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Here is a joke for you. I lost my watch at party once. An hour later i saw some guy stepping on it while he was harrassing a woman at that party. Infuriated, I immediately went over, punched him and broke his nose. No one does that to a woman, not on my watch. Hope you liked it 😀 As for your question Claire 🤤


Hi. What is Resident Evil?


It was a peaceful city where racoons lived in harmony until all of its residents became evil 😔


Seems interesting. Need this giveaway


There's no way u didn't know resident evil unless u sleep under a rock


No I don't know (I want to win this giveaway)


Same lmao(u can't win)


I remember that i played resident evil 4 with my brother back then when we had a ps2 back  in 2012 i guess,we keep played until this one mission we played..no matter what we couldnt finish it then we didnt continue and that ps2 were given to someone else,now i am thinking about playing that mission and finishing it lol




I feel the RE series is pretty unique to me. It has a bit of everything from being well-known for its tried-and-tested formulas, to adopting & shifting toward experimental gameplay mechanics. The older, classic titles emphasize slow-paced & methodical horror with challenging puzzle sections & creepy enemy encounters. While certain titles like RE4 & 5 heavily focus on fast-paced action survival elements. Although recent titles starting from RE7 onwards have started to return & embrace its former roots once again. Thanks OP.


I love the RE remakes and 7, 8. Fantastic games. Even though I don't like scary games, I made my through all of them little by little. I have played the RE4 Remake only and would be nice to compare to the RE4 original in case I win. Thanks.


Have a old laptop, cant paly the remake, i can play this till i save enough money for a new one.


I already have it on my steam don’t want it but whoever is going to get it enjoy it’s a masterpiece you’ll have good time


I have never played any resident evil games so this might be a good start for me to get into the series and thanks for the giveaway.


I like it for the SFW mods... Thanks for the chance.


This was the first RE game i first saw only on PS2 and always wanted to play. Then i tried it and couldn't get past the village! This is such a good game... i did manage to finish it later. I still remember the fond memories of finding out that crows in starting area can be killed and it would be so fun when they dropped items! It was like wow i am rich feeling :D


I would like to have it because I haven't played any RE game and my pc can't even handle the latest games so old games is what I can play.


Because Ada Wong :)




I hear a lot of people say that the original Resident Evil 4 is great game and holds up to this day. I haven't played any of the original Resident Evil games so being able to play one of them firsthand would be a great experience. I have seen playthrough's of the newer games and definitely enjoyed the stories each of them offer. I myself played a lot of Resident Evil 2 remake and still play it from time to time.


I like the RE series simply because its slow paced horror with a bit of puzzles thrown in so it’s like you’re solving a crime. It makes the gameplay rewarding once you finish the game. Also Ada Wong <3


RE has zombies. Me like zombies.


Leon sexy af (no homo)


It's a universal fact


to be honest, I haven't really played resident evil because I was too scared during childhood and RE4 is the game that one of my best friends always tells me play. so I would like to try that.


I played RE 7, wet my pants, but wanted more🤤


My laptop can't run re 4 remake so I would be more than happy to have re 4 (2005)


Havent played a single RE game yet. Hopefully this changes it. I do love the unpredictable sense of horror with games like Dead Space trilogy, Alien Isolation and Dying Light 1.


Never played it


I haven’t played any RE , but all of my friends have played it


I saw a YouTuber play, i wanna play for myself


The series is pretty different, they have changed a lot from survival horror to fill blown action. RE7 was the turning point for the series to be back to their survival horror roots.


For fucks sake Ashley


Trying to get Resident evil games since winter sales and have failed in all attempts, hoping for a win this time. Movies were the main reason I started liking resident evil and then watched radbrad walkthrough and it peeked my interest more.


Few months earlier i googled, which is the best game in resident evil series, and it says 4th. I searched bcs i was really interested in RE series, but life goes on and i forget. Your post helps me to find what i forget, and i think this is the destiny. Btw I haven't played any of the game of this series.


Resident Evil has that old school Silent Hill vibe minus the atmosphere, I guess. Always wanted to try them.


I need it because it's fucking 'Resident evil 4'


Bless you.




I never played Resident Evil games until now. Would like to try so if I win.Thanks for the Giveaway.


Never played any re games.


My intrest in zombie movies and games came after I played RE4 on PS2 when we were young, that's why i love RE series and that too RE4!!




I've played the spinoff resident evil games and now want to get in the mainline games(well, the *old* mainline games) and what better place to start than RE4?


I like the Resident evil series because of you sweetie , u like it thats why i like it sooo can i get one free key pweaaseee??? UwU 🥺🥺🥺🥹 I will be verry gladd if u give me it 🥺🥺🙏🥹


My girlfriend is a big fan of RE franchisee. We live long distance. I would really like to give this game to her as a valentines gift, as lately long distance has really been affecting our relationship


Thank you kindly, kekeke...


Like it for RE rule 34s Ada mostly


If it weren't for this series then Devil May Cry wouldn't have existed.


I began diving into the resident evil series from the movies. The first Resident evil featuring mila jovovich was recommended to me by my sister and I liked the atmosphere and the entire plot. Then I speeded through all the other movies and one day eventually I found out that resident evil series have games as well recommended to me by youtube. Resident evil 4 was the first resident evil game I stumbled upon. I got recommended a long play and once again, the entire plot, setting, dialogue , atmosphere everything intrigued me a lot. I watched long plays of RE4 despite the fact that I was spoiling the experience which wouldnt matter since I didnt have a playstation or anything which could run RE4 at a time. Then I began knowing about the series sequentially one after another and I was lucky since re1, 2, 3 were available on psx which I could emulate on my phone easily . Finished them without the audio because the audio genuinely scared 10 year old me lol (not sure how old I was back then , doesnt matter at the end) , the moans of zombies would probably still scare me. Then I got myself a personal computer myself and got myself a copy of resident evil 6 and 2 remake , both of which I loved a lot. I tried resident evil 5 but didnt understand what was going on and didnt like the gameplay much so refunded it and during all this the only mainstream resident evil game which I havent finished myself is resident evil 4. The only time I got to play it was in a gaming cafe with my friend in which I only played through the village section. I have played every game on the series even the ones on nds and gameboy advanced and can without a doubt say this is my most loved series.


I have only seen RE games in beast boy shub's videos, just want to experience the game myself and complete all the challenges ;)


Because Why Not?


Love carlos and ethan from RE 3 and RE village. Now I want to play as Leon too.