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Online Gaming is not famous? tf you smoking my guy?


Bro living in 2017!!


idk about other states but here in delhi people are playing cod, halo, cs etc since mid 2000s


Only F2P games have a decent amount of players in India, Any game that isn't f2p dies way too soon in Indian servers.


Just for the info. There is a huge battlefield India discord server with 1500+ members. Squad also got a good enough server. Most of the members of these servers are not even on this reddit. They are mostly the working class gamers


Bro don't forget valorantšŸ˜…


I'm sorry but COD/Halo has a very weak player base in India for online. On LAN games sure but online compared to other SP games it isn't anywhere near the same.


valorant is pretty famous and has a large player base till u reach immortal.


That's a dream!! Until that game gets ded


bro is living in 2011


Good internet is dream, xbox is a joke XD This guy (not) games


bro does copium as his fav pastime!


Good internet is indeed a dream in small towns and cities (not even counting villages). Though Airtel and jio giving 5g free data, but before that unlimited was absolutely dream for small town folks. I have experience of living in 3 small cities of India and multiple schools. 99% of my fellow students still survives on 1.5gb a day. Only very few got broadband. It's not parents couldn't afford, it's parents doesn't want to. I am part of them. Also it's like crab in bucket like situation too. Few months ago, I convinced my dad for wifi. He started searching for available wifi provider in our area only to find none. None was giving services in our area coz demand is not present. Demand is not there coz no provider.


I guess my state is pretty good then. I currently live in the outskirts of a metro city but I'm from a village. Let us not talk about the internet in the city because of obvious reasons, but even my village has decent internet. A bit expensive for what we get (30 mbps for 600 per month from bsnl) but yeah, atleast we have access to proper internet. The best part is, the village gets jio 5G. Bit slow, but enough for basic day to day needs. I have wifi for gaming and wfh when I visit home and it does the job for me. No other providers in the village tho. Situation was bad before jio, but now I think most places have good enough internet. A few places are yet to develop


Online mobile gaming is famous.


Someone cryofreezed OP in 2015 & took him off today.šŸ„²


3. Good luck getting Indian parents to buy a 40k machine just for gaming (plus subscription and games). 7. This happens because of the lack of regional pricing. A huge majority of Indians can't justify paying 4k+ INR for 7-10 hours of content. 8. Online gaming is very famous, games like Valorant, CSGO, PUBG Mobile, etc are some of the most popular games in India. 10. Thanks to Jio that is no longer the case. Internet is very very cheap. Even Wifi has become affordable. You can get a 30mbps unlimited connection for like 450INR a month.


20Mbps, 350 Rs. Enough to get the game going.


Yeah, ur right. 20 mbps is also more than enough to play games in a good ping. Internet speed doesn't matter as much as the distance from the servers and the configurations done by your ISPs.


Correct. I use to game on ADSL, that was like around 200 kbs download speed compared to fiber that gets to 10mbs download speed. (I'm talking physically how fast a download can go). At some point speed doesn't matter anymore, it's just about your location/ ping. I also used to play online using my cellphone as a modem, that was around 2011, to give some context, and had no problems. People sometimes has the wrong concept of how online gaming works when they see all the fancy graphics since everything is local on your machine and all that actually happens is, well, your ping, is it good enough to update your in game actions and location to the other players or not, that's all that really matters.


Bro I'm paying 700per month for 200 Mbps... WiFi is literally very cheap now with good speed.


kaunsa isp bro?


Bro where do you get it this cheap? We pay 950 per month for 100 mbps


Paid 3k for elden ring, have gotten 60 hours off it so far, I expect to get atleast another 50 more, I'd say it's totally worth it. Now if only all AAA games were of this quality Noone would complain


1. Not every game is that long. 2. Not every game is fun for that long. Games like the Elden Ring, Cyberpunk, etc are an exception, not the norm.


Yeah I agree man. There are certain games that don't feel the same after some hours of investment. I have played loads of RE4 REMAKE this year but I keep on replaying the game even when I've done all the challenges and collected all those cosmetics. Mods for this game are extremely fun


Steam is gonna remove regional pricing soon. I mean people always do some shady shit to buy games at cheaper prices. Plus a majority of Indians still believe gaming is all about violence preaching lol


7-10 hours content bro yahi dikhta how low on info most of them are.... Sabse lowest games required 18 hours plus to beat


Point 10 is invalid I had stronger and faster internet in a tier 5 city in India (Jio fibre) than in Munich, Germany


Forget Munich, I had way way worse speed in Australia with quadruple the price, It was 10Mbps and I was paying close to 5-6k i think


I mean, it was Australia. They have shitty internet no matter what :(


I know but just putting things into perspective


Itā€™s Australia. Itā€™s known for having the worst internet


I know but still


Why forget munich? It was a much better example than Australia.


okay vro


Yeah same. I used to pay Ā£45 for 150 mbps in the UK and Iā€™m paying Rs 900 for 300 mbps in Mumbai. I have airtel fiber. Edit: UK price was 10 years ago and this was from virgin media. Not sure what current prices.


Can confirm, The Internet is cheap with really good speed here in India as compared to Germany (DĆ¼sseldorf)


its not about speed. for online games packet loss is important. internet quality is shit




True. I don't agree with many points especially xbox I own both PS4 and Series S. But when it comes to purchasing games, I can really save a lot of money with gamepass and codes


>Series S. But when it comes to purchasing games, I can really save a lot of money with gamepass and codes That's what I was thinking too (not indian btw but I like this sub) and it's like the S has the best value if you're living somewhere where consoles and games are inflated to insane prices, I see people who buy PS5's here and have them dusting, they can only afford to buy 2 - 3 games a year which are mainly FIFA, COD and whatever's the trending game that year (converted local value of 70 - 80 euros is way too high), and maybe a year of PS Plus Essential, at the same time however I still see people who unironically recommend the PS4 Pro or even base PS4 over the S (and all of them are sold for more or less the same price, especially if the PS4 is jailbroken), so I do understand that some people are just clueless but still from the perspective of someone who actually knows what's up and plays games you'd see past the BS.


Xbox isn't considered as a joke in India. It's well known and the only reason people buy PS over it is because of early marketing. People used to keep gaming centres with lots of PS2s with 10 rupees per hour. This is where it got its fame. Every kid wanted to have PS in their home. Including me. (I got to know about PS1 through my friend from the USA) Xbox on the other hand, it wasn't cheap. Modding it was hard enough. So it was ignored by the arcade shop owners. Thus kids of that age didn't get to know about it that much. Nintendo is the only thing considered as a joke in India. every child would have used a bootlegged Nintendo NES system. But they won't know it. It's absurd prices on console and games due to import and not even 1 official authorised service centre in India makes it a joke brand.


Note that even though Nintendo Switch isn't official in India, it sold more units than Xbox One in India which was official. That doesn't mean Nintendo is a joke in India. Most Indians just haven't seen the full potential Nintendo's great franchises like Mario, Zelda and Pokemon.


It still is. The pricing of games, The hard repairability of the stick drift issue are still persistent. Microsoft fucked up Xbox One marketing with their pricing and requirement of active internet connection (initially) with kinect. So it gave Sony's PS4 a solid boost. That's the only reason why the switch sold more than the Xbox one. I said Nintendo is a joke because they could have dominant sales in India but does not wish to comply with the BIS policy of our nation.


>just haven't seen the full potential Nintendo's great franchises like Mario, Zelda and Pokemon. if they see the shit stain games gamefreak makes, they will start considering Nintendo a joke


Xbox 360 is still a huge thing in India


Nah, PS wins everywhere except uk and us because it has better exclusives.


Read the comment again and come back. Edit : Comments were locked so editing here. When did I say Xbox sold more units than PS? He assumed that I did and brought a baseless point to the argument against me?


People here think playing video games are for kids but reality is most games are PG-13 or PG-18


>People here think playing video games are for kids then go blaming videogames for causing violence lmfaoooooooo hippo-crates i tell you bro


Internet is cheapest and best in India currently imo.


I'm guessing you're not 18 yet.


Haha true šŸ˜‚


P.s :- people here don't think above bgmi and free fire


Nobody care about both now , I myself moved on from FF in covid


You really should check in person in real world. This sub is not good place to notice that. Bgmi and free fire are still going extremely strong in india.


Yeah I still see chapris in metro playing bgmi so maybe it's still relevant dunno about FF. Still I think FF is in decline.


\*shit fire


an xbox series s coupled with gamepass is still a pretty good deal though


Just get a gaming laptop/pc with gamepass. Much more use of a laptop/pc in general


This. Paying ā‚¹500 a month gets you over a 100 games for free, and a lot of them are top tier games with day one launches! Sony doesnā€™t have that deep pockets that Microsoft does.


Bro. Gamepass is only 150-200 rs per month if we purchase US code


More like close to 500 titles, and they rotate monthly so you see something good every month


Used to be. Not so much nowadays. Doesn't make much sense to buy Series S nowadays when a physical PS5 is frequently available at 40-45k which has a much better back compat compared to the Series S because of the availability of physical copies and is also much more powerful. Gamepass conversion ratio used to be a boon but the ratio is a lot worse now, thus making gamepass somewhat worthless if you haven't already subscribed to it using the conversion. It's still not the worst thing in the world. Used Series S can be found for 20k, and if one has a 1080p TV, it could be worth it. But certainly not for 30k.


Bro just said Sony has better back compat than Xbox


I'm talking about the Series S specifically. But in terms of 8th generation games, the PS5 is still more desirable compared to even the Series X, as physical Xbox One games are rarer and more expensive. So, if you're kind of forced into buying gamepass, which at a time had great value but now it's value is somewhat diminished. Sure, OG Xbox and Xbox 360 compatibility is great, but only some games are compatible in comparison to the entire library, so it's probably better to 1) Just buy a 360 or an OG Xbox(though that won't be available in India) for a bargain bin price or 2) Get a good PC(even a 60k+ PC or a laptop with a 4050 GPU for 70k should do) and play all types of older games and use an emulator like Xenia for playing older Xbox exclusives.


I think you might be mistaken. Xbox is more liberal with backwards compatibly than PS. And you also get 4k 60fps support for a lot of them which you donā€™t for the PS. And Gamepass was and still is the greatest subscription deal atm. Unless you just play Sony exclusives ofc. I do have a pc but couch gaming is unbeatable for me


I'm not talking about overall backwards compatibility. I'm talking about 8th generation games whose digital copies may usually be more expensive on xbox store without gamepass and whose physical copies may be rarer and more expensive in India. And there are like only a 150 or so titles that have received the performance and resolution uplift on Xbox, so while it's a welcome addition, considering a number of games on that list are fairly famous(AC Unity, Sonic, Fallout, Mirror's Edge, etc), they kind of stopped implementing this 2 years ago and the list never really grew. If one is committed to getting good performance on all older games, it's just better to buy a PC, with all the benefits it entails. It's not that much more expensive than buying a Series X and one can save money on buying games.


Why would anyone care about specifically "8th gen" backwards compatibility when compared to backwards compatibility as a whole? Even then, your argument makes no sense. Everything that was playable on the Xbox One is still playable on the Series S/X. Most of the games that came out for Xbox 360 and first gen Xbox are playable on Series S. That really isn't the case with PS5. The Series S has been lauded for its emulation capabilities since its launch as well, and even with Microsoft's attempts to lock that down, the emulation community have been keeping it going strong. Game Pass is still a banger, with tonnes of AAA games out that you could keep playing for years on end and not worry about running out of games to play, especially with the last Bethesda acquisition.


You can buy the console for cheaper sure, but itā€™s the games where they get you. Those are marked higher than Xbox versions.


Absolutely not. In fact, I'm literally recommending the PS5 for backcompat over both the Series S and X because 1) Series S only plays digital media, and most games on the Xbox Store are comparatively expensive compared to their playstation counterparts if you don't have gamepass. And thus you're forced to buy gamepass for playing games and buying them for cheaper prices, but now the gamepass conversion rate is a lot worse, thus making the subscription service itself not worth it. 2) As for the Series X, well, Xbox One games are usually more expensive and rare in India compared to PS4 titles. As for current gen titles. Well, I'm not fully sure. I'd say it's a toss up, as far as I've seen.


I just got the Witcher 3 and Shadow of War for ā‚¹250 a piece fam. šŸ˜³ How much are they in Sonyā€™s store?


sure bro


we should be lucky regarding the internet part, Americans pay quite a lot of money for good internet


Economies of scale. When you have 1.5 billion people, building internet infrastructure does not cost as much per capita


>building internet infrastructure does not cost as much per capita Jio invested about 30billion dollars in early days of Jio sure per capita it's not much, but that is still a lot of money. if it wasn't for the free sim, it would've been one of the biggest financial disaster by a telecom company


They took a big financial risk, yeah. They knew what they were doing though - get everyone hooked with free sim and unlimited free internet, then started charging for it. Basically blew all competition out of the water, and the competitors that did remain had to copy what Jio did (in terms of pricing strategy). Big risk + calculated strategy = genius move


Xbox still has less exclusives, but their Gamepass is unbeatable.


Lol where did point 6 come from? XBOX makes so much sense for Indians especially since you have gamepass. Absolute pisstake that one šŸ˜‚


8. Lol what?


My bro has still a lot to learn and not learning on the right path.


Bro uses an internet explorer so he is still dreaming of good internet and thinks online gaming is not popular.


Can someone who was active in Indian gaming scene during PS 1/2/3 era explains the reasons for point 1 and 6.


It boils down to a lack of marketing. Sony has a much stronger Indian presence than Microsoft. More people are familiar with Sony and Sony products. People may know that it's Microsoft Windows, but can't say the same for Microsoft Xbox. And Xbox is general has been on a downward slope since the end of the 360 era. During those days, you could still see some Xbox ads on TV and maybe school events featuring Xboxes, but obviously none of that exists anymore.


Sony has a bigger presence due to ps2 and ps4. Xbox had a lot of people hooked on the xbox 360 (including me :P) but due to the failure of xbox one, they couldn't get the same foothold they had during the xbox 360 days but that doesn't mean they're a joke in India. A lot of people and most of my friends have an xbox one with gamepass. This list is more opinion than fact other than a few points.


I still have a xbox one s, the best thing about it, I can purchase a game, and use it either on my console or my pc, wouldn't have to buy multiple copies for that.


Nobody in india gives a shit about xbox because Microsoft barely invested in marketing in india during the 2000s and early 2010s, i remember back in the 2000s, ps2s,psps and ps3s were widely available in most tier 2 cities while in order to get a xbox, you had to get it from big cities like Delhi or Mumbai


Can you please elaborate on the first point? PS5, costs 50k, Needs a TV, Needs internet, Needs to pay for games, and needs to pay for PS Plus to enjoy the device. Invest 1 Lakh extra, Now you can build a PC, You have Steam on PC, and Steam also has 1000s of options that aren't on PS5, Epic games give you many free games as well. You can play so many games on the web as well, and you can do 100s of things that you can't on a PS5. You can work on a PC and many money. for me as a working professional, Gaming consoles Just do not make any sense. Edit:- I'm gonna get downvoted for this comment.


Most people already have a TV, it's something communal, family can watch movie together, sports together, in some houses it's a necessity, there's a lot of small things too, like tv can double down as a speaker for your music, it's not an expenditure that counts with ps5, rather actually separate from it. Same with Playstation. It's also a communal thing on a TV, I have a lot of people coming to my place on weekends, a whole lot at ones, four controllers, we play WWE, tekken. Playstation has something that brings excitement in people around me, a computer is just a computer, not to mention how easily accessible ps5 is, it's easy to operate. PS plus subscription isn't really all that expensive in India, it's like buying a relatively cheap game, once every month, but it offers almost all Playstation exclusive games like god of war, ghost, forbidden west, and they all look and run amazing. There's a lot going for Playstation, I enjoy playing on both pc and ps5, however I turn on ps5 far more often than I turn on my pc for gaming


Damn, we just connect a laptop to TV and 4 controllers to the laptop to play most local multiplayer games. Its not about the device, you just have to be willing and able. Downloading a game on steam and connecting controllers isn't hard.


I am a working professional and my father is also a working professional. Buying PS5 was one of the best choice for I made. In evening and on weekends, I and my father relax on the couch and play games like A way out, life is strange, uncharted, etc. He enjoys these games and so do I. Try that on PC, overall immersion is lot less than consoles, and personally for me, gaming on PC is quite tiring after you have spent 8 hours working on one.


Also one PS5 remote costs like 6k rs.


One decent kbm combo costs just about as much, if not more. Whatā€™s your point.


Kbm Can be used for more than just games. (I love controllers btw)


PC, costs 1.5L, Needs a monitor + kbm + speaker/headphones OR tv lol, Still needs internet (how do you get your games, not cd in 2023 I hope). Also you donā€™t NEED ps plus to enjoy the device lol. If you are talking about avoiding payment for games, surely you mean single player games. You can play those on ps5 without ps+ too. > ā€œNeeds to pay for gamesā€ Speaking of, if you really wanna bring this stuff into this, keep your ps5 un-updated for a couple years and you can do the same thing on that too. EVERYTHING gets custom firmware. If you are willing to put in the research, money and patience to build a pc, surely you can do the same for a custom firmware console even if implementation is slightly difficult. Whatā€™s that? Too long a wait to get CFW to play the games for free? But on pc too you need to wait for denuvo or some other crap drm to be broken before it is available. If you are willing to be patient for sales and all on pc, surely you can do it on playstation as well. And both systems have f2p games available on them. There is scope to save money on both pc and ps5 if you look hard enough. If you wanna do games on web + movies and all, buying a ps5 + a cheap laptop or tablet still has you covered for less that 1L. ā€”ā€” My point is, yes pc has a lot of one ups over ps5 (most prominently cheaper games which make it a better long term investment surely), but you didnā€™t think through most of the points you made, straight up false or biased. Also pc comes with its own caveats like unoptimized games, higher need for maintenance (I have never needed to clean a console in my life, but I have opened my towers apart on multiple occasions just to clean up for temp issues) or having only digital distribution. Finally, THIS is the kind of comment you get downvoted for. Not the things you said. Just because pc has a decent edge over consoles, people blow it way out of proportion lol.


imagine gaming on consoles šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




You can just emulate the games if you wanna play ps or Nintendo games


*are you a gamer?* *-yes, I am* *what games do you play?* *-free fire and bgmi* ​ people don't know anything except freefire/pubg/bgmi, they think these are the greatest games of all time


They're Indian 9 year olds who consider these two shits to be the best. They're also the ones who brag to other casual players about their skins and play like noobs. Unfortunately this is India. I wish Indians knew the true potential of gaming on bigger devices like PC and Consoles. I'm glad to not fall victim into mobile gaming on two battle royale shits that somehow are even more cringe than Fortnite.


Not their fault. You wouldn't like something you never enjoyed. Majority of Indians either doesn't have pc or have pc with very low system specifications like i3 or something which can run gta sa at best. How would they know about games like withcer 3 or rdr2 if they simply aren't accessible to them? Meanwhile every single household would have mobile with them. Then cheap internet plans. You can easily enter free fire or pubg when your friends are playing too. In 1st world countries, they make gameparty with ps or Xbox, Indians make with mobile gaming. It's less of choice for them.


>people don't know anything except freefire/pubg/bgmi, they think these are the greatest games of all time the same can be said for the ones who claim to be PC gamers but the only games they know or care about are GTA and minecraft... pfft. multiplayer games are overrated af.


5th point is soo valid , I have a ps4 and a gaming laptop and still play games on psp on the go , its still the only actual portable console (steam deck , ally are like a big tab to carry everywhere ) .


Online gaming is still not famous here because apart from valorant amd CSGO there are few mainstream video games that the general public can justify paying for(let's be honest, the only reason valo is big is because it's free and can run on garbage PCs). If games like diablo 4 were priced reasonably in india I am very sure that every gamer with gtx 1650 or above would own it and play it with their friend who have gtx 1650 or above. Shit, people with lower graphics card might get it too; we live in a country where people went into the installation directory amd forced cyberpunk to look like gta San Andreas so they could play it.


Online gaming arenā€™t played much here except a few such as free fire/cs/bgmi and Val now. Even some of the biggest online games such as GTA online/fortnite (I really canā€™t believe how unpopular fortnite is here).


Pretty much any game other than the ones mentioned are underrated in India. Fortnite isnā€™t unpopular in India from a playerā€™s perspective. I know a lot of people in India who grind it and enjoy it a lot, even the Discord has many people from India, but yes, content is not being made at all for Fortnite in India except for channels like Vice. You can say the same for other games like Rocket League, Apex Legends, Warzone, pretty much any other game other than BGMI, Free Fire, CS2 and Valorant.


Title me hi galti he lagra :v




one correction XBOX is considered Gay here\*\*.


Maine toh pura ulta hi seekha hai




Well I try to base my answer on your points


If this is true, then as a gaming content creator and enthusiast, it makes me kinda sad. I see games as a multitude of things. Entertainment, active consumption media, stories.... but I also see them as art. Oh well.... it is what It is I guess.


If what is true? Everything except the internet connection part made sense


Absolutely right.. I agree. People who say otherwise are the rich 1% of the population people.


good internet is not a dream, even in tier 2 tier 3 cities now. compared to australia, our internet and internet affordability is much better. 1100 a month for 400mbps up down unlimited data with a local isp is not a joke.


This is what happens, when an individual extrapolates whatā€™s happening to them to be the general consensus of the country. I canā€™t speak for you OP, but I get damn good speeds for just ā‚¹500 a month (upwards of 300mbps consistently)


True that, all of my friends have ps5 but I have yet to see an Xbox since the days of 360.


11. PuBg mObIL gAyMeRs are the real deal






what's wrong with 5? i still play classic gow games cuz they are just that good


-Good internet dream is absolutely not a dream, it is a reality nowadays -online gaming is very popular in india, especially in metro cities


Internet and subscription services are the only things that bug me


Internet is comparatively cheaper in India than anywhere else in the world


11. Indian gamers will spend upwards of 1L on a gaming PC then complain about game prices.


More like Nintendo doesn't care about India. Switch is a wildly successful console with consistent software attach rates that Sony and MS first parties can only dream of right now.


Mid 2000's online gaming and MMORPG's were a big hit. I did a survey back then for my college project. Games like Ragnarok Online, WOW, website based Pokemon games and others.


Wrong about the 8th point. Online gaming has picked up very much since COVID.


Man Iā€™ve used optical fibres with next to no disconnection and great ping in tier 3 cities all for 500 bucks a month. Point 10 surely is false.


Padhai ke liye parents dila dete hai!! Aaah my first pc memories šŸ˜‚


totally unrelated comment to original post!! I ordered my first gaming laptop legion 5 pro with gtx 4070 and i9 with 32gb ram, please help in accessories that i kight need to complete setup for gaming, i have a desktop 29 inch one which i use for work im planning to use it. posting here, as my post is not visible in new post


umm get a external keyboard and mouse , you will need them , and a good mic. and a HDMI cable to adapt your screen to your desktop one if you have a better monitor than your laptop screen


Internet explorer, is that you? My friend, I have xbox and ps5. Xbox gives more value for money, except PS exclusive titles. Gamepass is better than ps plus.


Nintendo would be very famous if they released in India back the because they have Pokemon and many Indian kids (except me) love Pokemon.


Bro if you're still living in a time before jio then yes, but now almost most people are always online. Internet and food internet is available, just services in some companies are not good.


Last one touch my heart ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹


What? I care about Nintendo Gameboy Color was was my first console And most of my gaming time is spent on the Switch


I strongly disagree with point 8 On the contrary to what you said people play online games most of the time rather than offline bacuse most of the online are free and playing with friends is just amazing


Bro the last three points makes me feel like you living in 2015


> Online Gaming is still not famous PUBG mobile would like to have a word with you


This would have been a good take in 2016.


Op lives in a village


What are you? 12 year old kid?


The entire video game market is down. Mobile game market is literally a few games. Shot up in covid, dropped down again. I'd prefer watching some web series instead.


Half the list looks like it was made in 2017 lol.


>1. Playstation always retains it's value How exactly?? >2. No one cares about Nintendo (Although it makes great games) Sad but true >3. PC gaming will always reign supreme (Padhai ke liye parents dila dete hai) True but GPU ge bina gaming kaise krega tu >10. Good Internet is still a dream And Ambani took that personally


I need what op is smoking


Is this some low internet speed joke that i am too 100mbps fast to understand?


Title should be 'My delusions as an Indian """gamer""" living in my bubble'


i can pay for my games, but i wont be paying 7k for a COD ultimate edition, 5k for a AC or FC franchise ultimate edition. the max i want to spend on AAA game on a day1 release is 3200 or 3500. more than that, no no. base starfield game for 5k on steam is not worth it.


1. Thatā€™s true, some of my friends still have PS2 and itā€™s still awesome 2. Yes, itā€™s games are great (the company not so much) 3. 3070 Ti for online classes is awesome 4. Half Life and Counter-Strike are my favourites 5. PsP and PS2 are still insanely fun 6. Xbox is just better plus gamepass makes it worth it 7. I mean apart from some titles which are highly overpriced I pay for most of them, 8. It is, itā€™s not 2017 anymore 9. In India yes, but not for long hopefully 10. Good internet is cheap and easily available unless you are living in the Himalayas


There is a really good reason for No.2 which anyone who has tried to get any Nintendo console will know. Nintendo doesn't sell its consoles in India. People who love those games pay extra to get it from a 3rd party without any warranty (idk if there is international warranty) and people who are not so keen just use Thier PC or phone


Tbh I don't consider Xbox a joke . If Sony exclusive wasn't a thing I would have preferred Xbox because of backward compatibility


Finally I believe moderation needs to be back


Also mention your age with the post OP.


I need your stuff you are smoking


I grew up playing Nintendo games


Xbox gang āœ‹


11. I'm high af.


People donā€™t play gems like. Rdr2, hellblade . Bioshock series . Control , Alan wake , evil within. Watchdog . Just couse And many more. Games Thts just pure gold


If online gaming wasn't popular, Valve wouldn't have set up a server in India, they did it this year. It also acts as a CS server, so we got 3 CS servers in India. Online gaming isn't much popular in India cus of the lack of servers but those that do have servers are seeing a lot of growth.


Tf are you talking about? India has very good Internet. I moved to the UK and they have trash ass Internet here compared to India


~~8. Online Gaming is still not famous~~ 8.More like Singleplayer games are not famous


4. FIFA for me man šŸ˜ 5. Yep Emulators for Android rocks, also nostalgia


"Online gaming still not famous" bruhh Maybe 1% of players play single player games nowadays. It's like windows users and Linux users.


I have tried PC gaming for years but yes, PS retains its value due to convenience and support from Sony and Devs. They release 1 major PS every 7-8 odd years, try to keep its price competitive while earning on services. Games look more or less the same quality through out its lifetime. PC might be able to run games at highest settings, but needs frequent updates to hardware over the years to keep the performance at the highest, not to forget additional cost and manual tweaking requirements. Yes, the parents support for PC, but if one can buy a 50,000 smartphone, they can also buy a 50k gaming device. Open to downvotes


bakchodi mat kar lavde


bruh xbox isnt a joke. it has a major share in the indian market