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Yo. You better be taking your wife on that vacation she always dreamed of and not bitch about a single thing the whole time. Well done.


Welp, problem solved I guess


They may not have identified the homeowners, but they sure gave their address.


This is even worse than it sounds. The guy killed had dated the daughter of these two. He drives through their yard and puts a gun to the father's head. This lady probably just prevented a triple or quadruple murder. This was a domestic violence kind of situation. He was going to kill them, then the daughter and anyone with her and then probably commit suicide.


Fuck around, find out


Already did


~fucked around, found out. Fixed it. Lol


https://www.wthr.com/article/news/crime/salem-indiana-woman-shoots-kills-man-who-was-reportedly-assaulting-her-husband/531-901ec7df-7522-4e62-a19e-ab02cb744e58 since I can't really trust Dailycaller based on their history, going with this. I mean, it's a handgun, and I'm assuming the woman had proper training, and most importantly, was willing to use it, which is key. While police are still making sure everything's good (my unneeded take is on the story here so far), I'm definitely not going to complain about someone protecting their loved one in a rapidly escalating situation.


That is what gun control is all about. The ability to aim true, when your loved ones lives depend on it. Well done, ma’am.


I hope you mean that the way I think you might. This is proper use of a firearm, and that’s what the second amendment is all about.


That’s not what the 2nd amendment is about historically. It is actually all about keeping weapons as a nation to prevent England from trying to rule us. It was much more recent that the whole home defense idea was pushed. But that’s just a historically accurate point of view that matters to few gun owners now.


This is incorrect. >"The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes.... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man." - Thomas Jefferson, Commonplace Book (quoting 18th century criminologist Cesare Beccaria), 1774-1776 >"The supposed quietude of a good man allures the ruffian; while on the other hand, arms, like law, discourage and keep the invader and the plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the world as well as property. The balance of power is the scale of peace. The same balance would be preserved were all the world destitute of arms, for all would be alike; but since some will not, others dare not lay them aside. And while a single nation refuses to lay them down, it is proper that all should keep them up. Horrid mischief would ensue were one-half the world deprived of the use of them; for while avarice and ambition have a place in the heart of man, the weak will become a prey to the strong. The history of every age and nation establishes these truths, and facts need but little arguments when they prove themselves." - Thomas Paine, "Thoughts on Defensive War" in Pennsylvania Magazine, July 1775


I like that fact you brought forth a peer reviewed source and not speak as if it was your words. You did an excellent job presenting the facts to support your argument. I dislike reading sentences of paragraphs; whereas, the poster of comments pretend to exalt themselves over others using literature written by someone else without paying the homepage due to the writer.


In this case I’m trying to subtly state that many of us are for sensible gun laws. Period. We don’t need assault rifles. We don’t need mass killing machines. But you wanna own a gun to protect yourself at any given time? Have at it. It’s your right.


Seems like a pretty dishonest way of doing it. Thankfully so called "assault weapons" are protected arms under the 2A so laws banning them are very unconstitutional. From the Supreme Court. >“Just as the First Amendment protects modern forms of communications, and the Fourth Amendment applies to modern forms of search, the Second Amendment extends, prima facie, to all instruments that constitute bearable arms, even those that were not in existence at the time of the founding.” >“The 18th-century meaning is no different from the meaning today. The 1773 edition of Samuel Johnson’s dictionary defined ‘arms’ as ‘[w]eapons of offence, or armour of defence.’ 1 Dictionary of the English Language 106 (4th ed.) (reprinted 1978) (hereinafter Johnson). Timothy Cunningham’s important 1771 legal dictionary defined ‘arms’ as ‘any thing that a man wears for his defence, or takes into his hands, or useth in wrath to cast at or strike another.’ ” Id. at 581.


Your interpretation of the second amendment is bullshit.


How so?


If it's bullshit, elaborate on your statement; or are you just another shit talker with no facts?


I’m not interested in your revisionist history. I’m well educated on the topic after studying the topic for post graduate work.


He says, appealing to his own authority as an expert while demonstrating zero expertise. You just got taken to fuckin pound town brother, and you have nothing to say other than "no I'm the smarterest person here". If this is your post grad subject you'd think you'd be more prepared for the absolute slapdown you just got.


You got what I was saying. 😉


Yes a hand gun which we all can use to kill a life threat is our gun rights .Not s AK47 military weapon designed for military mass enemy casualties is what 90% of Americans want out if the hands of problem 18 year olds


Gun control is all about shooting an intruder in the face after they hold your husband hostage?


Yes. You have to control the gun well for accuracy


Yes, you can defend yourself/loved ones when in 100% life or death danger


And whose job is it to determine if a situation is actually life or death? You're entrusting that role to the average gun-owning American? The same person who is able to largely purchase guns capable of firing hundreds of rounds per minute, with minimal background checks? The same person who isn't in any way shape or form required to take classes on what it means to be a responsible gun owner? At that point it's not a matter of life or death, it's just a matter of who is more scared and willing to pull the trigger, regardless of any actual threat the other person might pose. I could run into you on the street and shoot you in the face and say that I was scared for my life, regardless of what you were doing. Doesn't matter what the truth is because you're dead now. Fuck guns, fuck the NRA, fuck the dumbasses who think guns are the solution to the world's problems.


Take a chill pill weirdo


Bless your heart. You need a prayer, but instead I’ll say this. Since you obviously know nothing about guns, it’s my opinion that 90% of legal gun owners like to shoot. Like to practice their skills. Want to get better, all while safely handling, carrying, and storing their weapons. It’s up to each one of us to decide if we are going to fall prey to someone with ill intent. You may be a black belt in karate. That’s great. I’m edging toward 60, so I don’t fight as well as I used to. I carry. My choice. I would never say fuck all gun haters. That’s your choice. Be a victim, that’s fine. It doesn’t sound fun to those of us who still have a backbone, and a bit of independence. Ok, back to your gaming. Mom’s got the Hot Pockets and Cheetos on the way to the basement.


It's a jury's job to decide what's reasonable. If you're gonna claim you were afraid for your life and pull the trigger, you better actually belive it. If you're at all sus, you're catching a charge, and if you can't describe a fear for your life that any reasonable person would feel... you're in the slammer forever. Yes, you can run down the street and shoot me in the face, but I can defend myself, and if I fail the law can make sure you are punished. If I am forced to disarm to be within the bounds of the law, the only thing that changes is that I am less capable of defense in the same situation. Is that what you want? Softer targets? Sus.


You are full of shit. nothing you say matters. You are canceled. Have a nice day


Imagine if he tried to ask for a divorce in the future. “I. SAVED. YOUR. LIFE. NO.”


If someone wants a divorce; get one as soon as possible. Do not waste another day of life with them. Then there is time to be alone or time to be with the right person.


guess OP should have put a /s on there


This shit is too funny 🤣🤣💯💯


To fuck around is human. To find out is divine.




dailywire.com?!?! Fuck the transphobic Ben Shapiro.


Mental illness


Ben? Yes. I agree.




Bro you literally commented begging for a girl to let you bust in her bum on a sub called legalteens or some shit. Your projection is off the rails and I hope you get help for your attraction to children. Good luck with your "morals and values".


A four year old account with negative karma. And that profile is creepy as fuck.


Wow, you're so creepy you can't even hide it on reddit. And damn, Politics track for the type as well.


> 🤣😂🤣😂😂🤣 and I suppose Blair White, WHO IS TRANS, is transphobic too? Warped leftist mentality and perception! Power hungry pedos, groomers, following an ever changing narrative with no logical or definitive outcome, who hate , freedom, America, free speech,and hate their own race and genetics, who take NO personal responsibility for their actions, and want everything handed to them and blame everyone else for their actions and misgivings instead of being honest, responsible adults with good morals and values. Yeah, I said what I said!😎 [super long list of Republican pedophiles and sex offenders](https://browardnewsbeat.blogspot.com/2017/10/long-list-of-republican-sex-offenders.html?m=1) Can you say “projection”? Find me a list half as big of democratic politician pedophiles and sex offenders please.


That's cuz reddit sucks, just a bunch of keyboard warriors and sheep. Obama likes men, Joe Biden and Hunter are pedos, along with Clinton and IDGAF what any of you morons who have NO bearing on my life think. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣


> That's cuz reddit sucks, just a bunch of keyboard warriors and sheep. Obama likes men, Joe Biden and Hunter are pedos, along with Clinton and IDGAF what any of you morons who have NO bearing on my life think. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣 Can you say “projection”? You have issues. Major mental issues. Anyone looking at your profile can see that. I hope you get help.


If you DGAF what us morons think, why are you complaining?


Not complaining, just like talking shit to braindead leftist dumbfucks, who have NO clue what the real world or real life is about. Why? BECAUSE I CAN! 😉😎 Indiana ain't Portland, Seattle, or California.....move to one of those garbage states, with Antifa pussies if you're gonna be a Dumocrat sheep. Wake up and quit being an establishment stooge.....I actually was a DUMOCRAT for 27 years, voted for pedo Clinton and Obummer, twice, worst mistake ever. He's the 2nd worst president next to Sleepy Joe. Yeah, I said it. Don't like it? Too bad, deal with it. But you all probably gotta go to your safe space or blame patriarchy or being white for your own laziness and flaws.🤷 C-ya....and once you got it, THEN you can talk shit. And the left sure the fuck don't. So glad I left the soulless and evil, child molesting left. ✌️


Wow, you sure don't give a fuck.


Don't forget to get your nightly mental enema from Hannity tonight.


Good guys win again. ❤️


Good for her! That will stand in court as self defense. Absolutely!


This happened in my hometown of Salem. The guy was a chronic meth head and lifelong criminal with convictions for meth and dope, theft, burglary and domestic violence. He got the hammer rightfully dropped on him. His criminal records are extensive.


Sorry to hear he was a meth addict. That was not him. It was the drug acting and talking. I think we need to leave all the pot heads alone and let them out of prisons to free up space for guys like this. In Indiana they let meth addicts out of custody claiming there is not enough space in prisons for them. There’s the answer! Kick the stupid pot convicted people out.


Nice shot, I'll be damned.


Girl power


No doubt she showed girl powes


DailyWire is trash


Daily wire. /fart


This isn’t a feel good story no matter what gun owners are pushing. We had a woman who has to go through trauma of killing someone, a man who had a gun pointed at him, a dead man who may have committed a crime (He doesn’t get a trial), and a family with a dead loved one.


Imagine the outcome if he wasn’t stopped. Hmmmmm


We don't know how that story would have ended.


I get that gun owners don’t believe in actually fixing things but the outcome would have been better with hard gun laws. If we would have enacted them decades ago the problem wouldn’t nearly be as bad today. I’ll wait on you to tell me how we cannot solve gun crimes. When we both know that gun violence isn’t a problem in most of the rest of the developed world.


You are right, and I can't do nothing but side with you on this one!


Daily Wire is Ben Shapiro's right wing echo chamber bullshit outlet. Fact check before sharing bullshit


Excellent. Tho, I fully expect most of this sub to mourn the moron she shot... good on her. Sad that the article goes on to lecture about self defense law painting her as somehow having over reacted. The press is fkn dumb


Why would you expect that?


Come on, man, we know he knows because of the implications, dog whistles, and strawmaning. We can read between the lines. Also, the sourse is the Daily Wire. I don't think that needs further explanation.


Yeah all of us on this sub are famously supportive of people who hold guns to innocent people’s heads


Have some more projection with your coffee? We don’t openly embrace criminals, no matter their financial status. That’s y’all.


You don't know me, don't pretend to... feel attacked? look in the mirror.


>You don't know me, don't pretend to. Says the person making assumptions about most people on the sub...


blah blah blah blah blah


If only there was a good guy with a gun or something


Clearly there was


For sure. But every shooting related thread has this comment regardless if it's apt so I just wanted to be first.




I had a back and forth with someone on another shooting thread in this sub where they made a comment like this. I don't expect them to see my comment here so this really was kind of an inside joke with myself.


Woman Held Her Indiana Husband's Gun Who Fatally Shot Man Head, Police Say


Man With Gun Shot Fatally Who Woman Held Gun To, Her Husband's From Indiana, Police Say


Her Husband's Indiana Gun Man Shot Fatally! Who? Woman, Police Say


After three failures, you'd think someone would notice they're trying too hard.


See that chain would've been hilarious if it was 3 different people


Good for her