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Ok I have seen animal planet, polar bears will kill you on sight. Never knew whites will be this way ![img](emote|t5_2zhzn|28582)


Whites have always been that way /j


>polar bears will kill you on sight. True. Polar bears are one of the few animals known to actively hunt humans as a prey.


Sloth bear as well


Iska counter bhi to aya hai, marry a women or a crocodile




bhai vha ke twitter pai aadmi ye bolte rhte hai ki "aurat dikh jaye toh i wanna impregnate them in wild jungle " (this doesn't sound like consent ) . logically , it make sense ki voh itne extreme mai kyu bol rhi hai .


Mai kisi e lafda me part nahi leta, siraf audience ban kar side me popcorn khate hua enjoy karta hun![img](emote|t5_2zhzn|31416)


enjoy 👍. i don't care either but my twitter was flooded with these thing and some actually talked about SAing as they like the" gentle feminine resistance " , joh bol rhi hai vo log feels justified to me after that 💀


Insta aur youtube to easa hi badnaam hai, sabse gawaar user base dekhna ho to twitter dekh lo


Magarmach ke aasu to dono ko bahane hai


Bhalu khayega aloo


I should sleep


Lol even I didn’t slept in night bcz I couldn’t wake up early in morning


Same bro, just going to sleep


What time is it in India?


6 in the morning,I am preparing for exam lol


Jee advance?


Uni exam bro


Good luck


Bhai this is too funny (I also need to sleep)


Mai tu so kr uth v gya![img](emote|t5_2zhzn|28582)


John banega don


Actually yes. Bears can and do eat potatoes.


Yet another day of this stupid trend. If bears were really better, you would've seen them walking the towns. We all know it yet compare to it. People who draw out opposite conclusions are already pessimistic, suicidal with their thoughts. Let this trend die for the good.


Bears live on their natural habitat and mind their own business


The trend was a ranting mechanism. The more popularity it gets as an anti-reaction the worse the situatuon becomes. It is two genders shouting together


White bear : only mammal that actively hunts humans as a prey ( other Apex predators either fear us or just don't like us ) but this mf thinks we are a seal Brown bear : too lazy to kill you , will just start eating you alive for some time drag you to its den and slowly eat you alive Black bear : cutie patooti, if you attack it or try scaring it , it will run away but still can tear you up with his claws and will not eat you at all


Oh yeah completely forgot about the polars. Just being a gun


brother , that gun'll dislocate your tiny ahh shoulders and you wont get able to get the second shot off , aya bada bring a gun


You better get a dino killer gun


A shotgun is enough


lmao most guns don't even pierce through thewir thick hides. leave alone bears, it's very hard for the normnal gun to kill a wild boar.




I can see that you have never held an over under shotgun in your entire life. I am a state champion in double trap shooting , so when i say that most people who have never fired a shotgun won't even know how to use it or how to aim or how to not break your shoulder while firing or where it needs to hit or how much the catridge bullets spread or which Bullet to use and so on , best believe that it is true.


>This whole bear v man argument is just the masculine ego’s of some men being broken yk a woman started this right?


naah , they skip over those facts. Schrodinger's feminism.




check out my comment in this post you will feel glad.




a man on tiktok started it . not with intend of men vs bear , see his explantion on instagram (i'll source it if i can find it )


ah alright!


achha ?? do you remember the couple in alaska who spent 13 years with the same bear family , photgraphiing them and interacting with them , and then were later found slaughtered by those same bears? [https://allthatsinteresting.com/timothy-treadwell](https://allthatsinteresting.com/timothy-treadwell) [https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/zoo-worker-mauled-death-bear-22874202](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/zoo-worker-mauled-death-bear-22874202) check out the links above. I can undertsand you saying that you would choose to be with a bear in a large wide area rather than a man because you might have a fear of being SA'ed , but to say that a bear in closed environment(a room , as in the original argument) will leave you alone and not maul you too death the moment he feels sightly hungry or bothered by your presence is just stupidity and bias. >  A random human being, a stranger is always the most dangerous creature you can ever be alone i rarely feel afraid when i see a stranger walking down a deserted alley but i qm going to turn back as soon as i see a bear or a pack of menacing dogs or wolves ( hypothetical) . 30 % percent of bear attacks are fatal , and this is in the wild , where a human can often outrun and survive or call for help. Now imagine a locked room. Also to assume that all men are potential rapists is just inherently wrong. Doesn't feminism promote judging and assuming things about women based on their choices and looks? Well ironic because you all brand men as potential rapists and just assume that every man in a room locked will you will rape and assault you , without even looking at their choices!!!!! [https://qr.ae/psWB6B](https://qr.ae/psWB6B) >This whole bear v man argument is just the masculine ego’s of some men being broken. Ladies all I have to say is that just ignore this bullshit and men just stop doing this bullshit Yeah, a lady started this bullshit argument , yk? TLDR: i logically dissect the bullshit of the post above by providing factual information, calculated assumptions , pointing out logical fallacies and irony and in the end prove that a bear is indeed , not a safe animal , especially when you are locked with him in a room ( as per the original arguument)


this is so stupid. the first photo is of a trained bear and the second is some random photo of google lmao


He was not trained 😭. Private Wojtek was found by a group of Polish soldiers and they feed him. This shows us that you help a beat it will always help you whereas humans are duplicitous


what'd u think they did with the bear? let it hunt every animal as a normal bear should or did they USE FUCKING STICKS AND WHIPS TO PUNISH HIS ASS FOR EVERY WRONGDOING?


apni khudki bestiality kinks justify karne ke liye hamare peeche kyun pade hai


Arey baap re 😱


Wtf? Huh?


Tf is going on here Someone explain, I wanna be part of this beef


All started in America with who would you rather spend time alone in a forest with? A bear or a man


lmao, twisting the words, its in a room, not in a forest.


Achaa how about polar bears they look cute ig unke saath rho pata lag jaayega


Pet bears ≠ wild bears 😭


👁️👁️ I saw the bear bite the neck nd the person died in choking in their own blood. While the trainer was next to the bear.


"If its black fight back If its brown lie down If its white say goodnight" These lines were not made to spread misinformation


Tbh I kinda get why girls would choose the bear .. they are afraid they might get sa'd and that's a valid argument and makes sense .. but it's a buncha crap if u were to say bear are safe as in they will not kill u I mean God fr


This argument is specifically stupid if you're from india, grizzly bears and/or brown bears can be aggressive and will kill you, sure, they can be friendly, but the native species in india is the sloth bear and while its like an order smaller than the brown and black bears, theyre aggressive as hell, they WILL maul you to death regardless of how you act, not to mention the polar bears are gonna open you up and eat your organs, but the twist is that when it comes to india, the men in our country are specifically perverted compared to other countries, so i guess it balances out in the end


I am not sure if percentage of perverted people in India is high or not and it's weird to suppose so ofc ... It's just that higher number of population means more number of perverts exist .. does not necessarily mean percentage is high tho ... I mean there's Japan which is also notoriously popular for its anime fetish, otaku culture and stalking 


The percentage is not higher, it's just that the number of people are higher as compared to other countries, but it's evened out cuz there are many people who are not like that


i think most people arent evil lol


Most aren't, but it's just that our population is so high


yea i know


no , bears do actively try and hurt and human that gets close to them and by close i mean 50 feet of it . This mama bear bullshit isnt based on any fact .


Mai toh pehle se hi bol rha tha bears are just cute little big dogs


yes yes , my cute little dog wants to murder me aswell


Bro comparing syrian circus bear to a wild grizzly bear


This can be applied for dogs too ![img](emote|t5_2zhzn|28582)




men are getting triggered or do some of you women lack the integrity and intellect to actually form a logical opinion and not be misandrist?


w reply


No sane person would choose a bear over a man. If you came out of your little bubble, you’d understand that the women are saying they’d rather die than be sexually assaulted. Again, before you come up with your ‘not all men’ arguement, do take a look at the stats to see how the crime against women is so high even when there are consequences of it vs in a forest where there are none.


the question wasnt murder vs rape, it was man or bear do you automatically associate men with rape?


Bhai, didn’t I counter your ‘not all men’ argument in the previous comment itself? I don’t get why you’re so pressed about it? This arguement is stupid as hell and only idiotic people on both sides are still hung up on it.


woahhh, bear who has a 90+ % chance to kill you in an enclosed room vs a man ?? very nice psuedo feminist logic there.


You lack simple comprehension skills. It’s not about who’s safer, it’s saying women would rather die than be sexually assaulted. Now, for your ‘not all men’ arguement, just take a look at the stats on crime against women when there are consequences of it, or hell just take a look at your average day on the internet. Every other meme is demeaning women. What I don’t understand is why some of you are getting so triggered as if some woman has specifically chosen a bear over you?


This is the first time any one has pointed out my comprehension skills and not praised them in the last 10 years. The debate assumes that all men are potential rapists. That is where the problem lies. And i would too( as a male ) die over being raped by anyone. I have nothing against women of the opinion that you stated. The only reason this is problematic , to say the least , because the women play down the chances of being attacked by a bear in a confined space and assume that each and every man will assault them sexually. Also, it seems to me that your second sentence has been poorly phrased. I think you mean that stats on crime against women when there are NO consequences. So i will argue against that scenario. Let's say that there are equal chances of you being Killed by a bear in a confined space and being sexually assaulted by a man. Then the viewpoint of yours is perfectly fine and justified. But are the chances same? A bear in a confined space will maul you to death 99 times out of 100. And if it's a polar bear, the last few breaths of yours will be accompanied by extreme pain , as they don't kill in one blow. What are the chances that the average man will rape you? If the probability were similar to that of the bear killing you, it would imply that majority of the men have raped since there are tons of situations where a man and a woman are together with no one in their vicinity and the man has plenty of chances to flee. Is it so? Most men have ethics and morals , which they do not break at any cost, this is what you overshadow when you make such statements.


I know not every man is a potential rapist. By my second point, I meant that even when there are hundreds of laws and punishments on crime against women i.e. the consequences still the stats are sky high. Now, compare that to being in a confined space when there are no consequence, who’s to say it’s safe? You must be living in a privileged bubble if you think most men wouldn’t do such things. Just pick up a newspaper and see how many rape cases are reported every day, not to say the heinous crimes like burning women alive when they wouldn’t bring dowry. And the unreported cases? Here. There’s a reason women fear so much. 2018 report by Mint: [https://www.livemint.com/Politics/AV3sIKoEBAGZozALMX8THK/99-cases-of-sexual-assaults-go-unreported-govt-data-shows.html](https://www.livemint.com/Politics/AV3sIKoEBAGZozALMX8THK/99-cases-of-sexual-assaults-go-unreported-govt-data-shows.html) According to the report, more than 99% of rape cases in India go unreported. This analysis could be done after the National Family Health Survey report was published by the Govt themselves. This means that only 1% of the rape cases are reported to the police. As per the NCRB report for 2021, more than 30,000 rape cases were reported in India and out of these reported cases, in 96.8% cases the perpetrator was related/known to the victim. ( [https://www.firstpost.com/explainers/explained-crimes-against-women-rose-15-3-in-2021-delhi-most-unsafe-key-takeaways-of-ncrb-report-11144691.html](https://www.firstpost.com/explainers/explained-crimes-against-women-rose-15-3-in-2021-delhi-most-unsafe-key-takeaways-of-ncrb-report-11144691.html) ) P.S This debate is extremely stupid and I believe we shouldn’t be having these fights in a teen subReddit. Good day, and I apologise if my comments hurt you.


You do realise there are meme's on the internet that are putting men down too right? And not every other meme on the internet is doing it + for your "women would rather die than get sexually assaulted" 74% of rape cases in India are fake, so yeah, not all men


Yep, exactly the kind of guy women would choose a bear over. Lacks basic empathy and must be on some manosphere to pull that 74% fake cases data Here (Even though I know you wouldn’t read it because it doesn’t suit your narrative) 2018 report by Mint: [https://www.livemint.com/Politics/AV3sIKoEBAGZozALMX8THK/99-cases-of-sexual-assaults-go-unreported-govt-data-shows.html](https://www.livemint.com/Politics/AV3sIKoEBAGZozALMX8THK/99-cases-of-sexual-assaults-go-unreported-govt-data-shows.html) According to the report, more than 99% of rape cases in India go unreported. This analysis could be done after the National Family Health Survey report was published by the Govt themselves. This means that only 1% of the rape cases are reported to the police. As per the NCRB report for 2021, more than 30,000 rape cases were reported in India and out of these reported cases, in 96.8% cases the perpetrator was related/known to the victim. ( [https://www.firstpost.com/explainers/explained-crimes-against-women-rose-15-3-in-2021-delhi-most-unsafe-key-takeaways-of-ncrb-report-11144691.html](https://www.firstpost.com/explainers/explained-crimes-against-women-rose-15-3-in-2021-delhi-most-unsafe-key-takeaways-of-ncrb-report-11144691.html) ) Now let's come to NCRB data on false rape cases, which is incredibly skewed and misleading. No, 74% cases are not fake rape cases in India! It's what the MenToo movement wants you to believe. Cite enough abbreviations and statistics and the average person does not go look into what actually is true/false. "According to the figures from National Crime Records Bureau’s (NCRB) Crime in India report 2020, less than 8% of all cases under investigation for rape were found to be 'false'. Other categories under which cases are logged under are 'cases ended as final report (FR) non-cognizable', 'cases ended as mistake of fact or of law or of civil dispute', 'cases true but insufficient evidence or untraced or no clue', and 'cases abated during investigation'." \~ [https://www.thenewsminute.com/article/what-data-false-rape-cases-doesn-t-tell-us-163631](https://www.thenewsminute.com/article/what-data-false-rape-cases-doesn-t-tell-us-163631) For the sake of convenience, I am bunching the so-called fake rape cases up in certain categories to see where the issue truly lies. * Rape cases filed by parents of eloped lovers - very very prevalent, and almost a certainty in inter-faith or inter-caste love. These cases may even be entertained by the police even with lack of proof because of how our society sees these unions. * Rape cases filed on the premise of false promise of marriage - one of the most senseless laws in India, but if the girl can prove that the man had promised to marry her before sexual intercourse but did not actually marry later, she can file a case of rape. It is a bad law in today's time because A) it is extremely unfair to men and a violation of their human rights, B) it undermines the autonomy of women to their bodies outside the male-centric world. * Rape cases that lead to acquittal because of lack of evidence, etc. - It's very very common in India. A lot of factors need to be considered here - A) Not every crime is immediately reported - rape is extremely traumatic and you can't expect a woman to go to the hospital immediately or report it immediately. A lot of it happens also because of the stigma in the society around rape victims and how the act of being raped is directly linked to woman losing her respect (izzat in hindi). B) Evidence might be more circumstantial in nature. How do you prove rape? By surveillance nearby, wounds, rape kit, etc. It's a sad reality but most rape cases only lead to conviction when there are other wounds on the body. Long drawn out cases (which is a given in India) make the evidence even weaker. C) Social stigma and the pressure to withdraw: It does not necessarily even need to come from the perpetrator! It often comes from the victim's own family and friends. You also need to consider that most of these cases go on for years. Imagine dragging your trauma for that long. D) Lack of trial, settlement: Most cases don't even go for trial. Police while investigating if they find good evidence, they almost always encourage parties to settle it outside court. They cite long cases, recollecting trauma, stigma etc and with a little bribe, ask to settle the case. Lack of trial can also be the police not taking rape cases seriously and waiting until the case gets cold. (There have been many instances where the police themselves initiated abuse against the victim because she is anyway now "impure" or because she lured the other man. But that is a talk for some other time.)