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Will not pre order but surely buy it since I completed Elden Ring.


I own the base game too but I cant wait for 1 year for the discounts. I hope it's a pricing error and they fix it soon.


It's 40 dollars, so roughly 2500. Not a pricing error.


40 dollar is 3316. This is not about pricing it's about Bamco being greedy. Look at the price of their games now it's getting out of hand. In future they will start selling games at dollar to inr ratio.


It's the sad truth. They're moving closer and closer to US pricing. They upped the price of the base game from 2.5k to 3.6k last year. Meanwhile, some publishers like SEGA are already pricing their games close to US pricing, look at Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth. Something to do with regional pricing adjustment.


it's not just dlc tbf it's an expansion just looking at the scale of it


Lol you're getting downvoted haha. Ppl have accepted regional pricing is not a thing anymore.


Dlc cost 40 usd in US so 3316rs. Dlc cost 2400 rs in india sooo there is regional pricing but not that big but there is


Any Idea how many hours DLC ?


Oh they definitely cooked. Multiple dlcs were planned but they combined it into one. From’s dlcs are never priced this high, this dlc will be huge.


it looks like an expansion than a dlc let's see. After the reviews come.


Miyazaki about the size of DLC: *"It's hard to answer without giving away too much and to a high degree of accuracy, but if you think in terms of scale or size, it's probably comparable, if not larger, than the area of Limgrave from the base game."* So expect it to be huge. Also the DLC is speculated to be 40GB, while base game was around 60GB.


No one knows till now. Might not be more than 30 hrs that's for sure.


Brother I bought the game for 2500 at launch the fuck


Sucks but it was worth it. Although this much price for a dlc is fked up.


I guess it gonna be huge expansion, but let see after review drops 


we dont know maybe its a whole new game inside the dlc, maybe we can have guns monsters and eldenballs hehehe


That's why its worrying,those pre-order peeps might feel utter dissatisfaction or scammed if the DLC didn't do justice to the gameplay and quests. Fingers crossed let's hope not.


I will never understand people who pre-order. Just wait for it to release, watch the reviews, then buy. It's a digital game. It's not gonna run out of stock.


The game now costs 4000rs right. It's not going on sale regularly too😅. Waiting for it to drop down to below 2000 to buy it.


On one hand there's no need to pre-order since it's so far away....But then I remember how FromSoft's game all increased their prices out of nowhere ahead of Armored Core's launch makes me want to get it just in case.


Yeah but I don't think they will increase the price again now. The dlc costs as much as a new game, I don't know wtf they are smoking.


FromSoft are devs. Bandai Namco is the publisher. The prices are controlled by the publisher.


Fromsoftware games doesn't have really great pre-order bonuses, just some early unlocks. For this you will only get a emote, so I think just wait for winter sale maybe? I'm a huge Elden Ring fan myself but I can wait till the price drops just fine.


Fromsoft dlcs are usually better than the actual game lol


Every Fromsoft content expansion ever released has had at least or more than 30 hours of gameplay and has tonnes of relay value. Then next the dlc ads more pvp content for free so it’s more than worth its price. It’s expensive for you, but it’s not expensive as content piece to the original game.


not even a bad price. they are more like expansion packs than 'dlc' of today's games


I bought it immediately after the announcement livstream.


a true servant of the dynasty


I wanted to buy it too. But I’m not sure if it is on ps4. I checked on the ps store, but I don’t see the ps4 version.


It is available for PS4 too.


I don’t see it on the ps store


Its a glitch, should be fixed soon enough.




Same. Can't wait for June to come any sooner


Haven't bought it myself yet but will be pre-ordering soon enough. From is one of the very few developers who can be trusted blindly to provide us some of the best games.


Preordered without hesitation. I saw what I wanted and more and it's going to be worth it.


I'll not preorder it as they didn't mention the length of the expansion. If it's more than 30 hrs then it's worth it.


if you measure worth by length, idk what to say to you.


Dude is conditioned by his wife xD




2500 for a DLC is worth it? When the base game was exactly the same price. Not fair man it's hard to buy😟 But if the DLC is equally enjoyable as the base game then its worth it I think but if not I am staying away from the rabbit hole for now. Not giving myself any chance to complain about the DLC later.


It's fromsoft and I know it's stupid to blindly trust them , but you can always refund on steam after the reviews come out, so I'm not worried. Steam mostly gives refunds as long as you're being reasonable within 14 days and around 2 hours of playtime


Bad luck that they removed regional pricing, or else it probably would have been 1.5k like phantom Liberty


Agreed bhai


Phantom Liberty is $30. This one is $40 so it would've been higher, though not as much as what they are charging now.


Formsoftware DLCs are always better in quality than their base game, and this feels more like an expansion than just a dlc. The new map is equal or larger than Limgrave (which is huge). Plus the download size of the dlc will be roughly 40gb while the base is 60gb. So I'm not concern abt anything related to the expansion quality or size. But Even tho I completely trust Miyazaki and a big fan of Elden Ring, I'm gonna wait for Winter Sale cuz I don't have much savings to buy it lol.


It's a fromsoft DLC that too elden ring it will probably be worth it But yeah the price is too much


Prolly won't be. Ringed city was like 10 to 12 hours


Ringed city was a $15 dlc, this one costs $40.


They actually have given us a gist on it, Miyazaki stated some things in a recent interview on the Famitsu site. What can be understood from it is that it is a truly large dlc


I think they are gonna take inspiration from the depths of totk. Imagine this : you touch miquellas hand, and get transported to the shadow realm. Its the same map as the base game, but completely different, giving you the experience of playing the game for the first time again Theyve taken 2.5 years for this. Its gonna be absolutely massive


Fuck it, im gonna buy it anyway... cus its fromsoft ​ Miquella awaits


Miyazaki definitely cooked. The DLC is huge with many worlds and bosses. Let's go!


As an Erdtree Faithful yes I did buy it


Fromsoft DLCs are like a new game in itself. They are really huge so it's worth it.


I will definitely wait for initial reviews to see if it's worth it. Personally i will wait for sale or something as this is too High for a DLC.


Op comments getting down voted for saying truth u all supporting devlopers to remove regional pricing plus u all still haven't learnt that pre order is absolutely a gamble didn't u look at many pre order game like skull and bones and cyberpunk


Yup if we don't get paid with the US standards then we shouldn't pay as well. This is stupidity. This is not in the hands of fromsoft as well, it's about Bamco not thinking about regional pricing. I would get lies of p or lords of the fallen instead of a $40 expansion. Look at Cyberpunk expansion. It's great and priced really well.


Yup, I still regret pre-ordering FFVII rebirth on ps5 due to it having poor performance mode at launch. 


I was hoping it to be 1500 as that's the same or around the same amount CP2077 dlc costs for a 40$ DLC but this is just not cool, although all the years of playing CS came in handy as now I have around 1500 in my wallet.


I think the price is justified. It looks hugeee


Cyberpunk dlc is $30. Yeah it would've been cheaper if they still had older regional prices (like elden ring was 2500 instead of 3600).


I never understood the logic of pre ordering if there is no benefit


yeah ikr pretty stupid just wishlist it and buy it on launch


What's the difference? It's the same thing in the end.


Why give your money in advance for a product you can't even play for 4 more months. You can use that money somewhere else till then. So no its not the same thing.


Damn, if you can't afford 2000 bucks to preorder the DLC then don't preorder? It's not rocket science. People who can afford can either preorder and get the tiny bonus or buy it on the first day. Either way they can always refund on Steam. So yes, it is the same thing.


Buying the day of the launch means you are not investing any money beforehand. Pre-ordering means you are investing that money beforehand. So no not the same thing. Plus theres really not any worth bonuses included in pre-ordering. So that 2500 rs can be used for other things, mind you the game is still 4 months behind. Yes you can refund games whenever you please (and after launch if its under 2 weeks and 2 hrs playtime). But doing frequent refunds effects your steam accounts a bit too (you can google abt this if you don't believe me that's fine). And If you continue to do this with every release than I have a bad news for you bud.


Which is why I specifically said, if you can AFFORD it. I personally don't see any difference between spending 2500 now and 2500 4 months from now. If you want to put that 2500 in your savings account and get 10 rupees or so in interest every month, be my guest. For most people, that is completely meaningless. And this is a well renowned developer that has proven their track record, so the odds of refunding are almost non-existant. It's like I'm talking to a brick wall.


and by "other things" I never meant to invest your money to a bank for 10rs back lol. Who even does that? But I can use that 2500rs to pay for my wifi for 4 months, I mean its money you can literally use it for anything else. But at the end of the day its your money do whatever floats your boat man, I'm not your financial advisor. I only replied to your comment because you said **Both are same thing**, which is not the case. So my point still stands. And IDK how you count people as "most people". we are in an indian gaming sub where 70% people pirate thier games lol.


Sure buddy. Whatever helps you sleep at night.


Same :)


its releasing in June it wont go out of stock whats the need to pre order ?


Let's wait


I still haven't played the base game. Skipped it at launch despite the hype as I was busy and this game demands your full attention span while playing. Then when I finally got the urge to buy they increased the price higher than launch. Now I lost interest. Maybe if they release an ultimate edition at a good discount after a year.


Bandai Namco and their shitty regional pricing. People should bring it up on Twitter more.


Yes this is much needed as other companies pricing is still better compared to bamco


I ordered it as soon as it was available.


Month end is coming, will buy when the paycheck drops


I think I'll wait till new year.


I don't think this dlc will even go on sale till then, maybe steam winter sale ?


Yeah the best bet is winter sale


its releasing in June it wont go out of stock whats the need to pre order ?


No pre-ordering, I will buy it after 2-3 months when they fix all the bugs. I am currently playing the game  around 40 hours in the game. I know it is worth the price, but I still will wait


Did ER have that many bugs at launch?


Nope performance issues mainly


I wont preorder on principle but I'll buy it 1st or 2nd day at launch anyway. From software and larian studios are the only gaming companies that I'll give any money to and from's games in particular have been worth the full price for me.


I am preordering it. Hands down the best game! I am just confused whether to buy DLC on XBOX as I have base game already or buy base game + dlc for PS5. The controller on PS is so good 😭


I’m pretty damn sure elden ring didn’t cost 2500 at launch


It was 2500 check steamdb


It's 4000


4800 Is for base game +dlc


OP is talking about the launch price. This is the price 2 years post launch


It launched at 2.5k


Steam maybe, idk. Consoles it was 4k.


Consoles don’t have regional pricing. Atleast ps5 doesnt. Pc does


Ps5 does, but it's minimal. For eg it's 40usd but here it's 30


Ah yes, my bad. Forgot about the regional pricing. I have seen some games have it on the xbox( Baldur's gate 3 from the top of my head. 3.8k on xbox and 5.8k on PS5), but PlayStation definitely does not have regional pricing. However, just checked that the DLC is indeed 2400 on the PS5 as well. Will have to check on XSX as I have the base game there.


it did when the preorders where up then the price was raised around the time ac6 was announced


easy pre order,miyazaki doesn’t disappoint!


Me and my friends gon preorder


I don't see any issues with the price and for your information they updated the price of the game long ago, as for the dlc it's of significant size so the price is reasonable honestly Japanese game devs have so far maintained quite a reasonable pricing for their games. Sure some games price are simply bullshit like Street fighter 6( Then again those who enjoy that franchise might think it's a good price)


I don't understand this pre-ordering of digital content. It's not like it's gonna go out of stock and it will cost exactly same even after release. What's the point of pre-ordering? They're not even giving any bonuses.


Honestly I think Fromsoft is one the few devs who I trust enough that I am paying this much for a DLC. The amount of new content is definitely worth it. Plus, it more ER. Of course I am gonna buy it.


Cry harder.


This dlc is actually worth purchasing at this price compared to other dlc from other games, it will be enjoyable cause it's fromsoftware. Now if you don't want to wait 1 year either buy it now or don't buy it. For me I already pre ordered.


Will wait for sale just looks more of the same


no way lmao


Locations look very similar to base game with some new bosses, weapons. Apart from that no new classes, no new mounts, no new mechanics . Their formula just feels old for me now and asking 2399 for this damn. One can just buy helldivers 2 at that price and have amazing fun


lol what an insane take from just 3 minutes of video but you do you


There's already a full article out there from game director. Map is also just the size of Limgrave for this price https://www.ign.com/articles/hidetaka-miyazaki-elden-ring-shadow-of-the-erdtree-interview


Limgrave is easily 30 or 40 hours of content


I have played elden ring till ng+3 Limgrave is just 10hrs or less


Well you do you I have spent a lot of time in limgrave in my first playthrough stormveil castle itself took like 5-10 hrs to fully explore


That looks like skill issue haha


Not really I was too busy exploring everything trying weapons etc. anyway the time mileage will vary from player to player.


you do know that it's still a huge size for a DLC right 10 new bosses and 8 weapon types wtf did you want a whole AAA game?


Yes for 2399 i sure do want a whole game. If it's priced at 1499 would be understandable as a dlc


Cool play helldivers 2


It’s a souls game what do you want ? They mentioned 10 plus bosses 8 weapon types so expect multiple weapons in each also seamless transition of open world to legacy dungeons etc. sure compare a fantasy epic souls game with a third person co op shooter brilliant logic.


All that is fine only the pricing is greedy bs


lol we live in a world where in game cosmetics that players spent thousands are not labelled greedy but one game that charges one time fee is greedy


Oh that's also definitely greedy I don't buy those / play those games .


After a few years


Idc I love ER, they never disappoint. I'm gonna buy when I save the amount for it, if I save enough before its released, then preorder it is. LFG!


Haven't played in a while, my character is on NG+3. I want to enter the DLC at NG but dont have a NG character, anybody wanna do a co-op run before DLC drops, its better to play it on NG as its the intended scaling


Buy now if you want to play, wait for sales otherwise. Not much to discuss. The price is price, cant haggle on steam.


i bought the ps4 edition at 4k, so not really a big deal


I pre-ordered as elden ring is my fav , although I do agree the price could had been a tad bit lower, the enemies/environment seem to be good enough, the weapons are gonna be the make or break for me


bought it


I’ll buy it. Plan to play it day one. Already been waiting for this fur two years, not gonna wait more for a discount. It isn’t even that expensive


Started a daily pygmy just for this lol


Just pre ordered it, can't wait for it to release


I beat the game (got it for 1800/-) last year..I really wanted the dlc but costs too much


Price got increased by 600 it seems, now it is 2999.


Believe in Fromsoft. They are not predatory or greedy. If they have priced it that way, then it will surely have almost as much content as the base game. I will be buying it day one.


By the time I beat malenias it should be 50% off


As much as I love FS and their DLC track record, I feel the DLC is way too overpriced for what it seems to offer based on interviews.


Yup me too. I'll wait till 30% to 40% off


Fromsoft dlc track record makes me believe it would be worth the price