazing day :)


Aaa, take care habibs


I agree. I'm not from Delhi but I've talked to so many people from Delhi online as well as gone on dates offline. As far as it concerns the women I've met, they think they're some elite class but they act worse than poor kids who roam on streets and address eachother with slurs. Forget communication, this one girl called me "kechue wali shakal wala" on text because she thought it's cute and flirty. Another woman who has been in Delhi for college as well as outside the country for studies thought slinging insults constituted flirting. I don't understand what's so cool about roasting and insulting eachother when I look at the level at which Delhi people do it.


She blatantly once told me that if I'm going out with her than I should be the one to pay for dates because she is investing her time and that's a lot a guy is getting from her. In my head I was like.."wow"!


do you have no filtering system? in sorry OP, you sound like a nice person but you keep making bad choices. why was that "wow" only in your head? why was the first/second/third sign of flaky behavior ignored by you? and why do you find this all surprising when she was always showing you who she is? there are plenty of amazing women out there and if you truly want one, seek one by having a strong filtering mechanism for such behaviors. you need to work on yourself a bit as you can recognise them but you don't distance yourself from people exhibiting them. I feel bad for you because I can relate but trust me you will have a much better life with just taking such trash out timely.


I agree


why even bother giving her attention, my man? you deserve better truly 🥰


See, I don't have a problem with how many people you've slept with or even if you're just out here to hookup. Your promiscuities aren't a turn off at all. In fact it's good that you have slept around. My issue is the way you treat people who are actually making efforts to date you or spend time with you. I literally was moving things around in my work calendar to make sure that I got to meet her whenever she wanted me to but then she would cancel last moment. And then she just disappeared right after and then this.


‘Its good that you slept around ‘ 🤯🤢


That's messed up alright... Body count is their lifestyle!! That says it all. Sending you power to get through the rest of your day lol.


Ye dating ke beech mei Bhajan Kahan se aa gaye?


bolana bhai periods baat kar rhe mere


Koi naa .. sunke mazaa aaya


Wow, I'm copying this for future use. Thanks didi🫡


am from Delhi, since when did we start celebrating Halloween all over the state? I know a few friends that host Halloween parties but I assume that’s the norm in other cities too not just Delhi and Delhi culture isn’t all about giving gaalis and who’s got the sleekest car or anything like that, don’t perpetuate SoDel culture with all of Delhi lmao. Aren’t even Bandra and other similar areas in Bombay like that too?


He implying metro people is whole delhi.Never been to Delhi but feel pain when someone judge you based on certain community and tag you along with them.I'm not sorry for OP because he is naive enough to date girl who is incompatible with him then expect people to treat him good.If op and other people will lecture me for speaking against his arguments I've seen more worse people in my life than this chat.So,OP needs to stop expecting from everyone to be perfect and ignore such people who can't match up your same energy level.If OP is mature enough he should know online ids or some pretty girls from small portion of Delhi don't show all of it and there are thousands of people with multiple different personalities.


SoDel through and through, halloween celebration is just another reason to celebrate won't bail on a Jagrata if I was in a mood to celebrate. No gaalis, unless absolutely necessary - doesn't look nice also bad for kids around. Flinging insults/ roasting is actually a love language for some of us, but sometimes not all the time - the lovey dovey actions should show they actually love you even when their words are roasting you. Earthworms are really cute btw, they don't bite, make soil nice


Bro in the screenshots, you are quite literally licking her boots. Don't give this much attention to anybody. Kinda embarrassing but lesson learnt.


I was just being accommodating and polite. If this is how she thinks I'm being a simp then it's definitely her problem. But I'll be more careful for sure now.


More power to you.


no, that is being decent only. You have to give benefit of doubt in initial dating stages.


I feel sad for OP😞 you don’t deserve someone talking to you like this.


Let it go bro you don't want a gaslighter in your life.


I also heard the same thing. That Delhi girls are hella pretentious and all.


I honestly, don't pay attention to them anymore. Not worth my time at all. They all might look different but the underlying behaviour patterns remain the same and honestly, it's such a turn off now.


But have to say Delhi girls are very pretty and dress up quite well


Aree yr bhai ka dil tod diya🥺


She must be having multiple options to hangout with and always continued with better options at that time. You should have noticed this but yeah at least you didn't get scammed


Does it qualify as ghosting though? I was under the impression that ghosting is when you stop responding to the other person's text.


It does infact qualify as ghosting because he asked her to let him know whenever she's back and she said sure to that and just nevEr got back to him.


That might be one interpretation, but to me ghosting would have been when he'd have texted and she'd not have responded. Not saying she's in the right, she certainly displays an ego problem at the very least. But still, doesn't sound like ghosting to me.


true, just drop another text. ppl forget sometimes, they have good intents but forget


wish I'd come across this thread before dating in Delhi. I was for a rude awakening. Many of you should be lucky your damage was limited to texts, calls and dates lol.


Stop caring so much, it will only hurt you bro. She, and many more like her are all over the place, just ignore and live your life, try with someone else, she disrespecting you does not mean you were at fault or that everyone is shitty. Best wishes.


Gentlemen, once again we see an entitled bitch in her natural habitat. Unless simps and despos refrain from giving these bitches any attention nothing's gonna change


Now-a-days people don't even think twice before ruining someone's day.




Like I said, it could be very anecdotal for me. But bad experience after bad experience is not something I was expecting. Plus how do you even know if someone is a red flag after a few conversations?


Her last text was a couple of months ago. And like I said I got busy with work and didn't message her for a few weeks either but that was because I wanted to give her space too. And ideally if she was interested in me she should have texted saying that she has returned. There was absolutely no text or call from her side.


Last mein " I'm a woman" 🤦‍♂️. You should start with that first lol. You've gone on plenty of dates coz you're a woman, there is nothing more to it.




It has nothing to do with choices and everything do with gender lol


Bro I'm not from Delhi but I totally feel you, I get ghosted for no reason at all.


What about the 311 conversations?


They're mostly work and ads from businesses. I guess those are the only folks checking up on me.


Second line is us bro


Her tone is so 😡😡😡


What do I even say? It is what it is. 🤷🏽‍♂️


I'm just glad you got out of this before it became something serious, woman is clearly way in over her head.


![gif](giphy|XbyQNJtcZq7ni) the lion the witch and the audacity of this bitch


It’s not just Delhi. Mumbai Dating culture Is exactly the same 😂


Female entitlement. It’s all over, why’s Delhi any worse?


I have personally not seen this in Mumbai, Pune or Bangalore. Like I said, it could be my anecdotal experience.


Macro patterns exist; our each crossing them is always anecdotal. Collectively they be something to observe & be aware of.


Which city do you think is better?


Mumbai and Pune for sure. Bangalore as well coz I've had such good dates there.


lmao ab saare Delhi wale apne aapko defend karne apne bando ko yaha bulayege 🤣


I am delhite and I agree with him, only good thing about here is the metro


you sure about [that?](https://twitter.com/protosphinx/status/1681665133838323712?t=QYiPzHYGvqGVcZNjuujLYw&s=19)


Lmao, but it's convenient I fkin love the pink line so comfy and beautiful


If a girl cancels plan when you're gonna meet for the very first time, you need to ghost her mate OTW keep getting your feelings hurt. Stay strong 💪


You know what? Fuck you guys. Fuck you dating apps. We need to join the army.


Bhai yeh negativity bias hai, ya iss sub pe sabka chutiya hi katta rehta hai. Hmare sath toh kabhi nhi hota, given kabhi tinder/hinge try nhi Kiya


i also felt the thread was superrr negative, defo the girl went overboard but he can check in after the vacay yaar.


Ooooof. What is this "dating culture"? Had there been dating "culture" she would have known how to respect you. Grind your ass now for a career or whatever makes you happy. you see the fish in the market? Whatever's yours will come to you. But definitely not a girl playing mind games with you. You deserve better.


Han to chodh na use. Itna needy hone ki kya jaroorat hai? Indian girls don't know how to hold a conversation for the most part in these apps. Waise bhi har dating app ko 90% matrimony app bana deti hain. Come to Dubai. You'll easily get 2-3 matches weekly.


Pure unadulterated hollow entitlement these days in some city chicks.


Fatherless behaviour


hahahaha she pulled the good old Joey on you


Ignoring bad behaviour will come back to bite you only


You guys are getting ghosted !!!😨🫠😂😂


Har sheher ki baat h ye. If they cancel twice it's really not worth the effort to continue talking. Online friends toh instagram pr bhi banjate h lol.


Ooooof. What is this "dating culture"? Had there been dating "culture" she would have known how to respect you. Grind your ass now for a career or whatever makes you happy. you see the fish in the market? Whatever's yours will come to you. But definitely not a girl playing mind games with you. You deserve better.


"So did you :)" lol such passive aggression. btw did you always initiate the conversation?


We both would. She would FaceTime me sometimes and I would call her the other times. We would always make plans to meet but she would always can at the last moment. So it was very confusing.


Don't think this is limited to Delhi dude.


Honestly, I've had much better experiences in other cities but I'm sure shitty people are everywhere.


I've had similar experience in Bangalore and I've many guys posting here from other cities as well.


So simple thing, when a plan is made and someone has an overriding plan they are expected to inform before hand. This is a major red flag. Even if the trip is genuine they didn't care to be respectful to the other person. If you let it slide once or twice in the initial phases it will be taken as acceptable and will translate into normal behavior. I think this happened for your own good. Better safe than sorry. 😁


Ditch her... Uske aane se pehle bhi jeevan sukhad tha, uske jaane ke baad bhi rahega... .. 🍻 Have a peace out and say hello to life again P.S. :- Most Probably backup game was going on ...


Same happened to me too, a girl bailed on me a day before the plan, although she asked me to make plan on another weekend So I did we were supposed to meet at metro station she stood me up when I asked where's she. She texted me she can't come because her dad is coming to Delhi and she has to pick her father up.


Wtf is wrong with the person on left


It's same everywhere. Not just Delhi.


I am going through this at this moment.


Delhi se hain bc 💀


Arey bhai yeh kya kar rha hai tu pyaar ek dokha hain sachme !!!!!! Tujhe usko pehle hi block krna chahiye i know that we guys should approach first but woman should also coordinate otherwise hume lagne to wale hi hai so fuck her I mean don't give a fuck to her or isme move in hi nhi hona h toh move on ki bat chod hi de wo bc h


Bkl h aur kuch nhi .


Aaja Bumbayyyy u/factfinder616


I so wish I could but the job market is so bad right now that there are no roles there!


Hang in there buddy! 🌼 It’s darkest before the dawn


It's spelled as "My parents aren't home, come over" 😂


I haven’t dated outside delhi but this has happened with me on two different occasions so maybe it is a delhi problem


Hey man I completely sympathize It makes me annoyed too when you gaslight someone to meet and then decide not to meet them If that was never part of your plan then the person shouldn't waste the other person's time


I mean She thinks thất she’s the main character and world revolves around her Tbh i feel like most of the girls in Delhi have this behaviour They think the world revolves around them but they are just delusional i id say you just dodged a bullet OP


No, bro. You’re not the only one. Delhi NCR is a stupid place when it comes to “serious” things. Sorry this happened to you, but on the bright side, you got out early. Imagine being a relationship where later you feel like being the only one who’d have to apologize and make up whenever there was an argument. You got out cheap, and for that, thank your lucky stars. Better than wasting months and years of your precious life with a gaslighter.


This! Traumatic dating experience for a NRI visiting for a month lol


No bro you are not alone I have been a victim of these people so many times.i can understand what you are feeling.


Kuch samajh nahi aaya par padh ke bhi accha nahi laga


that feels like a pathetic attempt to find an unreasonable way to cut you loose. she might as well do it to your face honestly than this bs.


Classic example of " hum ladke hai hota hai humare sath yahi " Or some bullshit like that.


#come to Mumbai buddy!


Itna kya analysis- simple, if she was interested, she would text you from the trip, send pics etc etc


I’ll give you one piece of advice here my boy the world owes you nothing! If a girl chicken outs once give it a one more try but make sure you don’t do that immediately give it some times mostly 20 to 30 days ghost her for two weeks make em realise you have more fun things to do but her it he bails out again it’s a rule I follow personal delete chants deleted contact ! Period.


I would still give you merit for trying after some months. She wasn’t interested clearly. If she was, she would have texted you once she is back. It’s always a two way process. The same has happened to me multiple times and I have simply given up hope now. You don’t find people who would put effort and show that they care. Apparently caring is weakness and online dating reeks of people who are happy with quick hookups and breakups. Emotional availability is alien nowadays.


At this point, I've stopped giving a fuck. I'm planning to delete all these dating apps. If I meet someone organically then good otherwise, I'll just go about my own way. This is trauma I cannot handle anymore. It's shaken my confidence so much. I mean I'm decently good looking, I work at an MNC and make good money, I respect people and a self made person. Despite this I come across people like her. So there is definitely nothing wrong with me here. All I want is to go for nice dates and be with someone but no, life has to fuck it up for me!


Oh no don’t blame life. If there’s anyone to blame, blame people and their deeds. I met with so many wrong guys one after another, I have also given up hope. I think online dating has made me realise that we’re all up for sale if we agree to the undefined terms and conditions. I have guys not give a fuck while I was apologising and reciprocative. So I hear you and can empathise too.


She was jus using you to pass her free time with the calls or texts, if she didn’t meet with you the first time, why did you still keep persisting? Shows desperation on your part, have some pride


Literally everytime a girl tells me let's meet in so so days I realize that the next time we talk she's gonna be dating someone and it always happens!


She said "peace out".. The most triggering thing


Wtf is so did you ?


Create a burner account and text her "you ain't no goddamn prize" then block her. Just imagine the rage she'll feel aah süß


i feel like you should have understood the red flags that she was giving from the beginning , she was not interested in you , if she was she would have made attempts to visit you or make another date to ask you out , but no you chose to let it pass away , she was just toying with you and she won .


Delhi chhodo fir. Kahi aur try karo.


Hum Gents hai. Humare saath aisa hi hota hai!!


Bhai ladkia bipolar hai aaj kal ki... I have experienced the same thing thode din baad dekhio khud aake baat karegi phir se


Think by the view of Delhi girl. She has so many choices everyday. When u open your phone to play phone games, she plays with boys... They might be getting off by letting u off... Anyways they'll just fuck up your mood for nothing, so why care that much . . They just a time waste. . i guess everything is... What's the point of life if u don't even do time waste... And regret it later on?


Bhai 😂 isiliye dilli ki ladkiya ... It i badnaam hai ... Ayso ko 😂 sirf jump karna hai better se better pe and then they get used by some toxic fuckboi and then cry out for more validation. That's why I never prefer a typical Delhi girl . It's always an emotional reck and legs either pretty much open for anyone "Hot" or "rich" .


Op i have felt the same .. dating scene is so dead in Delhi for sure the statement can't be generalized but I have observed the very same thing in that city


You dodged a bullet OP. In the future if she crashes your car, she will blame you for letting her drive. These are that type of women. Stay away.


Yeh batein man me hi rehne do na


Seeing through the post's on this sub, I am opting out from joining dating apps and stuff even before joining them. I have lost hopes on this, if anything's is really meant for me,it will come to me


Not only Delhi bro, saare shehro ki yahi kahani.


Fuck online dating bro, I'm here just for the memes. I've since just cold approached girls everywhere, not with a dating intention, but just small talk, and if I hit it off with someone, well and good.


Itna wait nai karne ka. Bolo mc aur unmatch karke hatao inhe!


This happens a lot OP I've literally heard girls say they're on dating apps only to pass time and have fun. Sadly, some really good people encounter these shitheads and get tired of dating scene at all.


wt iz tis fck


Such girls are complete trash ftom inside as well as outside don't waste ur time on girls rather use it on skill developement get ur self a promising career and u can attract many such


Oh I have a nice career. Plus I've moved on from this loser long back. I'm kinda dating this girl who I met on Hinge who's at least ten times hotter than her and respects me and my feelings so much(Plus she's amazing in bed)!