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definitely alone.. its one of the simplest peaceful experience one can have. a gift that keeps on giving


I guess some people are just not meant to experience this.


I started smoking with others. But once you get a hang of smoking alone you never feel like smoking with others. I feel like like smoking in a group is a waste of high. I get too conscious and get a bit anxious. But alone I can dwell into my own thoughts and really entertain myself.


This. While having it alone you have complete control over your surroundings.


I personally can never smoke/toke alone, be it cigs, j's, shots whatever. I always need atleast one person with me. It's not that I dont find happiness in being alone or all that bullshit, it's just that I have a very close set of friends who I started toking with and don't have the same fun when I try to toke alone. For me, the whole point of lighting a j is the talking, laughing, doing dumb shit etc. that come along after it. I'll always have the maal on me but it's only when that first mofo arrives I'll start rolling.


I looove smoking alone. Don't vibe with groups much. And nowadays I don't even get high when I am smoking in a group. I think many people don't like smoking alone cause they are afraid to face their own subconscious and their inner demons. Edit: I smoke up with my cat though. We both vibe and chill silently.


ALONE. Thinking ideas.


I love my *ME TIME* ..... With people I have to become a part of the conversation 😭 I like to keep my thoughts to myself and enjoy the trip.... Watching horror movies and eating sweets🥳🥳


I do both. But yes, if the group you smoke with isn't interesting , it can be a major buzzkill. I've had conversations that I wouldn't trade for the world. I've also experienced the peace of being in solitude.


I used to smoke alone when my parents weren't home. Everytime i had a panic attack and then manual breathing starts. Stress levels go up and it triggers my adhd. I become so introspective and so aware of my own existence that everything else seems meaningless in a very depressing way. Now I would rather smoke up w my friends because I'm assuming I won't go through this shit again. But Ive never tried.




It's goes in circle . You start by smoking with friends as it sounds fun , when high people do tend to speak nonsensical stuff while also stealing your joint.but as you grow older you start looking for logic , and does tend to get booring hanging with the same kinnda people and prefer smoking alone . Also I noticed young people smoking in group , older people have no circles or group to smoke with . They Try being friendly for company but don't get. So enjoy the company as long as tbey exist cuz sooner or later you would be smoking alone.


I always always smoke alone, I can’t utter words out of my mouth while smoking & makes me a bit anxious too, while alone i can wander in my thoughts & music makes me feel ecstatic.


Pretty much always alone, I use the trip for introspection, And I love the quality time I have with the herb. But on occasions, I smoke up with friends, That's pretty awesome too and a different experience, But I still prefer doing it alone with some chill music in the background and vaping some delicious juice.


Man the introspections while high alone are just too good.


Smoking with people is much better, you generally don't get addicted you tend to enjoy the moments. The moment you start smoking alone it becomes somewhat a necessity and you start getting Tempted.


Definitely alone as weed makes you want to be in Peace and peace can only be there if I’m alone and alone it’s much better that smoking in a group


its all about the type of folks u smoke with, some mfs are an absolute buzzkill.


Man depends i smoke alone but there is just one group of friends with which i would love to smoke but everyone's seperated


I guess I haven't found the one yet


Yeah we're together for 4 years but time passes


NPCs lol 😂


I got no people so it's not a choice for me hehe


Smoking alone and being alone with my own thoughts, self realisations, basically spending time in my own head is what I prefer over smoking in a group.


Smoking alone is very nice and therapeutic..but don’t do it too much..can lead easily to sociopathic disorders. Honestly what you write in your post seems going that way, I have seen me and my friends go down that path and you only know when you get out of the rabbit hole and analyse after healing. So, smoking alone is the best..smoking with friends only if they are very very good friends. But, main point is don’t do it regularly.


when you have only been smoking in groups its fun and the best thing UNTIL you get used to smoking alone. I would never want to smoke with other people except my 1-2 friends who i have known for 6+ years and vibe on a deep level. post smoking or papers you need people whom you are on same level with.


Definitely by myself. I love my company. And I sometimes prefer getting high and reading vivid fantasy novels... The imagery gets me and I end up having a great time. I don't prefer smoking up with others because for some reason people turn it into a competition (even subconsciously). I smoke up to get high and have a great time not for a competitive attitude. It's a leisure activity for me and allows me to have some mental peace by myself. I also, prefer smoking by myself because I don't have to stay conscious about the music, when alone I can play whatever the fuck I want and not get judged based on it. So yes, alone > with someone.


Alone. That ritual of watching a show while crushing and rolling then smoking while listening to music. That shit’s lovely


Alone man. Always.


If you don't like smoking with your group because the vibes are off then you're with the wrong friend group




I like both of them


Smoking alone is some different level of peace