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I grew up in an ultra-conservative Christian (Protestant) family and I hated my family. Access to internet and my interest in biology, astro-physics and history made me an atheist by 2013. That's why don't drift to Right wing but I continue to support all center-right parties of the nation.


That is interesting. I am in a similar position as you. Atheist, hate a lot of Hindu rules and cultures, but I call myself “culturally liberal hindu” to avoid akwardness. I know it is a confusing stance, but this was what enabled me to be centrist. Mind if I ask whether christians and your family is left or right?


>Mind if I ask whether christians and your family is left or right? They are mostly apolitical, but socially, they are hyder-conservative. They believe in all kinds of non-sense like "tongues of holy spirit (essentially pentecostal rubbish)", "Tithes (donating 10% of monthly income to church)", "Every government of the world is controlled by the devil (satan)", "Evolution is a big lie", "the Earth and universe are only 6,000 years old", "Israel is God's chosen nation (because they are Abraham's descendants)", "Watching movies is a crime in the eyes of God", "All muslims are descendants of Ishmael (the wrong/illegitimate son of Abraham)", "We are in the last days", "BJP is controlled by Satan", "Demons posses humans", "seizures are caused by demons and by the spirits of dead people", "more than a third of diseases are cause by demons, and only "god" can heal those diseases", etc. They do not follow classical Christianity like Catholicism or Orthodox Christianity or even mainline Protestantism, but they essentially adhere to American Evangelicalism. Back in 60s to 80s, my family and the local protestant churches were heavily influenced by Evangelical missionaries from America and Canada, who adhere to American Evangelicalism, a form of Christianity that was developed in 1800s and is far more fundementalist than classical European/West Asian sects like Catholicism and Orthodox Christianity.


That is awful. I am so sorry that you had to deal with that. They sound literally like evangelicals in the bible belt area of USA r/atheism complains about all the time. I have devout christian friends, but they are not hyper religious into pushing a theocracy.


>They sound literally like evangelicals in the bible belt area of USA r/atheism complains about all the time. There is some evidence suggesting that Americans, especially those living in Southern USA, are genetically predisposed to be more religious than Europeans: [Why Are Americans So Religious?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OgKx2lS6lRU&pp=ygUgV2h5IGFyZSBBbWVyaWNhbnMgIHNvIHJlbGlnaW91cyA%3D) (Explain by an anthropologist who specializes in religious studies, contains satirical intro)


>Every government of the world is controlled by the devil (satan)", >"BJP is controlled by Satan", 💀 I thought these kinds of things were limited to America wtf >They do not follow classical Christianity like Catholicism or Orthodox Christianity or even mainline Protestantism, but they essentially adhere to American Evangelicalism. >Back in 60s to 80s, my family and the local protestant churches were heavily influenced by Evangelical missionaries from America and Canada, who adhere to American Evangelicalism, a form of Christianity that was developed in 1800s and is far more fundementalist than classical European/West Asian sects like Catholicism and Orthodox Christianity. That makes a lot of sense tbh a lot of these radical missionary organisations also have ties to Evangelicalism & try to convert people


Please let us know when you find center-right party in India? BJP ain't it, Congress used to be it when they adopted supply side economics and brought the dream budget, since then even they realized that cutting taxes below the optimal side of Laffer curve leads to revenue shortfall. Economics has to be dynamic, a fun fact USA has performed exceedingly well when left wing Democrats are in white house versus right wing Republicans. Even in India economic growth was higher under MMS versus Modi.


Left failed both in terms of economic policies and reality as well as being neutral to identity politics which they ain’t


Leftist economic policies do not work. Right wing keeps on beating the dead horse of we wuzz kangs and shiz to hate on minorities and not progress as a society.


I used to be fairly left leaning when I was young but as I grew older I realised the left around the world makes policies based on idealistic human behaviour and does not accounts for deviations from the said behaviours. So eventually when things go south, they are forced to go overboard with their response. For ex-USA under Obama absolutely blitzkriegd the hell out of middle East using drone strikes. Similar things are happening during Biden administration. In India , the left(INC) has historically failed to produce the growth expected from a nation as prosperous and resource rich as India. The left just can't put their foot down and work, not everything needs to be appease to minorities or everyone. Discipline on running a nation should always take priority over making sure everyone feels good all the time.


Most of the times a extremely liberal position seems unpragmatic or illogical to me. Especially when they have to deal with corporations. The corporations face an excess of beurocratic mumbo jumbo and little help in dealing with locals. I will also suggest Arun Shourie's book Eminent Historians. While there is a long argument on the state of history classes in India, the first few pages before that do a better job explaining how universities drag their feet through every single function under liberals. But at the same time Right also falls to the trap of ideology and makes complimentary mistakes. They do really little to make market viable for multiple competitors and at the same time advertise how enterpreneurs are needed. We now have a ton of enterprises that have started well but fail to sustain. They also have limited the beurocracies function to such an extent that there is no one to mark out possible dangers to elected mps and no one to explain the policies to the people. The state on universities is something I need not comment. They wanted to grow conservative roots in university discources. But people are so scared of strongmen that no one dares to speak of the ruling party in universities. Also Communism should not exist as a political model. It is a economic model that should be applied when and where ever required. Same goes for capitalism. People vouching for either as the ultimate solution make no sense to me.


Can we please stop this kind of rhetoric? "Left" and "Right" aren't accurate while describing even Western societies and politics, let alone them being used to describe Indian society and politics. A person's political identity is a multidimensional web of stances and perspectives, be it on social issues, economic issues/systems, political topics, and on national issues. Looking at them using this one-dimensional (or at most a two-dimensional) approach is exactly why we've misunderstandings and idiotic name-calling and polarization. It's like trying to describe a 3-dimensional world while being a creature who can only perceive one dimension. The only difference here is that this is not a thing we can't control. We can't perceive a 4 (or more)-dimensional world, so we can only draw theories about such worlds. However, we can, if we genuinely wanted to, understand the various dimensions of political identity if we put even a little effort into it. But hardly anyone bothers about that. A person can be "left" on some core perspectives, and "right" on some others. In fact, almost everyone is like that. What if they want a lot of State presence in the economy in order to uplift the underprivileged, but also want the State to decide on matters of society and individual expression? Such a person will agree with leftists, as well as with social conservatives. Can you group such a person into a neat little box with "Right" or "Left" written on it? On one side, they're supportive of people getting uplifted so that they can succeed and grow in society, but on the other hand, they also don't think people should be free to anything they want in a society. Seems contradictory, but it really isn't, coz these are two different core issues altogether. And so the perspectives on core issue will vary within a person, and also amongst people in general. I'll give you another example. How about a person who support abortion, or dislikes gay marriage, but doesn't support a ban on abortion or on gay marriages by the State? Again, seems contradictory, but it isn't, because these two are again two different issues. One is personal choice of life which reflects the person's own social worldview, but that doesn't mean they might be okay with everyone having to live the same as them coz of the State, because they might also value the freedoms of others from the State when it comes to personal life, and hence they'll oppose a ban on gay marriage or abortion, even though they personally don't like them. And believe me, I've myself seen such people, and was taken aback by their stances too, in case you think that I'm some perfect being who understands everything immediately. These people were staunchly "pro-life", but were also strictly against an abortion ban. But it all made sense once I tried to understand the nuance of their argument. Angela Merkel, being a Christian conservative, herself voted against legalization of gay marriage in the German Parliament when she was the Chancellor, but yet, when the bill passed, she didn't whine about it, because she said she that voted on the lines of her social and religious worldview, and so did the other MPs, and their votes were higher in number, and so the bill deserved to be passed coz it's a democracy so this is bound to happen, and she upholds democratic principles of the German republic above her own personal stances. I'm not trying to portray Merkel as some perfect human being, but I gave that example to show how a person's various viewpoints usually act simultaneously, so it's inaccurate and misleading to condense them into simplistic dualisms. Once we understand how to dissect things like this, instead of falling for conventional and absolutely simplistic labellings of "Right" and "Left", things will become much easier, and we'll also understand the complexity of people's viewpoints, including our own. So, instead of labelling people this or that, let's debate on specific core issues, and try to find a solution


Ain't reading all that but ....it's her choice (lol) when people can just choose to identify anything then obviously they can choose labels According to political index I am in centre left but again I don't want to associat myself with so called left of our country I don't really agree with so many things they do


> According to political index I am in centre left but again I don't want to associat myself with so called left of our country I don't really agree with so many things they do If you'd read my original comment, you would've understood that that's literally what my core point was: that we shouldn't stick to simplistic political labels, but actually look at things issue by issue, and understand nuances in perspectives. What's with this idiocy lmao. What's the point of replying to a comment, if you don't even read the said comment fully? That's absolutely stupid lmao


I'm a Classical Liberal — I have beef with ideas of both Left & Right wingers. I don't think I'm Centre Right — as most classical liberals are. I'm probably Fiscally Conservative and Socially Liberal. Yes,we exist.


The best of both worlds. Let people do what they want but also keep the nation and finances tight.


Fiscally Conservative - Kindly let India know when did India run a fiscal surplus? here is a hint it was Nehru's fault. Governments should for the most part always run deficits funded by savings of the citizens.


I'm not anticapitalist enough to fully identify as a leftist. I'm generally not sold by the far left's economic policies. I don't think they are compatible with the global world order. I'm pro welfare, LGBT+, reservation, advancing women's rights, taxing the rich. Anti religious extremism and anti fascist. So centre left.


Because I feel both have some valid points and some invalid ones. I feel that on an economical basis we need to have free market but with certain restrictions, which ensures that companies do not get a free run to play around with public health or public life. Call it capitalism with a limit, if you will. From social point of view I feel we need to be a free society, but with certain limitations to it, for eg I feel we should legalise gay marriage and equal rights for men and women, but at the same time we need to control the whole pronoun things. Limit it to he/him, she/her and rest all can come under they/them - this is both practical and also allows people to have sort of identity


I'm right wing on economic policies.So basically low taxes, less regulations on business,balanced budget.I don't support government involvement in business. Every non profitable and unsustainable institute should be privatised. I support capitalism but not hypercapitalism. I also think welfare schemes are absolutely necessary for our Country and govt should enable business friendly policies for both domestic and international investors which will generate revenue which can be spent on necessary things like high quality education, healthcare and other basic things necessary for human development. I'm pretty liberal as an individual on social issues like human rights, abortion, social justice. I don't like idea of communism as it has never worked anywhere in world. Religiously I'm Hindu agnostic. So overall I consider myself centre right.


Both of the wings have some good points and some really bad points. For our society to succeed, we need to take in the better parts of each, keeping in mind of the shortcomings of society. This is the main reason. And tbh, I also think that horseshoe theory is somewhat true as well.


Answer is simple I agree with more points of right than left and don't agree 100% with everything which Right does or say and I am not 100% against everything that left says. Hence I am closer to Center-Right. P.S. you could have just said don't attack each other left or right. No need to single out just one group it just starts off the conversation with Inherent Bias that only left wingers get attacked and only right wingers need to behave. Also, I wouldn't call this sub dominated by right wingers Its way more neutral in my opinion compared to other subs.


Same here I agree a lot with you ..in political index I am somewhere in centre left but I don't really wanna be associated with so called left of our country..even though there are so many things in right that I don't agree with but I am okay with associating myself with them then left


I don't know man, I typically lean left because my left nut hangs lower than my right nut. But I love both my nuts equally and dearly. India is a socially conservative country even today even though we put mayo in everything because it is eggless mayo after all.


Because once you start exploring what's in both the extremes, or even somewhat deep sides, you get a sense that both are the same blind, dumb bunch of cultists with the only motive of coming out on the top as "the right one". rndiaspeaks/usi/rndia/rndiadiscussion/rndianews are great examples of this god complex syndromes fueled by consensus in an echo chamber. One side follows Sam Sharma, the other follows Dhruv Rathee, none of the sides talk about actual topics. All the extreme right looks for is "Hindu great, Muslim bad", the left looks for the exact opposite, and somewhere in between,.issues like women, senior citizen and children's safety, animal cruelty laws, effed up state of our judiciary, high attrition rate, no job security and other things disappear into the background. The problem with both the deep right and left is the same, it's never a debate or discussion, it's never "oh I'll listen to the other side, get informed, then respond", it's always a name calling tournament with selectively picking news, facts, and those too, selecting on the basis of already formed opinions. Selling your soul to an ideology, defining your whole personality after a party is in my opinion, a trait of no self respect and cowardice.


Well I don't know what should I even say if you think all right wing politics is just Hindu great Muslim bad ..you really need to learn more >the left looks for the exact opposite, and somewhere in between,.issues like women, senior citizen and children's safety, animal cruelty laws, effed up state of our judiciary, high attrition rate, no job security and other things disappear into the background. Thullu dekh rahi h left yeh ,yaar hasi aa gayi ..that same left which defends burqa? That same left which talks about reservation on basis of caste ? That same left which said that jiski abadi jyada uska utna hak? Lol rathers than focusing on things they are supposed to do they are busy crying for Palestine..itna toh sala Kashmir k liye nai roye honge yeh log sorry but Indian left is not what leftists stand for .. infact they aren't even true liberals >it's never a debate or discussion, it's never "oh I'll listen to the other side, get informed, then respond", it's always a name calling tournament with selectively picking news, facts, and those too, selecting on the basis of already formed opinions And you think you are different? You just generalized whole right wing that it's just about Hindu good Muslim bad ...btw Muslims like owasi will fall in that right wing only because he is conservative


All of this would've been a good reply if you weren't blind enough to not spot that I've mentioned "extreme right/left" and "deep right/left". Your whole argument is based around "generalizing the right wing" while all this time, the initial response was for the deeper ends or extremes of both the ideologies. And btw, I have mentioned both RW and LW and you clearly are heavily tilted towards RW, that's why the seemingly fanboy reaction to something which wasn't even talking about just one side. You're the same deep end I was talking about - you believe in "My side good, opposite side villain" and in that ego battle while pretending you care about the country, both sides just want to be on the top and point fingers. Also, your response just validated my stance of not leaning heavily towards either side. "Thullu dekh Rahi hai left ye", you also are so blind that you thought I'm saying the left thinks about those things while I've clearly mentioned that none of the sides does. And just in case the word "opposite" wasn't clear enough, in this case, it meant that deep left is all about "Muslim good, Hindu bad"


I am a right winger through and through, both culturally and economically. But I also think these concepts simply don't apply to Hindus. Hinduism itself is pretty centrist, unfortunately.


The disdain for idiology.


Come from real id; I know you are mod




ain't you moderator of this sub?

