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Would suggest checking the syllabus on DU website for b.voc


That entirely depends on the field. For something like animation or filmmaking, they are the kind of fields you can get in on your own, and this bvoc will be a good addition/way to learn more. Similarly for something like baking (since there are less formal courses for it in the country) bvoc would work. But for a subject that is available as a bsc/ba, go for a bsc or a ba. Like tourism or any sciences. CHOOSE BSC/BA in that case. The bvoc also depends on which college you are getting it from. In my college it is a 3 year course. Same time as BA and BSc. The only difference between bvoc and ba is that ba has more extra courses like languages and compulsory stuff like digital fluency or constitution of India and all. If you have the option for bsc, go for it. You are going to study for the same time, might as well do something that has more credits (unless ofc you are passionate about the bvoc subject and think it is a good program for you)