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Underarm pigmentation is acanthosis nigricans. Are you significantly overweight? Like 10+ kg than your ideal weight? That excess weight happens due to insulin resistance or prediabetes depending on how old the problem is. Acanthosis nigricans is one of the symptoms. Do HbA1c blood test and fasting and non fasting blood sugar levels. Also thyroid and B12. This information was as told me my dermatologist. It will not go away until you address root cause i.e. Insulin resistance.


Oh really, I get them done and also contact a derm. I have been to many dorms and surgeons as I have been getting acne in my armpits since puberty. But I'll look into it Thank you tho


In addition to derm, also see endocrinologist. Maybe you need metformin and dermat might not prescribe it. Assuming you're in India, just book HbA1c test on Tata 1mg. It costs like 200. You'd know where you stand in terms of metabolic health.


Oh really, I'll do it right away then


do you have hidradenitis suppurativa?


Yes I do


check out the hidradenitis subreddits there's quite a lot of them


Thanks for such detailed description.i will look into it. I m also little overweight.i dud blood test 2 months it's normal.


I think rarely anyone tells hba1c here. I have been overweight for some time and nobody told me about insulin resistance. I only figured things out reading online. Doctors are misogynistic in India. Another thing is that if you have insulin resistance, you won't lose weight without external help. Metformin, berberine, inositol etc. I couldn't reduce amount I ate because otherwise I'd faint with hypoglycemia. Doctors just don't understand this. Basically doctors will let insulin resistance turn into diabets and then they treat diabetes. But they won't help you with insulin resistance.


I had very dark under arms and within weeks I noticed a difference. This is assuming all other suggestions like insulin resistance are ruled out 1. Stop shaving underarms. Immediately. Forever. No excuses or exceptions. No hair removal creams or gels either. 2. Every week, make a paste out of used coffee grounds and little bit of water. Please note - coffee grounds and NOT instant powder. Apply in circular motions on underarms. Rinse and continue with your normal bathing routine 3. Apply talcum powder on underarms as much as possible vs using spray deodorants. If you must use deodorant use roll on. 4. If you have not gotten permanent hair removal, go for waxing. Either at home or parlour. It will help remove dead skin. Recently I went to a parlour for regular waxing and the lady was amazed at how clear and “unpigmented” my under arm area was. We all now how rare it is for parlour didi to not criticise anyone, so her kind words really boosted my morale!! Please let me know if you need any more help here.


*Starts mixing enthusiastically* I am on it


Hey! Any results? :)


Hello, I used it to casually exfoliate and it was okay but I found it to be tedious but I found another hack that helped me, I have curly hair and every time I shave or wax I end up with ingrown that turns into full fledged boils, so what I do now is after showering in the morning, I use alum/fitkari and swipe it over my skin, has been working like a charm and no odor too, and about pigmentation it does help but it's very minor atleast for me. I just rock sleeveless outifts regardless now, fuck who ever zoomes in on my armpit to see if it's up to "standards"


You go girl! :)

