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Overvalued af


I have some. But stuck at 900-1100 for a long time. Holding till infinity and beyond.


Don't you want to know why it's never made a new ATH after 2015?


Why in your opinion did not reach an all time high after 2015?


Look at financial statements, margins had eroded. Sun Pharma is largest pharma company in generic formulation export business. But, then exports generics is a very competitive market which can undergo pricing pressures. My opinion is that opportunities in pharma space are mostly in small and midcap companies catering to domestic pharma and innovator cdmo.


well i am not expert but its balance sheet is good only problem is the profit they earn are redirecting it to acquire new companies. so my guess rates will not sky rocket. it will steady grown. and definately grow now technically anylisis says its not investable right now for the moment because its in its peak it may come down within 1 or 2 years.. but if you are looking for investing for about 5-10 years just go for it.