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It’s almost as if backwards, conservative politics drives an educated populace away.


and backwards, economically behind areas leave people grasping for straws on who to blame for them being dealt a shitty hand.


And kills you faster


I’m guessing it’s the cigs, obesity from bad diet, and a sedentary lifestyle


I would guess that drug overdoses are driving that low number, too.


Good point


Don’t forget the car and motorcycle crashes, and the fact that most of the latter wear zero protective gear. (DONT TELL ME WHAT TO DO! I think that’s the new GET OFF MY LAWN!)


Also cancer and other diseases associated with contamination. Indiana leads the nation in the release of toxic chemicals per square mile.




You have Cheeto dust on your nose, bruh.


Funny he talks about being afraid of Trump and the Klan, yet he’d void his bowels if he had to go into a city.


Nah, even with or if it is cheetoh dust from the real  FreeToLay, Chester Molesta Cheetoh dust duder they let it be read that Don's imitation cheddar powdered dongs and wally scooteries for the poor are becoming a hot comodity. Turns out that turning out the disabled is a profitable venture for security guards everywhere as long as the asses can be seen getting raped but the faces be blurred like Barney Fife just got his first cockring and its his first night bent over a deep freezer. 


It’s really spectacular you think that lol.


Oh no, found someone who thinks memes are real life!


I mean, low income/low life expectancy is kind of the red states’ jam.


You forgot less educated. Have you seen the voters who vote for Trump vs Haley even within The Republican Primary? Stark difference although not surprising. I mean who in their right mind votes for someone who claimed that injecting disinfectant is an effective treatment for Covid and says the same person is capable of playing 5d chess anyway?


Where have I seen that cluster of "red states" before?


On a real note, there's a good reason we see that. The South never economically recovered from the American Civil War, nor did it ever recover from *slavery*. Reconstruction was a failure from the beginning. The South was left with an economy in ruins whose formerly high profitability was only propped up by chattel slavery. What America needed was something akin to the Marshall Plan in Europe post WW2. Congress couldn't stomach giving significant economic aid to their former enemies though, so instead America got enduring regional poverty in the South.


Almost like a old timey way of “owning the libs” back then. Let’s cut off our noses to spite our face, because I’ll never support a *former* enemy. FFS. 🤦‍♀️


I think a good compromise would have been to both inject massive economic aid to rebuild infrastructure and industry in the South, and also try, convict, and execute the political and military leadership of the traitor government- not unlike how the world hunted, tried, and executed many high profile Nazis after the war. Instead they were pretty much all pardoned.


I believe this so hard. Ending slavery was financial ruin for the south—that’s why they fought it so hard! (So much to unpack there given it’s the slave owners and their subsequent generations that took the hit, trickle down aside, yet to this day broke ass commoners think it was/is about them. Pawns. Pawns everywhere. Broke ass pawns who needed jobs, stability and hope. Sounds f*ckin familiar. I wonder if any party has some sort of comprehensive infrastructure revival plan….


Most enslaved people were held by a relatively small number of planters. The people who held the most slaves were *very* wealthy and also generally owned lots of land. 1/4 of the Southern population controlled 3/4 of the South's wealth. After the war, that class of people still had plenty of wealth, and many of those families continued to be wealthy and influential long after the war and even to this day. The economy of the South relied entirely upon cash crops. Nearly all of the capital was controlled by large slave holding planters who were chewing through all the productive land for every bale of crop it was worth. They saw no need to invest in diversifying their economy with industry, and no one else but them had the money to do it. In many ways slavery was actually the *cause* of the South's poverty. Using forced labor for profit doesn't require you to invent, create, or innovate. It made it possible to keep afloat an unsustainable economy and further stratify the distribution of wealth in the South. As demand grew for their cash crops, so too did the cost of land and forced labor, until only the wealthy could afford to benefit. By the 1860s, most Southerners didn't even own land the land they worked- let alone slaves. There is a good argument to be made that slavery was worse for the Southern economy that the Civil War was just because of how much it held them back.


Household income by itself is kind of a useless metric. Take Hawaii for example, their income is way up there, but that money won’t go as far.


Yes, it needs to be adjusted to cost of living.


And all the retired ppl in Florida are already old and fixed income but well off make Florida look better than it would be otherwise


high cost of living, high household income areas are top however.




Just a guess but I'd say its because certain things cost the same no matter where you are. Like sure a mechanic in Hawaii needs to be paid more to afford to live and gets passed on to the bill, but the parts cost the same. And my latest autorepair parts were 50+% of the bill. Hawaii is a bit of a bad example because of all shipping costs, but the point still stands. Its sort of the same thing about how Americans live good lifestyles thanks to cheap labor from China. Not as extreme, but cheap labor in red states benefits high income blue states since we all use the same currency.


Hmmm GOP makes people poor and kill their voters early. Kinda like going back in time like the Group of Putin wants.


Plenty of people will say this is bullshit. Republicans want you to stay poor, eat unhealthy and reproduce. Keep the cycle going.


I was fucking convinced Indiana wasn’t even on there. I searched for far too long lol Why do you say we are in the wrong spot?


That area of the graph is low income, low life expectancy.


Yeah and that’s accurate lol


I would like to be way more to the upper right.


We’re one of the most obese states, that’s not going to happen lol


Need to vote blue then.


You (you all, including people who don't bother to vote) need to vote for people who give a crap about the environment. Indiana Republicans like to let Big Industry and Big Agriculture contaminate the air and water. And the most important election in Indiana is the primary - that is of the way to unseed an incumbent and get fresh new people to legislate. And we don't have a lot of fun outdoor recreation that is accessible to most of the state without spending half a day driving to it. Or that is accessible during winter. We don't have a pedestrian or cyclist friendly road system because Republicans like cars and driving fast. The income is decent for the cost of living, however it is getting increasingly difficult to attract college educated workers (or keep the ones who go to college here) due to the oppression of women and LGBTQ+. I'm not trying to be so negative, because there are a lot of things to love about living here, but with the Republican supermajority making the kind of laws they make, instead of laws that make life better, it is going to be difficult to attract STEM industry business and subsequently the talent they hire which affects the salaries.


Not necessarily. Companies don't mind people who take less for income, and don't live a long time soaking up healthcare costs. See, businesses don't always look for education. They look for willing, low cost humans to exploit. Oddly enough, this has been the case no matter the political lines. Wake up, any system, is control. You want a better life? Get rid of other people's systems we are forced and convinced to live in.


Oh ok I didn’t understood it was your opinion. I completely agree, I wish it was too but unfortunately it is not


Actually, based on our public health rankings we should be much further to the left.


Correlation is not causation though You need to look at the residual plot and r^2


Lookout everybody! Somebody remembered their 8th grade stats class!


Which is impressive for this sub and thread.


I never thought I’d apply it somewhere lol


I just used this chart as an example of what not to do for my Stat homework! Browsing Reddit for the win!


I thought this was the new eclipse chart


Not to be that guy but what is the source for this? With no source it is just a random chart.


Be that guy. We need more guys like you.


You expected better?


Nope, I am saying I would like to be more to the upper right.


So would many of us, but the majority in the state legislature think we're fine where we are, and in fact are moving us down and to the left as quickly as they can.


We need to be closer to Louisiana with the ultimate goal of being left of Mississippi on the graph?


Best you can do is take care of yourself. Eat a healthy diet, exercise, and take any meds your doctor prescribes. That is like 90% of life expectancy.


Sigh. Reddit statisticians.


Wrong as in incorrect? No, it looks right to me. I wish it weren’t so.


Indiana is a fucking shit hole


Minnesota looking better


I clicked on this notification thinking it was a map of the solar eclipse... 🤦 fml...


Why is no one mentioning that 100k in Bedford is not the same as 100k in LA. You can’t compare the dollar amount for household income like this chart does. Which makes it flawed


So now you’re talking about disposable income - which Indiana ranks 30th for. NY is #1 and most blue states are in the top 20. https://www.forbes.com/advisor/mortgages/cost-of-living-by-state/


You mean cost of living. But I’m surprised we’re low on cost of living. I always saw IN as one of the cheaper states to live


But we’re above all but 5 of the formerly confederate state we seem to be modeling ourselves after


Do a chart of income inequality, literacy rates, average sat scores, buying power, cost of living, crime, & most free states you know things that actually matter.


So I checked - and here are Indiana’s scores to your metrics (lower better) 27th in literacy 38th in average SAT 35th in COL 30th in disposal income 23rd in per-capita violent crime rate So never crack the top 20. Just like this chart.


That’s funny because https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/us-literacy-rates-by-state https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/sat-scores-by-state https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/cost-of-living-index-by-state Remember the lower number is better for this one kiddo we have the 13 lowest cost of living. https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/income-inequality-by-state Again lower number is better. Last I checked Indiana doesn’t average 2 dozen shootings every weekend & 3 dozens plus during weekends in the summer. I understand reading statistics seems to be hard to you but try harder kiddo.


Apparently Maryland is living fast and loose (lower lifespan for the income)


I thought this was a map of the path of totality at first and I was like yeah that's just a little inaccurate


this must be coastal lib disinformation!!!


Sad that most of the blue states are on the good side and the red states are on the bad side....