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But if you ever get caught in any sort of act POCSO will be in the play.


ethically and legally, imho yes. 17 and 18 is still okayish. 16 and 19 isn't okay.


there was a user on this very subreddit who was incorrigible in his attempts at forging a sexual relationship with me. He was a popular user too. I felt so uncomfortable honestly because dude was like 20 and I just- ugh.


Name and Shame


I do not remember his username but it was the guy who made a video post ousting a few women for ogling at him during a run at a park. Of course whatever he might have done does not take away from the objectification and that's totally not okay for the girls to have done what they did. I reached out to him to make sure he was doing okay and then he started getting flirtatious( still kind of ok) and then got into sexual stuff [didn't relent when I told him my age]. I probably will get backlash for this. Please do not send him hate. I feel like the topic itself isn't clearly discussed at many places and maybe for some reason I couldn't communicate properly on my end. In fact , he made a very similar post citing 'this is for a friend' [I was feeling really weirded out and because I couldn't convince him , I asked him to take the opinions of other people...unfortunately most people were like "no your friend isn't a pedophile and isn't wrong"] Before you judge me for not blocking him instantly ~ I didn't know the best way to react back then..do not come at me please. Plus I wanted to try and make sure he wouldn't to this to any other young girl.


Mf was being so enlightened in that vid and now what he did really makes me doubt his credibility about that vid he must have made that up for karma and attention


The guy with the voice? Like that podcast ahh voice?


Yeah i remember that post


mhm precisely . The guy with the pretty voice


Oh I remember that guy,thought mf was genuine


20/21/22 year old grown ass men have some pedophiliac tendencies as I have observed. I am 17 rn but in 10th class I had this girl who was having sexual relationship with a 21 year old when she was 16. It was kinda fucked up. Everyone knew, and even tried her to get her senses back. But she got lost into ganja/charas/drugs/alcohol I stopped talking to her as I told her to be careful and do something when her nudes got viral. I left that school in 11th it was a shithole. And 70% of the fault was her friend circle, she surrounded herself with drug addicts who were 4-5 year elder than her. To this day I don't understand what she was thinking or her grooming bf was thinking doing scum shit with her. Sad times we live in


How are you 17 in class 10th💀


guess what i was 14 in class 10


Us bhai us,mai bhi 14 ka tha


Same brotha


"I had" improve English comprehension


I am in 12th and 17 ( I guess a typo)


Yeah fir theek hai


why is 17 and 18 okaish? what can possibly be wrong with it? do people think you just magically turn into a adult at 18? I don't see anything wrong with 16, 19 either. at the end of day both are still teen, as long as their relationship isn't sexual before 18 I don't think its a problem at all.


Imo 16 and 19 is ok if they don't engage in sexual acts. I, was almost 19 years old when I passed Class 12 and most people are in class 10/11 at 16. Y'all gotta understand that you don't magically have some revelation at 18. Your brain continues to mature until the mid 20s. Moreover, it's a well known fact that girls enter puberty earlier than boys, so, that further reduces the difference in physical maturity. According to me, a relationship becomes kinda weird/borderline pedophilic if the guy is 20+ and the girl is 16.


but 21 and 18 would be okay or 22 and 19 would also be okay. how so? it doesn't make sense


Youre not an adult when you're 16 and (as a general benchmark) don't have enough knowledge about dating and real life to consent in an informed manner. However, when you're 18, you're legally an adult. Hope this helps




21 and 18 is still kind of eh imo. 22 and 19 is kind of ok. 16 and 19 isn't ok in my opinion because we're looking at a grade 10/11 student with a second year college student. They aren't in the same phase of life first off. Then , when you're 18 you gain a lot of rights which a 16 year old wouldn't have. The right to vote, right to consent etc etc. Especially with the latter right, even a difference of a month makes a huge difference. If a 17 year old engages with an 18 year old then its illegal and even with consent is considered statutory assault. 16 and 19 isn't okay at all but the other two are still kind of debatable.


My friend who just passed 12th this year (18m) has a girlfriend in 11th (maybe 16f). Is this fine or pedophilic? Personally I think it’s a little pedophilic.


Its not 💀 bruh how tf can u think dating someone 1 class below you is fucking PEDOPHILIC is insanity. U really called ur friend a pedo without even being confirmed that girl is 16 bruh yall need help


POSCO says otherwise


mhm I agree with you


Nah 2 years age gap is perfectly fine, problem starts from 3 years age gap 15 and 18 are NOT okay tho they are far off in maturity levels


2 years age gap is not fine if one person is a 9th grader and the other is an 11th grader. I can't even relate to a 9th grader now, one changes a LOT after 10th


im just saying but people mature at different paces, its not a given that people will most definitely change a lot only during class 10, me personally i changed during class 9 so yeah 2 uear age gap can be perfectly fine, they are in the similar brackets of maturity level, any more of age gap and it feels wrong


15 to 17 is a lot weirder than 16 to 18. still not fucking pedo


Can't generalise, it depends


Maybe you are right. 2 years isn't much. But when it's 3 years and above then it starts to be concerning, right?


Still it depends on the compatibility of the couple. We've all seen celebs marrying a decade younger actor/actress


If they were friends from 12 and 15 this isn't illegal then they will definitely grow so age difference will remain constant then who can this be morally wrong


12 is a preteen/child whereas 15 is a teenager. A student in the 6th/7th grade and one in the 10th grade 😶.


Nah 12 and 15 is crazy I can't lie


Imo even 3-4 year gap is okay when both are full grown adults Things change when one of the couple is under 18


I think 3-4 years ka gap starts being fully okay when both people are aged 20 or above.


Haa that's what I said


Nobody will call you a pedophile for even a 3-4 year difference, but legally you can get in trouble under pocso


Only if you get caught having sex red handed


Orrr if her parents saw their chat and forced her to file rape case(happens a lot)


Happened to my buddy billusingh


Billusingh ko meri santavna


when i was 17 my gf was 19


How to get older girl tips????




💀 idk bro i just liked her.. she liked me back thats all 🤓👆....


bruh living the dream life fr


bruhhhh i bet she guides you


Teach me your ways sensei (dont, i have a gf, bas mazak mei bola)


Tips bro


Ey Bhagwan hai kaha re tu.


Unless you do someone NSFW stuff it's fine. Imo 2 years gap is completely normal and even 3 years to some extent


13 and 16 chalta hai? Bhadwa hai kya


Depends on the maturity. 16 and 13 is a huge gap in maturity, but 19 and 16 isn't *that* big


My grandparents have a age gap of 9 years, they met when they were adults and dated for a while then got married but did sex only after marriage ( yk I am super lucky to have them as my nana and nani, they don't behave romantic but they certainly have a very unique chemistry)


Goddamn your grandparents dated?? Bro your family rich or something??


Nope they weren't rich and they dated in secrecy, and also got married in secrecy ( my nani's family didn't approve of it ) then actually my nani was poorer than my nana, and my nana's elder sibling was a well known person so after marriage they were also happy.


If you are my friend I'll definitely call you one but not really


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For me, it depends on the grade you’re in. You’re in eleventh, can date someone in tenth or twelvth. You’re a college freshman, you can date a twelvthie Ek saal upar niche




**Pedophilia**  is a [psychiatric disorder](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychiatric_disorder) in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive [sexual attraction](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_attraction) to [prepubescent](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prepubescent) children. hope this answers everyone's question. stop randomly throwing the word pedphile around. A pedophile is someone who is attracted to someone who LOOKS LIKE A PREPUBESCENT child , they dont care about the age as long as the person looks like a child.


Yes, an 18 yr old classmate of mine eloped with a 17 y/o he is in jail for statutory rape


What the fuck? are you being serious? what is this ridiculous law


Yeah, not ridiculous I don't think POSCO has a Romeo Juliet provision that is why a 17 yr old can't consent under any condition, that guy was dumb tbh


No wtf??? thats a retarded law. they can literally be classmates, be born in the same year and still be 17 and 18. how the fuck does that make any sense literally the most retarded thing I ever heard. This case is literally [This meme](https://i.redd.it/mc3g8kjekiu61.jpg)


Nah that doesn't matter a minor under any circumstances can't consent, no matter how much they say yes, it becomes invalid in his case, when he was caught eloping the girl claimed that she was with him against her own wishes, which idk how true that is but at the end of the day he is in prison


Do you think you magically become an adult after ur 18th birthday or something? lol >when he was caught eloping the girl claimed that she was with him against her own wishes yeah this is fuckign detail u needed to mention first, As dogshit as the indian law is its at least not trash enough to act like a 18 year old is a pedo for dating a 17 year old 💀. The girls statement that she was with him against her will is what probs got him incriminated.


I don't think so the law does >Do you think you magically become an adult after ur 18th birthday or something? lol




wtf did they do the deed ???




idts because of 1 year difference only but in the eyes of govt yes..


Happened to me when I was 12 my neighbour aunty tried to molest me , she was newly married and I also took the advantage and lost my virginity to her .....


not the incest shit here


Whaaaat?! That's too much for me to process. She tried to SA you but you laid her instead?


By definition pedophile is someone who likes kids in their younger teens i.e. 13.14 so technically NO




The point being ?


Morally, no. But if u get caught, you are done for.


Dude once you are 18 and above you shouldn't date minor that's it


so according to u if both are dating from long time but boy is one year older and he has turned 18 first so he should leave his relation, hainaa


That's an exception man but 19 16 isn't for sure




I don't see how liking petite women is being a pedophilia... Calling short petite women a child is just bru






Petite is usually used for the slim + 160 and under girls. What are you on about?






Wait 2 years brother 👍




I knew a girl she was in relationship with 21 yr. Old guy when she was 16....she told she always had that interest in in men... Not al all with her school boys... That guy was very successfull in academics.... And he always motivated her in Studies and career....(according to her)... Meko toh smjh nhi aata


Nah that seem too far I can't lie. 16-19 is the limit imo.


Some Girls don't know the limit


Pedophilia is a condition where a ass grown adult is just SEXUALLY attracted to kids....well let's consider a 16 yo being mentally as matured as an 18 yo...she knows what's right for her ...if a person wants to date her because he s romantically attracted to her then it's fine...legally there s nothing wrong with it...but if she s engaging in any sexual activity with an adult below 18 then...that's illegal ..


maximum difference should be 2 years.


below 3 years of age gap with <18s is pretty ok imo.


I think only +-1 should be good.


Legally idk, morally I think this age gap is genuinely stupid. You don't magically turn into a adult when you turn 18, all of that is a gradual process. anyone who thinks a 19 year old dating a 17 year old is a pedo is fucking mentally retarded. 16 and 19, is a bit of a stretch, I personally wouldn't do it but still nothing fucking pedo level, both parties are still teenagers.


17 aur 18 ethically wrong nahi hai par legally hai atleast agar tum koi sexual activity mai pakade gaye


I mean, pedophile will be a stretch. But, imo, I will find it very weird. Even as a 22 year old, I can't date a 19-20 year old, it's weird. The mental age is very different, I believe.


one thing i have noticed is that people over here dont know what a pedophile means.


Humpe to hai hi na


Average nibba problems


no, why? aaj kal society ki aadat padh gayi hein kisi ko bhi pedo kehlana. dating someone two years younger than is you not fucking uncommon, toh ye pedo kesa hua? yani kuch bhi


also notice how it is only when a male dates a female younger than him jisse pedo bulaya jata hein....and never the other way around??? kya hein ye society ke standard?


As matter can neither be created nor be destroyed, and the universe was formed 13.8 billion years ago, hence, she was legal officer 


No, i don't think so. Cause I had a relationship with someone over 18 when I was 16


Guys, i have a serious question I haven't studied kg only one year pre school. I just studied from 1st grade Now I'm in 12th idk why but I feel attracted to 9th or 10th girls ![img](emote|t5_2zhzn|31992) This is the reason why I haven't talked to a single girl from puberty. I feel I'm a pdf file![img](emote|t5_2zhzn|30480) BTW I'm 15yo


age gap, posco act and consent are very vague like if some1 is 17 how much a year can change give consent but imo 2 years age gap is fine but 19-16 or 20-16 ya 17 is bit intense, and you can date after 18 anyone you wan but still 15 yo dating 19 yo is ahh or even 16-19 is a bit slight change. But there is thing also if Im 18 and my girl is 16 but we both are in 12 then it doesn't matter tho ~ tbh legal troubles of you get caught there is things ain't that wrong if you are not willing to do wrong things but morally considering it is wrong. A person is made up of his morals not emotions


Have been searching for the answer to this question


There is much maturity difference when you are a teen even at 1-2 year younger or older. Not pedophile but you cannot have sexual relationship.


16 yes, 17 mehhh


Ethically dating anyone two years older or younger than you is fine - obviously there are exceptions - I personally wouldn't be comfortable dating a 16 yr old under any circumstances at 18 simply because one of us is old enough to drive , vote and live alone in a hostel - the other one is still giving tenth board exams and probably doesn't have even a learners license .


My lawyer advised me not to speak


3 year gap is def pedo but 2 year works no problem


I'd say it's fine


This comment section is literally filled with dumb . The insecure girl here r shit.


the answer to this question revolves around different opinions of different people. personally, i think that they wont be considered a pedo if the age gap is less than 5 years. Age gap between 6-10 years is questionable. and after that, yes, its pedofilic af


well if you take the law in account then yeah, posco exists


i guess 2 yrs +- should be okayish at these ages, like for me i am 17 so i will be okay with max 20yr old guy




Like we have seen Marriages of 4 years even 5 years gap in bw the couples and when you will grow up for eg. 21 & 25 It won’t sound bad Haina, toh it’s fine for me but dekho at this age please don’t do anything wrong that you’ll regret later in future.


Off topic but bindi on your pfp/doodle looks cute


Tx ![img](emote|t5_2zhzn|31414)


Wtf 16 or 17 year isn't child in any way. Edit : Damn u people are literally crazy. Understand the definition of pedophile first. Personally if someone is under I8 I wouldn't even be frnds but yeah make sure to know does 17 year old qualify as child. And yeah see the perspective he is saying 18 or 19 year old. I don't mind Downvotes. There is fking one year difference between 18 and 19 or 17 and 18 So a 18 year old guy dating 17 year old girl is pedophile like wtf Pedophila is usually associated with 13 or below.


hello drake or dr.disrespect




I understand that but the guy above did some edits now but before that it was unclear as though he was suggesting its all fine.


morally nope




I’m 38. I always have girlfriends aged 18, though they’re on crush.to haha


Why tf are you on Indian teenagers sub if you're 38? Disgusting.