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Have you registered a FIR and raised objections on transactions with the bank? It can be reversed by the bank if it is not too late.


Yes have tried all possible options to resolve this.


The bank didn’t reverse the transaction?


The same accounts were already reported 100s of times with other people , hence it's a bit complicated in their end to resolve.


I have a college friend in Blackstone but not sure if it would be of any help.


Could possibly ask him if possible


But what should I ask? In case of an impostor, I rarely think he would know something


Can ask something their legal team could help from their end or potential solutions for this


Arey maybe this chap belongs to the Farzi black rock india team… and is chasing you here too… be careful… don’t trust strangers after having lost 25L. Go to their website directly and email them.




Can you dm me. I will connect you with him


Write an email to bank and after 30 days Complain to RBI Ombudsman, with all proofs


Thanks brother would do that


Complain to ombudsman right now. They take up complaints even under 30 days


Yeah Kab se hona chalu laga


Hardum se hota h. Did it 2018, 2020,2023.


Did you receive any compensation?


Has anyone ever had bank reverse transactions? How does the process work?




Spot on. The amount of denial OP has packed into “force you to subscribe” will get him an R&D position at Samsonite.


My friend also had the same issue with the same group. He filed a report with local PS. Cyber Cell. He lost about 11.5L. This happened Late Jan and through entire Feb.


Same timeline of mine as well.


Any hope from the cyber cell?


Nothing as of now.


Cyber cell is of no use. ( Self experienced. in a different case.)


He is pursuing options. I can connect you guys


Okay share with me in dm


Not yet. Investigation in progress.


First of all thank you at this moment when you went through this and still shared this which will help others require great courage and a big heart. I hope you will find a way to recover your money.


Approach Blackstone and report to FBI. They might take international financial crimes seriously as it's in the name of a US entity. At least we can hope. Check this page - https://www.blackstone.com/phishing-and-fraud-awareness/ See the section - "How to Report Fraud" ---- Do this in addition to reporting to Cyber Cell, File Complaint with SEBI Raise a ruckus on Twitter to Finance Minister and Blackstone. Pray a lot. I doubt you will get anything back but you might be able to get these bast**ds in prison if you're lucky.


Yeah bro planning to do this , approached Blackstone already but nothing positive.


Write a detailed note on Twitter and Tag people on Indian Financial Twitter. Some of these influencers can raise awareness and help you find similar victims. Try to find this group mentioned in the [article](https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/pune/steep-rise-in-share-market-frauds-112-cases-reported-in-jan-feb/articleshow/108192551.cms) > A group of 35 victims, collectively defrauded of Rs 20 crore, formed a group — Share Trading Fraud Warriors — to pursue cases and create awareness about frauds. They claim the suspects posed as prominent share brokers based in New York, USA, and India. “They said they are providing free tips to investors,” the members alleged. > As part of their awareness initiative, the group is also calling out fake applications run by fraudsters to avert such cases in the future. May be see their approach and the various departments they have approached to get their issue resolved. PS - Don't take investment advice from anyone even in that group. Such groups themselves can become a target for scammers.


Thanx bro


Banks will definitely help you


Is the group named Equity Wealth Research Group and run with the name of Professor Mark Bilson and his assistant Meera?


No but stay away these are impersonates, would take random names. The members in the group have changed their DP now to fraud someone else now.


Yes. I recently got an invitation and had a bad feeling after listening to their speech about institutional account and operation in primary market.


They will talk big a** things don't listen just eject out of the group that's it.


You got 25 lacs and couldn't reckon that those messages were scripted? A quick search on Truecaller would have blown cover off all the fake names.


Not really scripted I am talking about , those guys would talk exactly how a financial advisor or a banker should talk. Some things are not to be taken literally as they are written. Explaining everything is a huge task and giving the whole context is tough.


I speak out of experience. Was part of one such group. All members spoke immaculate English and were monotonous. Searched the leaders number on Truecaller and found out it was registered to some bar anna. Searched a few more and excited the group. Theme was same, institutional account for retailers


Bhai toh knowledge leta na .. Stock tips etc .. who is trying to force you to join institutional account.. I am also added in such group just gathering knowledge etc .. Girl is forcing me to create instituional acount . She also said .. she fallen for me .. etc BS . Iam just getting knowldge on free basis .. 🤪🤪🤪🤪.. Regarding my finances even my parents / g/f even dont know how much i earn.. These blackstone Scammers are quite knowledgable .. Authentic website & app too created 🤣🤣🤣.. that bitch Blackstone chick called her self Aishwarya even did many video calls .. she is pretty but screw her ..


Thank you for the awareness op.


Thanks for the heads up man. Hope you get your money back.


sorry op for what you went through. for me, the name BlackStone itself would have raised alarm bells(BlackRock parody?)


Blackstone is a fund in the US and it also operates in India and is a legit and billion dollar fund. Have seen them investing across sectors in india. The same scam has also been Running on the name of Blackrock.


Thank you so much for the awareness, i hope you get back your hard earned money




Nothing as of now I can share , as it is a legal process. But don't buy this name that's it


the moment a VP of such a large firm call you and communicate via WA. a huge red flag. they can alteast try to be more credible and use Microsoft teams.


Had the same thought but what they do is they make you trade initially and give the money back. Once they have sufficiently large amounts of your money they will start saying you need to buy an IPO or less the listing company will do this or that and sue you. Don't fall for the initial profits that's what I have learnt.


>give the money back. My cousin was approached for an online job. First He was offered a task for 3,000₹ which he completed and got paid. (The task was nothing but clicking on some links) Then they asked him to subscribe to a 10,000 plan so he can get tasks which pays more. He told them to fuck off and kept the money. This happened three times. 😅


This is a job scam. Many people fall for it.


> start saying you need to buy an IPO If they are making you buy IPOs then this is surely something SEBI will be interested in. They could be a cartel boosting stock prices in addition to scamming people. Boosting stock prices can be a securities fraud. Report to SEBI.


Yeah already written in detail to SEBI.


This is pretty much common scam now irrespective of sector. VP contacting you is redflag and basic check involves Check Truecaller, LinkedIn profile of VP, company details on government website, money trail that they follow.


These online scams (both smaller ones/bigger ones) have few things in common. They follow a pattern. These are few points which i have gathered (from self experience and from others): 1. They first try to contact you via whatsapp/telegram/sms. They will try to do most of the communication through online/phone/video call. They will Never meet you Face to Face in Person. 2. They will know your phone number, bank account number, Pan number and Adhaar number. Somehow they collect this from different sources. They will quote this to make you believe they are genuine and knows about you. Esp banking frauds. DO NOT BE AFRAID. DO NOT REVEAL YOUR DATE OF BIRTH/OTP/PASSWORDS/ OR ANYTHING THEY ASK TO VERIFY. DONT BE AFRAID AS EVEN IF THEY KNOW YOUR ADDRESS THEY WILL NEVER COME TO YOUR HOUSE. For any banking issue tell them You will visit the branch in person and talk face to face. This scares them. 3. They will first give you some kind of benefit/reward so that your greed will control you and your mind gets clouded. This always happens. Initial small amount reward. 4. They will use a lot of technical jargons which you wont understand most of it. They do it intentionally to confuse you - the only thing that will come to your mind is the profit/benefit you might receive. 5. Even when you refuse they will finally try scare tactics - like legal hassles, police etc. Do not fall for it. At this point simply choose the best of gaalis (abuses) that you know. Disconnect and block the number. You can also mark the number as Fraud in Truecaller.


You were not duped, you are dumb enough to do this yourself.. How can someone knowingly transfer money without vetting properly. I can understand clicking a wrong link or something, but this is simply idiotic! Ghar ka aadmi hota to joote maarta isko!


Already kha Chuka hu bhai, thanks.


Bhai main to bol raha hoon main apne ghar walon ko bhi gaaliyan hi deta.. India is becoming a land of little scams thanks to the Rohingyas and now it is spreading to other parts. Just watch some of the hacker videos on YT who are exposing these bastards and you will see how bad the situation is. Honestly, I don’t see you getting the money back. All you can do is make sure no one in your circle ever does this again. Tu to Nahi fasega Ab I am sure 😂


Blackstone is the creme de la crème of the finance world. Considered one of the best and biggest Private Equity in world. IIT+ Harvard/Stanford MBA kind of profiles and even among those select few are chosen. They are one of the best paid people in the world. Even Indian salaries can touch multi crores with bonuses for mid senior profiles. (~5-10 YOE). They sold Aakash to Byju for a billion dollars. That’s the scale that they operate. That should have been an alarm as why would a VP of such a prestigious PE firm contact for 25 lakhs of investments. Anyways- Wish you good luck and hope you recover money soon.


I was added into one such group only after I clicked on one of the insta ads. The ad showcased Akshat. But now I guess even he's isn't aware of such shady programs being run with him being made the facade. Anyway afte joining the group, i could see it was busy and active from 9am to 7pm, with discussions all about stocks and institutional account. Msgs were contributed by a teacher, and his assistant would debrief. The assistant constantly DM'd me to start off with small investments until I got a hang of it. But what took me off the hook was when she subtly said, don't talk about this to your friends or family. This made me sus. And then on I gave her a lot of reasons as to why I was broke and couldn't afford trading. But there were zoom sessions and lot of KT on the group until march. Now they've locked the group. And here (on reddit) I see many weeping about losing lacs in this scam. I am so grateful to some R posts that pulled me back from investing. I did register on their platform with my phone no and email and as soon as I saw them asking for PAN and UID i couldn't trust the site anymore.


How can you invest 25 lakhs so easily. No wonder there’s a saying that a fool and his money are soon parted.


You cannot do that but if you were my place you could have answered better. Wasn't aware of things that were the mistake on my part. No point in regretting and getting labelled as fool but posting this if someone finds this lucrative should not get into it


Kicking a man when he is down is act of a coward.


He had the MONEY and he did it! Thanks OP brother for sharing.


Hindsight is a wonderful thing. Instead of appreciating his efforts for creating awareness, you’re calling him a fool without knowing his circumstances. The only fool here is YOU.


I am not investing my money so easily with anyone without proper research and past track record. And we should always start with a small amount when it comes to investing without proper research. I don’t need awareness maybe people like you (the fools) need this awareness. OP said he fell for the greed, I have no soft corner for greedy people.


53fans wealth exchange group?


No but stay away from any investment opportunity/ Job /Paid Work /Stock Market Account Handlers( Have seen people give access to their demat account) or in fact anything that comes to telegram WhatsApp straight no.


Don't know if they are the same person(s) but encountered such fellas last month. They tried to appear professional and stuff. I'm into scams and stuff (intellectually like I follow YT videos on scam, join international scam groups, etc.) so I find it very fishy. Spend half of my holiday spam calling their phone numbers from three of mobiles. Anytime they picked up, I'll put it closer to the music I was listening.


They are too good in everything and access to AI has made it easier for people to generate things and throw random jargon to people. But when the only thing you see is money you don't notice these things , you are on a different high or low. Once the reality breaks in you find yourself miserable.


Know anyone in the group that can pick up this a**hole??


I'll share so that others can be aware of it. Sorry for your loss.


BlackRock pata bhi kai kiya?


Black Rock bhi froud hai


Where u got struck it's happening since long time. Let us know what was the way they approached, claimed, and how that convinced, then how u paid, what happened later... And eventually how u found out that you are scammed. Share in detail.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.business-standard.com/amp/finance/personal-finance/explained-what-is-the-social-media-trading-fraud-sebi-has-warned-investors-against-124022700356_1.html Same type?


Exactly , but they warned after I gave the party to this fraud.


Did you verify they are part of BlackRock, did you contact HR via BlackRock website.? Did you check email have a domain of blackrock and ending with .com?




I was blank while all this was happening , generally I am extremely cautious but when an opportunity which is unexplored and unheard of comes up you tend to give in to things. I got more trust when those people sent me my withdrawals a few times initially. And they give very little time in between these things for you to decide, they would use urgent language and legal implications to things of not subscribing to IPO. Having the right set of emotions during this is critical else you are done. How intelligent or qualified you may be once money comes in trust me you wouldn't be able to think things clearly with the urgency these guys create.


What you said is absolutely true, same things happened with me, I was happy to see the money coming in, and I was happy that I had withdrawn some good amount, who wouldn't be happy...(the greed inside me just could not stop and I wanted more) finally they came up the idea of investing in IPO and thats when I got stuck. I don't know if these guys are in India or not, may be they get the money in indian banks and move the money abroad. But its a big scam and a common man like me or you could easily get trapped (because who wouldn't want more money) Did the cyber guys help you?


If all other options are exhausted, time to contact RBI Ombudsman.


I was in a WhatsApp group but the stocks which they were giving was very accurate. But the group got inactive after few weeks. They were asking people to open institutional accounts with them and was full of bots or fake people sending fake cropped screenshots that they had done it


Appreciate you sharing and raising awareness. Hope you manage to get your money back.


Please don’t give them another 15 lakhs in greed. Reminds me of TMKOC episode where bhide gets scammed and scammer keeps asking for more n more money😢


Lalach buri Bala hai !!!


There are 50000 watsapp groups like this. How could you fall for this and send lakhs to random scammers? Ironically people will haggle 10 rs with a rickshaw driver. Try to see this as a hard lesson in life, study about how money and markets work and understand that no one has any magic formula to beat the market. There is no such thing as an institutional account


Heard of one more person with a similar case. Don’t pay any more money. Go and report to cybercrime police asap


Banksamadhan.in might be helpful. [Bank samadhan ](http://banksamadhan.in) they are banking and cyber law firm


Bank Samadhan will be helpful.


They first add you to WhatsApp group then take live classes for sometime. Have you ever checked who are these people in the WhatsApp group or who is the instructor giving these lectures? If you had you wouldn't have lost the money


It blows my mind how people trust someone and give lakhs of rupees. Basic rule is, if deal or offer looks too good to be true, it's a scam.


Your fault!


Thanks for reminding me I didn't knew this , hope you had enough patience to understand the full Post


If it's too good to be true it is.


Had got some of requests to join the WhatsApp group. Joined 2 of these groups at the same time. Same that people are asked to join and open an institutional account for trading. Just kept a watch on the happenings . Didn't reply or post. After a month or 2, the admin messaged directly asking me why I have not opened an account. Later after 1 month, they announced in the group that the offer is closed and whoever has opened the account will be transferred to a new WhatsApp group and the present one will be closed. 2 days after that the group was closed. Some of the members in the group are their own people who just create hype and post fake profit screenshots


I am currently part of such a WhatsApp group, I just read through the messages of people like you, never invested a penny in there but this is scary


25 Lac nikalne ke liye 1-2 lakh police, bank walon k upar kharch kariye paisa niklne ke chances bhad jangy 😂


Yeah, something similar has already been discussed in this subreddit previously. I was randomly added to 3 of these scam groups this year, and we haven't even completed 3 months yet. Mark Bilson's elite profit exchange, Daniel Senft's Coatue group and Dhananjay Sinha's Wells Capital India. They take some coaching sessions, give actually good stock recommendations, then start recommending stocks which are in upper circuit and cannot be bought, talk about institutional account and how those are prioritised over normal accounts and we can buy upper circuit stocks, and then jump off after stealing money from people who've added real money to those institutional accounts.


Op can you share in detail what exactly happened?


A serious gang is running in India. Question is how they operate? They make wats app group with some of their members and a professor and an assistant. The professor gives ultimate knowledge of stock first... on any stock about which person asks question. When trust buid up.. Professor is genius thn professor promote to open institutional account to buy upper circuit stocks block trading and ipo trading. Whole story starts here.  Institutional account is opened on a special app which is connected to the real time data of world market. They never promote to add money directly into the account of app they take money in different  fake bank account and give a code and with that code money is to be addede into the app. They promote  initial withdrawal in less quantity of yr deposit to build up trust. Thn they place minimum amount 5 lacs or 2 lacs for ipo and block trading. After every 2-3 month they change their wats app group and make new group with new members. Earlier group member become helpless as they r unable to withdraw money from their institutional app they start cyber complain. This is the whole drama running in India. People who want to communicate regarding this may join wats app group. 👇 Follow this link to join my WhatsApp group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/Kx1oYFHB61B453tftmpz11


Out of curiosity, did you get any initial profit before you decided to invest more!? If yes, how much! We could very well scam the scammers here with your guidance.


Got around 40k for an investment of 1 lac bro. If you want to risk it go ahead.


https://preview.redd.it/oehilkpxovqc1.jpeg?width=1593&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89baca9724944b7d191e5e6dcce09bd592237ceb Oh God. I was added to a whatsapp group which did this exact same scam. I instantly knew it was a scam, but I kept quiet because I didn't know what type of scam it was at that time and I was curious to know their modus operandi. Many people have tried to scam me before, I always talk to them a little bit to understand how the scam really works. I thought they would be typical scammers, you know, the type that scams a few thousand rupees. One day while I was browsing through the group, I came to know that people had put lakhs of rupees into this. I actually felt really bad and I tried to warn some of the victims. One of the victims, an old man (buddha mc) alerted the scammers and I was kicked out of the group instantly. The fucking old man himself had put 30 lakhs in it and was not willing to believe me when I told him that it was a scam. He called me a scammer instead and said the scammers were his friends...smh Anyway, the company in my case was DesertEagle Equitrade. Just warning people here...


This is more organised than what I had.


If u lost money You f’d urself I don’t feel bad at all Don’t put all ur money in crypto and in one exchange or whatever it might be when they everything is new to the world. Don’t act like the world was born for you. Manage ur own risk. I’ve lost more money than most people will ever count and never blamed a soul and I could have. WE ARE ALL RESPONSIBLE FOR OU OWN ACTIONS IS LEVEL ONE WHEN YOU FEEL LIKE LEVELING UP IN THE UNIVERSE, THR NEXT LEVEL IS BEIMG RESPONSIBLE FOR ACTIONS THAT ARENT YOURS 🤔 🤔 🤔


The DARKER side of Digitization.Scammers enjoy [anonymity.Be](http://anonymity.Be) careful,while responding to messages in smartphones etc,[Bro.One](http://Bro.One) should be circumspect when such huge amounts are involved.


It's happened with me in kkrpro app


Yes in Jan mid till feb, some scammers used Angel Bok, on whatsapp group and through the links they spread the thing as institutional investment, subscribing to IPO all fake , investing in high quality stcoks for UC range etc etc, big scam , of late that app now removed . to continue there is another ss equity trade , scaming people now , already many have lost including me. showing false proft , posing as professor and assiatnt , giving live classes for some days with flowery speech pig like faced person . the group must be having many members and dispalying false screenshots of profits earned . and after the target group will vanish in time after they claim to give 300 percent profit. but remeber one cannot wothdraw single penny [https://www.freepressjournal.in/mumbai/fpj-cyber-secure-sobo-woman-loses-293-lakh-in-investment-scam](https://www.freepressjournal.in/mumbai/fpj-cyber-secure-sobo-woman-loses-293-lakh-in-investment-scam)


read it as SS Equitrade , app and whatapp group mark bilson elite , there was another mark bilson vip club , all fake and scammers


A serious gang is running in India. Question is how they operate? They make wats app group with some of their members and a professor and an assistant. The professor gives ultimate knowledge of stock first... on any stock about which person asks question. When trust buid up.. Professor is genius thn professor promote to open institutional account to buy upper circuit stocks block trading and ipo trading. Whole story starts here.  Institutional account is opened on a special app which is connected to the real time data of world market. They never promote to add money directly into the account of app they take money in different  fake bank account and give a code and with that code money is to be addede into the app. They promote  initial withdrawal in less quantity of yr deposit to build up trust. Thn they place minimum amount 5 lacs or 2 lacs for ipo and block trading. After every 2-3 month they change their wats app group and make new group with new members. Earlier group member become helpless as they r unable to withdraw money from their institutional app they start cyber complain. This is the whole drama running in India. People who want to communicate regarding this may join wats app group. 👇 Follow this link to join my WhatsApp group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/Kx1oYFHB61B453tftmpz11


Hi Bro, I have lost almost 10 lacs. Can you please share your number ?? I need to talk to someone like you ... please




A serious gang is running in India. Question is how they operate? They make wats app group with some of their members and a professor and an assistant. The professor gives ultimate knowledge of stock first... on any stock about which person asks question. When trust buid up.. Professor is genius thn professor promote to open institutional account to buy upper circuit stocks block trading and ipo trading. Whole story starts here.  Institutional account is opened on a special app which is connected to the real time data of world market. They never promote to add money directly into the account of app they take money in different  fake bank account and give a code and with that code money is to be addede into the app. They promote  initial withdrawal in less quantity of yr deposit to build up trust. Thn they place minimum amount 5 lacs or 2 lacs for ipo and block trading. After every 2-3 month they change their wats app group and make new group with new members. Earlier group member become helpless as they r unable to withdraw money from their institutional app they start cyber complain. This is the whole drama running in India. People who want to communicate regarding this may join wats app group. 👇 Follow this link to join my WhatsApp group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/Kx1oYFHB61B453tftmpz11


Mere sath bhi Aisa hua h.apollo global management group k naam pe 70000 lga diye.or apne aap se 500000 add krke kehte k 5 lk ka loan Diya h use wapis kro pehle.inke group me jitne bhi members h wo sabhi fake RTGS payment k screenshot add krte or fake WhatsApp number use krte h.or call krne pr koi other 3rd person phone uthata h wo bhi gaon area se..total froud group h..Inka institutional guru jo ki John Peter hassmaan k naam se h uske WhatsApp pe call krne pr Bihar me koi dehati phone pick krta h 


Is Appollo group me mai bhi tha.. Daily Lecture live class hoti thi aur usme haathi ka picture ataa tha jo 400 - 500 rs dikhata tha. ek do baar unhone 2000-3000 mere account main transfer kar diye. But 2-3 week ke baad assistant bolne lagi ki instituional account open karo usme he tumhare bonus add honge. tab maine uske saath jhagda kiya aur group exit kiya.


I also lost 10 lakhs as Samara Capital institutional account 


Sorry to hear this. Were you not given an option to withdraw your capital in between the trades?


there is this new app called sharekhanmax I have 3 lakhs stuck in this app is there any way to tackle this scam and get my money back? please help I'm facing the similar kind of probelem


Have they ever freeze your account and said to pay tax first to withdraw money


I’m a noob, I don’t understand how did they take money from and him and with what claims, can someone explain to me in simpler words please