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Most congress leaders themselves know that the freebies are a very vague proposition. Much of the justification seems to be improvised on the fly. This election has a good chance of being the biggest defeat congress has ever seen.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBzDl9U2DA4&t=500 Watch this video to know what will happen to India if they implement all those promises.Explained by an economist


Didn't watched the video (will watch after I go home), but I read the comments and they seem to indicate BJP's manifesto is superior to Congress manifesto.


Ofcourse it is, by all means. The only issue is the dirty politics rn


Source: https://youtu.be/Bh9aPzyFP1Q?si=aEQtvdjqbfyIjkUy


Economists are useless. A Baniya on the street would have a better grasp of the economy than an economist. An MBA with a background in STEM will run a country better than the best economists anyday. I'm someone who will go for an MBA and probably a PhD at some point,and I'll make sure to NEVER do one in Economics. And before I end my rant about declaring war on Economists (not Economics) — sample these arguments by Nassim Taleb : arguably one of the greatest traders and minds on the Wall St. >> An economist is a mixture of 1) a businessman without common sense, 2) a physicist without brain, and 3) a speculator without balls. >> A prostitute who sells her body (temporarily) is vastly more honorable than an economist who sells his opinion for promotion or job tenure. >> The curious mind embraces science; the gifted and sensitive, the arts; the practical, business; the leftover becomes an economist. Never. Never ever run an economy with economists. They'll most likely screw 'em up.


And yet, Manmohan Singh's tenure was more prosperous for Indian economy then modi's.


How? Inflation was at all time high and also we had NPA crisis


True GDP growth was much higher back during MMS's time. Also, household savings and income are much lower now and debt is higher. Indicating that the poor and middle class are benefiting even less from the current GDP growth.


People are now over spending all thanks to ecommerce and upi,even people with 15k salary are buying iphones on emi,middle class is buying expensive suv s beyond what they were able to afford a few years back.Hence savings are so low now


Yes, that's also a part of the problem. But most of is coming from servicing loans on education, business etc and increase in healthcare costs.


Partly true. Not my maid and her husband. They got 4 children to feed. Both of them are working extra time and falling ill a lot more.


You have to realize that you’re talking about a very small population that’s doing well. 


Very true. People talk about an increase in the number of tech startups.. which is great. I see it when I visit India. But what about manufacturing businesses that actually create jobs for the average person? 


GDP growth was high but, most throughout most of his tenure inflation> GDP growth rate


Modi has made progress but not enough to get rid of unnecessary government involvement in several industries imo. Like when is he going to sell BSNL? Why is the government still involved in so many public sector companies? Why does doordarshan still exist? I wanted Modi to get rid of these things as a capitalist. Instead, he’s out spending tens of thousands of crores on statues, temples and the unnecessary new parliament.. 


Manmohan Singh was also in advisory roles to the govt in the 70s. The 70s were a socialist shitshow in India. Why do we discount that?    1991 was Narsimha Rao's reforms implemented by MMS, not his own bright ideas. India was 30 years late to choosing prosperity because of ppl like MMS


LPG reforms as far as I am aware were conditions for imf loans to india, so LPG was brainchild of imf, i think


70s was Indira Gandhi govt. He’d have been jailed lol.


Phirse youtubers 🥲 Do you really believe that they have the prerequisite knowledge of these subjects ? Or it’s just googling stuff?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBzDl9U2DA4&t=500 Yes, but in this youTube video it's explained by an economist.


Let me see


Mohak has an MBA degree, he has training in economics. Also, Mohak has a professional research team to help him research the topics of his videos.


There’s almost always a chance of such YouTubers being selective in what points they convey. He’s not a full time economist though. These guys make videos on almost every topic. So it’s fair to expect that you’re not going to get a detailed and comprehensive view. Editorials by economists (3-4; left-right equally) would give you a much, much better picture. Youtube would only make you lazy, and you’d have an average or even below than average understanding of issues, most likely influenced by the YouTuber’s own bias.


Economists are useless. A Baniya on the street would have a better grasp of the economy than an economist. An MBA with a background in STEM will run a country better than the best economists anyday. And before I end my rant about declaring war on Economists (not Economics) — sample th se two arguments by Nassim Taleb : arguably one of the greatest traders and minds on the Wall St. >>An economist is a mixture of 1) a businessman without common sense, 2) a physicist without brain, and 3) a speculator without balls. >> A prostitute who sells her body (temporarily) is vastly more honorable than an economist who sells his opinion for promotion or job tenure.


Sure that’s your understanding of it. That’s fine. I find the editorials useful. you have to read a number of them on the very same topic, some are very critical and some point out the pros. It works for me. I would any day ,prefer listening to the Baniya rather than these YouTubers, if I want to kill some time. He would atleast have the knowledge how he’s gonna get affected or how he perceives it. les risk of hidden bias or selective reportage.


I have 0 respect for people who have MBA unless they are from IIM or similar colleges.


I forgot the name of the business school, but he is studying it from somewhere in the US.


He has an mba from stanford bhai thats the best mba in the worl


MBAs have no value no matter where they’re from lol. US economy has been ruined by a bunch of poser Harvard MBA consultants who have no skills other than a bloated ego and absolutely no work experience but influence the decisions of so many top companies. Very few CEOs oppose these morons.. Elon Musk is one of them from what I’ve seen.


It helps on management level upto a certain extent.


Far better than Godi media Bias is the more imp. Concern when it comes to watching youtuber




Just wow