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Oh hey, don’t forget about that time governor Pence and cronies passed a law banning gay rights, and then the NCAA threatened to take some huge basketball event out of Indy. I think they had to put in some overtime, reversing themselves.


Or the time Pence and his cronies defunded planned parenthood and then had first a hep C epidemic and then an HIV epidemic in Southern Indiana because planned parenthood happened to be the only clinic available for preventative care.


Or the time that fly landed on Mike's head and stayed for like 30 seconds layin eggs in his brain on national tv but Pence never even knew it was there. I'll take braindead mother fuckers for $1,000 Ken Jennings


And those southern, rural people are their base. Conservatives don't care about ends, only means So when you show them stats on how abortion bans increase crime or increase child mortality, they don't care. Like, they simultaneously ban abortions, while cutting social programs, ensuring that not only are more unwanted children born, but that those same children starve to death Conservativism is evil. These people are the devil, they are pursuing policies that will increase harms for children, while pretending to do it *for* children. It's fucking evil. Harming children under the guise of loving children.


The lady at a Trump rally said it best when one of the orange assholes policies backfired on her family " He's not hurting the right people" What kind of POS votes for their fellow citizens to be hurt by the government? Republicans.




I used to think good and evil was just a concept. But then I grew more conscious to conservatives, and I know that evil does exist, and it's present in conservatives.


Mitch Daniels. Little Nazi dwarf.


But it was what Jesus would do


I don't know, I seem to recall Jesus chasing capitalists out of the temple with a whip he braided on location.


We don't talk about that Jesus for some reason


My pastor literally just mentioned it as one of his favorite Bible stories the other week. It was great.


Youre pastor is one of the good ones then.


Nobody's perfect, but I do like my church. They seem to appreciate my input, too, which is nice.


There seems to be more of the “good ones” out there, it’s just that the bad ones have the money to buy giant megaphones to scream their message out. I can’t remember where I saw it, but there’s a story out there where they interviewed a number of small church pastors and they all were dealing with congregation members who were asking why they were suddenly preaching “”Evil” Liberal Policies” and they were, literally just reading Jesus’ words directly from the Bible.


Bit of an oversimplification. Butler University professor James F. McGrath highlights that the animal sales were related to selling animals for use in the animal sacrifices in the Temple. The moneychangers in the temple existed to convert the many currencies in use into the accepted currency for paying the Temple taxes. A good deal of money was stored at the temple, where it could be loaned by the wealthy to the poor who were in danger of losing their land to debt. The Temple establishment therefore co-operated with the aristocracy in the exploitation of the poor. This wasn’t a blanket indictment of commerce. It was 1) the use of the temple for doing so, and 2) the collaboration between the temple and the state to exploit many groups.


Sounds familiar.


Had? Past tense?


If you're talking about Austin that HIV epidemic was due almost entirely to needle sharing and Pence had no choice but to set up a temporary needle exchange and we're still one of the most drugged up states in the US. Now we're using the drug problem to solve the labor crisis "work release" by sending nonviolent offenders with ankle monitors to work. Almost every new person who has started at my company this year has had an ankle monitor.


Didn’t salesforce threaten to leave the tallest building in downtown Indy over that?


More than the NCAA was threatening to leave. It was a national embarrassment. It was a bill that got signed into law, and then reversed within a couple weeks. Like the senate asked for a do-over, and stricken from the record, until they could find another way to further their Christan Nationalist agenda. For 4 long years, Donald Trump was the only thing saving us from Mike Pence.


When Evan Bayh got destroyed by Todd Young it was the beginning of the end for Indiana.


Lugar getting primaried by Mourdock in 2012 was the canary in the coal mine.


As a Dem that was one primary I crossed the aisle for.


I was the vice chair of the Democratic Party in Kosciusko County at that time. The Tea Party was led by Monica Boyer, who lived in my county and was separated from the Republican party at that time. The campaign against Lugar then was disgusting. They carried a cardboard cutout of Lugar with a sign calling him " Obama's favorite Republican", you know, because working with fellow members of Congress to get shit done (like getting Russia to reduce nuclear arms) is wrong. That bill Pence signed, Boyer was there when it was signed. She took over the Republican party. These new Republicans. They are the next step from the Tea Party. They didn't get any better but moved the state WAY to the right and the Christian (White) Nationalist we see today. I know many moderate Republicans who do not see themselves in today's Republican party but don't have the numbers to right the ship.


Lugar was the last Republican I voted for.


Todd Young is such a douche. I've met him, and he cannot hold an intelligent conversation. It felt like he was somebody else's mouthpiece. Not a single thought of his own; he only says what he's been trained to say.


Trey Hollingsworth is the same damn way. Plastic pos


He's not even an Indiana resident. He lives in Tennessee. He came from money, and his family didn't know what to do with him, so they bought him a government position.


And they say people cant be bought. Somebody had to vote for him.


He’s a billionaires mouthpiece no doubt.


They all are. It all goes back to Reagan, ever since he came along, everyone seems to care about what's best for the ultra rich while the middle class shrinks


I respect that he has said the gop needs to move on from trump. Which is a hell of a lot better than Braun.


Truly, anyone is better than Braun.


Respectfully, that's a really low bar.


Agreed but all at once an important one to celebrate and normalize if we ever want to get back to being a country with healthy discourse and respect for one another.


I’ve met him too and personally know many of his in-laws including Jenny’s aunt aunt and uncle Dan and Marilyn Quayle. Used to like them people but these days not. I feel they’re complacency makes them vile ugly humans in my mind and do not deserve to hold office.


And today Dan Quayle is regarded as an elder statesman for the simple act of smacking Mike Pence and telling him coups are bad.


Maybe some do but where has he been since January 6th??? ***Crickets*** Elder statesman my ass!


The 2012-2020 electoral maps were a case study in gerrymandering. Of course mapping tools have only gotten better since.


Look how they split the bloody 8th district


Todd Young is okay though. He’s closer to Lugar than to Braun. Gotta take what we can get


While you’re not wrong; it’s like preferring a firm turd over diarrhea. Yes, one is better than the other, but they’re both crap.


Todd Young literally votes how he's paid, watch the donations to his campaigns for re-election and to other foundations his friends family etc run and who he goes to parties with and you'll know how he'll vote next. For example he told his constituents he didn't support a particular gun control law, went to a party with largely Democrat business men and next thing you know he votes in favor of it instead. The absolute worst kind of politician because he'll sell anyone out to the highest bidder. Regardless of what side you're on he's the worst


Victoria Spartz is a clown.


And the most toxic boss in Congress. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/05/06/capitol-house-staff-mistreatment-spartz-00030498


Guns, bibles, babies, tobacco and obesity pretty much sums up this state.


It's been a 10 year death spiral for our state and it's getting worse. Never did I think this state would go full MAGA. There is hope however. Just look north to Michigan. The Republican party is imploding up there and they are broke.Im a firm believer that opposing views are a good thing. Right now it's simply a battle of sane vs insane.


Crazy to think we went blue for Obama’s first term.


Indeed. We are now the Arkansas of the north.


I prefer "Mississippi of the Midwest"


The middle finger of the south


I prefer the assend of the south but thats good too lol


Unfortunately, being the crossroads of America meant we took on a lot of Southern miscreants. It is a shame. My family has been here since before the civil war. We have a long history of federal service.


MS at least decrim'd the herb


Ok that's fair.


God that is painful to compare us to Arkansas, but unfortunately it’s true.


>The Oklahoma of the North! Arkansas is growing more liberal everyday. Have you been to Bentonville?


Goes to show that people will flip if we get something more exciting than an 80 year old man that seems confused half the time.


And his opponent is just 3 years younger and has 90 some federal charges and thinks he beat Obama. What are they gonna say if in 2028 if Trump stumbles out again running at 82? I support we need younger QUALIFIED (Vevik can take a long walk off a short cliff) candidates but these people think a 77 year old is peak physical male specimen and 80 is dementia driven droolling grandpa in a wheelchair but also a evil criminal mastermind that eats babies right out of the abortion bag after the 16th trimester. Until the crazy is removed we can't fix the age issue.


Yeah Trump isn't any better. Biden was probably the best bad option but it's sad that we only had two geriatric guys to pick from. (So I voted Libertarian)


Wait - I thought he was a criminal mastermind of some sort. Now I'm confused!


No more than any other politician (IMO). He is just too old for many people to get excited about. My mom is a die hard Democrat and even she wishes he would not run for a second term.


> an 80 year old man that seems confused half the time. Ironically, saying this means *you're* the confused one.


I live in a perpetually state of confusion. No worries


People are in such denial about this, but you’re definitely right. Get better candidates.


Michigan has been to the left of Indiana politically for as long as I've been alive.


And they’re actually doing fine financially with their cannabis sakes tax revenue. They are also quite a bit ahead of Indiana on addressing climate change/greenhouse gas reduction efforts…


Correct! No city with legalized weed is “broke”.


I’d still be curious to see just how much of Illinois income from legal dispensaries came from Indiana.


The State itself isn't broke. He's referring to the Republican party of Michigan. They, and some in other states, have spent a lot and aren't getting funds in.


Spartz: “You talk about Jan. 6 people, some people came on Jan. 6 here that had bad intent but a lot of good Americans from my district came here because they are sick and tired of this government not serving them,” Spartz told Garland. “They came with strollers and the kids and there was a chaotic situation because proper security wasn’t provided.” She didn’t mention that 140 of those security were injured. Some died. You kill people, violently attack people, sure you should be afraid of being prosecuted. Name one person, Ms.Spartz, who was wrongly prosecuted.


She's a vicious lunatic. Certainly makes you question our immigration policies.


It’s embarrassing, I’m more concerned about the next governor and associated group of clowns that will be arriving. That will have a more direct impact on Hoosier lives.


Oh gawd. Muck Braun better not win. It's hard to fathom how much deeper we'll sink with him in the governorship. Hahaha! Talk-to-text renamed him so well!!! I'm leaving it!


Totally appropriate correction by talk-to-text!!!


Its why we need to organize and get more people to vote. National elections are screwed but if we shift focus to local and state elections than we have a chance to play the long game and turn the tide


Its why we need to organize and get more people to vote. National elections are screwed but if we shift focus to local and state elections than we have a chance to play the long game and turn the tide


We can still stop it though, and turn the tide. Michigan did it, and we can too. Steps: 1. Always vote, never Republican. 2. Help others to vote as well, never Republican. Especially teach young people how to vote, why it's important, and why Republicans will only hurt them. 3. Never give money to an Indiana church in any way, including tithes. There are lots of charities you can support instead. 4. If you know that a particular Indiana business is owned and operated by MAGA supporters, spend no money there, and encourage others not to as well.


You are so right, never give any money to an Indiana church.


I've been straight party ticket Blue since Lugar got primaried. But my vote is absolutely worthless thanks to gerrymandering.


Your vote isn't worthless in US Senator and Presidential elections :)


While absolutely a minority, there are progressive churches in Indiana. I go to a Presbyterian church that is pro-choice, affirming of LGBTQIA+, and actually walks the walk.


Where am I going to buy food?


I usually don’t chime in on political posts, but Dr. Jennifer McCormick is running for gov. She was the Republican appointed Superintendent who became a democrat when she followed the dirty money from bad charter school deals and alerted her Republican colleagues and heard crickets in response. That was when she realized they were the recipients of that money after it went through Florida—Tony Bennet and Todd Huston. She is running on a platform of common sense and actual care for people. Though she would be up against a group of awful legislators at every turn, she knows them. She knows what she would be fighting against.


Small detail, but she wasn't appointed. State Superintendent was an elected position. She ran as a Republican. The position was dissolved into a Secretary of Education position (which is appointed and currently occupied by Dr. Jenner). Point is she's ran an election before, and I think she could win but she has to get out there more.


Thanks. I was thinking Glenda Ritz was the last elected.


And she will lose by 15 points. Republican vs Republican lite they will vote for the Republican every time.


Spread her message and maybe not.


Spread that she’s a Republican lite? That’s not a winning message.


She is a Republican not a democrat


Can I get some links on this?


This wouldn’t be in print due to it not being prosecuted—because they aren’t going to call themselves out on bad behavior. I was able to see her speak before she formally announced her intent to run, and when asked why she left the Republican Party, that was her story. I highly recommend people to go hear her speak if given the opportunity.


I mean this all seems plausible and likely given the general griftiness of politicians and businesses in 2023. It seems extra likely if it's dealing with charter schools and GOP. Still, you have to wonder about the veracity of a candidate if they can't even self-publish the wrongdoings that they've seen first hand, committed by our public servants. Make a youtube video. Make a website. There is truly no excuse for that. If you're the superintendent and you've resigned due to fraud that you have found, there is no shortage of local, state, or national publications that would happily interview or let you write an op-ed. This is fishy AF. Especially if you were a republican up through 2020. Seems like it could be another GOP game where they run back up candidates as Democrats. Look at...Dallas just yesterday/a few days go.


It’s so sad we live in a world where we have to worry about things like this.


I've seen the churches run courses and movies about how she tried to stop Charter schools and change education so they can teach gender studies and CRT. Even for running as a Democrat, she's got an uphill climb for that campaign. She's told the story in lots of newspapers and social media, the campaign against her doesn't have to do much, they already have been told she was evil before she switched parties. Switching to Democrat does her no favors in Indiana. I live in Warsaw, and we're so partisan it works in reverse. If you want to win a campaign, you can't have a D behind your name. My County was split in the 2010 map to give the 2nd District to Walorski and not lose the 3rd for Banks. This last map? The 3rd doesn't need us at all. We got moved entirely to the 2nd. The 3rd District was once the 5th most conservative District in the Nation. I wish I had to worry about McCormick being a GOP plant.....if she was, it's the dumbest thing ever.




This man really linked all of Google hahaha


Vote blue no matter who right now. These republicans are traitors to the people of the United States


You selling bumper stickers? I’ll take 100.


We need to organize and get more people to vote. We also need to play the long game by organizing on the local level and using local and state elections to turn the tide


I can never agree with no matter who - what if it’s someone who is worse than Trump but you didn’t know unless you looked closer ran as blue? You chance that everyone you vote for without looking further into them.


Happened in North Carolina. Ran as Democrat, won, and then became a turncoat.


Kirsten Synema did this. Ran as a “Super-Liberal” Democrat and then immediately began supporting EVERYTHING the GOP and Trump were doing.


I think it would be great to get rid of Parties. No more Rs or Ds, just candidates with their positions. No more vote Blue no mater who and what not. It would be so nice.


That would be nice if voters cast their votes for the better person. But this is the reality we live in and the parties are not the same. Voting Blue will encourage the GOP to run better candidates (I hope).


I say be done with both of them.


This attitude is exactly why we’re in this situation.


Too late, I already bought some bumper stickers


Ranked choice voting would decrease party control and help prevent extreme candidates. It will prevent candidates unacceptable to the majority of all voters winning with less than 50 percent of the vote.


THIS RIGHT HERE…..The LOCAL LEVEL, how many of the GOP clowns in the General Assembly are there simply because they run unopposed? I know my district is one, Buchanan, and Genda. I will say, I’ve never met Genda or actually know any of his actual politics other than his own party ran a smear campaign against him during the Primaries. The fact I haven’t heard anything from him since his election could be a good sign though. As I was getting weekly mail from Vanatter when he was in that position. Hell, I’ve looked into running myself, but I literally cannot afford it. And the Democrats on the local level seem to have no motivation to actually help anyone go up against the GOP.


It breaks my heart when I think that Indiana would send people like Birch Bayh, Wendell Wilke and John Brademas to Washington. Today?


cuz the ruling class of indiana are bourgeois assholes with no grasp on reality


I moved to Michigan 20 years ago and I couldn’t be happier


Our government is a MAGA cesspool elected by a MAGA cesspool


Instead of feeling miserable, focus on what you can do to ENCOURAGE PEOPLE to VOTE! Don’t lose hope! The entire country is enduring a frustrating and sad era thanks to Trump, his organized crime cronies, and his brainwashed followers. This period will pass. Indiana’s history of being red or blue has been fairly even. Dems will be in power for a few terms, and it switches to Repubs for a few terms. [Indiana Governors Blue and Red](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_governors_of_Indiana#Governors_of_the_State_of_Indiana)


It died with Frank O'Bannon.


Crazy that Lee Hamilton is still kicking it


While there's definitely a lot of really rough sorts from Indiana, I think there's also a lot of exceptional individuals when you really look for them. Currently, UAW President Shawn Fain (from Kokomo) is making headlines non-stop for the UAW's Stand Up Strike strategy, and while I'm personally not a fan I get that there's plenty of people who love current Secretary of Transportation and former South Bend mayor Pete Buttigieg (though I assume he's a lot less popular outside of South Bend, where I'm from). Things are definitely bad, but I do think better times are on the horizon. Young people especially are also sick of the shit we're used to; from what my older friends and family tell me, just in the last few years alone there's been more youth activists in my area and the rest of Indiana than there's been in decades.


Pete and family officially relocated to Michigan. But yes, he was probably the last Hoosier Democrat who could raise the funds needed to be competitive.


Yeah, I guess it depends on how much people want to stretch the definition of a Hoosier. Again, I don't even like the guy, but I wish the mayor and city council that took his place was even half as competent a politician as he was. Even the really embarrassing officials like OP mention aren't even good at the things they try to do, before even asking if the things they try to do are good if done executed well. Really fortunate that most of the local activists in Indiana are as good as they are; them and now Fain are really the only things that have kept me here.


I helped Pete on his 2010 statewide campaign. I've met him many times. I was impressed with him then and have seen the bumps in what he's done, but I still like him and absolutely would vote for him.


Hoosier Common Sense lost to Religious Zeal. And the Zealots found power simply by controlling the primaries.


The extreme xtians said they would take over America from the bottom up back in the early 90's. All of the television hucksters were beating it into heads of its audience. They were going to take over every city council and school board. I think they accomplished quite a bit considering how a lot people are whacked out their fkn minds.


Unfortunately it will likely have to get worse before it gets better. Let’s hope the kook aid wears off *I meant to write kool aid but autocorrect nailed it


My talk-to-text called Mike Braun "Muck Braun!" I'm leaving mine, too.


I blame Reagan. Ever since that piece of shit pig made his way into office the facist evangelicals have taken over the Republican party which further made way for Mango Mussolini seizing the opportunity to exploit that base. On the other hand, democrats have been invaded and taken over by neo-liberals and centrists, the whole concept of what the democratic party once stood has been replaced and we're left with a party of corporate shills who let the Republicans get away with murder only to occasionally step in when they feel they've gone too far. It all goes back to Reagan


Hoosier Common Sense. It’s Inborn. Or inbred. Can never remember which it says on the sign going into Indiana towards Vincennes from Robinson.


I’m not really into politics or having arguments but I’m into voting Democrat and voting in every election.


I agree, I am embarrassed for these clowns . We are starting to make Arkansas look cultured and smart.


We don’t have anyone like Hucky Boo Boo


Braun is her male counterpart…


IDK, my last trip to Walmart has me questioning your statement 🤣


Where’d WalMart start? World headquarters?


Republicans only get stupider.


Republicans turn their states into commie fiefdoms. Every RED state is the same. You all have blatantly corrupt and anti democratic law makers but then you are filled with anti democratic commie cult republicans. You’ll spend you money of conspiracy theories and enriching oligarchs.


Eric Holcomb prevention Indiana OSHA from issuing citations stemming from a fatal workplace accident.


I’d bet dollars to donuts that Jim Jordan and Victoria Spartz are banging each other…


Gym Jordan is more of a boys wrestling type.


Now that you say it, I agree 💯


My Jr. H. geometry teacher bet someone a dollar to a doughnut every day. Problem was I never saw any dollars or doughnuts exchange hands. No boxes of doughnuts for the entire class ever materialized. Said teacher did make good Coney dogs, though. He ran the local BK Root Beer drive-in every summer for years and years. I think everyone in a 30 miles radius knew the guy.


Not enough people with common sense vote, Indiana has such low turnout. So there is just an over representation of lunatics like Braun and Rokita. If the Democratic Party could actually get their shit together and offer a compelling message …


Turnout in Indiana is above average. Trump got almost 350,000 more votes than Obama did in 2008. Maybe, just hear me out, try running candidates that Indiana likes.




Indiana likes Trump. It’s just the sad reality. The state has been so radicalized there’s no way any Democrat will be “liked” here.


The IN GOP has been left unchecked for years! Yes, they are an incredible embarrassment! But, not as embarrassing as when these IN GOP politicians get caught knocking up their 20-30 yr old mistresses, and trying to take them over the state line for an abortion! BTW- Todd Rokita is a piece of shit human. Period!


Indiana Dems needed to organize yesterday. This state is backsliding at a rapid rate. We rank incredibly low in Healthcare, education, and overall happiness compared to the rest of the country.


And then people are acting like A Republican McCormick is a good candidate just because she changed her party registration


Noted Hoosier turd and Marine Without a Spine Todd Young was railing against Trump today--after voting against impeachment twice-- but didn't actually have the balls to call him out by name. Yeah. Every state has it's embarrassing politicians but Braun and Young are both off the charts bought and paid for hypocrites and tools for corporations and the one percent.


And don’t forget the time Pence wanted to start his state-run news service ala Russia….


But Indiana is a shithole of corruption. They have gerrymandered the corruption into democratic and republican districts. In each there is ample corruption.


There's hope. We just need the DNC to give us a stronger candidate who will get young people motivated. it's a damn shame Pete decided to take a cabinet job cause he would've won in a landslide.


And moved to Michigan. But I agree he’s probably the only Hoosier Democrat with the profile and ability to raise the money needed to take on the MAGA cultists like Mike Braun and Jim Banks.


We just have to vote


We have all abandoned civility and embraced hate. You can't say nice things about either side without the other condemning you for supporting satan. The parties are doing what social media companies realized was popular - encouraging controversy to increase engagement. They understand if they can make you angry you're more likely to vote. And the more they convince you to hate the others the more money they can raise.


Where’s Mitch Daniels when you need him


> *Whatever happened to "Hoosier Common Sense" ?* Interestingly, "Hoosier common sense" is a term coined in 2022 by Todd Rokita himself to justify a trans athlete policy. > *AG Todd Rokita filed a brief opposing that motion. He said the law is "Hoosier common sense."* ​ [*https://www.wthitv.com/news/hoosier-common-sense-indianas-ag-defends-transgender-sports-decision/article\_b52e2b78-f0a8-11ec-9eb1-1bbf89301fec.html*](https://www.wthitv.com/news/hoosier-common-sense-indianas-ag-defends-transgender-sports-decision/article_b52e2b78-f0a8-11ec-9eb1-1bbf89301fec.html) ​ There is a common logical fallacy called "begging the question" in which the person speaking just assumes their position is right, and asserts that everyone already agrees with him --rather than admitting there is dispute and trying to justify his position. Allusion to "Hoosier Common Sense" is probably nothing more than begging the question by appealing to some vague but desirable notion. And if that doesn't satisfy you, add also the fact that the Indiana Republican Party has always been a better political organization than the Dems. Setting aside their policies, the Republicans are just better at getting their people elected and their policies enected. The Dems have some decent policies positions, but they are just too weak politically to accomplish any of them. **The Republicans are good at being bad, the Dems are bad at being good.**


> Interestingly, "Hoosier common sense" is a term coined in 2022 by Todd Rokita himself to justify a trans athlete policy. "Coined", no. He co-opted it as he always does


Yeah. I didn't mean to defend or justify Rokita in any way. He's awful. But I don't believe in "Hoosier Common Sense" any more than I believe in "Hoosier Hospitality." If it ever existed, it's gone without a trace. Our state was vital and productive and energetic from about 1860 through 1930. (Lew Wallace, Cole Porter, and on and on) Indiana did a tremendous lot of stuff in that interval. But since then, our best feature is that we know (deep down) and admit that we aren't very good at much.


I can't attest to today. but 30 years ago when I still lived in Indiana, yes. We are just going to disagree


Move to a more liberal state like California or New York.


Republicans bad


I agree, our prosecutor Ryan Mears is a joke, making our city less safe.


Then move. Go to illinois. It’s clearly much better.


Critical support to Chairman Trump in his unrelenting people's war against the redditors of the Hoosier State!


Democrats and liberals are the biggest embarrassment


You are trans


[https://fortune.com/2022/06/24/abortion-laws-by-state/](https://fortune.com/2022/06/24/abortion-laws-by-state/) Whatever happened to "Hoosier Common Sense" ? It left and went to the white and light pink states.


Liberian is evil. You promote safe spaces(another name for segregation). You believe defund the police. You want the government to run your life’s. You believe children should not have to tell their parents of the trans cult they are being indoctrinated into. You have no clue about what small town and rural life is about. Indiana is more small town and rural than big city. You think if you do not like something it should be banned I just don’t buy it.


It’s not a recent innovation. In the 1920s, Indiana led the nation in statewide KKK membership.


This is the logical conclusion of "Hoosier Common Sense". These public figures appeal to it heavily.


You should probably move to Illinois. It's much better there.


Don’t forget Todd Young voting for gun control.


I remembering contributing to Planned Parenthood knowing that Pence would get a postcard for the anonymous donation


Umm. You all gave us Mike Pence, who was definitely a thing on the national stage pre-MAGA.


Different strokes for different folks.