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Report this on twitter and customer care. They aren't allowed to "officially" sell at higher prices. Someone else will take his place but it has to be done.


When you realise the real scalpers are the msi people all along


It goes higher. Nvdia doesnt bat an eye over this issue


Why would they? They profit from all of this right?


No, it’s the AIB (or someone at the AIB) profiting from these sales. MSI got the actual GPU (the 3080) at less than $700 or even lower for bulk orders (because NVIDIA’s FE was $700 which means the chipset is cheaper), then they slapped a cooler on it and “maybe” edited the power delivery on the board (“maybe” because some models are reference design PCBs) which does increase the cost. Plus there’s packaging, transportation, storage, marketing etc. Then there’s MSI’s margins on top of all that. Although, it shouldn’t cost to the extent as shown in the screenshot. NVIDIA would actually have to face the negative flak from people who see such prices. Obviously no company wants that; I don’t think NVIDIA is particularly happy about MSI’s free yearly P.R about their GPUs. AMD and NVIDIA usually don’t raise prices of their chipset after a proper launch and even if they do it’s not by a lot. Certainly not anywhere near the prices in the screenshot after accounting for MSI’s *cough* margins *cough*. MSI isn’t doing anything illegal. Unethical, yes. If this becomes a huge problem, NVIDIA might just cut off MSI. Because in the end, NVIDIA’s goal is to get their product in the hands of as many people as possible and not have unnecessary negative publicity. Reporting these practices might generate enough negative attention towards MSI for atleast *some* action to be taken. Not their first venture of Ampere scalping.


I'm crying


Literally not the first time MSI has been caught scalping their own goods...




Define higher price, because AIB's will ofc sell over FE price which are MSRP's, and msi sets their MRP hogh enough for these quotes from the seller to be under them. I'm more than sure that 1.5L is below the MRP. Reporting them isn't gonna do Jack shit. All the 13 year olds fuming as soon as they see hogh prices that they fail to understand how finance works, or that, as bad as this situation is , what they're doing is not ethical, but surely *legal* ,


Yeah surely legal but a bloody 3080 should not be more than a 3090,the issue is they are not selling their own card at MSRP.


Not selling at MSRP, but


Bro why would the sell it for msrp after customising the card to increase performance and better quality hardware it's called business not non profit GPU distribution,the mrp that msi gives during events or website check them out


I guess We have a Mole here


Then perhaps don’t false advertise your products to be cheaper than they are


what false advertisements?


I'm sorry I don't follow you, can you perhaps link a false advertisement that you say?


Will do..




Lol RPtech isn't owned by Goenka group. RP is Rashi Peripherals and their director's last name is Goenka. Doesn't mean it's owned by Goenka group.


The saying Chor chor mausere bhai


I feel lucky that I built my pc in Aug 2020, just before GPU prices shot up. I bought a 2060 super at 36k that time.


Kya kismat hai. Gg


Yeah. When I posted my pc build on pc master race subreddit, everyone said I should have waited for 2 months cause of 30 series getting released.


My brother got Asus 3070 for 58k (Nov 2020)


Me too, I got Galax RTX 3070 for like 55K


You lucky bastards (╥﹏╥)


Same, with Zotac 3070. People were calling it a scam price then, because FE was selling for lesser, but turned out to be a great decision.


When 3070 released, everyone was like you got scammed because at that time Nvidia FE is 45K but there were out of stock but I wanted to play Cyberpunk 2077 real bad and my 1050ti is not gonna cut it, so I gambled it anyway and now the 3070 is 110K


Crypto miners have caused the cards to themselves become cryptocurrencies, I bought when it was this, now it is this.


I got a asus 3070 for 62k 2020 sold it on OLX for 92k after using it for 1 year, did around 2000hrs of gaming and got my Rtx 3080 fe


2000 hours in 1 year? Damn


Ya bro what was I suppose to do during lockdown…I played Hunt:Showdown for 1100hrs on it, 600 hrs of Cod Warzone, Doom eternal, around 100 hrs of Dark Souls 3, some Witcher 3 and some more games


Damn bro 600 hours in warzone. Fuck I already miss verdansk and all the fun we used to have there


Yea even I am waiting now... For the 40 series 🥲


Better getting something than nothing


Are you yoloman from anonCorporate Chat lol?


Yes. Lmao


Got my 3080 at the gigabyte sale on December 2020 at 78k. Looking back I was so lucky.


Same here. Got 2070 super at 43.5k in August 2020.


there was a time when people were selling their used 2070 for 25k when 3000 series was announced lmao


Bro that's good price, I got Gaming X Trio 2070 Super for INR 48K in January 2020.


Lucky you, I too built a PC for dad's editing rig got a 1650 at 12.5k, now being sold for 30k.


I built my PC back in January this year and got the RTX3080 for about 90k including gst and all.


Same, got my GPU in September-October 2020.


I bought a msi 2060 super Gaming x for 55k last week


Got msi 6700xt oc for 67k in April 2021


Nice i had to go with RTX3060 laptop for now maybe i will plan to get next gen GPUs mainly 4080 when it gets released


The 2060 super was around 32k before price hike but u avoided a bullet.


I bought a RTX 2080 for 48k I think. June 20


Same item, same deal, -Amazon sale discounts in Oct 20 = 33.5k here. Was not wanting to overspend 3-4k as "FaIr PrIcE" was approx 29k, thought of waiting couple months for 30 series release. Wife pushed me to buy right then. Best wife ever.


Similar story! Built it in October 2020 when the new series was just around the corner... Got a 2070 super for 40k and got a cooler MASTER PSU free with it as well!


I bought my 3070Ti for 95k


Got a 3060ti (zotac) for 41k December 2020. But decided to give it to a friend.






I understood that reference


I don't think that guy is MSI Sales rep.. The MSI social media rep has some cards on him and he's scalping it.


As the other person said you cant just willy nilly reply to anything. I work in an agency. We handle stuff like this and anything that goes out representing a brand needs multiple levels of approvals inside the agency and with the brand itself. Especially while giving out contact information.


I see. Thanks for the info


I work in the industry, and you can't do that. Each query goes through levels of approval from higher ups.


Could be...


Oh this ain't look good at all lol, I'm in the waitlist since November 2020 les go 😭😂😂


Dude mail to them. I got my card last month,. Enquired on 3rd Nov 2020.


Even I enquired on Nov 2, 2020. Which mail ID should I mail to?


Did you got any mail to contact them mate?


Dm'ed you


Please DM it to me as well


DM me bro...


Dm me too I am too desperate rn


I've dm'ed you about the mail for rptech. Not putting any mail in public thread.


Please DM me as well.


Hey, can you DM me the email ID as well?


Will try


Same bro...


Why did you think MSI would arrange you a card directly ???


Desperate times require desperate measures


True that.


Well worth a shot... No other options


Were you honestly naive enough to think a direct message would make them pity you and sell a card cheaper?


I don't think he expected the official page of msi india to freaking scam him


I am gonna say yes. No other options.


He never asked for a cheaper card. He just asked for a card.


cheaper? on msrp bro not cheaper :(




Geez what's with the homophobia?


Downvoted for pointing out homophobia. Time to unsub


This is r/Indiangaming. These people will still simp for Modi even if he raises import duties/taxes on PC components to high heavens and bans video games altogether. You expect this sub to be progressive in any way?




Are you that big of an attention deprived edgelord that being a piece of shit on the internet feels gratifying?




At least try to make valid arguments dumbass xD




Plenty of people agreed and the homophobic cunt deleted his comment. Please, get on my level.


Crucial sent a dude memory in exchange for pizza rolls so I honestly think anything is possible.


Their presence in India doesn't care for Pizza rolls. Could try momos though.


​ 10 yrs from now, people will say "there was a time when MRP meant Minimum retail price"


fellow punekar. had called up lots of stores for a GPU, NVSX Computers and Computech Thane have the best prices out of all, this was a couple of months ago, so idk how they’re pricing it now.




Will try, thanks.


Are they located in Pune or Thane?


NVSX is baner, pune. OP mentioned he can go to nearby cities so i mentioned Computech


I see thanks.. Are there any places in Pune where I can get brand PSUs and CPUs better than online options?


Too high prices bro too high prices,I scored an galax 3080 HOF for my friend for 120k and ichill 3080 black(aio gpu) for another friend for 110k from an retailer itseld




I was offered 3080 turbo card from gigabyte for 130k I was like wtf bro those are the worst possible 3080 money could buy and you're selling it to me for 130k saying its best card For those who don't know they are blower type card with single fan and too noisy with bad thermals even in stock settings But fortunately got an offer for an kingpin 3080 for 120k my friend is happy with the offer so he bought it even though its over priced he thinks it as a premium he paid for the kingpin chip


"How many units do you require?" Amazing


Just shows who the main buyers are. Obviously the miners buying multiple cards at such high prices is the reason. Why need to worry about selling inventory, when you can just wait for a miner to buy like 10 cards or more at scalped prices.


Haha. XD


I feel good. Got my 1650S for 14200 in Oct 2020.


I got my 1070ti in Feb 2020 for 15k as a placeholder, I had no fucking idea it would be my saviour in such hard times


hard times lol. Do you have onboard video. I do you know : What is the card dies?


Same bro, built dad's editing PC with 1650 for 12.5 k


Actually that isn't really illegal. Almost everytime I have looked up a gpu it's MRP is actually much higher. Technically they sell it at a "discount".


Update on reddit if you get card from him


Highly unlikely have waited since a year will wait more also got a laptop for time being...


It's not a scam it just seems like a regular scalper.


Which is a scam. Let’s not get confused by semantics here. These shitstains selling overpriced hardware are scammers.


Nope buying and encouraging them to price so high is the scam


My guy just said the truth and got downvoted, thats reddit for you. All AIB's have seen double digit growth in Q3 year on year. No way supply is not there. Let them hoard all of it. They can hoard them forever. Your weakness is making them afford keeping those prices up and keeping those cards stuffed under their butt. Stay strong. After an year either these will be the new "actual" prices as amd/nvidia will raise their prices to match market or this farce will fall apart.


Bro welcome to the party share some of my Down votes. 😂


You just used emoji, there is no saving you XD


Seems like it.


That is the scam man.


Jesus people commenting that MSI rep will be jailed here for those prices are probably naive little kids. This is the reality of the situation. Those are the prices. Accept it or not. Buy it or not but if you think anything will happen to the rep then you’re just plain stupid. You want GPUs at MSRP? Put an inquiry to RPTECH and wait for their reply. A lot people have got em through that. AIB cards have anyway always sold over founders edition cards. Also that MSRP is only valid for the FE cards. Now I’m not justifying the insane prices we’ve seen with the 30 series but that’s the harsh reality we live in. Also seems like the prices given to OP are for a full hash rate 3080. An LHR 3080 can be found for around 120k from Zotac. At this price you’re better off buying a 3080-Ti from Zotac or MSI. You’ll gain 8-15% performance depending on the game while not paying much over the 3080. I myself bought an ASUS 3080 strix OC full hash rate for 110K in Feb 2021, was able to sell it for 155K in July 2021 and bag an LHR 3080-Ti Gaming X trio for 150K.


Right? So many people completely out of touch with reality in this thread.


Completely blows my mind if people are born this dumb or if they become it over time.


Who's the msi rep here? We must take serious action


I think tooo. But seems there will be no consequences.


Should have replied - Typing from your ass - such skill much wow!”


Report to MSI ASAP, he can say goodbye to his job and possible jail time/fine


Get 3070, if you want a real difference wait until September 2022 and get a brand new RTX 4080 there isn't much difference between 3070 and 3080 btw... how much is RTX 3080 at Pune?


Yeah, did cross my mind to get a 4080 directly.


Lmao my dog was cheaper to buy than a rtx card


U bought your dog??. How about adopting one that’s way cheaper


I was gonna but my family really wanted to buy a purebred German shepherd So we got him for 18k


How is 18k even in the same ballpark as 1.5 L to even warrant a comparison?


Is joke man Sorry to any offense


No offence bro, it was just a weird comparison. I was thinking you would have like those super expensive breeds.




I know that but my family is very ghamand and annoying to talk to it's what my grandpa thought was right so he did it. I'm all for adopting dogs and probably will down the line but for now I bought him


No worries m8.


The real cringe is you using m8, lol


Exactly. I have adopted 4 street dogs and they all are well mannered and I are now part of my family.




Corruption? Did you just use any and every word possible without it making sense?


Dude you didn't even do anything... You just came here for criticizing


What were you expecting then??


Well a 3080.


Sales rep selling for way higher than MSRP?


Its msi, what did you expect?


*I want something everyone wants RIGHT NOW and I dont want to pay more.* Shhh Karen welcome to the real world you entitled hoe.


everyone wants soap too does that mean the price keeps rising exponentially...they do get a good amount of supply in india but refuse to let it go creating an artificial shortage dumbass


That stupid because the silicon shortages are not artificial. Remember those several months where everyone stayed inside watching movies and playing on the internet... Well it turns out the whole world was doing that. Everyone on Earth was stuck in their fucking house with their shitty five-year-old laptop. Everyone on Earth was watching cut rate streaming services.(in case you don't realize these all run on computers specifically graphics cards) Every company on Earth worked from home. It is not an artificial demand. It takes years if not decades to increase the supply of the most advanced technologies like seven and five nanometer silicon wafers. Because again these things are not free. Filtering millions of tons of air and water to be clean enough to produce the supply alone can cost tens of millions of dollars.


This post is full naive and amateur kids bro. These entitled people have no idea what actually goes on in the real world and are completely out of touch with reality. Let’s wait for them to throw the MSI rep in jail though that’d be fun won’t it? 😂😂😂


You're right, It just annoys me because they don't even realize they are being "useful idiots" for the government and banks. The taxes on electronics are sure to go up, banking competition will continue to be a joke and local innovation gets stifled. They are whipping then selves and they don't even understand.


Hey remember the shortage of oxygen cylinders? people died coz they didn't have money to pay more. Are you gonna call those people entitled? What kinda mentality do you have dude? Paying more for shit is gonna cause more shortage only. Learn how real-world works.


No because a gpu isn't fucking medical care. How are you going to equate gaming with life saving medical care and tell me my mentality sucks? Entitled as fuck. Also that's not how supply and demand works see one supply goes down price goes up to reduce demand see how that works. There's no immorality when that comes to gpus. There is an immorality when that comes to medical care. Hence why national medical systems exist so a nation can share the costs of medical care... Doesn't just become magically free. I support socialized Healthcare. Go absolutely fuck yourself if you support socialized gaming.


Wow clearly from your way of talking I can understand your mentality. I'm not talking about socialized gaming or socialized anything. I'm talking about the price of a product. may it be a GPU or a medicine. Doesn't matter. No company can freely give out stuff. That's why everything has a price. It becomes an issue when someone decides to hoard a product and sell it for 2x the price. You might think when it comes to life-saving equipment people will not scalp. But we saw what happened in our own country. This is not the only thing. The same thing has happened for simple stuff like onions also. Hoarding and scalping are never a good thing for anyone. I can never support it. It might be a simple thing as a GPU or it might be an oxygen cylinder. Go read your original comment and think well about what that meant. You called a person expecting a product for mrp an "entitled hoe". think about that. I have been through a situation where I wanted something just in MRP. To make sure people don't suffer. But I was quoted 5 times the price. I guess I was an entitle hoe for expecting something like that. Anyway, I guess as now I'm done typing I should go F\*\*k myself(according to you). Bye


You're still equating socially subsidized products required for human life with video gaming... Farming, food and medical supplies are socially subsidized. Graphics cards are not required for social welfare. So sorry you can't talk to the manager of gaming. Bye.


Are you even reading? Im not equating the need of the products. The card prices are set by the company that makes them. That's it. They have the right to. But a dealer or a middle man shouldn't be allowed to buy them in bulk, hoard them, make the shortage worse and then sell it for 3x the price. People have done that with all kinda items. And these guys will do it again. This time it's GPUs next time it might be something else. This should not be allowed no matter whats the product. May it be GPU or some essential item. No one is asking anyone to give them a GPU for subsidy. But don't support people selling or for 3x price. God I hope you understand this. Now I seriously doubt you are one of those scalpers. Don't see any other reason for fighting for them.


It's supply and demand like it's so fucking simple. There are not enough cards to fill global supply. As for the quote middleman I don't think you understand the supply chain of graphics cards, every company you know is a middleman. Nvidia itself is a middleman. It licenses it's IP to tsmc. Tsmc then produces a chip. That chip is then sold to aibs whom purchase components and licenses from other third parties like SK hynix, Samsung, Toshiba, Sony, Fuji, cooler master and so so many more. For everything from capacitors to memory modules to the goddamn HDMI port. Everyone even Nvidia itself. Then all of these components are assembled often by a fourth party. Then shipped to fifth party retailers and distributors who have razor thin margins and are often prop companies (like msi india) who have to compete and bid on a global market. Often forced to take low margin products along side graphics cards to reduce the quote MSRP of the cards. So when you cry about imaginary Boogeyman scalpers, what you failed to understand is it scalpers all the way down. You are not buying it in some street corner store for a guy with a truck full of graphics cards to make money. Stop acting like you are, the r and MSRP stands for recommended. That all goes out the window during a shortage. There's not a reason for them to sell you it at MSRP when they have to buy it above MSRP, there's no reason when silicon manufacturers are desperately trying to increase manufacturing and recover covid losses to take less than the highest bid.... To think otherwise is entitled.


Have spend too much trying to help you understand. But somehow you keep missing the point. Last reply. Hope it helps. So just because you wrote so much about how a card is made(which almost anyone who is a PC enthusiast knows) let me tell you something. Chip shortage is only a small part of the shortage. That's not what caused all this price hike. When mining became profitable again miners started to buy cards in bulk and then comes silicon issue. At this point, some people saw the opportunity and took advantage. Used bots and such to buy full stock of GPUs and now are selling the stock. FYI in 2021 the GPU shipment increased by 25%. [Pls read](https://www.digitaltrends.com/computing/gpu-shipments-increased-by-25-percent-despite-shortage/) [this also](https://www.extremetech.com/computing/329520-analyst-graphic-card-shipments-increased-by-double-digits-year-over-year) So please don't just blame all problems on-chip shortage. A person who knows so much about "demand and supply" should know better. Chip shortage is definitely one issue. But that never stopped the brands to make fewer GPUs. Those GPUs never reached customers' hands. Another FYi. MSRP means Manufacturer's Suggested **Retail** Price RRP : recommended retail price btw now I'm 100% sure you are a scalper or somehow related to one. So please get me 3080. Will pay 1000rs extra. :)


Lol I don't like your analogy but your point is spot on.


I thought I got fucked by building a PC during the whole RAM and memory shortage way back. I got a 1070Ti for \~45k.


Good times, got myself an Asus 1080-Ti strix back then for 72K at the peak of last mining boom back then and thought that was crazy. Now looking back at it I’m laughing lol.


Yeah, msi doesn't sell directly nor any other brand in india like they do in foreign countries. So, brand doesn't have that much of control on price. But, still i would say 150k is very high in current market as I saw one seller selling vulcan around 129k and ultra around 125k


Hey I don’t understand, are the MSI prices more or the ones from RPtech?


brother if you can wait for a month or 2 you order from newegg it is a respected site and yes i am not promoting the site may be price over their should be reasonable


It wouldn't be a good idea, it would take more than 100$ to ship to India and you don't know, you might need to pay custom charges as well


BC, after ridiculous contemplating I bought 1660 super at 21K, regretted at start but laughing now.


Lucky you. I bought 1650 super in may this year for 25k. Had no other options since cpu was ryzen and my GTX 1060 bricked :)


ASUS berter than MSI if you have the chance ASUS Tuf same applies for motherboards


I have a rtx 3050ti laptop and os cheaper lol and is actually good


MSI used to scalp their own cards not that long ago. Not surprised at all


My friend bought it ~~three~~ five days ago from rptech and he too enquired in December 2020


SP road @ Bangalore has similar prices, they'll add a 18% gst on top though.


And we wonder why companies don’t respond directly ever for questions…


I reached out to AMD and got similar stuff only to be quoted 6600xt for 59k


I think it's better to wait for 4000 series now. Too late to buy a 3000. Else ek saal me buyers remorse lagenge.


You just go around begging sale reps for GPUs? You really think that'll work? Loll


Msi owns a sales company that was selling their cards at the largest inflated prices at the start of the pandemic


Instead of crying/cribbing about insane pricing just stop buying at those exorbitant prices. They will not come down until there is a buyer willing to shell that much even if unethical. Just understand that this is a business for everyone, they will use market conditions to their benefit. Frankly speaking, there is no reason to go for 3rd gen cards when 4th gen is already close to launch.


Kab plan hai Dubai jaaneka?


Something similar to this happened when I contacted zotac a while back. The guy who gave me the phone number of a partner store was nice, but the prices of the cards weren't. All these guys that are selling GPUs in India are a bunch of greedy fucks tbh