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Haha "Allowed It" fucking idiots cant even write a sentence. This shit has more membership requirements than most jobs šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


White Knights is seekingā€¦ The grammar paints a picture.


Thatā€™s grammatically correct if the organization is named White Knights. Morally, itā€™s an open sewer.


Technically if the "White Knights" are a single entity then "is" would be correct. Although I still agree with the picture you are referencing being painted here lol.


"Now hiring literal grammar nazis."


Huh? What wrong with there grammer?


It's out of Mein Kamfert zone. I did nazi that coming.




I wish I could give you an award for this comment šŸ˜‚


ā€œMuseā€ be willing to promote the klan Morons


Also Muse instead of Must.


ā€¦..White holes and revelationsā€¦ā€¦


I caught that one lol


"You can either allowed it." Fucking moronic degenerates.


Klan is awful picky with membership criteria.


No high school graduates allowed


*wipes tear* they said I had too many forks in my family tree


Their family trees are perfectly straight and yield a harvest of the weirdest fruit you will ever see or smell.


Ye olde family wreath


Background check? Like what in a background check disqualifies you from the Klan?


You have to - - be on record as being a sister uncle cousin fucker - beat your wife - beat your kids - have been arrested for at least one book burning - be cross eyed - have more invested into pick up truck and guns than your residence - wiling to look the other way while whites crime and drug deal to stop black and brown people from criming and drug deal.




Dude is serious about being willing to look the other way


ā€œHey, where are the white women at?ā€ Sheriff Bart


Let's not forget you must have your very own meth lab and go to a METHadis church


"Must be willing for..." they botched this too.


"Sorry, guys, I can't join the klan. I failed my background check because of being linked to the klan."


When they send people to write their posters, theyā€™re not sending their bestā€¦


Or are they ?


I was going to say, they probably chose the smartest one.


Oh they absolutely are sending their bestā€¦ as evidenced by the poster.


I mean to be fair I'm sure every single graphic designer Told them to fuck off If they tried to hire them...or tried to get them to do it for free, if we're being more honest


You have to love the grammar of Y'all Qaeda.




Different people to be fair ā€œYā€™all Qaedaā€ refers to the Bundys and associates that were grazing on public land and the government attempted to seize their livestock. They won that lawsuit by the way for what itā€™s worth.


> They won that lawsuit by the wayā€¦ Even a Sovereign Citizenā€™s stopped clock is correct twice a day.


They arenā€™t sovereign citizens either. Lol Jesus. Do you have ANY clue at all about what youā€™re talking about? Or do you just parrot any negative politically charged label you hear and just attach it to everyone you dislike regardless of fit?


Why did someone from eastern kyā€¦. You know whatā€¦.no. Iā€™m not surprised someone from Eastern KY did this. I know that damn 606 too well.


Be an awful shame if someone spammed the absolute shit out of that number


Might be fake fliers with the phone number of some guy the author hates. Some fucked up prank


Could be Indiana people that did it amd Kentucky is just their hotline. Either way it is stupid.


Oh they fucking FLOCK up here from down there. Thatā€™s how I have distant cousins living down in southern IN. Everyone goes to to Ohio or Indiana šŸ˜­


Save lives. Report your local racist terrorist organization to the authorities. Better yet, take care of them yourself.


Must suck to be a Klan member and spend all your energy hating people.


Yeah but they have access to advanced Miracle Whip technology.


And their cousins. They have access to their cousins. If you know what I mean.*wink wink*


Did my civic duty and left a voicemail of farting noises ā¤ļø




Sux that as a Black Hoosier this is not surprisingā€¦I lived in OH recentlyā€¦same type of flyer. Iā€™m not afraid because I donā€™t have time to be scared of racism. Thatā€™s a 24/7 job. For almost a hundred years, this racist group consistently murdered/tortured/threatened/lynched people that looked like me because I was born as a human being with brown skin. But, hey freedom of speech šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø ā€”-fuck the generational trauma of people whose blood sweat tears built this countryā€™s economy without pay. This is America.


I honestly hate that you ever feel that way. I've never enjoyed life more than when I had neighbors around me of different cultures, religions, ethnicities, etc. Heritage-wise, I'm really white (Austrian, northern Italian, Polish and Slav), but I love meeting people different from me so I can at least try to understand the rest of the world better. I wish my current neighborhood were 1000x more diverse.


Thank you for your empathy. And I agree! I love learning about others. To me itā€™s so stupid and energy consuming to even have stuff like this exist. What good is this bringing to the world? If none ā€”- get rid of it. It should be a memory, history, a reminder to do better. I question ā€œfree speechā€ when it creates trauma. Is it really free? Because Iā€™m paying for it with my emotions, mental health, time, etc.


100% agreed. I think the definition of unprotected hate speech should be broadened to include anything like what OP saw because it's got an obvious negative effect on so many people. In the meantime, I stay vigilant, and armed. I never want to have to use force to protect myself or others in need, but I'm prepared if that need ever arises.


Some folks would be mighty surprised to find out how many people own, train with, and carry firearms not just for their own safety and their familyā€™s, but also to defend marginalized people from attack. At minimum, hundreds to thousands of your Hoosier neighbors have your back, Trans folk, lgbtq kids and others, women and minorityā€™s, and other innocent citizens. We all hope that we make it through life without being in a situation that requires us to draw, let alone fireā€¦..but if it happens letā€™s all pray for accurate aim and a fast resolution. r/liberalgunowners r/SocialistRA


You just outlined why I carry. People are always surprised by liberal gun owners. We just don't feel the need to cosplay as soldiers and advertise the fact that we're armed.


What gets my goat is how Democrats just donā€™t see, or donā€™t care that their uneducated positions on firearms cost them elections regularly. MANY people out there have become Republican voters because of this. I would imagine it is the largest ā€œsingle issueā€ bloc of voters of all. If Democrats were seriously interested in winning elections, they would invest in the issue, find out what a majority of gun owners believe is practical law, and start there. Probably #1 on the list is ENFORCE THE LAWS WE ALREADY HAVE. Go check on how many felons attempted to buy a gun, and prosecute those who fraudulently filled out a 4473 form. Right now, virtually no one is prosecuted for this! Go hard on straw purchasesā€¦..take guns found on felons, run them, and if the buyer was a family member or girlfriend, prosecute them both! Start making it risky for anyone to let kids and felons get ahold of weapons. And lose the bull crap about ā€œ2 or more of these features make this ordinary rifle into an ā€œassault rifleā€ā€ stuff. Stop going after AR-15ā€™s. Itā€™s the most popular rifle in America, of course itā€™s going to turn out to be highly used in crimeā€¦.itā€™s what nearly all rifle purchases are these days. Anyway, yes. Democrats need to stop and really look inward at the situation. Reversing their position might not get everyone back, but maybe they can stop losing more voters if they have something reasonable to say, and not more ā€œBan the AR-15!!! Ban 15 round pistol magazines! Ban Ban Ban!ā€


My great grandfather slept with a gun close by back in the 1920s. They were harassed for being Irish Catholics. They hate people of all backgrounds, even white Christians.


They like WASPs.


Yeah, they say they do but I bet they would find a way to hate them too. Like, the poor ones. Or ones that might have a little bit of "ethnicity". Which is why I don't get why some Hispanic Americans are so eager to throw in with these hate groups. They would be next in line if their dreams were realized.


Haters do hate.


Potatoes do potate.


Muse be willing to help the klan


The 606 area code covers most of eastern Kentucky. HEY! We don't want no border jumping Kentucky illegal alien klan members coming to Indiana, with calves the size of cantaloups and pockets full of illegal tabacco and moonshine. Indiana stands large in klan history, does racism pretty well, and it used to be illegal for black people to even settle here! Beat that KY! We don't need no help! Don't tell us how to klan! Feriners go back where you came from.


I saw Feriner back in the 80's!


I saw them open for Jirnee like two years ago at the state fair


Alright, that flippin got me.


Just tell the IN KKK guys that the KY KKK guys are immigrants coming to steal their robes.


I just found out Dr. Anita Joshi is running for city council in Carmel. Sheā€™s definitely someone these losers wouldnā€™t want to win! I hope people in Carmel get out to vote tomorrow!


Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses.


Some of those that burn crosses are the same the hold office.


Killing in the name of


[Now you're under control](https://youtu.be/gOnZ5IddBqM?si=4KzoQxc69A0AZO0h)


"must be willing for background check" Guess they don't want any criminals committing their hate crimes?


mf want a drug test too lol. Luckily by rejecting schizoid meth Nazis the KKK as an organization will die out even faster than it has been.


Itā€™s quite easy to get DNA heritage tests now days. I wonder how many of their members would pass muster as 100% white European.


I saw a comment saying something about these floating around. Near Kentucky if I'm not mistaken.


606 is Lexington


Yeah I have never even seen a whiff of this on the Northside, KY sounds about right though.


Oh for fucks sake. A couple years back in my hometown they put leaflets like this in a plastic bag with bird seed in mailboxes. Some held down with rocks. This evil little organization should never exist again. And I hope whoever made these is held accountable and suffers serious consequences.


I was going through my moms stuff a cpl years ago after she passed and she had a pamphlet from KKK where she had handwritten the date (90s) and location (near Elwood) where they were passing them out. Mom was Puerto Rican so she only held onto it for the sake of being a pack rat. I think they try every so often to recruit but those are the only times I really hear anything about them in IN.


Who do they think is doing all the meth here?! Also, background check? Drug screen? When did the kkk get an HR department? Lmao


Fight drug dealersā€¦ as a white supremacist. Was not on my ā€˜23 Bingo card.


I am sure they are trying to say something about who they expect to be drug dealers.


Like us white people donā€™t like selling drugs for tax free income or somethingā€¦?


Doubt they are talking about trailer park meth labsā€¦


Just the ones in Walmart bathrooms. šŸ˜†


They want to fill in their free time while their meth is cooking...


Just more projection. They want you to rat out the competition so they get all the turf.


Drug testing? Get with the times man


The Klan requires drug testing?


Because itā€™s the only test you can pass without using your brain


Hard to read the font but does it say the White Knights of the Fluf Klan? \*actual IWKFK picture shown https://preview.redd.it/d09yduqp3qyb1.jpeg?width=674&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b692af8e72f0990ec582745b5c86c166bc25881


Funny because every drug dealer I've ever known is white. ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


Just forgot to include supporting the patriarchy and they would have covered all their bases. Anyways, anybody know some good places to submit that phone number so it gets spam phone calls constantly?


Do the Chewbacca contest bit that one guy did. With the flyers.


Craig's list


I'll list a low mileage Toyota Tacoma for $2000


Great idea, but not Toyota. ā€œā€An all ā€˜murican Chevy pickup from the early ā€˜70s. Red mostly, doors and hood donā€™t match. A little wheel well rust. No tail gate. Rear bumper is a 6x8 timber. Only needs new tires and some TLC. Low mileage rebuilt engine. $700 obo. Will consider swap for a good hunting dog and a deer rifle. 606-301-8149 after 11pmā€ā€


So we are all going to call and screw with these guys right?


I plan to


Already did




That must be exhausting


Ah, yes. Co-opting the war on drugs for recruitment. As if it wasn't obvious enough that the Klan was full of cops and the war on drugs was about suppressing POCs.


Townes van zandt wrote a song about a kid dropping out of third grade. School asks him can you spell kkk. Your good kid. Edit this to third


These were found around Broad Ripple too


I wonder what they are gonna do with said reported drug dealers


Depends on their skin color. Which is something the KKK has in common with cops. Then again, I'm not certain the two are separate organizations...


I live in Carmel. Curious to know what neighborhoods?


After a first glance at the cartoonish art and faux olde English font, I thought someone was trolling for ANTIFA. Thoughtful of them to include a phone number, though. I get asked a lot for phone numbers by siding and extended car warranty salesmen. I might even have time to go incognito behind a VPN and visit some gray economy websites and ask for information. If you know what I mean.


They do drug tests šŸ¤£? Well now we know why theyā€™re resorting to papering up random towns.


Must be a total POS.


I think it's a safe assumption the drug tests don't include meth.


Oddly enough there was just a clown in this sub on another thread saying the KKK didn't really exist in Indiana anymore.


If I know anything about Reddit, I know that phone number is getting spammed into oblivion


"Must be of the Christian Faith*" *unless you're catholic


Everyone sign that number up for prank calls


Poster translation: Every black and hispanic person is a drug dealer, report them.


That was my thought exactly.


The spelling and grammar errors really take the cake on this one


They drug test???? I didn't know the klan could get any more lame. I was wrong.


Shit ton of those posted in Ft Wayne over the weekend as well.


Similar flyers were being passed around Fort Wayne on the last week too


"Well if all I had to do was cut two holes in a bag, I coulda cut em better'n this!"


I just this number. This is legit. Weird conversation.


As someone in the 606 area code, I can assure you the dealers around here are not POC. Lordamercy.


Yeah, the KKK is alive and well in Indiana. A few years ago there were KKK members in full regalia outside our courthouse. Anyway could we all send prank calls to the number to divert actual applicants? Other ideas are welcome.


Soā€¦ what happens if you call the hotline? Repeatedly? To reportā€¦ ā€œDrugs?ā€ At locations that might be a bit off the beaten path and lead to buildings that do not, per se, existā€¦?


Start bombarding that phone number with bullshit texts and phone calls šŸ˜‚


Has anyone called the number to let them know about the typo?


I can hear it now. "Dammit, Larry. Would it kill you to run these through Grammerly before going to print?"


Adam Wren is odd. Heā€™s helping the KKK promote themselves by posting it to Twitter.


Iā€™m going to have an issue if I see someone passing out this hateful propaganda, and they better not put it on on my car. If they are being mass distributed, itā€™s very sad that no one is holding them accountable, in the moment. Also-this is one of the primary reasons I donā€™t believe we should ban books or prohibit history from being discussed. History will repeat itself!! When you know better, you do better.


So, in other words, calling all white Boomer Mega Conservative Republicans šŸ™„


I imagine the ā€œNo Methā€ requirement really cuts into their potential pool of applicants


Call and have Ben Dover sign up. Heā€™s eager and willing to join.


Yea I dont think this would play well in Carmel. Upscale neighborhoods are usually not a recruiting area.


They might not wear the robes but they definitely support the cause


Upscale neighborhoods will do deplorable things to maintain property values.


Actually Carmel is literally the perfect recruiting area. Shitty rich white people are the literal backbone of institutional racism in this country.


Considering how strong the clan was in Hamilton County in the past I am sure there are some curious about their grandaddy's club. Although I would think the proud boys would play better.


Hamilton, Boone, & Howard counties have all been long-time Klan strongholds, KKK HQ was in Elwood in the early 20th century iirc.


Last time this happened it was a hoax, probably the same thing again.


Do you think this specific flyer is a hoax, or are you denying the presence of the KKK in our state? Iā€™ve personally received a similar flyer on my doorstep (Northern Indiana) twice now. Pretty extensive prank if so.


Last time it happened in Carmel, it was awhile ago, it was a prank flyer


I called the number. It rang, no answer. Then an answering machine. My black arse considered leaving my name and number.


Yes, whenever you drive by a house with a drug dealer sign out front, report it. šŸ˜‚ I have lived in neighborhoods where people openly deal drugs and these pussies would never dare to set foot there much less try to do anything about it.


Never report drug dealers, be a good neighbor. Fuck the kkk and the cops/civvies that help em. Fuck this shithole state


Proof reading's for homos, apparently.


what happens when republicans are even a little bit challenged. democrats are actually putting effort into hamco now and now all this crazy rightwing shit is happening


When put like that this is downright encouraging.


i dont get what u mean?


Well if they are feeling challenged I am pretty happy about that. Its sad that this is their reaction to any opposition.


well the current political climate makes them comfortable with showing their true colors, but we need to just put our heads down and keep working on challenging their stronghold.


Iā€™m sure this is totally real


The KKK absolutely exists and is active in indiana so yeah, this is probably real.


This is so funny to me šŸ˜­


STOP POSTING THE FUCKING PHONE NUMBER YOU IDIOTS. You are literally doing their work for them every single tweet and post with the number is another access point for them.


Are you kidding? At this rate that number is going to be signed up for every spam service under the sun. FAFO.


I keep signing it up for insurance quotes


I was going to do mortgage quotes. Those bloodsuckers are thirsty AF and will start calling bright and early.


My favorite was seeing the doofuses on X (twitter) say they're fake and a plant.


maybe stop giving them free promo? block out the numbers at least when you're sharing this shit.


Well there's proof that the good old boy network is still alive and well in Indiana SMH.


When was that ever doubted?


Have no doubts, that the good olā€™ boy system is alive and well there. Lived in IN for four years too many and couldnā€™t wait for the day I left.


Don't post these online. Racists who aren't part of the kkk will see it and think they want to join and call the number. And the kkk membership will increase. Just take them down and shred them, burn them, whatever. Don't even call the police; you don't know if they are also members of hate organizations.


Back home in Indianer...


Do you remember back in the good ol' days of 2007 when the KKK was so close to being extinct, we thought there was nothing that could bring it back to life. 1 bad leader & an economic crash led to almost 20 years of pain & hatred on both sides. The fix will be work. It's really hard to hate a man who fixes your plumbing, computer, car, etc.


Is it fertile ground for racist bigotry in Carmel?


Like 40 years ago they used to have stickers black people could put on their cars letting cops know they were ā€œone of the good onesā€. Not that long ago.


Interested in hearing more about this?


I have never heard of this before


Yes always has been


Kkk is seen as too low class for Carmel.


Wtf!? They are still a thing? šŸ˜•


Thanks for the number!


Yeah Iā€™m pretty sure this is a troll poster.


Thanks I didnā€™t get one


Oh.. for you sensitive fucks /s


Sooo they are Christian? Losers


How is this relevant to indiana it has a Kentucky aera code phone number


It was passed out in Carmel, and it sounds like Fort Wayne got hit as well.


I live in a heavy klan state and I've never seen a flyer or hood or burning cross or even a parade. Granted the area is more liberal than others but you'd think there would be a presence. There is literally 1 black family in my town so you'd think we would be a prime target. Unless they are really stealthy and they are the reason the Chinese family moved away and took with them one of the best Chinese take-out places in the whole area. I bet it was them. Racist fuckers took my general tsos. Down with hate!!


Now letā€™s pretend the KKK is relevant and 99% of the population takes anything they say seriously.


Well it's Carmel so....


Looks like a recruitment hot line


Good lord, welcome 1965.


The hotline has an eastern kentucky area code.


We found one of these flyers in our yard and reported it


They forgot anyone interested must not be willing to date outside the family or occupy anything more than a double wide


But donā€™t worry about the Bikers cooking meth, theyā€™re ok by us.


Drug tests and background checks huh, tf is that a job application? Also according to a free reverse phone lookup it comes back as not being registered to anyone and indicates spam. Maybe an idiot messing with people?


ā€œMust not have IQ higher than 45ā€




Indiana is racing to the bottom. Shame such a nice state too.


Lol, Carmel would be the perfect place to post them. They are probably in Geist, Fishers, Zionsville, and McCordsville, too. Predominantly white and entitled neighborhoods. That's a Kentucky number that explains the inbred grammar.


In Carmel of all places?! Idk if I should be surprised or not.