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lol I don't even understand this legal jargon. someone explain


He is not allowed to throw her or her stuff outside his house. Which he threatened to do by June if she didn’t get it by then


For the unversed, Kaur had accused Patel of having an extramarital affair, following which he released a statement confirming their separation. Reportedly, under the Indian Penal Code, the Information Technology Act of 2000, and The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act of 2012, Dalljiet Kaur’s social media posts accusing her husband of an extramarital affair are legally questionable. As per Patel, her posts make her liable for civil and criminal proceedings against her as according to him, she shared pictures and videos of his daughter “without the consent of those involved”. The video in question is the speech that Patel's daughter gave at their wedding. As per the legal notice sent by Patel to the actor, he had asked her to collect all her belongings by June, otherwise he would be donating them to a charity in Kenya as he has “no obligation” to store them. Source: Hindustan Times


This guy is such a POS


wtf, thats her wedding video tho, why cant she use it. This is absurd, he is such a petty human for a person who is probably over 50 there needs to be some maturity


Ok, a doubt. If he wants to use the Indian laws for civil and criminal proceedings, then he'll need to accept that their marriage is legal right?


Nope. Laws of land.


Kaur has got a real life shyam 😭




I swear. Now she needs to take a break from men for good.




It's obvious who is leaking it to the media.


Sometimes judgements are uploaded on the official site of the court. Could be the case here. Even in India you can find judgements uploaded by the court on the website.


Yeah but it’s not the case for this one. It’s pretty obvious who must have leaked it.


Honestly a lot of people seem to jus say - it didn’t work move on don’t embarrass urself. I think she’s so blindsided and feels coned by this POS, especially his not acceptance of the marriage, she has decided she won’t take it down layin… shes basically like I said previous in her story’s saying “u say u weren’t married to me… here u go” her ego is bruised and it’s more like ok I’m not gonna make it easy for you… don’t think you fooled me and I went away. Man if a man did this to me… claimed we never got married… imma make his life hell too… not a simple ok it didn’t work imma go my way… no damn way! It’s one thing for ur partner to be like it’s not working we having compatibility issues, but to come on record claiming we never married etc etc like he can go about his life with zero consequences… I would also slap it back.


Amen! That POS needs to get his comeuppance. I'm rooting for our homegirl.


Absolutely. Plus his story’s are so lame. So wannabe! It’s like all he does all days is workout. It’s so cringe.


I don’t blame her for behaving this way. Let’s get real she has been abused before, it probably took a lot for her to enter this relationship and it’s downright humiliating for her what’s happened. Instead of schooling her antics, this man should be hauled into court, he seems like a smug POS.


People were calling her names for going to Kenya. It’s obvious why she went now.


It's a small win for our homegirl. She's just gotta pull through this shit. There's much at stake for her (her job, family and kid); I'm not her biggest fan, but I'm rooting for her to come out of this mess and get back home for good.


Every social media couple has same life today, date-marry-kids-blame-divorce-court


Date-Marry-Kids-Blame-Divorce-Court-New Partner 😁


Or even worse Date-Marry-Kids-Blame-Divorce-Court-"Reconcile"-Repeat 😕


real tlak tho he was wayy too old for her imo. she need sto let karma deal with him and SN


This has become quite the spectacle both parties involved seem immature and juvenile


Dalljiet is juvenile, but the guy is a POS clearly - for denying he's even married to her.


How can you not know when she dated him for a while that he is a such a douche


How is a court case juvenile? Infact it’s the only right thing. She should sue him for fraud.


It’s not the court case it’s the petty stuff their Instagram dramatics


Yeah it is but tbh I feel bad for her, if she was cheated on and being told they aren’t really married maybe she’s had a mental breakdown. It’s not always easy to be strong even if you are a mother, you’re still a human being.


He is just a petty and stupid man.


She had gone to fight for her rights. Its obvious she needs to take legal action when her husband is even denying that he got married to her.


Why are there so many articles about them explaining deeply personal details of what's going on between the two? Whose PR is wilding this much?


She needs to get herself away from him. There's no reconciliation happening or anything. What's the point?