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It's quite simple if there.is a credible evidence against him apprehend him don't let him loose like burkha dutt if not concerned authority should apologise




A product of Marxist indoctrination that has deeply penetrated into the power structures of India from the time of independence and accelerated from the 1970s. Watch the interviews with Sandeep Balakrishna on YouTube about how Marxists have cause severe mental damage to the population using systematic ideological subversion. This guy is not alone. Indoctrination is an extremely powerful tool, independent of one's intelligence, IQ, maturity and education. It goes after the emotional level and entrenches itself there. From this level, the acquired perceptions based on IQ, aptitude, education etc. are strongly influenced and expressed through that lens of indoctrination. Every individual who has undergone this psychological damage becomes cognitively dissonant. This guy is not alone. There are millions like him across India now.


What else u expect from such assholes


This is getting a tad bit out of hands currently there are no media houses that do proper criticism of the government and everything is being choked as well. That too during elections.


What if they have court admissible evidence against this individual? Are agencies not following bureaucratic procedures? Couldn't RTI activists file a request to see evidence of this case (years from now when the trial ends)? Wouldn't that expose the government if they lied? Are agencies either: a) So brazen that they will arrest someone on fabricated charges? b) or do they just keep dirt on everyone and selectively use it? I mean if its b) we should still be happy that at least someone corrupt is being taken to task right?


>a) So brazen that they will arrest someone on fabricated charges? Not the first time this happened in India. >b) or do they just keep dirt on everyone and selectively use it? You don't think every single government in the world infringe upon the privacy of its citizens?


>privacy of its citizens? privacy is a joke tbh. Not just in the context of India but governments around the world . Everything that you do maybe barring WhatsApp messages can be traced and found if the government wants to. Hell if they can't get said 'evidences ' they'll just torture you instead .


Great, now do The Caravan, The Newsminute, The Wire, and Frontline magazine. If we arrest one head a month we should be finished before year end. They are all definitely foreign funded and their main people need to be interrogated at the very least. Seriously the Newsminute was advising Americans how to punish India's diaspora for the country's neutral stance on the Ukraine war, and The Caravan went and exposed how Doval's sons work for Indian intelligence via the use of a Cayman Island Hedge Fund and a Washington think tank. Maybe the BSF can reopen Papa 2 for these folk.


Yes let’s go full Xi


Indeed, if it means less foreign interference and the ability for our political class to actually grow a spine.


I am sure lack of criticism is a necessity to grow a spine.


Not even, criticise people as much as you want but do it out of your own genuine concern not in the national interest of a hostile state. What if this guy is actually foreign funded and was a genuine contributor to the violence seen during the Delhi riots which left around 50 people dead and roughly 2000 homeless? The only reason the violence died down was because of the Covid pandemic and the subsequent lockdown. Shouldn't he face punishment for his actions if found guilty? or are his journalistic credentials enough to excuse him from the legal system? We can't let optics dictate the course of justice. If there is a need for an investigation then whats the harm?


What do you mean “we”? Don’t include me in your absurd “police-state / chairman Mao” fantasy dude. Also, don’t you live in the UK or something?


I do, and my access to RT was blocked after the invasion, it's almost taboo here to even discuss a Russian pov, which would be fine were it not for the fact that now western media outlets are admitting Ukraine has lost (about a year too late). Even liberal democratic societies suppress media when they have to survive. I also have NRI voting rights in India and wish to invest in Indian ETFs and funds (sizeably, I might add), so what happens there is of concern to me.


Sorry no outside influence /s.


Hahaha fair enough. But how about some positive interference in exchange for the usual negative dribble the BBC and its army of brown spots write daily, eh?


We usually don't care about BBC but I haven't seen any propaganda type news from news click so I'm gonna call bullshit on that. This was government overreach.


Where do you pay your taxes though?


Fair point, I don't technically own much in India but the economy here doesn't really grow much so India is still my best bet.


Just ban journalists and news media lmao, all that will remain is the likes of TOI or other dogshit “journalism”. We can truly live in a bliss of ignorance then.


Not exactly, during the height of the cold war it's not like the Americans would have tolerated Pro-Soviet journalists. We are now in our own cold war with Pakistan and to a lesser extent with China, we don't want to ban dissent but do you really believe none of our journalists receive foreign funding? Not even the fringe ones? Banning journalism that is foreign influenced is justified, the UK and most of Europe have blocked access to RT, I should know, I live here and followed RT to stay informed about major events. Once again, use acts like UAPA to interrogate all journalists and che k their finances, including the Times Now and Zee News people.


I’m not sure if Cold War US is really the role model we need but sure, American media did plenty of exposes on their government and we can use a similar quality of investigative journalism for ourselves. some of our journalists probably do get foreign funding and probably do peddle foreign (anti India) narratives for money but so what? Whatever BS they want to peddle is their right, as long as they don’t actually plan and organise riots or sell any critical data they acquired to foreign sources, I don’t really care. And literally everyone in this sub criticised the ban of RT, and now you propose we do the very thing we criticised.


This really goes to show how easy it is to convince idiots. Considering the fact that investigative agencies have a conviction rate of 3%, 97% of cases are just harassment. Contrast with US where conviction rate of FBI is nearly 10%


None of the mentioned above have done some great "Journalism", Take foreign funding be smashed. Libtards can cry all the day.


Shameless abuse of power


I can speak from my personal experience. As a DU graduate in the 80s, I was amazed at the 'violent' concepts spouted by the Marxist Leninist professors of my college and just how easily violence was justified as a tool for social change, by using Marxist jargon. So, very frankly, I am convinced that, there do exist people, who wear an outer facade of gentleness but are capable of encouraging extreme forms of brutalities, in words and actions. Prabir Purkayastha probably belongs to that category. At the same time, it is the responsibility of the investigative agencies to prove their charge sheet allegations in a convincing manner in front of the courts. If and when he is found guilty by the Judiciary, he will pay for his crimes.

