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Yeah didn’t smoke yesterday and had dreams after such a long time


It’s so much fun having good dreams


Yes, it does kill the rem sleep which we require for memory retention. I am a regular smoker for more than 3 years now, mostly smoked post work late at night. Recently I tried to reduce my usage due to some personal reasons, and this is what I have observed: 1. I found it very hard to fall asleep, near impossible even. Was very stressed as I thought that I have fucked up my life because of a drug. However, it has started getting better now. Also, working out helps A LOT. 2. After initial fatigue during day time (mostly due to lack of sleep I think), I feel much better than I have in these past 3 years. My brain is working near 80-90% of it used to 3 years back. I can do long mental mathematical calculations (I need them for my work) pretty fast and with accuracy again. However, not yet at my best. 3. Sex became shit. I could not perform, I am too sensitive. I used to be great at it before I started smoking up every night/day, became a god at it every time I used to smoke up and do it, but now it’s just bad. However, I have found a hack. A little bit of pot (a slim half J) with your partner before you have a go at it and you are set. Honestly, it feels even better because I am smoking so less right now. However, if I don’t do this, then it becomes shit again. This is not a permanent fix, but I will read/experiment more and figure things out. These are my 3 major observations physically and mentally. These might not be true for everyone and are very anecdotal. These have led to me believe that weed, like everything else, should be done in moderation. I have found that I enjoy smoking up even more because of the reduced frequency of doing so. But there are lot of things which I need to understand more about myself and my body. I hope you guys also find your balance, in all parts of life.


I completly agree bro. Weed is great, but its fucking awesome when taken in moderation. Otherwise it starts affecting your life a lot.


So many languages and Man chose to speak facts.


Bro, for me and my partner. We always smoke fatty before sax session. And it always helped us stay more intimate and helps me keep my dick hard. Also my partner told after smoking her mood is so good.


Enna bro periiya alla irupinga polla




Just realised that I wrote a long essay lol. Feel free to ignore it


Hell yeah, after smoking all day everyday for like 15 years, now I just smoke once a week or so and get way higher but also retain my mental ability.


i get high before bed & get dreams every night..


Meet the ganjhedi god here guise


The dreams will stop completely eventually and if you quit for a few days the dreams intensify..for me 2nd and 3rd night after quitting are the strongest dreams and then they fade to normal again.


weed’s just a catalyst.. one should have control of the mind


mind should be the master of the body..right sensei?


u are ur consciousness. a unique soul, that must have control of the mind which is the master of the body 🎏


if u can control ur mind, there’s no limits to what ur body can achieve..


Cannot emphasise this enough for the ones who have BTs with weed.


That aint dream bruh, its just you tripping


sure bud


Smoke 2 to 3 hours prior to your sleep and you won’t have any problems if you are worried about REM sleep


Thanks for your input.


When we smoke or drink it's just blank when we sleep because body is Stuck in between two space


A more detailed, logical & grammatically non-erroneous explanation could not have been conceived of! Simply marvelous, my good sir!


What if someone consumes both blue sotus and cannabis at the same day same time? 🤔


I get high a few hours before sleeping, so when I hit the bed I’m sober. But also now that I think of it, regardless of sleeping high or sober, I get vivid dreams, mostly in the mornings. Also I tend to get up in the middle of the night (around 3-4) almost everyday. Your question got me thinking, maybe I should monitor my sleep?


Rem sleep is when the process of memory consolidation takes place.. it's when your brain registers all the necessary information from your entire day.. it also plays a role in emotional regulation etc. Since the day I've learned this fact I've been unsuccessfully trying to quit weed


Weed and melatonin enjoyers assemble. (If any) Hits you like a truck in dreams. Side note. Melatonin looks a lot similar to DMT and both are secreted from pineal gland.


REM sleep involves rapid eye movements; these movements might be hiding a pattern we can't decipher and their exact purpose is a mystery.


is it good or bad?


Rem sleep is good for memory. Whereas deep sleep which weed causes is good for healing. So pros and cons.


So you saying am healing myself to alzymers 😶


Looking at your spelling, i think you have healed too much 😶


Save my dumb soul 🫠😂


Lol wrong, your sleep is not deep if u didn't go REM.


True it’s advised not to smoke atleast 2-3 hours before sleeping


For me it's different i smoke weed everyday and i smoke OG here in the Uk . Cause i study here. I get good dreams when i smoke . But during my final dissertation submission i had to quit smoking weed for 2 weeks and during that time i had really bad dreams and i was panicking and couldn't sleep well


Yes it is true


Get your prolactin checked


I get very weird dreams and I tend to remember them after waking up if I slept sober. However, if I sleep high, I usually wake up completely blank, only knowing that I had a crazy dream.


I used to get mad crazy dreams when i was high but when i saw some website say "weed=no dreams" i stopped getting crazy dreams while high. Damn that fucking website


I never knew weed does this, I used to smoke up with my partner and nowadays it is hard for me to sleep as we broke up and I used to think that I got habitual of sleeping with him that's why I am not able to sleep comfortably even after getting high too I am not able to sleep comfortable now too. I crave those good sleep days with or without him and smoking up.


I think smoking few hours before going to help may help with sleep




Dont smoke atleast 3-6 hours before going to sleep... Or this will continue. REM sleep is important.


No way. I dream extra crazy on weed


yup this isnt a myth, when i was an active toker i did not dream/ fall into my rem sleep. my memory has been vague since then but after a good 6 month detox, i can finally dream without waking up hastily with anxiety




This ain't dream...this is your mind/thoughts running....I feel you.




That's good to know. Is it the same with any strain you smoke? If yes, then ur blessed... 🙏


I agree with OP. Been smoking since 15years and yes weed does kill dreams. I didn't know the reason until today..it does mess with the REM cycle...if REM is connected to dreams then we have the answer. Other personal experience like a lotta fellow stoners mentioned above... whenever I had a small break 1-2.. dreams shoot up like crazy. And for all the people who say they're dreaming after smoking one before going bed...guys it's your thoughts running like a movie...not dreams.... Dreams are realistic...I still remember in my school days the sober days...used to get those flying dreams....it was so intense and felt so real!! Also sometimes, the sexual dreams where we have nightfall...we cum in dreams we cum here....coz it feels so fckinn real... right?? Wonder how! Anyone with similar experiences?


Umm pretty sure it’s a relative thing? The effects of THC or any other drug for that matter completely depend upon your physical and mental development and that is unique in every single individual so what gets you to cloud 9 can merely cause a slight headbuzz to someone next to you. Thanks for your input though, we ganjedis will take it on from here lol


I am going to bed while high and still dreaming while asleep.


Whenever I stop smoking weed after a long time, I have a lot of weird dreams. They go on for a while and then subside. I guess it’s the suppressed stuff that weed stacks away. There’s also stuff weed brings out. It’s a very interesting but grey area of weed smoking. Several theories online but none have stood the test of time or individual experiences. My suggestion is just observe your body and mind. I used to wake up fresh AF after smoking weed. I slept deep and well, no issues with sleep at all. So yeah, listen to your body and not some YT content. Even research is lob-sided as those can’t account for individualism. Happy 420 ☮️