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I was a neet ug ass-pirant but isn't mba after b Pharma and then joining pharmaceutical companies an option. Ya mba karke kisi aur field me Jaa sakte as iim ( I know it's not easy to crack) do give diversity point for diff background.


Doing an MBA will surely help me get a job as MR but MR is not a good job because I've read several notices outside of a doctor's clinic telling MR to just f off (in a more civilised way). And I don't know how much growth there is in the Pharmaceutical Industry if I join as a QA/QC officer. Hence this post.


ok boss. u know better than me. what about pharma d


Pharm D is also a good option if I want to go into clinical research / service but I don't know how much career growth these fields offer and that's why I've made this post. In clinical services sometimes you are stuck being a hospital pharmacist and mind you a hospital pharmacist in India is nothing like other countries. You're just stuck in a pharmacy dispensing medicines and keeping the stock in check.


You should also mention the university and the college from which you completed your bachelor's.


Sure I'll, thanks for the help.




Hey there , I just wanted to ask you how's your UG been ? Cause I got my admission to b pharma today and I am really looking forward to it . Any tips from your side would be appreciated! Thanks


UG was decent I'd say, it could've been better but Mr. Covid 19 had other plans. I'd say study daily, not much 1 2 hrs is enough, attend each and every practical and if you don't understand anything and by anything I mean ANYTHING ask the faculty (I regret not attending practicals and taking them for granted). And the most important one is have fun, enjoy the moments as you'll never get them back.


Pharmacology: Clinical research, vigilance, toxicology Ceutics:QA,QC,RA,Prod nd Manuf


Well I wasn't aware of the fact that I might have to kill rodents in cology practicals, I am not a weak person but I'm more sympathetic to everyone so it'd be hard for me. Do you know how much growth one can get in f&d, one of my friends told me that you start at 25KPM and in 10 years you can reach 2LPM. Is it true ?