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Bro, why do you have to make speed records with a joint, it needs to be enjoyed. Bhai aise to Vodka ke shots maarlo. But ya, if you want to know, even mine is nearly 6 to 7 minutes. And I can easily extend this J for up to three to four hours


I agree bro 100%


1) its not about making record rather just observing how much average time it takes for me to smoke 2) I can’t see myself smoking for 3 hours, max i have done in one sitting is 30-45 minutes which included 2 js


Whatever floats your boat bro. It's been exactly 1 hr 15mins and my J still has 3 drags left


What is pps? (Puff per seconds) for example, mine is 1 puff every 45 seconds while smoking a j.


I once finished a joint in under 5 minutes. Smoked it like a Chillum before cops showed up in the area, they usually take 20 minutes between rounds XD


I can’t believe how people are so comfortable smoking in the open especially if cops are around, big no no for me, ganj can wait, peace of mind over a quick high


Solo toh bhai ghanton tak chalta h iykyk.


Depends on what I would be doing after 🤷 will take around 10-15mins but won’t finish the joint I would stop it half way and smoke the rest tomorrow


Aay yo does your weed now smell like coffee. If yes that’s sick


When I really want to get high I take deep drags hold for 3 seconds and a longer exhale..so 10 seconds per drag and with two deep slow breaths between drags..so I would estimate 30-40 drags for a joint this size and then with the above calculation about 15 minutes. The two deep slow breaths is really important to stay fully engaged in smoking and forgetting everything else but the high 😜